In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rt1.rtfits import Fits
import rt1.volume as rt_V
import rt1.surface as rt_SRF
In [2]:
# define Volume- and Surface properties used for the generation of the dataset
def set_V_SRF_orig(tau, omega, N):
V = rt_V.Rayleigh(omega = omega, tau = tau)
SRF = rt_SRF.LinCombSRF([[0.5, rt_SRF.Isotropic()],
[0.5, rt_SRF.CosineLobe(i=8, ncoefs=10)]],
return V, SRF
fit = Fits(sig0=True, dB=False, verbose=0, set_V_SRF = set_V_SRF_orig, int_Q=True,
defdict=dict(tau= [False, 'auxiliary'],
omega=[False, 'auxiliary'],
N= [False, 'auxiliary']))
# define parameters for the simulated dataset
index = pd.date_range('1.1.2018', '1.5.2018')
inc = np.deg2rad(np.arange(1,90,1))
# print fit-results
simulation_param = pd.DataFrame(dict(tau = [.2, .5, .3, .56, .32],
omega = [.1, .1, .54, .23, .62],
N = [.4, .6, .8, .32, .24]),
# evaluate the model for the given set of parameters
data_sim = fit.calc(param=dict(), fixed_param=simulation_param, inc=inc, return_components=False)
# select only parts of the incidence-angle range and add noise
slices = [slice(4, 75 ,2), slice(9, 45), slice(14, 61), slice(31, 76), slice(20, 55)]
dataset = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'sig':data_sim[i][sl], 'inc':inc[sl], 'date':index[i]}).set_index('date')
for i, sl in enumerate(slices)])
# add some random noise
max_noise = dataset.sig.max()/20.
noise = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=max_noise, size=len(dataset))
dataset['sig'] = dataset['sig'] + noise
In [3]:
# define Model to be fitted to the dataset
# NOTE this is not the same specification as in the generation of the dataset! (so parameters WILL BE DIFFERENT !)
def set_V_SRF(omega, tau, N):
V = rt_V.Rayleigh(omega = omega, tau = tau)
SRF = rt_SRF.HenyeyGreenstein(t=0.35, ncoefs=10, NormBRDF = N)
return V, SRF
defdict = dict(tau = [True, .2, 'D', ([0.], [1.])],
omega = [True, .2, 'D', ([0.], [1.])],
N = [True, .2, 'D', ([0.], [1.])])
fit = Fits(dataset=dataset, verbose=0,
sig0=True, dB=False,
set_V_SRF = set_V_SRF,
defdict=defdict, int_Q=True,
ftol=1e-5, gtol=1e-5, xtol=1e-3,
# plot the obtained results
fig = fit.plot.results(legend=True, legend_fmt='%d.%m.%Y')
# overplot true-values
_ = simulation_param.plot(ax=fig.axes[1], ls='--', marker='.', ms=10, lw=0.5)
_ = fig.axes[1].legend(ncol=2)
## plot the residuals
#_ = fit.plot.fit_errors()
In [4]:
fit = Fits(dataset=dataset, verbose=0,
sig0=True, dB=False,
set_V_SRF = set_V_SRF_orig,
defdict=defdict, int_Q=True,
ftol=1e-5, gtol=1e-5, xtol=1e-3,
fig = fit.plot.results(legend=True, legend_fmt='%d.%m.%Y')
# overplot true-values
_ = simulation_param.plot(ax=fig.axes[1], ls='--', marker='.', ms=10, lw=0.5)
_ = fig.axes[1].legend(ncol=2)
## print residuals
_ = fit.plot.fit_errors()
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