Decoding fMRI using nltools

written by Luke Chang 8/15/2017

This tutorial will provide an introduction to the nltools toolbox, which is loosely based off of Tor Wager's Matlab Toolbox and is the analysis engine that power

In addition, we will try to replicate training the Picture Induced Negative Emotion Signature using rating data stored in neurovault. For details about the methods see our paper.

Download affective rating dataset from neurovault

Here we fetch the affective rating dataset used in Chang et al., 2015 from neurovault. In this dataset there are 182 subjects with approximately 5 separate beta images reflecting varying intensities of their negative affective ratings in response to arousing IAPS images. The data will be downloaded to ~/nilearn_data, and automatically loaded as a Brain_Data() instance. The image metadata will be stored in data.X.

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from nltools.datasets import fetch_emotion_ratings

data = fetch_emotion_ratings()

Basic Data Operations

The bulk of the nltools toolbox is built around the Brain_Data() class. This class represents imaging data as a vectorized features by observations matrix. Each image is an observation and each voxel is a feature. The concept behind the class is to have a similar feel to a pandas dataframe, which means that it should feel intuitive to manipulate the data.

Basic Brain_Data() Operations

Here are a few quick basic data operations. Find number of images in Brain_Data() instance

In [18]:

cognitive_contrast_cogatlas_id number_of_subjects cognitive_paradigm_cogatlas AGE YRS_SCH file file_size brain_coverage SEX id ... analysis_level name url SubjectID contrast_definition image_type modify_date perc_voxels_outside Holdout is_thresholded
0 NaN NaN International Affective Picture System 45.0 12.0 902434.0 96.957323 Female 30042.0 ... single-subject IAPS_Subject_101_Rating_1_Test.nii.gz 101.0 NaN statistic_map 2016-11-07T03:59:45.690952Z 5.231839 Test False
1 NaN NaN International Affective Picture System 45.0 12.0 900774.0 96.963013 Female 30043.0 ... single-subject IAPS_Subject_101_Rating_2_Test.nii.gz 101.0 NaN statistic_map 2016-11-07T03:59:45.970392Z 5.228305 Test False
2 NaN NaN International Affective Picture System 45.0 12.0 901100.0 96.959074 Female 30044.0 ... single-subject IAPS_Subject_101_Rating_3_Test.nii.gz 101.0 NaN statistic_map 2016-11-07T03:59:46.223757Z 5.229317 Test False
3 NaN NaN International Affective Picture System 45.0 12.0 903993.0 96.956885 Female 30045.0 ... single-subject IAPS_Subject_101_Rating_4_Test.nii.gz 101.0 NaN statistic_map 2016-11-07T03:59:46.424823Z 5.229835 Test False
4 NaN NaN International Affective Picture System 45.0 12.0 900034.0 96.959074 Female 30046.0 ... single-subject IAPS_Subject_101_Rating_5_Test.nii.gz 101.0 NaN statistic_map 2016-11-07T03:59:46.713651Z 5.230128 Test False

5 rows × 44 columns

In [4]:


Find the dimensions of the data. images x voxels

In [5]:

(822, 238955)

We can use any type of indexing to slice the data such as integers, lists of integers, or boolean.

In [6]:
print(data[[1,6,2]]), 238955), Y=0, X=(3, 44), mask=MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz, output_file=[])

Calculate the mean for every voxel over images

In [7]:

Out[7]:,), Y=0, X=(822, 44), mask=MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz, output_file=[])

Calculate the standard deviation for every voxel over images

In [8]:

Out[8]:,), Y=0, X=(822, 44), mask=MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz, output_file=[])

Methods can be chained. Here we get the shape of the mean.

In [9]:


Brain_Data instances can be added and subtracted

In [10]:
new = data[1]+data[2]

Brain_Data instances can be manipulated with basic arithmetic operations Here we add 10 to every voxel and scale by 2

In [11]:
data2 = (data+10)*2

Brain_Data instances can be copied

In [12]:
new = data.copy()

Brain_Data instances can be easily converted to nibabel instances, which store the data in a 3D/4D matrix. This is useful for interfacing with other python toolboxes such as nilearn

In [13]:

<nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image at 0x11894e4e0>

Brain_Data instances can be concatenated using the append method

In [14]:
new = new.append(data[4])

Any Brain_Data object can be written out to a nifti file

In [16]:

Images within a Brain_Data() instance are iterable. Here we use a list comprehension to calculate the overall mean across all voxels within an image.

For speed we only calculate the mean for the first 10 images.

In [17]:
[x.mean() for x in data[:10]]


Basic Brain_Data() Plotting

There are multiple ways to plot data. First, Brain_Data() instances can be converted to a nibabel instance and plotted using any plot method such as nilearn.

In [5]:
from nilearn.plotting import plot_glass_brain


<nilearn.plotting.displays.OrthoProjector at 0x11157fc50>

There is also a fast montage plotting method. Here we plot the average image it will render a separate plot for each image. There is a 'limit' flag which allows you to specify the maximum number of images to display.

In [6]:

We also have functions to create a more comprehensive plot from multiple orientations

In [7]:
from nltools.plotting import plotBrain


Plotting unthresholded image

Multivariate Prediction

Running MVPA style analyses using multivariate regression is even easier and faster than univariate methods. All you need to do is specify the algorithm and cross-validation parameters. Currently, we have several different linear algorithms implemented from scikit-learn.

Here is a helpful blog post on different algorithms and reasonable default parameters.

Prediction with Cross-Validation

Cross-validation is critical for evaluating the performance of models. We recommend splitting the data into a training and separate holdout test sets. The final holdout set should only be used to test the model once, while the training data can be explored and fit multiple times (though we do recommend cross-validation here too). As an example, we will split the data into train (2/3 of data) and test (1/3 of data) based on a stratifed sampling approach. See details here.

In [15]:
train = data[data.X['Holdout']=='Train']
train.Y = train.X['Rating']
test = data[data.X['Holdout']=='Test']
test.Y = test.X['Rating']

In [19]:

0    102.0
1    102.0
2    102.0
3    102.0
4    102.0
Name: SubjectID, dtype: float64

We can now predict the output variable is a dictionary of the most useful output from the prediction analyses. The predict function runs the prediction multiple times. One of the iterations uses all of the data to calculate the weight_map. The other iterations are to estimate the cross-validated predictive accuracy. For speed, we are only going to estimate the model using all of the data. See examples below for different algorithms and cross-validation schemes.

In [12]:
stats = train.predict(algorithm='ridge',plot=False)

overall Root Mean Squared Error: 0.00
overall Correlation: 1.00

Display the available data in the output dictionary

In [44]:

['weight_map', 'rmse_all', 'r_all', 'intercept', 'yfit_all', 'Y']

Plot the multivariate weight map

In [64]:

Plotting unthresholded image

Generalizability - Test model on holdout data

Once we have a model that we are happy with and performs the best in cross-validation on the training data, we can test it on the holdout test dataset. It is important to mention that this should only happen once and should be the final results reported in the paper. The reason is because it is easy to introduce bias and trick yourself into thinking that the model will generalize better than it should.

This two level cross-validation scheme provides a way to explore and try lots of different algorithms and feature selection methods, without overfitting the data.

Because this is a regression we also need to remember to add the intercept to shift the predicted values.

In [13]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

predicted_emotion = test.similarity(stats['weight_map'],'dot_product') + stats['intercept']

dat = pd.DataFrame(data={'SubjectID':test.X['SubjectID'],'Predicted':predicted_emotion,'Rating':test.X['Rating']})
with sns.plotting_context(context='paper',font_scale=2):

We can also do similarity instead of dot product to compare performance of model across data on different scales

In [66]:
predicted_emotion = test.similarity(stats['weight_map'],'correlation')

dat = pd.DataFrame(data={'SubjectID':test.X['SubjectID'],'Predicted':predicted_emotion,'Rating':test.X['Rating']})
with sns.plotting_context(context='paper',font_scale=2):

Assessing Specificity

Now that we have evaluated the sensitivity of the model in capturing affect in the holdout data, we might want to know how specific it is. If it is simply reflecting negative arousal or salience (whatever that is) than it should be confused by other negative arousing stimuli such as thermal pain.

Here we first download a pain data set to assess the specificity from our paper.

In [3]:
from nltools.datasets import fetch_pain

pain = fetch_pain()
pain.Y = pain.X['PainLevel']
subject_id = pain.X['SubjectID']

Now let's test how well the PINES generalizes to the pain test data.

In [67]:
predicted_pain = pain.similarity(stats['weight_map'],'correlation')

pain_dat = pd.DataFrame(data={'SubjectID':pain.X['SubjectID'],'Predicted':predicted_pain,'Rating':pain.X['PainLevel']})
with sns.plotting_context(context='paper',font_scale=2):

Let's put the two datasets on the same plot to show the sensitivity and specificity (at least with respect to pain)

In [68]:
d = pd.concat([dat,pain_dat])
with sns.plotting_context(context='paper',font_scale=2):

Feature Selection

Feature selection describes the process of deciding which features to include when training the model. Here it is simply, which voxels should we use to train the model?

There are several ways to perform feature selection. Searchlights are a popular approach. I personally have a preference for using parcellation schemes.

  • Parcellations are orders of magnitude computationally less expensive than searchlights.
  • Parcellations are easier to correct for multiple comparisons (50 vs 300k)
  • Parcellations can include regions distributed throughout the brain (searchlights are only local)
  • Parcellations can be integrated into a meta-model.

Here we download a single 50 parcel map from a forthcoming paper on conducting automated parcellations using neurosynth.

Yarkoni, T., de la Vega, A., & Chang, L.J. (In Prep).  Fully automated meta-analytic clustering and decoding of human brain activity

Some of the details can be found here

In [1]:
from nltools.mask import expand_mask, collapse_mask
from import Brain_Data

mask = Brain_Data('')


We can easily expand the mask into separate binary masks, which makes it easier to use.

In [52]:
mask_x = expand_mask(mask)

First, let's see how well we can predict pain intensity using whole brain

In [53]:
stats = pain.predict(algorithm='ridge', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,'subject_id':subject_id})

overall Root Mean Squared Error: 0.00
overall Correlation: 1.00
overall CV Root Mean Squared Error: 0.90
overall CV Correlation: 0.58

Now let's see how well we can do with a subset of the voxels by only training voxels located in the ACC

You can see we are doing pretty good with only the ACC, but the whole brain is capturing more variance. This implies that information is distributed more broadly than just the ACC.

See Lieberman & Eisenberger (2016) and our rebuttal Wager et al (2016) along with Tal Yarkoni's, Tor Wager, and Alex Shackman's Blogpost and for a more detailed debate about the selectivity of the dACC in processing pain.

In [54]:
masked_stats = pain.apply_mask(mask_x[0]).predict(algorithm='ridge', cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,'subject_id':subject_id})

overall Root Mean Squared Error: 0.36
overall Correlation: 0.90
overall CV Root Mean Squared Error: 1.15
overall CV Correlation: 0.41


There are several types of linear algorithms implemented including: Support Vector Machines (svr), Principal Components Analysis (pcr), and penalized methods such as ridge and lasso. These examples use 5-fold cross-validation holding out the same subject in each fold.

In [17]:
subject_id = train.X['SubjectID']
svr_stats = train.predict(algorithm='svr', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,
                        'subject_id':subject_id}, **{'kernel':"linear"})

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-95b4174efb9e> in <module>()
      2 svr_stats = train.predict(algorithm='svr', 
      3                         cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,
----> 4                         'subject_id':subject_id}, **{'kernel':"linear"})

~/Github/nltools/nltools/data/ in predict(self, algorithm, cv_dict, plot, **kwargs)
    913             for train, test in cv:
--> 914       [train], self.Y.loc[train])
    915                 output['yfit_xval'][test] = predictor_cv.predict([test]).ravel()
    916                 if predictor_settings['prediction_type'] == 'classification':

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/svm/ in fit(self, X, y, sample_weight)
    186         seed = rnd.randint(np.iinfo('i').max)
--> 187         fit(X, y, sample_weight, solver_type, kernel, random_seed=seed)
    188         # see comment on the other call to np.iinfo in this file

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/svm/ in _dense_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight, solver_type, kernel, random_seed)
    252                 cache_size=self.cache_size, coef0=self.coef0,
    253                 gamma=self._gamma, epsilon=self.epsilon,
--> 254                 max_iter=self.max_iter, random_seed=random_seed)
    256         self._warn_from_fit_status()


Lasso Regression

In [ ]:
lasso_stats = train.predict(algorithm='lasso', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,
                        'subject_id':subject_id}, **{'alpha':.1})

Principal Components Regression

In [ ]:
pcr_stats = train.predict(algorithm='pcr', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,

Cross-Validation Schemes

There are several different ways to perform cross-validation. The standard approach is to use k-folds, where the data is equally divided into k subsets and each fold serves as both training and test.
Often we want to hold out the same subjects in each fold. This can be done by passing in a vector of unique subject IDs that correspond to the images in the data frame.

In [ ]:
subject_id = data.X['SubjectID']
ridge_stats = data.predict(algorithm='ridge', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5,'subject_id':subject_id}, 
                        plot=False, **{'alpha':.1})

Sometimes we want to ensure that the training labels are balanced across folds. This can be done using the stratified k-folds method.

In [ ]:
ridge_stats = data.predict(algorithm='ridge', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5, 'stratified':data.Y}, 
                        plot=False, **{'alpha':.1})

Leave One Subject Out Cross-Validaiton (LOSO) is when k=n subjects.
This can be performed by passing in a vector indicating subject id's of each image and using the loso flag.

In [ ]:
ridge_stats = data.predict(algorithm='ridge', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'loso','subject_id': subject_id}, 
                        plot=False, **{'alpha':.1})

There are also methods to estimate the shrinkage parameter for the penalized methods using nested crossvalidation with the ridgeCV and lassoCV algorithms.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

ridgecv_stats = data.predict(algorithm='ridgeCV', 
                        cv_dict={'type': 'kfolds','n_folds': 5, 'stratified':data.Y}, 
                        plot=False, **{'alphas':np.linspace(.1, 10, 5)})