Data Preparation

Professor Robert J. Brunner



In this Notebook, we start to examine the topic of data exploration. Before one can begin to visually or analytically explore a dataset, many mundane tasks often must be performed In this lesson, we cover many of these steps by using the flights database.

This will require us to read data from the SQLite3 database we constructed previously, specifically the flight information data. To complete this task, we first need to construct a suitable SQL query, establish a database connection, execute the query, and process the query results, which in this case simply means accumulating a list of rows extracted by the query.

In [ ]:
# Lets grab data from the sqlite database
import sqlite3 as sl

# Our list of airport rows
airports = []

# The database location
database = '/notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds'

# The airport query, all columns specified in order.
query = "SELECT * FROM flights"

# Establish a connection
with sl.connect(database) as con:
    # We need this to read in latin-1 characters
    con.text_factory = bytes
    # We will wrap our database access statements with exception handling

        # Get a cursor and execute our query

        cur = con.cursor()
        # Iterate through the query results to build airport list
        for row in cur.execute(query):
    except sl.Warning as w:
        print("Warning:", w.args[0])

    except sl.Error as e:
        print("Error:", e.args[0])

# Now display the first few entries

If you do execute the previous code cell, rather than getting an airports list, you most likely receive the following message window:

First, note that this message means all definitions, including code imports and variable or function definitions have been lost and will need to be re-entered (in a new code cell!) before being used again. Second, we will need to perform some detective work to uncover the issue. As a next step, lets take a look at the size of the input data file we used to construct the Airport database. For this we can simply use the wc command to count the lines in the 2001.csv file.

In [1]:
!wc -l /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv

5967781 /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv

The input file only contains just under six millions rows, that shouldn't be a problem, but lets take a look at the database file size. That should give some idea to the amount of data we are trying to pull out of the database and into our IPython kernel. We can do this with the ls command by using the -la flag and he full path info to our database file, which is located at /notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds.

In [2]:
!ls -la /notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds

-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 staff 562024448 Apr  6 21:40 /notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds

The database file is over half a gigabyte of data. That is a lot of data, and even though we may have a lot of memory, it could be the problem. One thought is that maybe a general SQL query, by using SELECT * FROM flights was a problem, and that maybe we should modify our original query to explicitly list all columns:

query = '''SELECT
year, Month, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, actualDepartureTime, scheduledDepartureTime, 
arrivalArrivalTime, scheduledArrivalTime, uniqueCarrierCode, flightNumber,
tailNumber, actualElapsedTime, scheduledElapsedTime, airTime, arrivalDelay, 
departureDelay, originCode, destinationCode, distance, taxiIn, taxiOut, cancelled,
cancellationCode, diverted, carrierDelay, weatherDelay, nasDelay, 
securityDelay, lateAircraftDelay
FROM flights;

I don't recommend trying this, however, as this will probably still require a Kernel restart. To beter understand the issue, we can look at our available memory with the free command, which will run in our Docker container. To make it easier to read, we will use the -m flag, which lists all data in megabytes.

In [3]:
!free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2008        216       1791          3          8         42
-/+ buffers/cache:        165       1842
Swap:         1433        116       1316

For completeness, the output from my running Docker container is shown below.

Interesting, our Docker container doesn't have much memory. On my system, the container only has a little over 2000 megabytes total, of which about 1700 is free for use. Since we are all running a Docker container inside a VirtualBox Ubuntu image, we can see the explicit limitation this produces:

The VirtualBox image has only 2048 Mbytes available for the entire virtual machine, inside which our Docker container is running. In fact, this would be a good time to verify that only one Docker container is running inside our virtual machine. We can do this by entering docker ps at the command line of a Boot2Docker prompt (you can open a new Boot2Docker shell to do this.

So, we have no other containers running (if you do, you might close them down with docker stop and the container name as shown by docker ps. Be sure to leave the current IPython Notebook server running, or you will need to restart the container to use this Notebook.

At this point, we should simply read the data straight into a Pandas DataFrame from the original CSV file.

In [4]:
# Lets grab data from the sqlite database
import pandas as pd

csvfile = '/notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv'


    data = pd.read_csv(csvfile, encoding='latin-1')

    # Now display the first few entries

except Exception as e:
    print("Error:", type(e))

Error: <class 'MemoryError'>

Well, at least we didn't get a Kernel Restart dialog box, but this isn't good. We still haven't read in the data (you can verify that data is empty, by simplifying entering data in a code cell and executing the cell, this will produce a NameError: name 'data' is not defined message).

We can look at the available memory again with free -m, either in a code cell or in a Docker container, preferably the one in which our IPython Notebook server is running (remember you can attach to a running Docker container by using docker exec itname/bin/bash where name is the name of the running container to which you want to attach.

Look at the available memory by using free -m, either in this Notebook, or at the Docker container prompt. Afterwards, manually restart the kernel (either by clicking on the circular arrow button or choosing the Restart item from the Kernel menu. Now check the available memory again and notice the change. The results of these commands as run in my Docker container are shown in the following image.

First, notice how much free space is recovered by restarting the kernel. Second, notice how much swap memory is recovered by restarting the kernel. In both cases, over 700 Megabytes were recovered on my system.

In [5]:
!free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2008        921       1086          1          0         14
-/+ buffers/cache:        906       1101
Swap:         1433        758        674

But this lesson is not (solely) about managing Docker containers, especially in terms of their memory footprint. Lets look again at the original CSV file, this time to see how the full character count, which we can get with wc command with no flags.

In [6]:
!wc /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv

  5967781   5967781 600411462 /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv

So, as we see from the third numerical column of the wc output, the CSV file has over 600 million characters of data. This is a lot of data to be pulling into one program, so lets take a different approach. We can first identify what columns we will want to analyze, and only extract those columns. To do this, the easiest approach is to simply examine the header row of the CSV file, which we can do by using the head command.

In [7]:
!head -5 /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv


It should be interesting to explore the relationship between arrival and departure times, and delays. We also might want to know if this varies with month, airport, or day of the week. so lets grab those columns from data file. We can do this using SQL and Pandas.

import sqlite3 as sl
import pandas as pd

query = """
    SELECT dayOfWeek, month, actualDepartureTime, arrivalArrivalTime, 
           flightNumber, arrivalDelay, departureDelay, distance, originCode, 
    FROM flights 

with sl.connect(database) as con:
    data = pd.read_sql(query, con)

If we do this though, we will get again run out of memory (if you don't believe me, try running this code and while it is running keep entering free -m in a Docker container and watch first the free memory and then the swap memory disappear). This will lead to the following window:

To keep the memory requirements to a minimum, we can grab out two columns and explore what this can teach us about extracting more data. For now, we can extract the arrival and departure delay columns from the database.

In [8]:
# Lets grab data from the sqlite database

import sqlite3 as sl
import pandas as pd

database = '/notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds'

query = '''SELECT arrivalDelay, departureDelay FROM flights '''

with sl.connect(database) as con:
    data = pd.read_sql(query, con)

# Now display the first few entries

  arrivalDelay departureDelay
0           -3             -4
1            4             -5
2           23             11
3           10             -3
4           20              0

[5 rows x 2 columns]

In [9]:
!free -m

ExceptionPexpect                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-1c2b7b99daf1> in <module>()
----> 1 get_ipython().system('free -m')

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/core/ in system_piped(self, cmd)
   2254         # a non-None value would trigger :func:`sys.displayhook` calls.
   2255         # Instead, we store the exit_code in user_ns.
-> 2256         self.user_ns['_exit_code'] = system(self.var_expand(cmd, depth=1))
   2258     def system_raw(self, cmd):

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/utils/ in system(self, cmd)
    151             #child = pexpect.spawn(pcmd, searchwindowsize=1)
    152             if hasattr(pexpect, 'spawnb'):
--> 153                 child = pexpect.spawnb(, args=['-c', cmd]) # Pexpect-U
    154             else:
    155                 child = pexpect.spawn(, args=['-c', cmd])  # Vanilla Pexpect

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/external/pexpect/ in __init__(self, command, args, timeout, maxread, searchwindowsize, logfile, cwd, env)
    457    = '<pexpect factory incomplete>'
    458         else:
--> 459             self._spawn (command, args)
    461     def __del__(self):

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/IPython/external/pexpect/ in _spawn(self, command, args)
    557       , self.child_fd = pty.fork()
    558             except OSError as e:
--> 559                 raise ExceptionPexpect('Error! pty.fork() failed: ' + str(e))
    560         else: # Use internal __fork_pty
    561   , self.child_fd = self.__fork_pty()

ExceptionPexpect: Error! pty.fork() failed: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

Notice how simply extracting these two columns from the database consumed a significant amount of memory, as seen above, you might have consumed enough memory to prevent the IPython kernel from creating a new Unix process to execute the free -m command (you can still issue this command at a Unix prompt in a docker container). Given this result, it is no wonder our previous efforts produced a MemoryError or a Kernel restart. But the better question is why? We should have two values for about 6 million rows, which even for 8 bytes per value should be less than 100 Megabytes.

To understand this issue better, we can examine our pandas DataFrame.

In [11]:

arrivalDelay departureDelay
count 5967780 5967780
unique 1002 978
top NA 0
freq 244107 1071165

4 rows × 2 columns

So the output is informative in that we have the correct number of rows, however, we do not have the normal numerical output, which lists, among others, the min, max, and mean values. To continue this line of research, we can examine the data types used for the columns in our DataFrame.

In [12]:

arrivalDelay      object
departureDelay    object
dtype: object

So our DataFrame is using objects to hold the values in both columns. This is why we have memory issues, as the object data type consumes significantly more memory. Note that we could also see this information by using the info method, as shown in the next code cell.

In [13]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 5967780 entries, 0 to 5967779
Data columns (total 2 columns):
arrivalDelay      object
departureDelay    object
dtypes: object(2)

But this doesn't explain why Pandas chose to use the object data type. TO see why, lets take a look at the original data file again, in this case, the last few rows, which we can do by using the tail command.

But first, we need to perform a manual kernel restart to reclaim enough memory to issue the tail command. The easist method to accmoplish this is to select Restart from the Kernel menu.

In [1]:
!tail -5 /notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv


So, the columns of interest (among others) contain NA values, which are stored in the database as Text values (recall that sqlite3 allows you to store any value in a column of any data type (presumably by type promotion). Thus, these bad values are causing our problems, which we can rectify in one of two ways:

  1. Force integer data type, and
  2. Obtain more storage space.

The best solution, even in the presence of more memory, is to use the appropriate data type, which in this case requires us to remove the NA values. Another issue, however, is that according to the documentation for the most recent version of Pandas, these issues should not be this severe. In Pandas 0.15.2 or higher, for example, we can monitor our memory usage as follows:


This does not work in our Docker container, however, as demonstrated in the next code cell.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd



Our version of Pandas is approximately a year out of date! This raises another important point, always know the software versions of all tools being used. Even though this Docker container is built by using the latest version of tools and libraries available on Ubuntu, for example by using sudo apt-get install, you might be using a version different than expected. This is obviously very important when checking the documentation, as you must be sure to use the appropriate version of the documentation.

We can return to the data extraction, but now we will explicitly remove rows where either column of interest has a bad value. We can do this by including a WHERE clause as shown below.

In [3]:
# Lets grab data from the sqlite database

import sqlite3 as sl
import pandas as pd

database = '/notebooks/i2ds/database/i2ds'

query = '''SELECT arrivalDelay, departureDelay 
    FROM flights
    WHERE arrivalDelay != 'NA' AND
        departureDelay != 'NA' ; '''

with sl.connect(database) as con:
    data = pd.read_sql(query, con)

# Now display the first few entries

   arrivalDelay  departureDelay
0            -3              -4
1             4              -5
2            23              11
3            10              -3
4            20               0

[5 rows x 2 columns]

In [4]:
!free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2008        379       1628          3          4         47
-/+ buffers/cache:        327       1680
Swap:         1433        112       1320

Notice how this new data extraction consumed little memory, we clearly are on the right track!

We can now verify the DataFrame data types with the dtypes attribute and the data we obtained by using the describe method.

In [5]:

arrivalDelay      int64
departureDelay    int64
dtype: object

In [6]:

arrivalDelay departureDelay
count 5723673.000000 5723673.000000
mean 5.528249 8.115272
std 31.429291 28.234083
min -1116.000000 -204.000000
25% -9.000000 -3.000000
50% -2.000000 0.000000
75% 10.000000 6.000000
max 1688.000000 1692.000000

8 rows × 2 columns

The DataFrame is using 8-byte integers to hold the data, which consume less space than the object data type did previously. However, looking at the data description indicates that we really only need two bytes per column, since our numerical range extends (min to max) of less than three thousand. We can convert these columns to a smaller data type, in this case by using NumPy.

In [7]:
import numpy as np
data[['arrivalDelay']] = data[['arrivalDelay']].astype(np.int16)
data[['departureDelay']] = data[['departureDelay']].astype(np.int16)

In [8]:
!free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2008        412       1595          3          4         48
-/+ buffers/cache:        359       1648
Swap:         1433        112       1320

In [9]:

arrivalDelay      int16
departureDelay    int16
dtype: object

First, the conversion was quite fast, which demonstrated the speed of NumPy operations. Second, notice how the DataFrame is now using the correct data types. Finally, as seen in the memory usage, the conversion required less than thirty Megabytes (2 columns x 2 bytes x six million rows = 24 Megabytes).

But, this would have been more efficiently done by simplifying reading the data straight into the correct data type. While we could do this with the read_sql method, lets switch to the read_csv method. With this method, we can explicitly list the data types, list values that indicate Not Available values, and also the columns to read from the file. In the following code cell, we read directly from the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame. Following that, we call the dropna method to eliminate rows with bad values, and show the results.

In [10]:
newdata = pd.read_csv('/notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv', dtype=np.float, header=0, na_values=['NA'], usecols=(14, 15))

In [11]:
ndata = newdata.dropna()

ArrDelay DepDelay
count 5723673.000000 5723673.000000
mean 5.528249 8.115272
std 31.429291 28.234083
min -1116.000000 -204.000000
25% -9.000000 -3.000000
50% -2.000000 0.000000
75% 10.000000 6.000000
max 1688.000000 1692.000000

8 rows × 2 columns

We now have both columns read into a Pandas DataFrame, the columns are of float type, and the process was fast and consumed minimal memory. At this point, we are ready to explicitly read in the entire set of data of interest. In the following code cell, we read in the columns of interest into a new DataFrame, after which we drop rows with bad values.

In [12]:
import pandas as pd

#ucs=(14, 15, 3, 4, 6, 1, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18)
ucs=(1, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

cnms = ['month', 'Day', 'dTime', 'aDelay', 'dDelay', 'depart', 'arrive', 'distance']

#cnms = ['aDelay', 'dDelay', 'Day', 'dTime', 'aTime', 
#        'month', 'uc', 'fnum', 'depart', 'arrive', 'distance' ]

newdata = pd.read_csv('/notebooks/i2ds/data/2001.csv', #dtype=np.float32, 
                      header=0, na_values=['NA'], usecols=ucs, names = cnms)

In [13]:
newdata = newdata.dropna()

At this point, we can persist our extracted data to simplify later analysis. For this, we can use the HDF file format, which is easy with Pandas, as we simply call the to_hdf method, and pass in the value table to indicate the key we will later use to read the data back out of the HDF file. For completeness, we also can examine the resulting file size by using the ls command.

In [14]:
newdata.to_hdf('flights.h5', 'table', append=False)

In [15]:
!ls -la *.h5

-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 staff 378594512 Apr  6 22:00 flights.h5

This file required nearly 400 Megabytes, which is a considerable size. We can examine the DataFrame to get a better idea why this is the case. First we can look at the selected data types, and second we can look at the range of numerical values in each column.

In [16]:

month         int64
Day           int64
dTime       float64
aDelay      float64
dDelay      float64
depart       object
arrive       object
distance      int64
dtype: object

In [17]:

month Day dTime aDelay dDelay distance
count 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000
mean 6.291581 3.949829 1348.688044 5.528249 8.115272 735.173682
std 3.381755 1.997942 482.638757 31.429291 28.234083 574.815182
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -1116.000000 -204.000000 21.000000
25% 3.000000 2.000000 930.000000 -9.000000 -3.000000 314.000000
50% 6.000000 4.000000 1333.000000 -2.000000 0.000000 575.000000
75% 9.000000 6.000000 1740.000000 10.000000 6.000000 983.000000
max 12.000000 7.000000 2400.000000 1688.000000 1692.000000 4962.000000

8 rows × 6 columns

In each case, Pandas has selected the biggest data type for each column. Note how the month and Day columns only include integers from 1-12 and 1-7, respectively. We can use one-byte integers for those values. Likewise the other columns can also be stored more compactly by using optimal data types. In the following code cell, we repeat the reading process, but this time we explicitly list the target data types during the read process. Afterwards, we verify the data types of our new DataFrame before also displaying the numerical column statistics.

In [18]:
import numpy as np

cnms = ['month', 'Day', 'dTime', 'aDelay', 'dDelay', 'depart', 'arrive', 'distance']

dts = [np.uint8, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.int16, np.int16, object, object, np.uint16]

nd = pd.DataFrame()

for i in range(len(cnms)):
    nd[[cnms[i]]] = newdata[[cnms[i]]].astype(dts[i])

In [19]:

month        uint8
Day          uint8
dTime       uint16
aDelay       int16
dDelay       int16
depart      object
arrive      object
distance    uint16
dtype: object

In [20]:

month Day dTime aDelay dDelay distance
count 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000 5723673.000000
mean 6.291581 3.949829 1348.688044 5.528249 8.115272 735.173682
std 3.381755 1.997942 482.638757 31.429291 28.234083 574.815182
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -1116.000000 -204.000000 21.000000
25% 3.000000 2.000000 930.000000 -9.000000 -3.000000 314.000000
50% 6.000000 4.000000 1333.000000 -2.000000 0.000000 575.000000
75% 9.000000 6.000000 1740.000000 10.000000 6.000000 983.000000
max 12.000000 7.000000 2400.000000 1688.000000 1692.000000 4962.000000

8 rows × 6 columns

At this point, we have successfully read the target columns from our data file (we also could have performed these steps by reading directly from our database). We can now save the new DataFrame to an HDF file, and compare the more compact DataFrame representation file size with the original HDF file.

In [21]:
nd.to_hdf('sflights.h5', 'table', append=False)

In [22]:
!ls -la *.h5

-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 staff 378594512 Apr  6 22:00 flights.h5
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 staff 161097330 Apr  6 22:01 sflights.h5

While it was a bit of work to get to this point, we now have a compact file that contins our data of interest, all done while using standard Python data analysis tools. In the next lesson, we will use data from this file to understand basic data exploration by using Python.