We'll be learning how to create movies of dynamic brain networks using single-subject and multi-subject fMRI data. After getting the dataset and wrangling it into the proper format, there are three basic steps:
In [28]:
from brainiak.factoranalysis.tfa import TFA
from brainiak.factoranalysis.htfa import HTFA
import hypertools as hyp
import seaborn as sns
import nilearn.plotting as niplot
import matplotlib as mpl
from nilearn.input_data import NiftiMasker
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as sd
import zipfile
import os, sys, glob, warnings
from copy import copy as copy
from mpi4py import MPI
import urllib.request
from multiprocessing import Pool
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo, HTML
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
The dataset comprises 36 preprocessed .nii files, and may be downloaded here. However, in the interest of running the analyses quickly, for this tutorial we're going to be working with data from just 3 participants (this smaller dataset may be found here, and will be downloaded in the next cell).
This repository has a bunch of interesting fMRI datasets in the same format as the sample dataset we'll explore below.
This dataset collected by Jim Haxby's lab comprises fMRI data as people watched Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
In [3]:
#Download the data (takes a few minutes...)
#change these lines if you want to download a different dataset!
source = 'http://discovery.dartmouth.edu/~jmanning/MIND/pieman_mini/pieman_data2.zip'
destination = '/mnt/pieman_data.zip'
data_format = 'zip' #file extension
urllib.request.urlretrieve(source, destination)
In [4]:
#Unzip the data
zipfile.ZipFile(destination, 'r').extractall()
niifiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(destination[0:-(len(data_format)+1)], '*.nii.gz'))
niifiles.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(destination[0:-(len(data_format)+1)], '*.nii')))
To computing HTFA-derived brain networks, we're going to first convert the .nii files into CMU format, inspired by Tom Mitchell's website for his 2008 Science paper on predicting brain responses to common nouns (link).
We'll create a dictionary for each .nii (or .nii.gz) file with two elements:
: a number-of-timepoints by number-of-voxels matrix of voxel activationsR
: a number-of-voxels by 3 matrix of voxel locations
In [5]:
def nii2cmu(nifti_file, mask_file=None):
def fullfact(dims):
Replicates MATLAB's fullfact function (behaves the same way)
vals = np.asmatrix(range(1, dims[0] + 1)).T
if len(dims) == 1:
return vals
aftervals = np.asmatrix(fullfact(dims[1:]))
inds = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((np.prod(dims), len(dims))))
row = 0
for i in range(aftervals.shape[0]):
inds[row:(row + len(vals)), 0] = vals
inds[row:(row + len(vals)), 1:] = np.tile(aftervals[i, :], (len(vals), 1))
row += len(vals)
return inds
with warnings.catch_warnings():
img = nib.load(nifti_file)
mask = NiftiMasker(mask_strategy='background')
if mask_file is None:
hdr = img.header
S = img.get_sform()
vox_size = hdr.get_zooms()
im_size = img.shape
if len(img.shape) > 3:
N = img.shape[3]
N = 1
Y = np.float64(mask.transform(nifti_file)).copy()
vmask = np.nonzero(np.array(np.reshape(mask.mask_img_.dataobj, (1, np.prod(mask.mask_img_.shape)), order='C')))[1]
vox_coords = fullfact(img.shape[0:3])[vmask, ::-1]-1
R = np.array(np.dot(vox_coords, S[0:3, 0:3])) + S[:3, 3]
return {'Y': Y, 'R': R}
In [6]:
#mask = niifiles[0] #set to None if you don't want the images to match
mask = None
cmu_data = list(map(lambda n: nii2cmu(n, mask), niifiles))
In [7]:
hyp.plot(cmu_data[0]['R'], 'k.');
And now let's plot a sample of voxel activations. For fun, let's plot the first subject's data as a trajectory using HyperTools. We'll first project the data down to 3 dimensions using mini batch dictionary learning. HyperTools supports a wide variety of dimensionality reduction algorithms (more info here). Try changing the next cell to reduce the data using Fast ICA (model='FastICA'
) or creating an animation (animate=True
In [8]:
hyp.plot(cmu_data[0]['Y'].T, model='IncrementalPCA');
HyperTools and nilearn expect the data matrices to have number-of-timepoints rows and number-of-voxels columns. BrainIAK expects the data in the transpose of that format-- number-of-voxels by number-of-timepoints matrices. We can easily convert between the two formats using the map
In [9]:
htfa_data = list(map(lambda x: {'R': x['R'], 'Z': x['Y'].T}, cmu_data))
Applying Topographic Factor Analysis (TFA) to a single subject's data reveals a set of K
spherical network hubs that may be used to characterize the data in a highly compact form that is convenient for summarizing network patterns. Let's apply TFA to one subject's data and plot the resulting network hubs.
