
In this notebook, we're examining the prevalence of the term "Librarian" in the corpus

In [27]:
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [28]:
filename = 'librarians_20150616_1846.yml'

In [29]:
with open("datain/" + filename, 'r') as f:
    results = yaml.load(f)

Look at the number of books in each year that contain the keyword ("Librarian")

In [30]:
bookCount = {}
for year, data in results.items():
    bookCount[year] = len(data)

In [32]:
plt.plot(bookCount.keys(), bookCount.values())
xlim(1750, 1890)
ylabel('Number of books in which the keyword appears')
title('Occurences of the word \'Librarian\' in the corpus')
plt.savefig('pix/librarian books.png')

Look at the number of occurrences per year

In [33]:
wordCount = {}
for year, data in results.items():
    wordCount[year] = 0
    for datum in data:
        wordCount[year] += len(datum[3])

...and plot the two on the same axes, so we can compare number of occurences and the number of books in which the phrase appears.

In [34]:
plt.plot(bookCount.keys(), bookCount.values())
plt.plot(wordCount.keys(), wordCount.values())
xlim(1750, 1890)
legend(['Number of Books', 'Number of Occurrences'], loc=2)
title('Occurrences of the word \'Librarian\'')
plt.savefig('pix/librarian books and occurrences.png')

Just out of curiosity, which is growing faster? Our graph shows a fairly constant relationship of mentions/books

In [36]:
plt.plot(bookCount.values(), wordCount.values(), '.')
xlabel('Number of books featuring the keyword')
ylabel('Number of times the keyword appears')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x12abffc90>


Here, we are examining the total number of books published over the period to see how much our search terms are affected by the way that the number of books (and pages, and words!) published increases over the measurement period.

In [37]:
normal_filename = 'normaliser_20150616_1844.yml'
with open('datain/' + normal_filename, 'r') as f:
    publication = yaml.load(f)

Divide the year on year book counts to find the proportion of books mentioning the keyword

In [38]:
normalised_per_book = {}
for year, bookc in bookCount.items():
    if year>0:
        normalised_per_book[year] = float(bookc)/publication[year][0]

In [39]:
plt.plot(normalised_per_book.keys(), normalised_per_book.values())
plt.ylim(0, 0.2)

(0, 0.2)

Normalise the number of occurrences by the number of words

In [40]:
occ_per_word = {}
word_per_year = {}
for year, occ in wordCount.items():
    if year>0:
        occ_per_word[year] = float(occ)/publication[year][2]
        word_per_year[year] = publication[year][2]/1000000.0

In [41]:
plt.plot(wordCount.keys(), wordCount.values())
plt.plot(word_per_year.keys(), word_per_year.values())
xlim(1800, 1890)
legend(['number of occurences', 'millions of words published'], loc=2)
title('Occurrences of the word \'Librarian\'')
plt.savefig('pix/librarian occurrences.png')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1272f3e10>

Now use Bokeh to create an interactive, zoomable version of the above figure

In [44]:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

In [43]:
output_file("pix/Librarians.html", title="Number of occurrences of the word 'Librarians'")
p = figure(title= "Number of occurrences of the word 'Librarians'", x_axis_label='Year')
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black']
p.line(wordCount.keys(), wordCount.values(), legend = 'Number of Occurrences', color='blue')
p.line(word_per_year.keys(), word_per_year.values(), legend = 'Millions of words published', color='red')
p.legend.orientation = "top_left"

Finally, plot the number of times the keyword appears by year, normalised by the number of words in the corpus for that year:

In [45]:
plt.plot(occ_per_word.keys(), occ_per_word.values())
xlim(1750, 1890)
ylim(0, 0.00001)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1272e71d0>

Many of these figures are saved in the output folder "pix", but some are shown just in this notebook.