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%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.visualization import make_lupton_rgb
from astropy import stats
The Digitized Sky Survey is a multiwavelength survey of the sky produced by scanning the photographic Sky Survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes.
You can download images from the ESO Online Digitized Sky Survey
Download a 15 arcmin x 15 acrmin DSS-2-blue FITS image near the North Galactic Pole
Download a 15 arcmin x 15 acrmin DSS-2-red FITS image near the Galactic center.
Plot the two images with coordinates
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Pick a cool Messier object with Declination > 0.
Download a DSS-2-infrared, DSS-2-red, and DSS-2-blue FITS images for the object.
Create a pseudocolor RGB image from:
You will have to experimant with the stretch
to get a good image
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For the next Astro 300 class we are going to use an online interface to the LaTeX scientific typesetting system. To do this, you will need to sign up for a free account on the ShareLaTeX system before the next class.
Remember your account name and password, we will use them during class.
Please use the following link to sign up for the system:
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