In [10]:
nvoxels, ntimepoints = htfa_data[0]['Z'].shape
K = 10 #number of hubs to find
tfa = TFA(K=K,
max_num_voxel=int(nvoxels*0.05), #parameterizes the stochastic sampler (number of voxels to consider in each update); increase for precision, decrease for speed
max_num_tr = int(ntimepoints*0.1), #parameterizes the stochastic sampler (number of timepoints to consider in each update)
tfa.fit(htfa_data[0]['Z'], htfa_data[0]['R'])
In [11]:
#plot the hubs on a glass brain!
niplot.plot_connectome(np.eye(K), tfa.get_centers(tfa.local_posterior_), node_color='k');
In [12]:
reduced_raw = hyp.tools.reduce(htfa_data[0]['Z'], ndims=K)
reduced_tfa = tfa.W_.T
hyp.plot([reduced_raw, reduced_tfa], align=True, legend=['Original data', 'TFA-reduced data (K = ' + str(K) + ')'], model='TSNE');
Above, we defined the nii2cmu
function to convert nii images to CMU-formatted images. We can also recover nii images from CMU images. We'll use this to visualize an example volume from the nifti image we just fit TFA to, and we will also visualize the TFA reconstruction to help us understand which aspects of the data TFA is preserving well (or poorly).
In [13]:
def cmu2nii(Y, R, template):
Y = np.array(Y, ndmin=2)
img = nib.load(template)
S = img.affine
locs = np.array(np.dot(R - S[:3, 3], np.linalg.inv(S[0:3, 0:3])), dtype='int')
data = np.zeros(tuple(list(img.shape)[0:3]+[Y.shape[0]]))
# loop over data and locations to fill in activations
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
for j in range(R.shape[0]):
data[locs[j, 0], locs[j, 1], locs[j, 2], i] = Y[i, j]
return nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=img.affine)
In [14]:
original_image = cmu2nii(htfa_data[0]['Z'][:, 0].T, htfa_data[0]['R'], niifiles[0])
niplot.plot_glass_brain(original_image, plot_abs=False);
TFA decomposes images into the product of a number-of-timepoints by K "weights" matrix (tfa.W_.T
) and a K by number-of-voxels "factors" matrix (tfa.F_.T
). (Each factor is parameterized by a 3D center and a width parameter, and corresponds to a "hub" somewhere in the brain.)
In [15]:
tfa_reconstruction = cmu2nii(np.dot(np.array(tfa.W_.T[0, :], ndmin=2), tfa.F_.T), htfa_data[0]['R'], niifiles[0])
niplot.plot_glass_brain(tfa_reconstruction, plot_abs=False);
Interestingly, the factors matrix may be constructed on the fly, and we can use any voxel locations to construct it (even if we did not use those locations to fit the original model). This is sometimes useful, e.g. in that it provides a natural way of converting between images taken at different resolutions or with different sets of voxels. Let's try doing this same reconstruction, but for a different set of locations (we'll use the standard 2mm voxel MNI brain locations). Notice that we don't have to re-fit the model...this remapping to any new coordinate space can be done on the fly once we have the fitted TFA model.
In [16]:
#download the template brain image
std_source = 'http://discovery.dartmouth.edu/~jmanning/MIND/avg152T1_brain.nii.gz'
std_destination = '/mnt/standard_brain.nii.gz'
urllib.request.urlretrieve(std_source, std_destination)
In [17]:
#get the voxel locations
std_cmu_img = nii2cmu(std_destination)
#re-compute factor matrix at the new locations
[unique_R, inds] = tfa.get_unique_R(std_cmu_img['R'])
F = tfa.get_factors(unique_R, inds, tfa.get_centers(tfa.local_posterior_), tfa.get_widths(tfa.local_posterior_)).T
#plot the inferred activity at the new locations
tfa_reconstruction2 = cmu2nii(np.dot(tfa.W_.T[0, :], F), std_cmu_img['R'], std_destination)
niplot.plot_glass_brain(tfa_reconstruction2, plot_abs=False);
It may not look like much, but consider what we've done: we've taken a series of fMRI volumes and inferred a set of "hubs" that those volumes reflect. Then, using just 4 x K numbers to represent the hub locations and radii, and another K numbers to represent the hub weights for the example image (in this case, a total of K x 5 = 50 numbers) we've already captured a lot of the gross low spatial frequency features of the images! Further, we only need K=10 additional numbers to represent any new image. Considering that the original images have 94537 voxels (and therefore 94537 activation values per image), that's quite a nice compression ratio!
In [18]:
connectome = 1 - sd.squareform(sd.pdist(tfa.W_), 'correlation')
We can compute the connectome during a limited range of times by computing the correlation matrix only for images collected during that limited time window. To estimate how the connectome changes over time, we can slide a time window over the range of times in our dataset, and compute a connectome for each sliding window. We'll create a movie by creating a connectome plot for each frame, and then stitching the frames together.
To help with this process, we'll create two functions:
dynamic_connectome(W, n)
: given a number-of-timepoints by K hub activation matrix (W
) and a sliding window length (n
), return a new matrix where each row is the "squareform" of the connectome during that sliding window.animate_connectome(hubs, connectomes)
: given a K by 3 "hub coordinates" matrix and the output of dynamic_connectome
, return an animation object that displays the dynamic connectome.
In [19]:
def dynamic_connectome(W, n):
T = W.shape[0]
K = W.shape[1]
if n <= 0:
np.array(connectome = 1 - sd.pdist(tfa.W_, 'correlation'), ndmin=2)
connectome = np.zeros([T - n + 1, int((K ** 2 - K) / 2)])
for t in range(T - n + 1):
connectome[t, :] = 1 - sd.pdist(W[t:(t+n), :].T, 'correlation')
return connectome
In [34]:
def animate_connectome(hubs, connectomes, figstr='figs', force_refresh=False):
figdir = os.path.join(destination[0:-(len(data_format)+1)], str(np.unique(K)[0]), figstr)
#save a jpg file for each frame (this takes a while, so don't re-do already made images)
def get_frame(t, fname):
if force_refresh or not os.path.exists(fname):
niplot.plot_connectome(sd.squareform(connectomes[t, :]),
timepoints = np.arange(connectomes.shape[0])
fnames = list(map(lambda t: os.path.join(figdir, str(t) + '.jpg'), timepoints))
list(map(get_frame, timepoints, fnames))
#create a movie frame from each of the images we just made
fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
def get_im(fname):
return mpl.pyplot.imshow(mpl.pyplot.imread(fname), animated=True)
ani = mpl.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, get_im, fnames, interval=50)
return ani
The command below creates a connectome image for each movie frame, stiches the images into a movie, and displays it inline as an HTML5 video. If you run the command a second time, the images won't need to be re-created (they're instead loaded from disk), so the animation will be generated more quickly.
In [35]:
mpl.rc('animation', html='html5')
ani = animate_connectome(tfa.get_centers(tfa.local_posterior_), dynamic_connectome(tfa.W_.T, 20))
Hierarchical Topographic Factor Analysis (HTFA) extends TFA to work with data from many subjects at the same time. Applying HTFA to a multi-subject dataset reveals a set of K
spherical network hubs analogous to the hubs revealed by TFA. However, HTFA finds a set of hubs that are common across all of the subjects. Specifically, HTFA finds a common global template of K hubs that every subject's data reflects. In addition, HTFA finds a subject-specific template (also called a local template) that is particular to each individual subject. The subject-specific template specifies how each individual is different from the global template.
Often we want to know something about how people "in general" respond to a given experiment, so that's the scenario we'll explore here (via the global template). However, it is sometimes interesting to also explore individual differences using the local templates.
Note: the multi-subject HTFA inference problem is substantially more computationally intensive than the single-subject TFA inference problem. We'll use some parallelization tricks (using MPI) to make this run quickly on our small sample dataset, but analyzing a large dataset to do "real" analyses requires running the analysis on a multi-core computer cluster. (If you attempt to analyze a large dataset on a non-cluster computer using the code below, the analysis will likely crash.)
In [22]:
#configure MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
if rank == 0:
import logging
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
htfa = HTFA(K=K,
htfa.fit(list(map(lambda x: x['Z'], htfa_data)), list(map(lambda x: x['R'], htfa_data)))
We'll generate a plot where the global hub locations are shown in black, and each subject's "local" hub locations are shown in color (where each subject is assigned a different color). The hubs should be in similar (but not identical) locations across subjects.
In [23]:
#set the node display properties
colors = np.repeat(np.vstack([[0, 0, 0], sns.color_palette("Spectral", htfa.n_subj)]), K, axis=0)
colors = list(map(lambda x: x[0], np.array_split(colors, colors.shape[0], axis=0))) #make colors into a list
sizes = np.repeat(np.hstack([np.array(50), np.array(htfa.n_subj*[20])]), K)
#extract the node locations from the fitted htfa model
global_centers = htfa.get_centers(htfa.global_posterior_)
local_centers = list(map(htfa.get_centers, np.array_split(htfa.local_posterior_, htfa.n_subj)))
centers = np.vstack([global_centers, np.vstack(local_centers)])
#make the plot
niplot.plot_connectome(np.eye(K*(1 + htfa.n_subj)), centers, node_color=colors, node_size=sizes);
In [33]:
#The hub weights (for all of the subjects) are stored in a single vector, htfa.local_weights_.
#(This is to enable message passing via MPI.) We need to split up the weights by subject,
#and then reshape each subject's hub weights into a K by n_timepoints matrix (which we
#take the transpose of, for convenience later on).
n_timepoints = list(map(lambda x: x['Z'].shape[1], htfa_data)) #number of timepoints for each person
inds = np.hstack([0, np.cumsum(np.multiply(K, n_timepoints))])
W = list(map(lambda i: htfa.local_weights_[inds[i]:inds[i+1]].reshape([K, n_timepoints[i]]).T, np.arange(htfa.n_subj)))
#now let's use hypertools to plot everyone's trajectories on a single plot...
The "classic" way of estimating functional connectivity is to compute the pairwise correlations between voxels or brain regions (or, in our case, "hubs"). Inter-Subject Functional Connectivity is designed to home in specifically on stimulus-driven correlations. The ISFC matrix reflects how each voxel's activity (or brain region's activity) is correlated with the average activity of every other voxel/region, from every other subject.
In other words, whereas classic functional connectivity is concerned with the correlational structure within a single brain, ISFC is concerned with the correlational structure across brains. If two brain regions, from different people, exhibit similar activity patterns, then they must be responding to a stimulus that was shared by those brains (and, presumably, the people those brains belong to). This allows us to identify correlations between brain regions that are specifically driven by shared experiences (e.g. stuff that happens in an experiment).
We'll next define a function, dynamic_ISFC(Ws, n)
for computing static and dynamic ISFC, and then we'll create some plots using the HTFA fits. Here Ws
is a list of number-of-timepoints by K matrices, and n
is the sliding window length. (We'll write the function so that providing n <= 0
will return a static ISFC matrix.)
In [25]:
def ISFC(data, windowsize=0):
:param data: a list of number-of-observations by number-of-features matrices
:param windowsize: number of observations to include in each sliding window (set to 0 or don't specify if all
timepoints should be used)
:return: number-of-features by number-of-features isfc matrix
reference: http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12141
def rows(x): return x.shape[0]
def cols(x): return x.shape[1]
def r2z(r): return 0.5*(np.log(1+r) - np.log(1-r))
def z2r(z): return (np.exp(2*z) - 1)/(np.exp(2*z) + 1)
def vectorize(m):
np.fill_diagonal(m, 0)
return sd.squareform(m)
assert len(data) > 1
ns = list(map(rows, data))
vs = list(map(cols, data))
n = np.min(ns)
if windowsize == 0:
windowsize = n
assert len(np.unique(vs)) == 1
v = vs[0]
isfc_mat = np.zeros([n - windowsize + 1, int((v ** 2 - v)/2)])
for n in range(0, n - windowsize + 1):
next_inds = range(n, n + windowsize)
for i in range(0, len(data)):
mean_other_data = np.zeros([len(next_inds), v])
for j in range(0, len(data)):
if i == j:
mean_other_data = mean_other_data + data[j][next_inds, :]
mean_other_data /= (len(data)-1)
next_corrs = np.array(r2z(1 - sd.cdist(data[i][next_inds, :].T, mean_other_data.T, 'correlation')))
isfc_mat[n, :] = isfc_mat[n, :] + vectorize(next_corrs + next_corrs.T)
isfc_mat[n, :] = z2r(isfc_mat[n, :]/(2*len(data)))
isfc_mat[np.where(np.isnan(isfc_mat))] = 0
return isfc_mat
In [26]:
static_isfc = ISFC(W)
niplot.plot_connectome(sd.squareform(static_isfc[0, :]),
In [27]:
mpl.rc('animation', html='html5')
ani = animate_connectome(global_centers, ISFC(W, 20), figstr='isfc')
That concludes this tutorial. Key skills we've covered: