Data collected with the Fieldmove Clino app in the field can be exported into a number of discrete .csv files. The code in this notebook:
Import necessary modules:
In [1]:
import os
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
from dateutil.parser import parse
from numpy import zeros
All output files will be created in this directory.
First time users:
Everyone else:
In [2]:
# folder_path = 'blank'
# folder_path = u'/Users/Laurentia/Dropbox/research_projects/keweenawan/2015_fieldwork/Field_data/Michipicoten_data/'
# folder_path = '/Users/yuempark/Documents/Berkeley/Ethiopia/FieldMove/'
folder_path = '/Users/yuempark/Documents/Berkeley/Research_China/FieldMove/'
Read in the data:
In [3]:
image = pd.read_csv(folder_path + '/image.csv')
note = pd.read_csv(folder_path + '/note.csv')
plane = pd.read_csv(folder_path + '/plane.csv')
line = pd.read_csv(folder_path + '/line.csv')
print('image.csv imported with ' + str(image.shape[0]) + ' entries.')
print('note.csv imported with ' + str(note.shape[0]) + ' entries.')
print('plane.csv imported with ' + str(plane.shape[0]) + ' entries.')
print('line.csv imported with ' + str(line.shape[0]) + ' entries.')
Concatenate the 4 data files:
In [4]:
all_notes = pd.concat((image, note, plane, line))
Sort by time:
In [5]:
all_notes['time'] = pd.to_datetime(all_notes[' timedate'])
Output to 'all_notes.csv', without any filtering:
In [6]:
Select columns that we want in our final LaTeX document:
('localityName' is not a header in all .csv's)
In [7]:
if ' localityName' in all_notes.columns:
filtered_notes = all_notes[['time',
' latitude',
' longitude',
' localityName',
' notes',
' image name',
' heading',
' planeType',
' dipAzimuth',
' dip',
' lineationType',
' plungeAzimuth',
' plunge',
' unitId']]
fill = zeros((all_notes.shape[0],1))
all_notes[' localityName'] = fill
filtered_notes = all_notes[['time',
' latitude',
' longitude',
' localityName',
' notes',
' image name',
' heading',
' planeType',
' dipAzimuth',
' dip',
' lineationType',
' plungeAzimuth',
' plunge',
' unitId']]
Output to 'all_notes_filtered.csv':
In [8]:
filtered_notes.to_csv(os.path.join(folder_path,r'all_notes_filtered.csv'), index=False)
Convert notes to a LaTeX format:
The 'to_latex' package doesn't handle mega-tables (like ours) well at all, so we will instead manually create a table.
First, input the necessary frontmatter (packages, etc.):
In [9]:
frontmatter = r'\documentclass[11pt]{article}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{amsmath}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{amsfonts}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{amssymb}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{wasysym}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{graphicx}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{pslatex}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{lscape}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{fancyhdr}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{lastpage}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage[english]{babel}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{color}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{booktabs}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{longtable}' + '\n' +\
r'\usepackage{geometry}' + '\n' +\
r'\geometry{hmargin={0.75in,0.75in},vmargin={1in,1in}}' + '\n'
In [10]:
titleIn = input('Enter the title of your notes: ')
authorIn = input('Enter your name: ')
title = r'\title{Fieldmove Notes\\' + titleIn + r'}' + '\n' +\
r'\author{' + authorIn + r'}' + '\n'
Create a header for each page:
In [11]:
header = r'\pagestyle{fancy}' + '\n' +\
r'\rhead {\emph{\textcolor{blue}{' + authorIn + r'}, \thepage ~of \pageref{LastPage}}}' + '\n' +\
r'\lhead{' + titleIn + r'}' + '\n' +\
r'\cfoot{}' + '\n' +\
r'\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt}' + '\n'
Some more necessary LaTeX commands before starting the table:
In [12]:
start = r'\begin{document}' + '\n' +\
r'\maketitle' + '\n' +\
r'\begin{longtable}{llllr}' + '\n' +\
r'\endhead' + '\n' +\
r'\endfoot' + '\n' +\
r'\endlastfoot' + '\n'
Necessary LaTeX commands after the table ends:
In [13]:
end = r'\end{longtable}' + '\n' +\
Now create the table:
(First, a little function to make text bold:)
In [14]:
def bold(string):
out = r'\textbf{' + string + '}'
return out
Generate the main body of the LaTeX code:
Note that certain special characters need special treatment, otherwise LaTeX will fail to compile.
In [15]:
body = ''
for i in range(filtered_notes.shape[0]-1):
entry = ''
entry += r'\hline' + '\n'
entry += r'$_{' + str(i+1) + r'}$&&&&\\' + '\n'
entry += bold('time:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes['time'][i]) + r' & '
entry += bold('lat:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' latitude'][i]) + r' & '
entry += bold('lon:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' longitude'][i]) + r' & '
entry += r'& '
#if we have locality data, include it
if filtered_notes[' localityName'][i] != 0:
entry += bold('locality:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' localityName'][i]) + r' \\' + '\n'
entry += r'\\' + '\n'
#always include notes
entry += r'\multicolumn{5}{p{\linewidth}}{'
entry += bold('note:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' notes'][i]) + r'} \\' + '\n'
#if we have photos, include it
temp = filtered_notes[' image name'][i].split('_') #special character
entry += bold('image:') + ' ' + temp[0] + r'\_' + temp[1] + r' & '
entry += bold('heading:') + ' ' + str(round(filtered_notes[' heading'][i],1)) + r' & '
entry += r'& & \\' + '\n'
#if we have a formation name, include it
if str(filtered_notes[' unitId'][i]) == 'nan':
entry += bold('fm:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' unitId'][i]) + r' & '
entry += r'& & & \\' + '\n'
#if we have plane data, include it
if str(filtered_notes[' dip'][i]) == 'nan':
entry += bold('plane:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' planeType'][i]) + r' & '
entry += bold('dip:') + ' ' + str(round(filtered_notes[' dip'][i],1)) + r' & '
entry += bold('azimuth:') + ' ' + str(round(filtered_notes[' dipAzimuth'][i],1)) + r' & '
entry += r'& \\' + '\n'
#if we have line data, include it
if str(filtered_notes[' plunge'][i]) == 'nan':
entry += bold('line:') + ' ' + str(filtered_notes[' lineationType'][i]) + r' & '
entry += bold('plunge:') + ' ' + str(round(filtered_notes[' plunge'][i],1)) + r' & '
entry += bold('azimuth:') + ' ' + str(round(filtered_notes[' plungeAzimuth'][i],1)) + r' & '
entry += r'& \\' + '\n'
body += entry
body += r'\hline' + '\n'
#special characters
body = body.replace('%',r'\%')
body = body.replace('<',r'$<$')
body = body.replace('>',r'$>$')
body = body.replace('~',r'\textasciitilde')
Combine all the strings, and prepare for output into a .tex file:
In [16]:
toLatex = frontmatter + header + title + start + body + end
Output to 'latexoutput.tex':
In [17]:
afile = open(os.path.join(folder_path,r'latexoutput.tex'), 'wt')