Problem 6.3. PMF and CDF.

In this problem, you will compute and plot the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of arrival delay.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

First, write a function named get_cdf() that takes an array and returns a tuple that represents the $x$ and $y$ axes of the (empirical) CDF.

Here is a very easy algorithm to implement this function. See the definition of empirical distribution function on Wikipedia. That means we can do the following to produce the empirical CDF:

  1. Use Pandas to read the specified column.
  2. Pandas will automatically replace missing values 'NA' with numpy.nan (Not A Number). Use numpy.isfinite() to mask out these missing values.
  3. Use numpy.sort() to sort the array (with no missing values) in ascending order. This will be our $x$-axis.
  4. Create an array of $\frac{1}{N}$, $\frac{2}{N}$, ..., $1$, where $N$ is the length of the sorted array (the $x$-axis). This will be our $y$-axis. All you have to do is use np.arange() to make an array of length $N$, and divide each element by $N$.

According to Wikipedia, the resulting empirical CDF is an unbiased estimator for the true CDF.

Note: Do NOT use numpy.histogram() function to create a CDF. It uses binning, which might be useful in other cases but not in this case. The method I outlined above is a better characterization of the true CDF.

In [ ]:

def get_cdf(filename, column):
    Reads a specific column of airline on-time performance CSV file,
    and returns a tuple of arrays that represent the x and y axes of
    cumulative distribution function.
    filename(str): The filename of a CSV file.
    column(str): The column header.
    A tuple of two numpy arrays of equal length.
    The first array represents the x axis of CDF.
    The second array represents the y axis of CDF.
    # your code goes here

    return cdf_x, cdf_y

The %%writefile magic will create a file named Rename and submit this file along with your .ipynb file.

Next, use the get_cdf() function to create a CDF plot. Your plot should show both the empirical CDF calculated from ArrDelay column of 2001.csv file and the CDF of a Guassian distribution. You can obtain the CDF of a Guassian distribution by using scipy.stats.norm.cdf(). Use loc=-3.5 and scale=10.7 (which were obtained by fitting a Gaussian curve on the PDF).

In [ ]:
# your code goes here