Strings Homework

  • Start with the ReadingData homework from last week
  • Format the output to match the examples below.
  • The numbers should be expressed to 2 decimals.

List the names of the 5 most massive MBAs

The 5 largest asteroids are (starting with the largest): At number N is NAME with a mass of MASS kg . . At number N is NAME with a mass of MASS kg

List the names of the 5 least massive MBAs

The 5 smallest asteroids are (starting with the smallest): At number N is NAME with a mass of MASS kg . . At number N is NAME with a mass of MASS kg

And finally the summary paragraph:

The total mass of the main belt of the asteroid belt is MASS kg, of which N% of the total mass in contained in the five most massive asteroids. In fact, the N largest asteroids account for 90% of the total mass of the main belt. The Moon is N times more massive than the total mass of the main belt asteroids.

Due Tue Oct 19 - 5pm

  • Make sure to change the filename to your name!
  • Make sure to change the Title to your name!
  • File -> Download as -> HTML (.html)
  • upload your .html and .ipynb file to the class Canvas page