Introduction to Clustering

Professor Robert J. Brunner



In this IPython Notebook, we explore cluster finding. To do this, we first need to read in the IRIS data, redefine our helper functions and intermediate data products, and we also repeat our dimension reduction in order to display the clusters in terms of the new, reduced dimensions.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

# Set up Notebook

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Load the Iris Data
iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")

In [2]:
# Convenience function to plot confusion matrix

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# This method produces a colored heatmap that displays the relationship
# between predicted and actual types from a machine leanring method.

def confusion(test, predict, title):
    # Define names for the three Iris types
    names = ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica']

    # Make a 2D histogram from the test and result arrays
    pts, xe, ye = np.histogram2d(test, predict, bins=3)

    # For simplicity we create a new DataFrame
    pd_pts = pd.DataFrame(pts.astype(int), index=names, columns=names )
    # Display heatmap and add decorations
    hm = sns.heatmap(pd_pts, annot=True, fmt="d")
    return None

# This method produces a colored scatter plot that displays the intrisic
# clustering of a particular data set. The different types are colored
# uniquely.

def splot_data(col1, col2, data, hue_col, label1, label2, xls, yls, sz=8):
    # Make the  scatter plot on the DataFrame
    jp = sns.lmplot(col1, col2, data,
                    fit_reg=False, hue=hue_col, size=sz, scatter_kws ={'s': 60})
    # Decorate the plot and set limits
    jp.set_axis_labels(label1, label2)


    sns.despine(offset=0, trim=True)
    sns.set(style="ticks", font_scale=2.0)

In [3]:
# Now lets get the data and labels

data = iris[['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width']].values
labels = np.array([i//50 for i in range(iris.shape[0])])

In [4]:
# Principal Component Analysis
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# First create our PCA model
# For now we assume two compponents, to make plotting easier.
pca = PCA(n_components=2)

# Fit model to the data

# Compute the transformed data (rotation to PCA space)
data_reduced = pca.transform(data)

# Need to modify to match number of PCA components
cols = ['PCA1', 'PCA2', 'Species']

# For example, if n_components = 3
# cols = ['PCA1', 'PCA2', 'PCA3', 'Species']

# Now create a new DataFrame to hold the results
# First a temporary np.array
tmp_d = np.concatenate((data_reduced, iris['species'].reshape((150, 1))), axis=1)

iris_pca = pd.DataFrame(tmp_d, columns = cols)


The last machine learning technique we will explore is cluster finding. Clustering seeks to first find $N$ clusters in a data set and to subsequently identify which cluster data belong to. While there are a number of different approaches to clustering, one of the easiest to understand is the k-means algorithm. In this algorithm we start with a guess for the number of clusters (again this can be based on a priori information or iteratively quantified). We randomly place cluster centers in the data and determine how well the data cluster to these cluster centers. This information is used to pick new cluster centers, and the process continues until a solution converges (or we reach a predefined number of iterations). This process is displayed in the following figure from Wikipedia.

We can employ k-means clustering with scikit-learn by using the KMeans within the cluster module. This requires the number of clusters to find as an input parameter. After the model is created, we once again fit the model to the data and subsequently obtain our model predictions. Note how this process is unsupervised in that we do not use the label array in this process. After we find our clusters, we plot the original data and the new clustered data in our principal component axes to visually quantify how well the algorithm performed.

In [5]:
# We will use kmeans form scikit-learn

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# We build our model assuming three clusters
k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0)

# We fit our data to assign classes

# Obtain the predictions
y_pred = k_means.predict(data)

In [6]:
# Now we compare the cluster assignments to the real classes.

# Plot original data by using the principal components
splot_data('PCA1', 'PCA2', iris_pca, 'Species', 
           'First PCA', 'Second PCA', (-4.2, 4.6), (-1.8, 1.6), 6)

# Now we create the DataFrame from our predictions and the PCA components.
tmp_d = np.concatenate((data_reduced, y_pred.reshape((150, 1))), axis=1)
iris_clust = pd.DataFrame(tmp_d, columns = ['PCA1', 'PCA2', 'Cluster'])

# Plot k-means clusters by using the principal components
splot_data('PCA1', 'PCA2', iris_clust, 'Cluster', 
           'First PCA', 'Second PCA', (-4.2, 4.6), (-1.8, 1.6), 6)