
Timothy Helton

This notebook uses code found in the k2datascience.olympics module. To execute all the cells do one of the following items:

  • Install the k2datascience package to the active Python interpreter.
  • Add k2datascience/k2datascience to the PYTHON_PATH system variable.
  • Create a link to the olympics.py file in the same directory as this notebook.


In [1]:
from k2datascience import olympics

from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"
%matplotlib inline

Data Prep

In [2]:
oly = olympics.Medals()

print(f'{"#" * 30}\nAthletes Data\n\n')
print(f'Data Types:\n{oly.athletes.dtypes}\n\n')
print(f'Data Shape:\n{oly.athletes.shape}\n\n')
print(f'Missing Data:\n{oly.athletes.isnull().sum()}\n\n')

print(f'\n\n\n{"#" * 30}\nCountries Data\n\n')
print(f'Data Types:\n{oly.countries.dtypes}\n\n')
print(f'Data Shape:\n{oly.countries.shape}\n\n')
print(f'Missing Data:\n{oly.countries.isnull().sum()}\n\n')

Athletes Data

Data Types:
id                  int64
name               object
country            object
sex                object
dob        datetime64[ns]
height            float64
weight            float64
sport              object
gold                int64
silver              int64
bronze              int64
dtype: object

Data Shape:
(11538, 11)

Missing Data:
id           0
name         0
country      0
sex          0
dob          1
height     330
weight     659
sport        0
gold         0
silver       0
bronze       0
dtype: int64

id name country sex dob height weight sport gold silver bronze
0 736041664 A Jesus Garcia ESP male 1969-10-17 1.72 64.0 athletics 0 0 0
1 532037425 A Lam Shin KOR female 1986-09-23 1.68 56.0 fencing 0 0 0
2 435962603 Aaron Brown CAN male 1992-05-27 1.98 79.0 athletics 0 0 1
3 521041435 Aaron Cook MDA male 1991-01-02 1.83 80.0 taekwondo 0 0 0
4 33922579 Aaron Gate NZL male 1990-11-26 1.81 71.0 cycling 0 0 0
id name country sex dob height weight sport gold silver bronze
11533 265605954 Zurian Hechavarria CUB female 1995-08-10 1.64 58.0 athletics 0 0 0
11534 214461847 Zuzana Hejnova CZE female 1986-12-19 1.73 63.0 athletics 0 0 0
11535 88361042 di Xiao CHN male 1991-05-14 1.85 100.0 wrestling 0 0 0
11536 900065925 le Quoc Toan Tran VIE male 1989-04-05 1.60 56.0 weightlifting 0 0 0
11537 711404576 le Roux Hamman RSA male 1992-01-06 1.85 70.0 athletics 0 0 0
id height weight gold silver bronze
count 1.153800e+04 11208.000000 10879.000000 11538.000000 11538.000000 11538.000000
mean 4.999885e+08 1.766282 72.068205 0.057722 0.056769 0.061016
std 2.908648e+08 0.112719 16.177334 0.255910 0.239147 0.243320
min 1.834700e+04 1.210000 31.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 2.450997e+08 1.690000 60.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 5.002011e+08 1.760000 70.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 7.539874e+08 1.840000 81.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
max 9.999878e+08 2.210000 170.000000 5.000000 2.000000 2.000000

Countries Data

Data Types:
country    object
code       object
dtype: object

Data Shape:
(201, 2)

Missing Data:
country    0
code       0
dtype: int64

country code
0 Afghanistan AFG
1 Albania ALB
2 Algeria ALG
3 American Samoa* ASA
4 Andorra AND
country code
196 Vietnam VIE
197 Virgin Islands* ISV
198 Yemen YEM
199 Zambia ZAM
200 Zimbabwe ZIM
country code
count 201 201
unique 201 201
top Haiti ANT
freq 1 1

1. What was the average age in male and female athletes?

In [3]:

years months days
female 25.0 5.0 15.0
male 26.0 5.0 15.0

2. What are the most common Dates of Birth?

To clarify - day, month, year

In [4]:

Most Common Athlete Birthdays

9 Athletes were born on the following dates:

3. How about the most common birthdays?

  • Most Common Month
  • Modst Common Day

In [5]:

Most Common Birthday
month 6.0
day 15.0

4. What are the Countries with more than 100 medals?

In [6]:
 .query('total > 100')
 .sort_values('total', ascending=False))

gold silver bronze total
USA 139 54 71 264
GER 49 44 67 160
GBR 64 55 26 145
RUS 52 29 34 115
CHN 46 30 37 113

5. Create a bar or pie chart for the results of the previous exercise.

In [7]:

6. Male weightlifting competitions are divided into 8 weight classes. Can you estimate these weight classes by looking at the data? Hint: Create a scatter plot with Body weight on the x-axis and choose height as y.

In [8]:

The predicted weight classes are displayed in text boxes outlined in crimson.

7. Generate a histogram of male and female height distribution among all participants.

In [9]:

8. Using the Seaborn package create a box plot for male and female height distribution among all participants.

In [10]:

9. Optional: What else would you try?

  1. Compare type of medal compared to height.
  2. Compare type of medal compared to weight.
  3. Compare height vs age.
    • Are younger generation people taller or are Olympic athletes in the top percentile irregardless?
  4. Which sport distributes the most medals.
  5. Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the athletes.
    • Compare the BMI by sport.
  6. Find the athlete that is closest to your height and mass.
  7. Compare male and female heights for each sport.

In [11]: