Example 3: A State Machine built with ConditionalUpdate

In this example we describe how ConditionalUpdate works in the context of a vending machine that will dispense an item when it has received 4 tokens. If a refund is requested, it returns the tokens.

In [ ]:
import pyrtl

In [ ]:
token_in = pyrtl.Input(1, 'token_in')
req_refund = pyrtl.Input(1, 'req_refund')
dispense = pyrtl.Output(1, 'dispense')
refund = pyrtl.Output(1, 'refund')
state = pyrtl.Register(3, 'state')

First new step, let's enumerate a set of constant to serve as our states

In [ ]:
WAIT, TOK1, TOK2, TOK3, DISPENSE, REFUND = [pyrtl.Const(x, bitwidth=3) for x in range(6)]

Now we could build a state machine using just the registers and logic discussed in the earlier examples, but doing operations conditional on some input is a pretty fundamental operation in hardware design. PyRTL provides a class "ConditionalUpdate" to provide a predicated update to a registers, wires, and memories.

Conditional assignments are specified with a "|=" instead of a "<<=" operator. The conditional assignment is only value in the context of a condition, and update to those values only happens when that condition is true. In hardware this is implemented with a simple mux -- for people coming from software it is important to remember that this is describing a big logic function NOT an "if-then-else" clause. All of these things will execute straight through when build_everything is called. More comments after the code.

One more thing: ConditionalUpdate might not always be the best item to use. if the update is simple, a regular mux(sel_wire, falsecase=f_wire, truecase=t_wire) can be sufficient.

In [ ]:
with pyrtl.conditional_assignment:
    with req_refund:  # signal of highest precedence
        state.next |= REFUND
    with token_in:  # if token received, advance state in counter sequence
        with state == WAIT:
            state.next |= TOK1
        with state == TOK1:
            state.next |= TOK2
        with state == TOK2:
            state.next |= TOK3
        with state == TOK3:
            state.next |= DISPENSE  # 4th token received, go to dispense
        with pyrtl.otherwise:  # token received but in state where we can't handle it
            state.next |= REFUND
    # unconditional transition from these two states back to wait state
    # NOTE: the parens are needed because in Python the "|" operator is lower precedence
    # than the "==" operator!
    with (state == DISPENSE) | (state == REFUND):
        state.next |= WAIT

In [ ]:
dispense <<= state == DISPENSE
refund <<= state == REFUND

A couple of other things to note:

  • A condition can be nested within another condition and the implied hardware is that the left-hand-side should only get that value if ALL of the encompassing conditions are satisfied.
  • Only one conditional at each level can be true meaning that all conditions are implicitly also saying that none of the prior conditions at the same level also have been true. The highest priority condition is listed first, and in a sense you can think about each other condition as an "elif".
  • If not every condition is enumerated, the default value for the register under those cases will be the same as it was the prior cycle ("state.next |= state" in this example). The default for a wirevector is 0.
  • There is a way to specify something like an "else" instead of "elif" and that is with an "otherwise" (as seen on the line above "state.next <<= REFUND"). This condition will be true if none of the other conditions at the same level were also true (for this example specifically state.next will get REFUND when req_refund==0, token_in==1, and state is not in TOK1, TOK2, TOK3, or DISPENSE.
  • Not shown here, you can update multiple different registers, wires, and memories all under the same set of conditionals.

A more artificial example might make it even more clear how these rules interact:

with a:
    r.next |= 1        <-- when a is true
with d:
   r2.next |= 2       <-- when a and d are true
with otherwise:
   r2.next |= 3       <-- when a is true and d is false
with b == c:
   r.next |= 0        <-- when a is not true and b & c is true

Now let's build and test our state machine.

In [ ]:
sim_trace = pyrtl.SimulationTrace()
sim = pyrtl.Simulation(tracer=sim_trace)

Rather than just give some random inputs, let's specify some specific 1 bit values. Recall that the sim.step method takes a dictionary mapping inputs to their values. We could just specify the input set directly as a dictionary but it gets pretty ugly -- let's use some python to parse them up.

In [ ]:
sim_inputs = {
    'token_in':   '0010100111010000',
    'req_refund': '1100010000000000'

for cycle in range(len(sim_inputs['token_in'])):
    sim.step({w: int(v[cycle]) for w, v in sim_inputs.items()})

Also, to make our input/output easy to reason about let's specify an order to the traces

In [ ]:
sim_trace.render_trace(trace_list=['token_in', 'req_refund', 'state', 'dispense', 'refund'])