Introduction to Data Mining

Professor Robert J. Brunner



In Week 12, we began the data exploration process, first by learning to work with large data sets that might have strange encodings, missing values, or different data types. We also used the cleaned data to visually explore a data set in order to gain new insights and rough ideas of trends or relationships. In this final IPython Notebook, we apply basic machine learning techniques to a data set in order to extract new insights such as classifications methodology, dimensionality reduction, or cluster finding.

As a field, data mining is both expansive and mathematically complex. From deriving simple linear relationships via regression analysis to finding clusters of data points in an $N$-dimensional space, statistical and machine learning techniques can take years to fully master. Given the short time available in this class, however, we will take the simpler approach of demonstrating several basic, commonly used approaches in order to both introduce the basic concepts and the methodology we can use in Python to deploy them to actual data. The standard machine learning library in Python is scikit_learn, which is included in the Docker course image and can be imported by using the sklearn module. In the following webpage, we can view a map detailing the available learning methods in the sklearn module.

In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<iframe src= width=800 height=400>     </iframe>')



Machine learning techniques can be broadly classified into four different categories:

  1. Classification: Identify which data points are in a set of classes.

  2. Regression: Identify a functional relationship between input and output attributes.

  3. Dimensionality Reduction: Identify (and optionally rank) the most important new dimensions for a data set.

  4. Clustering: Identify clusters of data points in an $N$-dimensional space.

These categories are visually illustrated in the following graphic from the scikit_learn website, along with a decision flowchart providing guidance on what methods to apply for a particular problem.


Furthermore, machine learning methods can be further classified by the method in which they are constructed. Supervised learning methods use training data to build a model, which is subsequently applied to additional data. Unsupervised learning methods seek relationships among data points that can be leveraged to construct a model that is later applied to the data of interest. Often training data are used to validate the effectiveness of an unsupervised method, or perhaps to provide some level of supervision, which is sometimes called semi-supervised learning.

To begin exploring machine learning methods, we will use the classic Iris dataset, which is included by default with the Seaborn library (note this same data set is also included with scikit-learn). First, we wil load the data set into this Notebook, and construct a pair plot demonstrating the relationships between the different dimensions (this code and resulting figure are also included in the Seaborn documentation).

In [2]:
# Set up Notebook

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Load the Iris Data
iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")

# Make pair plot
g = sns.PairGrid(iris, hue="species")

# Lets explicitly set the axes limits
axes = g.axes

lim = [(3, 9), (1.5, 5), (-2, 10), (-1, 3.5)]

for i in range(len(lim)):
    for j in range(len(lim)):
        axes[i, j].set_xlim(lim[j])
        axes[i, j].set_ylim(lim[i])

Iris Data

As the previous figure illustrates, the three types of Iris cluster naturally in these dimensions, with minimal overlap. As a result, these data provide an excellent test for different machine learning algorithms. The four primary dimensions of the data include Sepal Length, Sepal Width, Petal Length, and Petal Width, which can be seen from the following Iris picture (or type virginica).

The data set consists of 150 total measurements of three different types of Iris flowers, equally divided between three classes: Iris Setosa, Iris versicolor, and Iris virginica. Before proceeding, we can examine the Pandas DataFrame that contains these data.

In [3]:
# Exmaine the first few rows

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa

5 rows × 5 columns

In [4]:
# Examine grouped data

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
setosa 50 50 50 50 50
versicolor 50 50 50 50 50
virginica 50 50 50 50 50

3 rows × 5 columns

As demonstrated by the output from the previous code cells, our test data match our expectations (the full Iris data set is listed on Wikipedia). We have three types, each with fifty entries, and every row has four measured attributes. Before starting to apply machine learning techniques to these data, however, we first define the following two convenience plotting functions:

  1. Confusion Matrix: this method generates a confusion matrix that compares predicted to true values for a given data set. In our simple example, this functions produces a 3 x 3 heatmap since we only have three types in our data.

  2. Scatter Plot: this method display a formatted scatter plot with each type individually colored. This is useful for viewing the distribution of types in a particular pair of dimensions (as shown in the original Iris figure.

Following these function definitions, we demonstrate the scatter plot method by producing a large version of the Sepal Width versus Petal Width scatter plot.

In [5]:
# Convenience function to plot confusion matrix

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# This method produces a colored heatmap that displays the relationship
# between predicted and actual types from a machine leanring method.

def confusion(test, predict, title):
    # Define names for the three Iris types
    names = ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica']

    # Make a 2D histogram from the test and result arrays
    pts, xe, ye = np.histogram2d(test, predict, bins=3)

    # For simplicity we create a new DataFrame
    pd_pts = pd.DataFrame(pts.astype(int), index=names, columns=names )
    # Display heatmap and add decorations
    hm = sns.heatmap(pd_pts, annot=True, fmt="d")
    return None

# This method produces a colored scatter plot that displays the intrisic
# clustering of a particular data set. The different types are colored
# uniquely.

def splot_data(col1, col2, data, hue_col, label1, label2, xls, yls, sz=8):
    # Make the  scatter plot on the DataFrame
    jp = sns.lmplot(col1, col2, data,
                    fit_reg=False, hue=hue_col, size=sz, scatter_kws ={'s': 60})
    # Decorate the plot and set limits
    jp.set_axis_labels(label1, label2)


    sns.despine(offset=0, trim=True)
    sns.set(style="ticks", font_scale=2.0)

In [6]:
# Demonstration of our scatter plot method

splot_data('sepal_width', 'petal_width', iris, 'species', 
           'Sepal Width', 'Petal Width', (1.7, 4.7), (-0.2, 2.8))

As the above plot clearly shows, the setosa type is already separated in these two dimensions, and the other two types: versicolor and virginica, are nearly separated. This will simplify the task of running and evaluating the machine learning algorithms in the rest of this Notebook. However, this will not be the case with real data.

Our next step is to build explicit data and label NumPy arrays. We do this primarily because scikit-learn does not work natively with Pandas DataFrames. We can easily grab the underlying NumPy two-dimensional array from a DataFrame by using the values attribute, in this case we first select out the four attribute columns. Next, we create a numerical array for the data types, where 0, 1, and 2 are mapped distinctly into setosa, versicolor, and virginica.

In [7]:
# Now lets get the data and labels

data = iris[['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width']].values
labels = np.array([i//50 for i in range(iris.shape[0])])

Our final step before exploring specific machine learning algorithms is to create training and testing data sets. We can do this by using the train_test_split method in the cross_validation module. The only tuning parameter at this point is the test_size parameter, which we have set to 40% of our data is reserved for testing. We can change this and study how the different algorithms perform with more or less training data.

In [8]:
# We want to split our data into training and testing

from sklearn import cross_validation

# This is the amount to hold out for 'blind' testing
frac = 0.4

d_train, d_test, l_train, l_test \
    = cross_validation.train_test_split(data, labels, test_size=frac, random_state=0)

k-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)

The first algorithm we will explore is one of the simplest, the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Fundamentally, this algorithm is remarkable simple and is based on the principle that data values in an $N$- dimensional space are generally located near other similar objects. The number of nearest neighbors, k, is a tuning parameter, and can be specified a priori or in some algorithms empirically determined. The basic principle behind k-nn is demonstrated in the following figure from Wikipedia:

As shown in the image, when a new datum is added, the classification must be assigned. In the case of k-nn, this is done by looking at the nearest neighbors and using some statistical evaluation of their classes. For example, we could use some weighted combination of the nearest neighbors, where the weight might be determined by the relative distance of each neighbor from the datum of interest.

In the following code cells, we demonstrate how to perform knn classification by using scikit-learn. In this example, we use five nearest neighbors (but this value can be easily adjusted to see how the classification performance changes). The standard classification process in scikit-learn is to first fit a model to the training data and to subsequently apply this model to predict values for the testing data. After this process, we first compute the prediction score before displaying the confusion matrix for this algorithm.

In [9]:
# First, lets try k-nearest neighbors (KNN)
from sklearn import neighbors

# The number of neighbors affects performance
nbrs = 5

# First we construct our Classification Model
knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=nbrs)
# Next we train our model, l_train)

# Finally, we test our model
result = knn.predict(d_test)

print("KNN ({0} neighbors) prediction accuracy = {1:5.1f}%".format(nbrs, 100.0 * knn.score(d_test, l_test)))

KNN (5 neighbors) prediction accuracy =  95.0%

In [10]:
# Plot our confusion matrix

confusion(l_test, result, "KNN-({0}) Model".format(nbrs))

Support Vector Machine (SVM)

The next algorithm we will demonstrate is a powerful, but simple approach to algorithmically divide data into distinct classes. Support Vector Machine, or Support Vector Classification (SVC) in this case, determine optimal hyperplanes that optimally divide the training data. Generally we use linear hyperplanes, which results in linear SVC. This is demonstrated in the following figure from Wikipedia, where H3 does not divide the data into the correct two classes, H1 does divide the two but not optimally, while H2 optimally divides the data into the two classes.

We perform linear SVC in scikit-learn by specifying a linear kernel parameter when creating the classifier. Once we fit the model to the data, we can once again use the trained model to make predictions, which we can test by using the evaluation score and confusion matrix.

In [11]:
# Next lets try Linear SVM
from sklearn import svm

# Lets build our model and train it all at once
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=1).fit(d_train, l_train)

# Now grab the predictions
result = clf.predict(d_test)

print("SVM prediction accuracy = {0:5.1f}%".format(100.0 * clf.score(d_test, l_test)))

SVM prediction accuracy =  96.7%

In [12]:
confusion(l_test, result, 'SVC Linear Model')

Decision Trees

The third algorithm we will explore is the Decision Tree. A decision tree simply asks a set of questions of the data, and based on the answers determines the final classification. The tree is constructed by recursively splitting a data set into new groupings based on a statistical measure of the data along each different dimension (popular measures include the Gini coefficient or the entropy). A basic decision tree for the titanic survivor data set is demonstrated in the following figure from Wikipedia (note that sibsp counts the number of spouses or siblings aboard).

The terminal nodes in the tree are known as leaf nodes, and the provide the final predictions. In the simplest form, the leaf node simply provides the final answer, as shown above the leaf nodes provide the probability of survival.

We can use a decision tree classifier by using scikit-learn to once again create a model, fit the model to the training data, and subsequently applying the model to the test data to make predictions. We compare the prediction accuracy in the resulting confusion matrix.

In [13]:
# Next lets try Decision Trees
from sklearn import tree

# Lets build our model and train it all at once
dtc = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(d_train, l_train)

# Now grab the predictions
result = dtc.predict(d_test)

print("DT prediction accuracy = {0:5.1f}%".format(100.0 * dtc.score(d_test, l_test)))

DT prediction accuracy =  95.0%

In [14]:
confusion(l_test, result, 'DT Model')

Random Forest

The previous algorithms all perform well for this small test data set. But in more complex data, an alternative approach has been shown to be extremely powerful. This new technique is known as the random forest, and this approach is built on the concept of ensemble learning. Ensemble learning leverages the power of many weak learners to produce a more accurate prediction. A classic example of ensemble learning is when a crowd is asked to guess the number of marbles in a jar. While the likelihood that any one person is correct is extremely small, the average value of the crowd's predictions is generally remarkably close to the true result.

A random forest implements this concept by building a set of decision trees (i.e., a forest) that each use a randomly selected amount of the total training data and training attributes to make a prediction. The predictions from the different trees are statistically combined to make a final prediction. With scikit-learn, we can easily apply a random forest classifier, which is located in the ensemble module. Once again we create our model, train the model, and subsequently use the model to make predictions as demonstrated below.

In [15]:
# Next lets try Random Forests
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Lets build our model and train it all at once
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_depth=None,
                             min_samples_split=1, random_state=0), l_train)

# Now grab the predictions
result = rfc.predict(d_test)

print("DT prediction accuracy = {0:5.1f}%".format(100.0 * rfc.score(d_test, l_test)))

DT prediction accuracy =  95.0%

In [16]:
confusion(l_test, result, 'RF Model')


So far we have simple quantified the performance of the different algorithms by comparing their performance on a single test data. This introduces a potential problem that certain training/testing data combinations may preferentially work best with one type of algorithm. To obtain a better characterization of the performance of a given algorithm we can employ cross-validation, where we repeatedly select different training and testing data sets from the original data and accumulate the statistical measures of the performance for each new sample.

This technique can be easily applied to a pre-constructed scikit-lkearn classification model by using the cross_val_score method in the cross-validation module. We demonstrate cross-validation by using our SVC and Random Forest models, in this case we only use five cross-validation samples. For this simple data, the SVC outperforms the random forest technique.

In [17]:
svm_scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, data, labels, cv=5)
rfc_scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(rfc, data, labels, cv=5)

In [18]:
print("SVC CV Scores", svm_scores)
print("RFC CV Scores", rfc_scores)

SVC CV Scores [ 0.96666667  1.          0.96666667  0.96666667  1.        ]
RFC CV Scores [ 0.96666667  0.96666667  0.9         0.93333333  1.        ]