ML for Causal Inference: High-Dimensional Controls

In [10]:

Simulate Data

In [2]:
# Number of Observations
N <- 1e3
total.covar <- 50 + 1e3
# Number of covariates (excluding W and unobservable)
p <- total.covar - 2
# Simulate Data
mu.vector <- rep(0, total.covar)
variance.vector <- abs(rnorm(total.covar, mean = 1, sd = .5)) <- = N, nvars = total.covar, params1 = mu.vector, params2 = variance.vector, dist = 'normal',  rho = .5,
                            corstr = 'ar1', wide='True'))[2:(total.covar+1)]
colnames([1] <- 'W' # Running variable for RDD
colnames([total.covar] <- 'C' # Unobservable variable
# Random assignment for A/B test
T <- rep(0, N)
T[0:(N/2)] <- 1
T <- sample(T)
X <-[, 2:(total.covar-1)]
covariate.names <- colnames(X)
# Independent error terms
error <- rnorm(n = N)
# Make W a function of the X's and unobservable (for RDD)$W <-$W + .5 *$C + 3 *$V80 - 6 *$V81
# Assign treatment, based on a threshold along W
treated <- ($W > 0) * 1.0
# True coefficients on controls
beta.true.linear <- rnorm(p, mean = 5, sd = 5)
beta.true.linear[30:p] <- 0
# Functional form of Y for A/B test:
Y.ab <- 2.0 * T + data.matrix(X) %*% beta.true.linear + .6 *$C + error
# Functional form of Y for RDD (function of treatment, W, X's, and unobservable C)
Y.rdd <- 1.2 * treated - 4 *$W  + data.matrix(X) %*% beta.true.linear + .6 *$C + error
df <- cbind(Y.ab, Y.rdd, T,
colnames(df)[1:3] <- c('Y.ab', 'Y.rdd', 'T')
X.colnames <- colnames(X)

A/B Test

Use LASSO of Y on X to select H

In [3]: <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(X), df$Y.ab, alpha=1)
coef <- predict(, type = "nonzero")
H <- X.colnames[unlist(coef)]
# Variables selected by LASSO:

  1. 'V2'
  2. 'V3'
  3. 'V4'
  4. 'V6'
  5. 'V7'
  6. 'V8'
  7. 'V9'
  8. 'V10'
  9. 'V11'
  10. 'V12'
  11. 'V13'
  12. 'V14'
  13. 'V15'
  14. 'V16'
  15. 'V17'
  16. 'V18'
  17. 'V19'
  18. 'V20'
  19. 'V21'
  20. 'V22'
  21. 'V23'
  22. 'V24'
  23. 'V25'
  24. 'V26'
  25. 'V27'
  26. 'V28'
  27. 'V29'
  28. 'V30'

Use LASSO of T on X to select K

In [4]: <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(X), df$T, alpha=1)
coef <- predict(, type = "nonzero")
K <- X.colnames[unlist(coef)]
# Variables selected by LASSO:

  1. 'V106'
  2. 'V150'
  3. 'V170'
  4. 'V194'
  5. 'V462'
  6. 'V743'
  7. 'V745'
  8. 'V754'
  9. 'V843'
  10. 'V985'

Perform OLS of Y on T, Controlling for H union K

In [5]:
# Union of selected variables:
H_union_K.names <- unique(c(H, K))
sum.H_union_K <- paste(H_union_K.names, collapse = " + ")
eq.H_union_K <- paste("Y.ab ~ T + ", sum.H_union_K)

# OLS regression, using all covariates selected by double selection
fit.double <- lm(eq.H_union_K, data = df)
T.double <- fit.double$coefficients[2]
ci.double <- confint(fit.double, 'T', level = 0.95)

# Results:

  1. 'V2'
  2. 'V3'
  3. 'V4'
  4. 'V6'
  5. 'V7'
  6. 'V8'
  7. 'V9'
  8. 'V10'
  9. 'V11'
  10. 'V12'
  11. 'V13'
  12. 'V14'
  13. 'V15'
  14. 'V16'
  15. 'V17'
  16. 'V18'
  17. 'V19'
  18. 'V20'
  19. 'V21'
  20. 'V22'
  21. 'V23'
  22. 'V24'
  23. 'V25'
  24. 'V26'
  25. 'V27'
  26. 'V28'
  27. 'V29'
  28. 'V30'
  29. 'V106'
  30. 'V150'
  31. 'V170'
  32. 'V194'
  33. 'V462'
  34. 'V743'
  35. 'V745'
  36. 'V754'
  37. 'V843'
  38. 'V985'
T: 2.04577777861444
2.5 %97.5 %
lm(formula = eq.H_union_K, data = df)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-4.2479 -0.7888 -0.0127  0.8226  4.3081 

             Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -0.024681   0.059058   -0.418    0.676    
T            2.045778   0.085170   24.020   <2e-16 ***
V2           9.659512   0.045164  213.875   <2e-16 ***
V3           6.454994   0.070120   92.056   <2e-16 ***
V4           6.845535   0.036900  185.516   <2e-16 ***
V6           1.815218   0.062778   28.915   <2e-16 ***
V7           6.672606   0.046696  142.896   <2e-16 ***
V8           7.484199   0.046266  161.765   <2e-16 ***
V9           3.073507   0.046074   66.708   <2e-16 ***
V10          3.419821   0.058722   58.237   <2e-16 ***
V11          3.547168   0.039822   89.075   <2e-16 ***
V12         -4.823915   0.046970 -102.702   <2e-16 ***
V13          9.315493   0.064399  144.653   <2e-16 ***
V14          8.510116   0.158479   53.699   <2e-16 ***
V15          8.720919   0.043183  201.954   <2e-16 ***
V16          6.351646   0.052601  120.751   <2e-16 ***
V17          1.755003   0.053645   32.715   <2e-16 ***
V18          3.695994   0.043067   85.820   <2e-16 ***
V19          4.002368   0.045420   88.119   <2e-16 ***
V20          8.848228   0.045442  194.714   <2e-16 ***
V21         -2.658985   0.043853  -60.634   <2e-16 ***
V22         14.186505   0.044077  321.855   <2e-16 ***
V23          5.140462   0.051819   99.199   <2e-16 ***
V24          7.139716   0.715824    9.974   <2e-16 ***
V25          4.227116   0.047177   89.601   <2e-16 ***
V26         -5.499456   0.055262  -99.517   <2e-16 ***
V27          4.096075   0.056024   73.113   <2e-16 ***
V28         13.361963   0.105050  127.197   <2e-16 ***
V29         13.257553   0.059211  223.905   <2e-16 ***
V30         11.774925   0.041322  284.958   <2e-16 ***
V106         0.012364   0.029585    0.418    0.676    
V150        -0.117295   0.099411   -1.180    0.238    
V170         0.022119   0.038805    0.570    0.569    
V194         0.001614   0.034374    0.047    0.963    
V462        -0.021618   0.027503   -0.786    0.432    
V743         0.024642   0.033463    0.736    0.462    
V745         0.008998   0.058456    0.154    0.878    
V754         0.014578   0.035224    0.414    0.679    
V843         0.025185   0.025732    0.979    0.328    
V985         0.039353   0.037452    1.051    0.294    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1.272 on 960 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9994,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9994 
F-statistic: 4.204e+04 on 39 and 960 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Comparison Plots

In [6]:
# Alternate methods:
#    OLS of Y on T
fit.simple <- lm('Y.ab ~ T', data = df)
T.simple <- fit.simple$coefficients[2]
ci.simple <- confint(fit.simple, 'T', level = 0.95)

#    OLS of Y on T,controlling for all of X
sum.X <- paste(X.colnames, collapse = " + ")
eq.control.all <- paste("Y.ab ~ T + ", sum.X)
fit.allX <- lm(eq.control.all, data = df)
T.allX <- fit.allX$coefficients[2]
ci.allX <- confint(fit.allX, 'T', level = 0.95)

#    OLS of Y on T,controlling for (almost) all of X
sum.Xmost <- paste(X.colnames[0:(N-10)], collapse = " + ")
eq.control.almost <- paste("Y.ab ~ T + ", sum.Xmost)
fit.mostX <- lm(eq.control.almost, data = df)
T.mostX <- fit.mostX$coefficients[2]
ci.mostX <- confint(fit.mostX, 'T', level = 0.95)

#    OLS of Y on T, with a subset of X
sum.X.subset <- paste(c(X.colnames[5:15], X.colnames[80:90]), collapse = " + ")
eq.control.subset <- paste("Y.ab ~ T + ", sum.X.subset)
fit.subsetX <- lm(eq.control.subset, data = df)
T.subsetX <- fit.subsetX$coefficients[2]
ci.subsetX <- confint(fit.subsetX, 'T', level = 0.95)

# Vector of T coefficients and confidence intervals
coefs.ab <- c(2.0, T.simple, T.allX, T.mostX, T.subsetX, T.double)
ci.low <- c(NaN, ci.simple[1], ci.allX[1], ci.mostX[1], ci.subsetX[1], ci.double[1])
ci.high <- c(NaN, ci.simple[2], ci.allX[2], ci.mostX[2], ci.subsetX[2], ci.double[2])
dat <- cbind(coefs.ab, ci.low, ci.high, c('True Effect', 'No Controls', 'All X', 'Largest Subset of X', 'Limited Controls', 'Double Selection'))
colnames(dat)[4] <- 'Model'
dat <- data.frame(dat)
dat$coefs.ab <- as.double(levels(dat$coefs.ab))[dat$coefs.ab]
dat$ci.low <- as.double(levels(dat$ci.low))[dat$ci.low]
dat$ci.high <- as.double(levels(dat$ci.high))[dat$ci.high]
dat$Model <- factor(dat$Model, levels = dat$Model)

# Create bar graph
dodge <- position_dodge(width = 0.9)
limits <- aes(ymax = dat$ci.high,
              ymin = dat$ci.low)
p <- ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = Model, y = coefs.ab, fill = Model))
p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = dodge) +
  geom_errorbar(limits, position = dodge, width = 0.25) +
    ylab("Coefficient on Treatment") +
    ggtitle("Estimated Causal Effect of T on Y, for various models") +

Warning message in qt(a, object$df.residual):
"NaNs produced"Warning message in data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i):
"some row.names duplicated: 3,4,5,6 --> row.names NOT used"Warning message:
"Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_errorbar)."


Use LASSO of Y on X to select H

In [7]: <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(X), df$Y.rdd, alpha=1)
coef <- predict(, type = "nonzero")
H <- X.colnames[unlist(coef)]
# Variables selected by LASSO:

  1. 'V2'
  2. 'V3'
  3. 'V4'
  4. 'V6'
  5. 'V7'
  6. 'V8'
  7. 'V9'
  8. 'V10'
  9. 'V11'
  10. 'V12'
  11. 'V13'
  12. 'V14'
  13. 'V15'
  14. 'V16'
  15. 'V17'
  16. 'V18'
  17. 'V19'
  18. 'V20'
  19. 'V21'
  20. 'V22'
  21. 'V23'
  22. 'V24'
  23. 'V25'
  24. 'V26'
  25. 'V27'
  26. 'V28'
  27. 'V29'
  28. 'V30'
  29. 'V48'
  30. 'V80'
  31. 'V81'
  32. 'V126'
  33. 'V133'
  34. 'V186'
  35. 'V243'
  36. 'V307'
  37. 'V381'
  38. 'V419'
  39. 'V679'
  40. 'V680'
  41. 'V745'
  42. 'V787'
  43. 'V832'
  44. 'V835'
  45. 'V880'
  46. 'V987'
  47. 'V999'
  48. 'V1043'
  49. 'V1049'

Use LASSO of W on X to select K

In [8]: <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(X), df$W, alpha=1)
coef <- predict(, type = "nonzero")
K <- X.colnames[unlist(coef)]
# Variables selected by LASSO:

  1. 'V2'
  2. 'V80'
  3. 'V81'
  4. 'V1049'

Perform RDD of Y on W, Controlling for H union K

In [9]:
# Union of selected variables:
H_union_K.names <- unique(c(H, K))
sum.H_union_K <- paste(H_union_K.names, collapse = " + ")
eq.H_union_K <- paste("Y.rdd ~ W | ", sum.H_union_K)

# RDD, using all covariates selected by double selection
fit.rdd <- RDestimate(eq.H_union_K, data = df)

  1. 'V2'
  2. 'V3'
  3. 'V4'
  4. 'V6'
  5. 'V7'
  6. 'V8'
  7. 'V9'
  8. 'V10'
  9. 'V11'
  10. 'V12'
  11. 'V13'
  12. 'V14'
  13. 'V15'
  14. 'V16'
  15. 'V17'
  16. 'V18'
  17. 'V19'
  18. 'V20'
  19. 'V21'
  20. 'V22'
  21. 'V23'
  22. 'V24'
  23. 'V25'
  24. 'V26'
  25. 'V27'
  26. 'V28'
  27. 'V29'
  28. 'V30'
  29. 'V48'
  30. 'V80'
  31. 'V81'
  32. 'V126'
  33. 'V133'
  34. 'V186'
  35. 'V243'
  36. 'V307'
  37. 'V381'
  38. 'V419'
  39. 'V679'
  40. 'V680'
  41. 'V745'
  42. 'V787'
  43. 'V832'
  44. 'V835'
  45. 'V880'
  46. 'V987'
  47. 'V999'
  48. 'V1043'
  49. 'V1049'
RDestimate(formula = eq.H_union_K, data = df)


           Bandwidth  Observations  Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|) 
LATE       2.514      403           1.209     0.2502      4.831    1.358e-06
Half-BW    1.257      218           1.353     0.3349      4.040    5.353e-05
Double-BW  5.028      727           1.226     0.1821      6.730    1.694e-11
LATE       ***
Half-BW    ***
Double-BW  ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

           F      Num. DoF  Denom. DoF  p
LATE       13880  52        350         0
Half-BW     7309  52        165         0
Double-BW  26782  52        674         0

In [ ]: