Quite Complex Portfolios

This part illustrates that you can model, value and risk manage quite complex derivatives portfolios with DX Analytics.

In [1]:
from dx import *
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Multiple Risk Factors

The example is based on a multiple, correlated risk factors, all (for the ease of exposition) geometric_brownian_motion objects.

In [2]:
mer = market_environment(name='me', pricing_date=dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1))
mer.add_constant('initial_value', 0.01)
mer.add_constant('volatility', 0.1)
mer.add_constant('kappa', 2.0)
mer.add_constant('theta', 0.05)
mer.add_constant('paths', 1000) # dummy
mer.add_constant('frequency', 'M') # dummy
mer.add_constant('starting_date', mer.pricing_date)
mer.add_constant('final_date', dt.datetime(2015, 12, 31)) # dummy
ssr = stochastic_short_rate('ssr', mer)

In [3]:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
plt.plot(ssr.process.time_grid, ssr.process.get_instrument_values()[:, :10]);
plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate(); plt.grid()

In [4]:
# market environments
me = market_environment('gbm', dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1))

In [5]:
# geometric Brownian motion
me.add_constant('initial_value', 36.)
me.add_constant('volatility', 0.2) 
me.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')

In [6]:
# jump diffusion
me.add_constant('lambda', 0.4)
me.add_constant('mu', -0.4) 
me.add_constant('delta', 0.2)

In [7]:
# stochastic volatility
me.add_constant('kappa', 2.0)
me.add_constant('theta', 0.3) 
me.add_constant('vol_vol', 0.5)
me.add_constant('rho', -0.5)

In [8]:
# valuation environment
val_env = market_environment('val_env', dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1))
val_env.add_constant('paths', 1000)
val_env.add_constant('frequency', 'M')
val_env.add_curve('discount_curve', ssr)
val_env.add_constant('starting_date', dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1))
val_env.add_constant('final_date', dt.datetime(2016, 12, 31))

In [9]:
# add valuation environment to market environments

In [10]:
no = 50  # 50 different risk factors in total

In [11]:
risk_factors = {}
for rf in range(no):
    # random model choice
    sm = np.random.choice(['gbm', 'jd', 'sv'])
    key = '%3d_%s' % (rf + 1, sm)
    risk_factors[key] = market_environment(key, me.pricing_date)
    # random initial_value
                                    np.random.random() * 40. + 20.)
    # radnom volatility
                                    np.random.random() * 0.6 + 0.05)
    # the simulation model to choose
    risk_factors[key].add_constant('model', sm)

In [12]:
correlations = []
keys = sorted(risk_factors.keys())
for key in keys[1:]:
    correlations.append([keys[0], key, np.random.choice([-0.1, 0.0, 0.1])])

[['  1_jd', '  2_jd', 0.0],
 ['  1_jd', '  3_sv', 0.0],
 ['  1_jd', '  4_sv', 0.10000000000000001]]

Options Modeling

We model a certain number of derivative instruments with the following major assumptions.

In [13]:
me_option = market_environment('option', me.pricing_date)
# choose from a set of maturity dates (month ends)
maturities = pd.date_range(start=me.pricing_date,
me_option.add_constant('maturity', np.random.choice(maturities))
me_option.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')

Portfolio Modeling

The derivatives_portfolio object we compose consists of multiple derivatives positions. Each option differs with respect to the strike and the risk factor it is dependent on.

In [14]:
# 5 times the number of risk factors
# as portfolio positions/instruments
pos = 5 * no

In [15]:
positions = {}
for i in range(pos):
    ot = np.random.choice(['am_put', 'eur_call'])
    if ot == 'am_put':
        otype = 'American single'
        payoff_func = 'np.maximum(%5.3f - instrument_values, 0)'
        otype = 'European single'
        payoff_func = 'np.maximum(maturity_value - %5.3f, 0)'
    # random strike
    strike = np.random.randint(36, 40)
    underlying = sorted(risk_factors.keys())[(i + no) % no]
    positions[i] = derivatives_position(
                        name='option_pos_%d' % strike,
                        quantity=np.random.randint(1, 10),
        payoff_func=payoff_func % strike)

In [16]:
# number of derivatives positions


Portfolio Valuation

First, the derivatives portfolio with sequential valuation.

In [17]:
port = derivatives_portfolio(
                parallel=False)  # sequential calculation

In [18]:

array([[ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
         0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.        ,  1.        ,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
         0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        , ...,  0.        ,
         0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , ...,  1.        ,
         0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.1       ,  0.        ,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
         0.99250926,  0.        ],
       [ 0.1       ,  0.        ,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
        -0.01503802,  0.99239533]])

The call of the get_values method to value all instruments.

In [19]:
%time res = port.get_statistics(fixed_seed=True)

pos_value    7540.8710
pos_delta     165.7793
pos_vega     5652.5466
dtype: float64
CPU times: user 25.2 s, sys: 1.76 s, total: 27 s
Wall time: 20.8 s

In [20]:
res.set_index('position', inplace=False)

name quantity otype risk_facts value currency pos_value pos_delta pos_vega
0 option_pos_38 3 American single [ 1_jd] 13.853 EUR 41.559 -2.8443 -1.2000
1 option_pos_38 5 American single [ 2_jd] 6.212 EUR 31.060 -2.5230 46.0000
2 option_pos_37 9 American single [ 3_sv] 1.291 EUR 11.619 -0.6030 29.5524
3 option_pos_38 7 European single [ 4_sv] 0.844 EUR 5.908 1.8060 8.8347
4 option_pos_37 5 European single [ 5_gbm] 5.716 EUR 28.580 3.3395 45.6615
5 option_pos_36 2 European single [ 6_gbm] 4.286 EUR 8.572 1.1766 19.4424
6 option_pos_39 3 American single [ 7_jd] 3.928 EUR 11.784 -1.3374 30.0000
7 option_pos_38 6 American single [ 8_gbm] 4.415 EUR 26.490 -2.4930 78.0000
8 option_pos_39 6 American single [ 9_sv] 18.082 EUR 108.492 -5.9646 -13.2000
9 option_pos_39 4 American single [ 10_sv] 3.202 EUR 12.808 -1.4184 -2.0000
10 option_pos_37 8 American single [ 11_jd] 3.326 EUR 26.608 -3.0176 68.0000
11 option_pos_38 1 European single [ 12_jd] 16.568 EUR 16.568 0.8955 0.2452
12 option_pos_39 4 European single [ 13_jd] 2.935 EUR 11.740 1.8468 32.0340
13 option_pos_37 5 European single [ 14_sv] 0.873 EUR 4.365 1.2980 8.9355
14 option_pos_38 8 American single [ 15_sv] 3.117 EUR 24.936 -2.5256 8.8000
15 option_pos_36 2 American single [ 16_jd] 2.178 EUR 4.356 -0.2110 14.2018
16 option_pos_36 6 American single [ 17_jd] 3.477 EUR 20.862 -1.6470 64.4856
17 option_pos_38 4 American single [ 18_sv] 1.692 EUR 6.768 -0.5732 16.4000
18 option_pos_38 9 American single [ 19_sv] 1.214 EUR 10.926 -0.6903 35.3718
19 option_pos_36 6 American single [ 20_jd] 0.531 EUR 3.186 -0.2010 1.8000
20 option_pos_39 3 American single [ 21_sv] 0.398 EUR 1.194 -0.1545 3.9000
21 option_pos_39 1 American single [ 22_gbm] 3.235 EUR 3.235 -0.2232 9.6903
22 option_pos_37 5 European single [ 23_gbm] 13.188 EUR 65.940 4.6650 -0.2585
23 option_pos_38 5 European single [ 24_sv] 0.062 EUR 0.310 0.1610 0.4415
24 option_pos_39 1 European single [ 25_sv] 9.173 EUR 9.173 0.7312 4.1993
25 option_pos_37 6 American single [ 26_jd] 2.259 EUR 13.554 -1.6542 42.0000
26 option_pos_37 7 European single [ 27_gbm] 0.190 EUR 1.330 0.8288 29.5848
27 option_pos_38 7 European single [ 28_gbm] 1.773 EUR 12.411 2.1903 50.5022
28 option_pos_37 5 European single [ 29_sv] 19.723 EUR 98.615 4.2525 15.7190
29 option_pos_37 3 American single [ 30_sv] 16.802 EUR 50.406 -2.8038 1.8000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
220 option_pos_37 3 European single [ 21_sv] 20.425 EUR 61.275 2.7303 1.4313
221 option_pos_39 1 American single [ 22_gbm] 3.235 EUR 3.235 -0.2232 9.6903
222 option_pos_37 1 American single [ 23_gbm] 0.000 EUR 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
223 option_pos_37 5 American single [ 24_sv] 12.926 EUR 64.630 -4.8215 2.0000
224 option_pos_38 4 European single [ 25_sv] 9.796 EUR 39.184 2.9936 16.0196
225 option_pos_38 2 American single [ 26_jd] 2.747 EUR 5.494 -0.9088 12.8000
226 option_pos_36 7 European single [ 27_gbm] 0.286 EUR 2.002 1.0927 35.3157
227 option_pos_38 3 European single [ 28_gbm] 1.773 EUR 5.319 0.9387 21.6438
228 option_pos_39 2 American single [ 29_sv] 1.480 EUR 2.960 -0.2170 8.4000
229 option_pos_39 6 American single [ 30_sv] 18.782 EUR 112.692 -5.7558 4.8000
230 option_pos_38 2 American single [ 31_sv] 3.922 EUR 7.844 -0.6738 2.8000
231 option_pos_38 9 European single [ 32_jd] 1.356 EUR 12.204 2.6991 56.5767
232 option_pos_36 1 European single [ 33_sv] 4.084 EUR 4.084 0.5697 3.4614
233 option_pos_37 6 American single [ 34_jd] 4.720 EUR 28.320 -3.4194 51.6000
234 option_pos_37 8 European single [ 35_sv] 15.273 EUR 122.184 6.4376 35.1160
235 option_pos_37 4 American single [ 36_gbm] 14.538 EUR 58.152 -4.0000 0.0000
236 option_pos_36 1 American single [ 37_jd] 1.390 EUR 1.390 -0.1290 5.2000
237 option_pos_38 5 European single [ 38_jd] 0.239 EUR 1.195 0.7315 21.2310
238 option_pos_36 9 American single [ 39_jd] 3.276 EUR 29.484 -1.8036 68.4963
239 option_pos_36 5 American single [ 40_jd] 0.817 EUR 4.085 -0.3370 13.0000
240 option_pos_39 1 European single [ 41_gbm] 11.429 EUR 11.429 0.9022 2.1905
241 option_pos_36 2 European single [ 42_sv] 2.240 EUR 4.480 0.8360 7.9746
242 option_pos_36 1 American single [ 43_sv] 0.879 EUR 0.879 -0.0760 2.9000
243 option_pos_37 3 American single [ 44_sv] 1.018 EUR 3.054 -0.2802 7.8000
244 option_pos_38 8 American single [ 45_gbm] 0.472 EUR 3.776 -0.5192 40.0000
245 option_pos_36 3 European single [ 46_sv] 12.767 EUR 38.301 2.4735 7.9152
246 option_pos_37 6 European single [ 47_jd] 19.890 EUR 119.340 5.1390 36.1260
247 option_pos_36 5 European single [ 48_jd] 0.289 EUR 1.445 0.7560 21.8690
248 option_pos_38 8 American single [ 49_gbm] 0.048 EUR 0.384 -0.0888 14.4000
249 option_pos_38 7 European single [ 50_jd] 5.509 EUR 38.563 4.3526 54.1604

250 rows × 9 columns

Risk Analysis

Full distribution of portfolio present values illustrated via histogram.

In [21]:
%time pvs = port.get_present_values()

CPU times: user 5.66 s, sys: 430 ms, total: 6.09 s
Wall time: 4.54 s

In [22]:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.hist(pvs, bins=30);
plt.xlabel('portfolio present values')

Some statistics via pandas.

In [23]:
pdf = pd.DataFrame(pvs)

count 1000.000000
mean 7558.224233
std 899.266706
min 5031.813531
25% 6895.337989
50% 7507.224884
75% 8151.979680
max 11260.964406

The delta risk report.

In [24]:
deltas, benchmark = port.get_port_risk(Greek='Delta', fixed_seed=True, step=0.2,

0.8 1.0 1.2 
0.8 1.0 1.2 
0.8 1.0 1.2 

            0.8      1.0      1.2
factor    28.56    35.69    42.83
value   7563.98  7558.20  7599.35

            0.8      1.0      1.2
factor    42.92    53.65    64.38
value   7411.66  7558.20  7715.81

            0.8      1.0      1.2
factor    42.84    53.55    64.26
value   7435.19  7558.20  7708.91
CPU times: user 7.05 s, sys: 552 ms, total: 7.6 s
Wall time: 5.67 s

The vega risk report.

In [25]:
vegas, benchmark = port.get_port_risk(Greek='Vega', fixed_seed=True, step=0.2,

0.8 1.0 1.2 
0.8 1.0 1.2 
0.8 1.0 1.2 

            0.8     1.0      1.2
factor     0.32     0.4     0.48
value   7538.97  7558.2  7575.06

            0.8      1.0      1.2
factor     0.21     0.27     0.32
value   7551.84  7558.20  7558.12

            0.8      1.0      1.2
factor     0.34     0.42     0.51
value   7549.46  7558.20  7565.04
CPU times: user 6.64 s, sys: 496 ms, total: 7.14 s
Wall time: 5.52 s

Visualization of Results

Selected results visualized.

In [26]:
res[['pos_value', 'pos_delta', 'pos_vega']].hist(bins=30, figsize=(9, 6))

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10a825490>

Sample paths for three underlyings.

In [27]:
paths_0 = port.underlying_objects.values()[0]
paths_1 = port.underlying_objects.values()[1]
paths_2 = port.underlying_objects.values()[2]

In [28]:
pa = 5
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths_0.instrument_values[:, :pa], 'b');
print 'Paths for %s (blue)' % paths_0.name
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths_1.instrument_values[:, :pa], 'r.-');
print 'Paths for %s (red)' % paths_1.name
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths_2.instrument_values[:, :pa], 'g-.', lw=2.5);
print 'Paths for %s (green)' % paths_2.name
plt.grid(); plt.ylabel('risk factor level')

Paths for  44_sv (blue)
Paths for  20_jd (red)
Paths for  13_jd (green)

Copyright, License & Disclaimer

© Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch | The Python Quants GmbH

DX Analytics (the "dx library") is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).

DX Analytics comes with no representations or warranties, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

http://www.pythonquants.com | analytics@pythonquants.com | http://twitter.com/dyjh

Python Quant Platform | http://quant-platform.com

Derivatives Analytics with Python (Wiley Finance) | http://derivatives-analytics-with-python.com

Python for Finance (O'Reilly) | http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032441.do