In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import scipy.stats
import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist
import numpy as np
from brainiak.reprsimil.brsa import GBRSA
import brainiak.utils.utils as utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import logging
import copy
In [ ]:
format='%(relativeCreated)6d %(threadName)s %(message)s')
The user should prepare their design matrix with their favorate software, such as using 3ddeconvolve of AFNI, or using SPM or FSL. The design matrix reflects your belief of how fMRI signal should respond to a task (if a voxel does respond). The common assumption is that a neural event that you are interested in will elicit a slow hemodynamic response in some voxels. The response peaks around 4-6 seconds after the event onset and dies down more than 12 seconds after the event. Therefore, typically you convolve a time series A, composed of delta (stem) functions reflecting the time of each neural event belonging to the same category (e.g. all trials in which a participant sees a face), with a hemodynamic response function B, to form the hypothetic response of any voxel to such type of neural event. For each type of event, such a convoluted time course can be generated. These time courses, put together, are called design matrix, reflecting what we believe a temporal signal would look like, if it exists in any voxel. Our goal is to figure out how the (spatial) response pattern of a population of voxels (in an Region of Interest, ROI) are similar or disimilar to different types of tasks (e.g., watching face vs. house, watching different categories of animals, different conditions of a cognitive task). So we need the design matrix in order to estimate the similarity matrix we are interested.
We can use the utility called ReadDesign from brainiak.utils to read a design matrix generated from AFNI. For design matrix saved as Matlab data file by SPM or or other toolbox, you can use'YOURFILENAME') and extract the design matrix from the dictionary returned. Basically, the Bayesian RSA in this toolkit just needs a numpy array which is in size of {time points} * {condition} You can also generate design matrix using the function gen_design which is in brainiak.utils. It takes in (names of) event timing files in AFNI or FSL format (denoting onsets, duration, and weight for each event belongning to the same condition) and outputs the design matrix as numpy array.
In typical fMRI analysis, some nuisance regressors such as head motion, baseline time series and slow drift are also entered into regression. In using our method, you should not include such regressors into the design matrix, because the spatial spread of such nuisance regressors might be quite different from the spatial spread of task related signal. Including such nuisance regressors in design matrix might influence the pseudo-SNR map, which in turn influence the estimation of the shared covariance matrix. But you may include motion time course in the nuisance parameter.
In [ ]:
n_subj = 5
n_run = np.random.random_integers(2, 4, n_subj)
ROI_edge = np.random.random_integers(20, 40, n_subj)
# We simulate "ROI" of a square shape
design = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
design[subj] = utils.ReadDesign(fname="example_design.1D")
design[subj].n_TR = design[subj].n_TR * n_run[subj]
design[subj].design_task = np.tile(design[subj].design_task[:,:-1],
[n_run[subj], 1])
# The last "condition" in design matrix
# codes for trials subjects made an error.
# We ignore it here.
n_C = np.size(design[0].design_task, axis=1)
# The total number of conditions.
n_V = [int(roi_e**2) for roi_e in ROI_edge]
# The total number of simulated voxels
n_T = [d.n_TR for d in design]
# The total number of time points,
# after concatenating all fMRI runs
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 3),
dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.ylim([-0.2, 0.4])
plt.title('hypothetic fMRI response time courses '
'of all conditions for one subject\n'
'(design matrix)')
In [ ]:
noise_bot = 0.5
noise_top = 1.5
noise_level = [None] * n_subj
noise = [None] * n_subj
rho1 = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
noise_level[subj] = np.random.rand(n_V[subj]) * \
(noise_top - noise_bot) + noise_bot
# The standard deviation of the noise is in the range of [noise_bot, noise_top]
# In fact, we simulate autocorrelated noise with AR(1) model. So the noise_level reflects
# the independent additive noise at each time point (the "fresh" noise)
# AR(1) coefficient
rho1_top = 0.8
rho1_bot = -0.2
for subj in range(n_subj):
rho1[subj] = np.random.rand(n_V[subj]) \
* (rho1_top - rho1_bot) + rho1_bot
noise_smooth_width = 10.0
dist2 = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
coords = np.mgrid[0:ROI_edge[subj], 0:ROI_edge[subj], 0:1]
coords_flat = np.reshape(coords,[3, n_V[subj]]).T
dist2[subj] = spdist.squareform(spdist.pdist(coords_flat, 'sqeuclidean'))
# generating noise
K_noise = noise_level[subj][:, np.newaxis] \
* (np.exp(-dist2[subj] / noise_smooth_width**2 / 2.0) \
+ np.eye(n_V[subj]) * 0.1) * noise_level[subj]
# We make spatially correlated noise by generating
# noise at each time point from a Gaussian Process
# defined over the coordinates.
L_noise = np.linalg.cholesky(K_noise)
noise[subj] = np.zeros([n_T[subj], n_V[subj]])
noise[subj][0, :] =, np.random.randn(n_V[subj]))\
/ np.sqrt(1 - rho1[subj]**2)
for i_t in range(1, n_T[subj]):
noise[subj][i_t, :] = noise[subj][i_t - 1, :] * rho1[subj] \
# For each voxel, the noise follows AR(1) process:
# fresh noise plus a dampened version of noise at
# the previous time point.
# In this simulation, we also introduced spatial smoothness resembling a Gaussian Process.
# Notice that we simulated in this way only to introduce spatial noise correlation.
# This does not represent the assumption of the form of spatial noise correlation in the model.
# Instead, the model is designed to capture structured noise correlation manifested
# as a few spatial maps each modulated by a time course, which appears as spatial noise correlation.
plt.xlim([0, ROI_edge[-1] * ROI_edge[-1]])
plt.ylim([0, ROI_edge[-1] * ROI_edge[-1]])
plt.title('Spatial covariance matrix of noise\n of the last participant')
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 2), dpi=150,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.plot(noise[-1][:, 0])
plt.title('noise in an example voxel')
In [ ]:
# ideal covariance matrix
ideal_cov = np.zeros([n_C, n_C])
ideal_cov = np.eye(n_C) * 0.6
ideal_cov[8:12, 8:12] = 0.6
for cond in range(8, 12):
ideal_cov[cond,cond] = 1
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('ideal covariance matrix')
std_diag = np.diag(ideal_cov)**0.5
ideal_corr = ideal_cov / std_diag / std_diag[:, None]
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('ideal correlation matrix')
In [ ]:
L_full = np.linalg.cholesky(ideal_cov)
# generating signal
snr_level = np.random.rand(n_subj) * 0.6 + 0.4
# Notice that accurately speaking this is not SNR.
# The magnitude of signal depends not only on beta but also on x.
# (noise_level*snr_level)**2 is the factor multiplied
# with ideal_cov to form the covariance matrix from which
# the response amplitudes (beta) of a voxel are drawn from.
tau = np.random.rand(n_subj) * 0.8 + 0.2
# magnitude of Gaussian Process from which the log(SNR) is drawn
smooth_width = np.random.rand(n_subj) * 5.0 + 3.0
# spatial length scale of the Gaussian Process, unit: voxel
inten_kernel = np.random.rand(n_subj) * 4.0 + 2.0
# intensity length scale of the Gaussian Process
# Slightly counter-intuitively, if this parameter is very large,
# say, much larger than the range of intensities of the voxels,
# then the smoothness has much small dependency on the intensity.
Y = [None] * n_subj
snr = [None] * n_subj
signal = [None] * n_subj
betas_simulated = [None] * n_subj
inten = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
inten[subj] = np.random.rand(n_V[subj]) * 20.0
# For simplicity, we just assume that the intensity
# of all voxels are uniform distributed between 0 and 20
# parameters of Gaussian process to generate pseuso SNR
# For curious user, you can also try the following commond
# to see what an example snr map might look like if the intensity
# grows linearly in one spatial direction
inten_tile = np.tile(inten[subj], [n_V[subj], 1])
inten_diff2 = (inten_tile - inten_tile.T)**2
K = np.exp(-dist2[subj] / smooth_width[subj]**2 / 2.0
- inten_diff2 / inten_kernel[subj]**2 / 2.0) * tau[subj]**2 \
+ np.eye(n_V[subj]) * tau[subj]**2 * 0.001
# A tiny amount is added to the diagonal of
# the GP covariance matrix to make sure it can be inverted
L = np.linalg.cholesky(K)
snr[subj] = np.exp(, np.random.randn(n_V[subj]))) * snr_level[subj]
sqrt_v = noise_level[subj] * snr[subj]
betas_simulated[subj] =, np.random.randn(n_C, n_V[subj])) * sqrt_v
signal[subj] =[subj].design_task, betas_simulated[subj])
Y[subj] = signal[subj] + noise[subj] + inten[subj]
# The data to be fed to the program.
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.pcolor(np.reshape(snr[0], [ROI_edge[0], ROI_edge[0]]))
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('pseudo-SNR in a square "ROI" \nof participant 0')
snr_all = np.concatenate(snr)
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(snr_all - np.median(snr_all)))
median_subj = np.min(np.where(idx - np.cumsum(n_V) < 0))
idx = idx - np.cumsum(np.concatenate([[0], n_V]))[median_subj]
# choose a voxel of medium level SNR.
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 4), dpi=150,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
noise_plot, = plt.plot(noise[median_subj][:,idx],'g')
signal_plot, = plt.plot(signal[median_subj][:,idx],'b')
plt.legend([noise_plot, signal_plot], ['noise', 'signal'])
plt.title('simulated data in an example voxel'
' with pseudo-SNR of {} in participant {}'.format(snr[median_subj][idx], median_subj))
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 4), dpi=150,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
data_plot, = plt.plot(Y[median_subj][:,idx],'r')
plt.legend([data_plot], ['observed data of the voxel'])
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(snr_all - np.max(snr_all)))
highest_subj = np.min(np.where(idx - np.cumsum(n_V) < 0))
idx = idx - np.cumsum(np.concatenate([[0], n_V]))[highest_subj]
# display the voxel of the highest level SNR.
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 4), dpi=150,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
noise_plot, = plt.plot(noise[highest_subj][:,idx],'g')
signal_plot, = plt.plot(signal[highest_subj][:,idx],'b')
plt.legend([noise_plot, signal_plot], ['noise', 'signal'])
plt.title('simulated data in the voxel with the highest'
' pseudo-SNR of {} in subject {}'.format(snr[highest_subj][idx], highest_subj))
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 4), dpi=150,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
data_plot, = plt.plot(Y[highest_subj][:,idx],'r')
plt.legend([data_plot], ['observed data of the voxel'])
In [ ]:
scan_onsets = [np.int32(np.linspace(0, design[i].n_TR,num=n_run[i] + 1)[: -1]) for i in range(n_subj)]
print('scan onsets: {}'.format(scan_onsets))
The nuisance regressors in typical fMRI analysis (such as head motion signal) are replaced by principal components estimated from residuals after subtracting task-related response. n_nureg
tells the model how many principal components to keep from the residual as nuisance regressors, in order to account for spatial correlation in noise. When it is set to None and auto_nuisance=True
, this number will be estimated automatically by an algorithm of Gavish & Dohono 2014. If you prefer not using this approach based on principal components of residuals, you can set auto_nuisance=False
, and optionally provide your own nuisance regressors as a list (one numpy array per subject) as nuisance argument to In practice, we find that the result is much better with auto_nuisance=True
The idea of modeling the spatial noise correlation with the principal component decomposition of the residual noise is similar to that in GLMdenoise ( Apparently one can imagine that the choice of the number of principal components used as nuisance regressors can influence the result. If you just choose 1 or 2, perhaps only the global drift would be captured. But including too many nuisance regressors would slow the fitting speed and might have risk of overfitting. Among all the algorithms we have tested with simulation data, th Gavish & Donoho algorithm appears the most robust and the estimate is closest to the true simulated number. But it does have a tendency to under-estimate the number of components, which is one limitation in (G)BRSA module.
In [ ]:
gbrsa = GBRSA()
# Initiate an instance, design=[d.design_task for d in design],scan_onsets=scan_onsets)
# The data to fit should be given to the argument X.
# Design matrix goes to design. And so on.
In [ ]:
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.pcolor(gbrsa.C_, vmin=-0.1, vmax=1)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Estimated correlation structure\n shared between voxels\n'
'This constitutes the output of Bayesian RSA\n')
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Estimated covariance structure\n shared between voxels\n')
In [ ]:
sum_point_corr = np.zeros((n_C, n_C))
sum_point_cov = np.zeros((n_C, n_C))
betas_point = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
regressor = np.insert(design[subj].design_task,
0, 1, axis=1)
betas_point[subj] = np.linalg.lstsq(regressor, Y[subj])[0]
point_corr = np.corrcoef(betas_point[subj][1:, :])
point_cov = np.cov(betas_point[subj][1:, :])
sum_point_corr += point_corr
sum_point_cov += point_cov
if subj == 0:
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.pcolor(point_corr, vmin=-0.1, vmax=1)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Correlation structure estimated\n'
'based on point estimates of betas\n'
'for subject {}'.format(subj))
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Covariance structure of\n'
'point estimates of betas\n'
'for subject {}'.format(subj))
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.pcolor(sum_point_corr / n_subj, vmin=-0.1, vmax=1)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Correlation structure estimated\n'
'based on point estimates of betas\n'
'averaged over subjects')
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100)
plt.pcolor(sum_point_cov / n_subj)
plt.xlim([0, 16])
plt.ylim([0, 16])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('Covariance structure of\n'
'point estimates of betas\n'
'averaged over subjects')
In [ ]:
subj = highest_subj
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
vmax = np.max([np.max(gbrsa.nSNR_[s]) for s in range(n_subj)])
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].pcolor(np.reshape(gbrsa.nSNR_[s], [ROI_edge[s], ROI_edge[s]]),
fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist(), shrink=0.75)
plt.suptitle('estimated pseudo-SNR',fontsize="xx-large" )
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
vmax = np.max([np.max(snr[s]) for s in range(n_subj)])
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].pcolor(np.reshape(snr[s], [ROI_edge[s], ROI_edge[s]]),
fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist(), shrink=0.75)
plt.suptitle('simulated pseudo-SNR',fontsize="xx-large" )
In [ ]:
RMS_GBRSA = np.mean((gbrsa.C_ - ideal_corr)**2)**0.5
RMS_RSA = np.mean((point_corr - ideal_corr)**2)**0.5
print('RMS error of group Bayesian RSA: {}'.format(RMS_GBRSA))
print('RMS error of standard RSA: {}'.format(RMS_RSA))
In [ ]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].scatter(np.log(snr[s]) - np.mean(np.log(snr[s])),
if s == 0:
axes[s].set_ylabel('recovered log pseudo-SNR',fontsize='xx-large')
if s == int(n_subj/2):
axes[s].set_xlabel('true normalized log SNR',fontsize='xx-large')
plt.suptitle('estimated vs. simulated normalized log SNR',fontsize="xx-large" )
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].scatter(snr[s], gbrsa.nSNR_[s])
if s == 0:
axes[s].set_ylabel('recovered pseudo-SNR',fontsize='xx-large')
if s == int(n_subj/2):
axes[s].set_xlabel('true normalized SNR',fontsize='xx-large')
plt.suptitle('estimated vs. simulated SNR',fontsize="xx-large" )
In [ ]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].scatter(betas_simulated[s] , gbrsa.beta_[s])
if s == 0:
axes[s].set_ylabel('recovered betas by GBRSA',fontsize='xx-large')
if s == int(n_subj/2):
axes[s].set_xlabel('true betas',fontsize='xx-large')
plt.suptitle('estimated vs. simulated betas, \nby GBRSA',fontsize="xx-large" )
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
im = axes[s].scatter(betas_simulated[s] , betas_point[s][1:, :])
if s == 0:
axes[s].set_ylabel('recovered betas by simple regression',fontsize='xx-large')
if s == int(n_subj/2):
axes[s].set_xlabel('true betas',fontsize='xx-large')
plt.suptitle('estimated vs. simulated betas, \nby simple regression',fontsize="xx-large" )
We keep the signal the same as in training data, but generate new noise. Note that we did this purely for simplicity of simulation. It is totally fine and encouraged for the event timing to be different in your training and testing data. You just need to capture them in your design matrix
In [ ]:
noise_new = [None] * n_subj
Y_new = [None] * n_subj
for subj in range(n_subj):
# generating noise
K_noise = noise_level[subj][:, np.newaxis] \
* (np.exp(-dist2[subj] / noise_smooth_width**2 / 2.0) \
+ np.eye(n_V[subj]) * 0.1) * noise_level[subj]
# We make spatially correlated noise by generating
# noise at each time point from a Gaussian Process
# defined over the coordinates.
L_noise = np.linalg.cholesky(K_noise)
noise_new[subj] = np.zeros([n_T[subj], n_V[subj]])
noise_new[subj][0, :] =, np.random.randn(n_V[subj]))\
/ np.sqrt(1 - rho1[subj]**2)
for i_t in range(1, n_T[subj]):
noise_new[subj][i_t, :] = noise_new[subj][i_t - 1, :] * rho1[subj] \
Y_new[subj] = signal[subj] + noise_new[subj] + inten[subj]
ts, ts0 = gbrsa.transform(Y_new,scan_onsets=scan_onsets)
# ts is the estimated task-related time course, with each column corresponding to the task condition of the same
# column in design matrix.
# ts0 is the estimated time courses that have the same spatial spread as those in the training data (X0).
# It is possible some task related signal is still in X0 or ts0, but not captured by the design matrix.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
recovered_plot, = axes[s].plot(ts[s][:200, 8], 'b')
design_plot, = axes[s].plot(design[s].design_task[:200, 8], 'g')
if s == int(n_subj/2):
fig.legend([design_plot, recovered_plot],
['design matrix for one condition', 'recovered time course for the condition'],
# We did not plot the whole time series for the purpose of seeing closely how much the two
# time series overlap
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_subj, figsize=(25, 5))
for s in range(n_subj):
c = np.corrcoef(design[s].design_task.T, ts[s].T)
im = axes[s].pcolor(c[0:16, 16:],vmin=-0.5,vmax=1)
if s == int(n_subj/2):
axes[s].set_xlabel('recovered time course',fontsize='xx-large')
if s == 0:
axes[s].set_ylabel('true design matrix',fontsize='xx-large')
fig.suptitle('correlation between true design matrix \nand the recovered task-related activity')
fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist(), shrink=0.75)
print('average SNR level:', snr_level)
print('Apparently how much the recovered time course resembles the true design matrix depends on SNR')
Similar to BRSA, you can compare different models by cross-validating the parameters of one model learnt from some training data on some testing data. GBRSA provides a score() function, which returns you a pair of cross-validated log likelihood for testing data. The first returned item is a numpy array of the cross-validated log likelihood of the model you have specified, for the testing data of all the subjects. The second is a numpy arrary of those of a null model which assumes everything else the same except that there is no task-related activity.
In general, in the context of GBRSA, a model means the timing of each event and the way these events are grouped, together with other trivial parameters such as the rank of the covariance matrix and the number of nuisance regressors. All these parameters can influence model performance. In future, we will provide interface to evaluate the predictive power for the data by different predefined similarity matrix or covariance matrix.
In [ ]:
width = 0.35
[score, score_null] = gbrsa.score(X=Y_new, design=[d.design_task for d in design], scan_onsets=scan_onsets),np.asarray(score)-np.asarray(score_null), width=width)
plt.ylim(np.min([np.asarray(score)-np.asarray(score_null)])-100, np.max([np.asarray(score)-np.asarray(score_null)])+100)
plt.ylabel('cross-validated log likelihood')
plt.title('Difference between cross-validated log likelihoods\n of full model and null model\non new data containing signal')
Y_nosignal = [noise_new[s] + inten[s] for s in range(n_subj)]
[score_noise, score_null_noise] = gbrsa.score(X=Y_nosignal, design=[d.design_task for d in design], scan_onsets=scan_onsets),np.asarray(score_noise)-np.asarray(score_null_noise), width=width)
plt.ylabel('cross-validated log likelihood')
plt.title('Difference between cross-validated log likelihoods\n of full model and null model\non pure noise')
In [ ]:
gbrsa_noise = GBRSA()[noise[s] + inten[s] for s in range(n_subj)],
design=[d.design_task for d in design],scan_onsets=scan_onsets)
Y_nosignal = [noise_new[s] + inten[s] for s in range(n_subj)]
[score_noise, score_null_noise] = gbrsa_noise.score(X=Y_nosignal,
design=[d.design_task for d in design], scan_onsets=scan_onsets),np.asarray(score_noise)-np.asarray(score_null_noise), width=width)
plt.ylabel('cross-validated log likelihood')
plt.title('Difference between cross-validated log likelihoods\n of full model and null model\ntrained on pure noise')
In [ ]:
ax = plt.gca()
plt.title('covariance matrix of task conditions estimated from pure noise')
(and logS_range
simultaneously if SNR_prior
is set to lognorm
, and consider running on clusters with bigger memory. But keep in mind reducing logS_range means we are putting a prior that the variance of SNR across voxels and participants is smaller.