VCLOD Test for Coefficient 3

This script performs the main VCLOD test for this thesis with a specific diffusion coefficient. We investigate the energy error of the VCLOD dependent on the updated correctors. For this purpose, we update every corrector individually and compare it to the reference solution. This enables a good comparison between percentages. We desire to yield a fast decrease of the energy error of the VCLOD method since, due to the error indicator, we sort and update the element correctors in terms of the effect that comes with the perturbation.

In [1]:
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import random
import csv

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from visualize import drawCoefficient
from data import * 

from gridlod import interp, coef, util, fem, world, linalg, femsolver
import pg_rand, femsolverCoarse, buildcoef2d
from import World

Result function

The 'result' function investigates the VCLOD for each percentage. The reference solution is computed by a standard FEM on the fine mesh. We compute the 'worst solution' that represents zero percentage updating and clearly has no computational cost at all. Afterwards, we compute the error indicator for the given patch size $k=4$ and use every value gradually. Furthermore we store the resulting energy error for the VCLOD as well as the optimal energy error that results from 100 percentage updating. Once again, we take advantage of the 'gridlod' module in order to compute the required matrices.

In [2]:
def result(pglod, world, A, R, f, k, String):
    print "-------------- " + String + " ---------------" 
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
    NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
    NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement
    boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
    NpFine =
    NpCoarse =
    # new Coefficient
    ANew = R.flatten()
    Anew = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ANew)
    # reference solution
    f_fine = np.ones(NpFine)
    uFineFem, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(world, ANew, f_fine, None, boundaryConditions)
    # worst solution
    KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
    MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
    free  = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)                                 
    bFull = MFull*f
    KFree = KFull[free][:,free]
    bFree = bFull[free]

    xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)
    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
    xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
    xFull[free] = xFree
    uCoarse = xFull
    uLodFine = modifiedBasis*xFull
    uLodFineWorst = uLodFine
    # energy error
    errorworst = np.sqrt( - uLodFineWorst, AFine*(uFineFem - uLodFineWorst)))
    # tolerance = 0 
    vis, eps = pglod.updateCorrectors(Anew, 0, f, 1, clearFineQuantities=False, Computing=False)
    PotentialCorrectors = np.sum(vis)
    elemente = np.arange(
    # identify tolerances
    epsnozero = filter(lambda x: x!=0, eps)
    assert(np.size(epsnozero) != 0)
    mini = np.min(epsnozero)
    minilog = int(round(np.log10(mini)-0.49))
    ToleranceListcomplete = []
    for i in range(0,int(np.size(epsnozero))):

    ToleranceListcomplete = np.unique(ToleranceListcomplete)

    # with tolerance
    errorplotinfo = []
    tolerancesafe = []
    errorBest = []
    errorWorst = []
    recomputefractionsafe = []
    recomputefraction = 0
    Correctors = 0
    leng = np.size(ToleranceListcomplete)
    for k in range(leng-1,-1,-1):
        tol = ToleranceListcomplete[k]
        print " --- "+ str(-k+leng) + "/" + str(leng)+ " --- Tolerance: " + str(round(tol,5)) + " in "+ String +" ---- ", 
        vistol = pglod.updateCorrectors(Anew, tol, f, clearFineQuantities=False, Testing=True)
        Correctors += np.sum(vistol)
        recomputefraction += float(np.sum(vistol))/PotentialCorrectors * 100
        KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
        free  = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)                                 

        bFull = MFull*f
        KFree = KFull[free][:,free]
        bFree = bFull[free]

        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)
        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()

        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uCoarse = xFull
        uLodFine = modifiedBasis*xFull
        #energy error
        errortol = np.sqrt( - uLodFine, AFine*(uFineFem - uLodFine)))
    # 100% updating
    uLodFinebest = uLodFine
    errorbest = np.sqrt( - uLodFinebest, AFine*(uFineFem - uLodFinebest)))
    for k in range(leng-1,-1,-1):

    return vis, eps, PotentialCorrectors, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorWorst, errorBest


We use the same setting as we have already used before containing the 'buildcoef2d' class in order to construct the coefficient. We visualize the coefficient and store the information in an extern folder.

In [3]:
bg = 0.05       #background
val = 1         #values

#fine World
NWorldFine = np.array([256, 256])
NpFine =                                                                               

#coarse World
NWorldCoarse = np.array([16,16])
NpCoarse =

#ratio between Fine and Coarse
NCoarseElement = NWorldFine/NWorldCoarse

boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0],
                               [0, 0]])

world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

f = np.ones(NpCoarse)

#Coefficient 3
CoefClass = buildcoef2d.Coefficient2d(NWorldFine, 
                        bg                  = bg, 
                        val                 = val, 
                        length              = 8, 
                        thick               = 2, 
                        space               = 4, 
                        probfactor          = 1, 
                        right               = 0, 
                        down                = 0, 
                        diagr1              = 0, 
                        diagr2              = 0, 
                        diagl1              = 0, 
                        diagl2              = 1, 
                        LenSwitch           = None, 
                        thickSwitch         = None, 
                        equidistant         = None, 
                        ChannelHorizontal   = None, 
                        ChannelVertical     = None,
                        BoundarySpace       = True)

A = CoefClass.BuildCoefficient()
ABase = A.flatten()

ROOT = '../test_data/Coef3'

#safe NworldFine
with open("%s/NWorldFine.txt" % ROOT, 'wb') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in NWorldFine:

#safe NworldCoarse
with open("%s/NWorldCoarse.txt" % ROOT, 'wb') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in NWorldCoarse:

with open("%s/OriginalCoeff.txt" % ROOT, 'wb') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in ABase:

f_fine = np.ones(NpFine)
uFineFem, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(world, ABase, f_fine, None, boundaryConditions)

#fine solution
with open("%s/finescale.txt" % ROOT, 'wb') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in uFineFem:
drawCoefficient(NWorldFine, ABase,greys=True)
plt.title("Original coefficient")

Perturbations of the same entries

To keep comparability, we use the 'specific' perturbation function and use a random seed.

In [4]:
# random seed

# decision
valc = np.shape(CoefClass.ShapeRemember)[0]
numbers = []
decision = np.zeros(100)
decision[0] = 1

for i in range(0,valc):
    a = random.sample(decision,1)[0]
    if a == 1:

value1 = 3
C1 = CoefClass.SpecificValueChange(ratio=value1,
                                    Number = numbers,
                                    Original = True,
                                    NewShapeChange = True)

V = CoefClass.SpecificVanish(Number = numbers,
                                Original = True)

M1 = CoefClass.SpecificMove(probfactor=1,
                            Number = numbers,
                            Original = True)


In [ ]:
k = 4

NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement

boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
NpFine =
NpCoarse =

IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

#old Coefficient
ABase = A.flatten()
Aold = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ABase)

pglod = pg_rand.VcPetrovGalerkinLOD(Aold, world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)

Change in value

In [ ]:
vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest = result(pglod ,world, A, C1, f, k, 'Specific value change' + str(value1))

safeChange(ROOT, C1, vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest)

-------------- Specific value change3 ---------------
Not Recomputed!
 --- 1/176 --- Tolerance: 0.64208 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.0 %
 --- 2/176 --- Tolerance: 0.64152 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 3/176 --- Tolerance: 0.61189 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 4/176 --- Tolerance: 0.54535 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 5/176 --- Tolerance: 0.53755 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 6/176 --- Tolerance: 0.52382 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 7/176 --- Tolerance: 0.51312 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 8/176 --- Tolerance: 0.50849 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 9/176 --- Tolerance: 0.07658 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 10/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03796 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 11/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03721 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 12/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03647 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 13/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03546 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 14/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03392 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 15/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03351 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 16/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03337 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 17/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03244 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 18/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03214 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 19/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03128 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 20/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03042 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 21/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0299 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 22/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02731 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 23/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02507 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 24/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02236 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 25/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02217 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 26/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02163 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 27/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02074 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 28/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01597 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 29/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01583 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 30/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01499 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 31/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01396 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 32/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01356 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 33/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01159 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 34/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01058 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 35/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01032 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 36/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01014 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 37/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00904 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 38/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00786 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 39/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00723 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 40/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0065 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 41/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00609 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 42/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00545 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 43/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00523 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 44/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00502 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 45/176 --- Tolerance: 0.005 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 46/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00452 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 47/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00415 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 48/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00389 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 49/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00333 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 50/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00315 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 51/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00289 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 52/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00279 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 53/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00248 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 54/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00231 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 55/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00229 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 56/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0022 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 57/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00218 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 58/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00189 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 59/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00178 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 60/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00168 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 61/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00167 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 62/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00166 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 63/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00163 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 64/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00149 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 65/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00137 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 66/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00134 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 67/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00133 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 68/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00116 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 69/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00112 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 70/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0011 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 71/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0011 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 72/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00109 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 73/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00105 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 74/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00101 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 75/176 --- Tolerance: 0.001 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 76/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00099 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 77/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00099 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 78/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00096 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 79/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0009 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 80/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00088 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 81/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00083 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 82/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00082 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 83/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00075 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 84/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00066 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 85/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00065 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 86/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00064 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 87/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00064 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 88/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00064 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 89/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00064 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 90/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00063 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 91/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00055 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 92/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0005 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 93/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00048 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 94/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00045 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 95/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00042 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 96/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00041 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 97/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00039 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 98/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00038 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 99/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0003 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 100/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00029 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 101/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00029 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 102/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00021 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 103/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0002 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 104/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00019 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 105/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00019 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 106/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00018 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 107/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00017 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 108/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00016 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 109/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00015 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 110/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00015 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 111/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00015 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 112/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00014 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 113/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00014 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 114/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00013 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 115/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 116/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 117/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 118/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 119/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 120/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 121/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 122/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 123/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 124/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 125/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 126/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 127/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 128/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 129/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 130/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 131/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 132/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 133/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 134/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 135/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 136/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 137/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 138/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 139/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 140/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 141/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 142/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 143/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 144/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 145/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 146/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 147/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 148/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 149/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 150/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 151/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 152/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 153/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 154/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 155/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 156/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 157/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 158/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 159/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 160/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 161/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 162/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 163/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 164/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 165/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 166/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 167/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 168/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 169/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 170/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 171/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 172/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 173/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 174/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 175/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 176/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Specific value change3 ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %


In [ ]:
vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest = result(pglod ,world, A, V, f, k, 'Vanish')

safeVanish(ROOT, V, vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest)

-------------- Vanish ---------------
Not Recomputed!
 --- 1/176 --- Tolerance: 4.44429 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.0 %
 --- 2/176 --- Tolerance: 4.44011 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 3/176 --- Tolerance: 3.98308 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 4/176 --- Tolerance: 2.68411 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 5/176 --- Tolerance: 2.56227 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 6/176 --- Tolerance: 2.4407 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 7/176 --- Tolerance: 2.34979 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 8/176 --- Tolerance: 2.29316 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 9/176 --- Tolerance: 0.21691 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 10/176 --- Tolerance: 0.10753 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 11/176 --- Tolerance: 0.10538 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 12/176 --- Tolerance: 0.10329 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 13/176 --- Tolerance: 0.10044 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 14/176 --- Tolerance: 0.09608 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 15/176 --- Tolerance: 0.09492 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 16/176 --- Tolerance: 0.09451 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 17/176 --- Tolerance: 0.09188 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 18/176 --- Tolerance: 0.09102 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 19/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08859 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 20/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08615 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 21/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08468 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 22/176 --- Tolerance: 0.07736 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 23/176 --- Tolerance: 0.071 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 24/176 --- Tolerance: 0.06334 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 25/176 --- Tolerance: 0.06278 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 26/176 --- Tolerance: 0.06127 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 27/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05874 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 28/176 --- Tolerance: 0.04524 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 29/176 --- Tolerance: 0.04483 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 30/176 --- Tolerance: 0.04244 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 31/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03954 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 32/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03841 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 33/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03283 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 34/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02998 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 35/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02923 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 36/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02871 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 37/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0256 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 38/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02225 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 39/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02048 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 40/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01841 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 41/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01726 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 42/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01544 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 43/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01481 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 44/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01423 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 45/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01417 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 46/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0128 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 47/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01174 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 48/176 --- Tolerance: 0.011 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 49/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00943 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 50/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00891 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 51/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0082 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 52/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00791 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 53/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00703 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 54/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00655 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 55/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00649 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 56/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00623 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 57/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00617 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 58/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00537 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 59/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00504 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 60/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00477 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 61/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00474 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 62/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00471 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 63/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00463 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 64/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00421 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 65/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00388 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 66/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00379 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 67/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00378 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 68/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00327 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 69/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00318 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 70/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00312 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 71/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00312 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 72/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00309 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 73/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00299 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 74/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00286 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 75/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00283 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 76/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00282 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 77/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00279 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 78/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00272 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 79/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00256 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 80/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0025 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 81/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00236 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 82/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00233 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 83/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00213 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 84/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00188 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 85/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00183 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 86/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00183 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 87/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00183 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 88/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00183 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 89/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0018 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 90/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00177 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 91/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00157 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 92/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00141 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 93/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00137 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 94/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00127 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 95/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00119 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 96/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00116 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 97/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0011 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 98/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00108 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 99/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00084 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 100/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00082 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 101/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00082 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 102/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0006 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 103/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00057 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 104/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00055 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 105/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00054 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 106/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00051 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 107/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00049 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 108/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00045 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 109/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00043 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 110/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00043 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 111/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00043 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 112/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0004 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 113/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00039 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 114/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00036 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 115/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00032 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 116/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00031 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 117/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0003 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 118/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00029 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 119/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00029 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 120/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00028 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 121/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00027 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 122/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00026 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 123/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00026 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 124/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00019 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 125/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00018 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 126/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00018 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 127/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00018 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 128/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00018 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 129/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00014 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 130/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00013 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 131/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00013 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 132/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00012 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 133/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00012 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 134/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 135/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 136/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 137/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 138/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0001 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 139/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 140/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 141/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 142/176 --- Tolerance: 8e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 143/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 144/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 145/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 146/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 147/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 148/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 149/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 150/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 151/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 152/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 153/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 154/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 155/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 156/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 157/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 158/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 159/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 160/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 161/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 162/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 163/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 164/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 165/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 166/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 167/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 168/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 169/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 170/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 171/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 172/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 173/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 174/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 175/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 176/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in Vanish ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %


In [ ]:
vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest = result(pglod ,world, A, M1, f, k, 'One Step Move')

safeShift(ROOT, M1, vis, eps, PotentialUpdated, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorworst, errorbest)

-------------- One Step Move ---------------
Not Recomputed!
 --- 1/176 --- Tolerance: 1.92034 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.0 %
 --- 2/176 --- Tolerance: 1.9183 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 3/176 --- Tolerance: 1.78113 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 4/176 --- Tolerance: 1.37875 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 5/176 --- Tolerance: 1.27799 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 6/176 --- Tolerance: 1.25584 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 7/176 --- Tolerance: 1.1415 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 8/176 --- Tolerance: 1.09716 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 9/176 --- Tolerance: 0.16514 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 10/176 --- Tolerance: 0.14829 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 11/176 --- Tolerance: 0.14226 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 12/176 --- Tolerance: 0.12982 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 13/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08285 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 14/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08242 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 15/176 --- Tolerance: 0.08176 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 16/176 --- Tolerance: 0.07966 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 17/176 --- Tolerance: 0.07368 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 18/176 --- Tolerance: 0.07307 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 19/176 --- Tolerance: 0.06771 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 20/176 --- Tolerance: 0.06731 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 21/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05951 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 22/176 --- Tolerance: 0.059 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 23/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05634 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 24/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05593 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 25/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05468 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 26/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05207 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 27/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0506 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 28/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05043 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 29/176 --- Tolerance: 0.05037 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 30/176 --- Tolerance: 0.04718 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 31/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03719 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 32/176 --- Tolerance: 0.03462 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 33/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0315 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 34/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02687 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 35/176 --- Tolerance: 0.026 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 36/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0242 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 37/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02167 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 38/176 --- Tolerance: 0.02018 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 39/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01886 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 40/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01788 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 41/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01772 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 42/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01671 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 43/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0153 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 44/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01287 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 45/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01215 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 46/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01205 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 47/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01153 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 48/176 --- Tolerance: 0.01147 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 49/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0101 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 50/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00936 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 51/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00797 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 52/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00749 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 53/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00698 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 54/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00617 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 55/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00616 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 56/176 --- Tolerance: 0.006 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 57/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00562 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 58/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00529 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 59/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00467 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 60/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00466 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 61/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00454 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 62/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00451 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 63/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00428 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 64/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0041 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 65/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00406 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 66/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00381 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 67/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00371 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 68/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00333 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 69/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00326 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 70/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00319 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 71/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00315 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 72/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00274 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 73/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00267 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 74/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00264 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 75/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00226 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 76/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0022 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 77/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00212 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 78/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00211 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 79/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00209 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 80/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00203 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 81/176 --- Tolerance: 0.002 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 82/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0018 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 83/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00173 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 84/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00171 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 85/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00168 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 86/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00167 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 87/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00156 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 88/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00152 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 89/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00152 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 90/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00145 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 91/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00143 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 92/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0014 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 93/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00136 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 94/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00136 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 95/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00128 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 96/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00113 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 97/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00105 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 98/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00094 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 99/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00091 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 100/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00082 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 101/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00072 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 102/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00067 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 103/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00066 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 104/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00063 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 105/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00058 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 106/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00055 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 107/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00051 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 108/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00039 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 109/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00037 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 110/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00036 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 111/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00034 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 112/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00034 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 113/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00033 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 114/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00032 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 115/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00028 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 116/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00028 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 117/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00027 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 118/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00026 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 119/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00024 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 120/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00022 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 121/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00022 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 122/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00021 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 123/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00019 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 124/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00019 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 125/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00017 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 126/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00016 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 127/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00016 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 128/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00016 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 129/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00016 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 130/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00015 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 131/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00014 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 132/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00013 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 133/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00013 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 134/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00012 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 135/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00012 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 136/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 137/176 --- Tolerance: 0.00011 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 138/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 139/176 --- Tolerance: 9e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 140/176 --- Tolerance: 8e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 141/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 142/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 143/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 144/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 145/176 --- Tolerance: 7e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 146/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 147/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 148/176 --- Tolerance: 6e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 149/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 150/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 151/176 --- Tolerance: 5e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 152/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 153/176 --- Tolerance: 4e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 154/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 155/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 156/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 157/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 158/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 159/176 --- Tolerance: 3e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 160/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 161/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 162/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 163/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 164/176 --- Tolerance: 2e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 165/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 166/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 167/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 168/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 169/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 170/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 171/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 172/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 173/176 --- Tolerance: 1e-05 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 174/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 175/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %
 --- 176/176 --- Tolerance: 0.0 in One Step Move ----  To be recomputed:  0.390625 %