

The NetworkSet object represents an unordered set of networks. It provides methods iterating and slicing the set, sorting by datetime, calculating statistical quantities, and displaying uncertainty bounds on plots.

Creating a NetworkSet

Lets take a look in the data/ folder, there are some redundant measurements of a network called ro, which is a radiating open waveguide.

In [ ]:
ls data/ro*

The files ro,1.s1p , ro,2.s1p, ... are redundant measurements on which we would like to calculate statistics using the NetworkSet class.

A NetworkSet is created from a list or dict of Network's. So first we need to load all of the touchstone files into Networks. This can be done quickly with rf.read_all, The argument contains is used to load only files which match a given substring.

In [ ]:
import skrf as rf

rf.read_all(, contains='ro')

This can be passed directly to the NetworkSet constructor,

In [ ]:
from skrf import NetworkSet 

ro_dict = rf.read_all(, contains='ro')
ro_ns = NetworkSet(ro_dict, name='ro set') 

A NetworkSet can also be constructed directly from a dir with NetworkSet.from_dir() or from a zipfile of touchstones through the class method NetworkSet.from_zip().

Accesing Network Methods

The Network elements in a NetworkSet can be accessed like the elements of list,

In [ ]:

Most Network methods are also methods of NetworkSet. These methods are called on each Network element individually. For example to plot the log-magnitude of the s-parameters of each Network.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
import skrf as rf


Statistical Properties

Statistical quantities can be calculated by accessing properties of the NetworkSet. To calculate the complex average of the set, access the mean_s property

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The naming convention of the statistical operator properties are NetworkSet.{function}_{parameter}, where function is the name of the statistical function, and parameter is the Network parameter to operate on. These methods return a Network object, so they can be saved or plotted in the same way as you would with a Network. To plot the log-magnitude of the complex mean response

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Or to plot the standard deviation of the complex s-parameters,

In [ ]:
ro_ns.std_s.plot_s_re(y_label='Standard Deviations')

Using these properties it is possible to calculate statistical quantities on the scalar components of the complex network parameters. To calculate the mean of the phase component,

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Plotting Uncertainty Bounds

Uncertainty bounds can be plotted through the methods

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Reading and Writing

To write all Networks of a NetworkSet out to individual touchstones,

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For temporary data storage, NetworkSets can be saved and read from disk using the functions and rf.write

In [ ]:
rf.write('ro set.ns', ro_ns)

In [ ]:
ro_ns ='ro set.ns')

Export to Excel, csv, or html

NetworkSets can also be exported to other filetypes. The format of the output; real/imag, mag/phase is adjustable, as is the output type; csv, excel, html. For example to export mag/phase for each network into an Excel spreadsheet for your boss[s]

In [ ]:
ro_ns.write_spreadsheet('data/ro_spreadsheet.xls', form='db')

More info on this can be found in the function,

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