Chapter 3: Probability and Statistical Distributions

In [190]:
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display

intersection = Image(url='',width=500)
joint_probability = Image(url='',width=800)
random_conversion = Image(url='',width=800)
kurtosis_skew = Image(url='',width=500)
uniform_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
gaussian_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
binomial_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
poisson_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
cauchy_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
cauchy_dist2 = Image(url='',width=500)
laplace_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
chi_squared_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
student_t_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
fisher_f_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
beta_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
gamma_dist = Image(url='',width=500)
weibull_dist = Image(url='',width=500)


Overview of Probability


  • $A$, $B$ are events

  • $p(A)$ is the probability of $A$ occurring


  • $p(A ∪ B) = p(A) + p(B) − p(A ∩ B)$


  • $p(A ∩ B) = p(A|B) p(B) = p(B|A) p(A)$

where $p(A|B)$ means the probability of event $A$ occuring "given" that event $B$ has occurred.

Law of Total Probability (derives from intersection definition)

  • $p(A) = \sum_i{p(A ∩ B_i)} = \sum_i{p(A|B_i) p(B_i)}$

Given that events $B_i$, $i = 1,...,N$ are disjoint and their union is the set of all possible outcomes.

Overview of Random Numbers


$x$, $y$ are random variables

Independent variables

  • Joint probability = Intersection of two events
  • $p(x, y) = p(x) p(y)$

Dependent variables

  • $p(x,y) = p(x ∩ y) = p(x|y) p(y) = p(y|x) p(x)$ (see intersection above)

Marginal Probability Function

  • $p(x) = \int{p(x,y)dy}$ (see law of total probability above)

Law of Total Probability (continuous)

  • $p(x) = \int{p(x|y)p(y)dy}$ (see law of total probability above)

As an example of joint probability and conditional probability for two variables $x$ and $y$, see the image below.

In [191]:

Bayes Rule (Theorem)

  • $p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x) p(x)}{p(y)}$
  • $p(x|y) = \frac{p(y|x) p(x)}{\int{p(x|y)p(y)dy}}$

We can derive this using the definitions above (intersection and law of total probability).
But what does it mean?

Example: Monty Hall Problem

  • 1000 boxes
  • 1 prize in the box
  • You guess which one has the prize with $p$(prize in your box) = 1/1000; $p$(prize not in your box) = 999/1000
  • Someone else who knows where the prize is, opens 998 of the non-prize boxes, so only 1 remains;
  • Do you switch boxes? or Keep the one you have?
  • Still $p$(prize in your box) = 1/1000; $p$(prize not in your box) = $p$(prize in other box) = 999/1000
  • Much different than probability if someone walked into room seeing two boxes.

There is a full derivation in the text, but I'm not going to repeat it here, but I do have a numerical demonstration:

The Monty Hall Problem Tester

In [192]:
import numpy as np

# Number of boxes and trials
n_boxes = 3
n_trials = 1000
n_boxes_to_remove = n_boxes - 2 # n-2 leaves 1 box to choose from

# Initializing vars
keep_box_win = 0
switch_box_win = 0
no_win = 0
debug = False

for i in range(n_trials):
    available_boxes = range(n_boxes)
    prize_box = np.random.choice(n_boxes, 1)
    if debug: print "Prize", prize_box

    # We choose the first one
    our_choice = np.random.choice(n_boxes, 1)
    if debug: print "Our choice", our_choice
    if debug: print "Available boxes", available_boxes
    # We first temporarily remove the prize, so to make sure *Monty* doesn't remove it.
    if prize_box != our_choice:

    # Now Monty Hall removes all-but-one remaining box (none have the prize)    
    # This must be done serially in order to assure no duplicate removals
    for j in range(n_boxes_to_remove):
        available_boxes.remove(np.random.choice(available_boxes, 1))
    if debug: print "Monty removes %d box(es) leaving %d box(es)." % (n_boxes_to_remove, n_boxes-n_boxes_to_remove-1)
    # Put the prize box back in the remaining boxes if possible
    if prize_box != our_choice:
    if debug: print "Available boxes", available_boxes
    # Do we win for keeping our box?
    if prize_box == our_choice:
        keep_box_win += 1.
    elif np.random.choice(available_boxes, 1) == prize_box:
        switch_box_win += 1.
        no_win += 1.
n_wins = keep_box_win + switch_box_win
print "Wins by keeping our first choice box = %d / %d = %4.3f    Percent of wins = %4.3f" \
       % (keep_box_win, n_trials, keep_box_win/n_trials, keep_box_win/n_wins)
print "Wins by switching to available box   = %d / %d = %4.3f    Percent of wins = %4.3f" \
       % (switch_box_win, n_trials, switch_box_win/n_trials, switch_box_win/n_wins)
print "No winner                            = %d / %d = %4.3f" % (no_win, n_trials, no_win/n_trials)

Wins by keeping our first choice box = 336 / 1000 = 0.336    Percent of wins = 0.336
Wins by switching to available box   = 664 / 1000 = 0.664    Percent of wins = 0.664
No winner                            = 0 / 1000 = 0.000

The Effect of Transforming Random Variables

  • $x$ is random variable
  • $y = \Phi(x)$
  • $x = \Phi^{-1}(y)$
  • If we know the probability distribution of $p(x)$, what is the probability distribution of $p(y)$?
  • Start with: $\int{p(y)dy} = \int{p(x)dx}$
  • to: $p(y) = p(x)\frac{dx}{dy}$
  • to: $p(y) = p(\Phi^{-1}(y)) \frac{d\Phi^{-1}(y)}{dy}$

Using an example of $y = exp(x)$ -> $x = ln(y)$, where x is a uniform random distribution between (0,1). Plugging in:

  • $\Phi = exp$
  • $\Phi^{-1} = ln$
  • $\frac{d\Phi^{-1}(y)}{dy} = \frac{d(ln(y))}{dy} = \frac{1}{y}$
  • $p(y) = p(\Phi^{-1}(y)) \frac{d\Phi^{-1}(y)}{dy} = \frac{p(x)}{y} = \frac{1}{y}$

So the distribution will follow a $1/y$ profile from $y = \Phi(x) = exp(x)$ for x = (0,1) -> $y = (1,e)$ as seen below:

In [193]:

Definitions of Descriptive Statistics

For a distribution $h(x)$ of values from the full population set = population statistics For a partial sampling of $h(x)$, we refer to it as $f(x)$ = sample statistics

Arithemetic Mean (also known as expectation value)

  • $\mu = E(x) = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}x h(x) dx$
  • np.mean()


  • $V = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}(x-\mu)^2 h(x) dx$
  • Broadness of distribution
  • np.var()

Standard Deviation

  • $\sigma = \sqrt V$
  • np.std()


  • $\Sigma = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3 h(x) dx$
  • Asymmetry of distribution
  • Use carefully in cases with small sample size
  • scipy.stats.skew()


  • $K = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4 h(x) dx - 3$
  • Peakedness of distribution relative to Gaussian ($K_{gauss}$ = 0)
  • Use carefully in cases with small sample size
  • scipy.stats.kurtosis()

Absolute Deviation about $d$

  • $\delta = \int_{-\inf}^{\inf}|x-d| h(x) dx$


  • $x_m = (\frac{dh(x)}{dx})_{x_m}$
  • scipy.stats.mode()

Quantiles (also known as percentiles for $p$)

  • $\frac{p}{100} = \int_{-\inf}^{q_p} h(x)dx$
  • np.percentile()

In [194]:

Median/Quartile estimates vs Mean/Sigma estimates for a sample

  • Median and quartile values are much less susceptible to deviation from outliers.
  • But median and quartile values are more expensive to calculate for large samples than mean and standard deviation.

  • Can estimate sigma based on the interquartile range:

$\sigma_G = 0.7413 (q_{75} - q_{25})$

This can be found in the stats package: stats.sigmaG()

A function for plotting up any arbitrary distribution and identifying its characteristics

In [280]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

def plot_dist(pop, dist=None):

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    n, bins, patches = ax.hist(pop, 15, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True)
    #ax.hist(pop, 15, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True)
    #ax.plot(bins, y

    ylim = [0,10]
    mean = np.mean(pop)
    median = np.median(pop)
    std1 = (mean-np.std(pop))*np.ones(2)
    std2 = (mean+np.std(pop))*np.ones(2)
    q25 = np.percentile(pop,[25])*np.ones(2)
    q75 = np.percentile(pop,[75])*np.ones(2)
    var = np.var(pop)
    skew = stats.skew(pop)
    kurtosis = stats.kurtosis(pop)
    if dist:
        x = np.linspace(pop.min(), pop.max(), 1000)
        pdf = dist.pdf(x)
        ax.plot(x, pdf, '-r', linewidth=3, label='PDF')
    ax.plot(mean*np.ones(2), ylim, label='mean')
    ax.plot(median*np.ones(2), ylim, label='median')
    ax.plot(std1, ylim, label='mean - std')
    ax.plot(std2, ylim, label='mean + std')
    ax.plot(q25, ylim, label='1st quartile')
    ax.plot(q75, ylim, label='3rd quartile')
    ax.text(0.05,0.95,'Mean = %4.1f' % mean, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)
    ax.text(0.05,0.90,'Median = %4.1f' % median, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)
    ax.text(0.05,0.85,'Variance = %4.1f' % var, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)
    ax.text(0.05,0.80,'Skew = %4.1f' % skew, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)
    ax.text(0.05,0.75,'Kurtosis = %4.1f' % kurtosis, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)


In [281]:
# 10000 nums from a uniform dist
dist = stats.uniform(0,1)
pop = dist.rvs(10000)
# alternatively
# pop = np.random.random(1000)
plot_dist(pop, dist)

All of the Distributions!

Normal Distribution (Top Hat)

  • $p(x|\mu,W) = \frac{1}{W}$ for $|x-\mu| \le \frac{W}{2}$
  • $p(x|\mu,W) = 0$ elsewhere
  • for width of interval = W
  • scipy.stats.uniform(left_edge, right_edge)
  • np.random.random()
  • Continuous Distribution
  • When someone asks you for a random number between x and y, this is the standard distribution function.

In [282]:

In [283]:
# 10000 nums from a uniform dist
dist = stats.uniform(0,1)
pop = dist.rvs(10000)
# alternatively
# pop = np.random.random(1000)
plot_dist(pop, dist)

Gaussian Distribution (Normal Distribution)

  • $p(x|\mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}exp(\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^{2}})$
  • scipy.stats.norm(mean, std)
  • Continuous Distribution
  • Special distribution:
    • A convolution of two gaussians is also gaussian
    • Fourier transform of a gaussian is also gaussian
    • Sample mean and sample variance are independent
    • Central Limit Theorem tells us that the mean of samples drawn from an almost arbitrary distrubtion follow a Gaussian

In [284]:

In [285]:
# 10000 nums from a gaussian dist
dist = stats.norm(0,1)
pop = dist.rvs(10000)
# alternatively
# pop = np.random.random(1000)
plot_dist(pop, dist)

Binomial Distribution

  • $p(k|b, N) = \frac{N!}{k!(N-k)!}b^k(1-b)^{N-k}$
  • scipy.stats.binom(N trials, prob b)
  • Discrete Distribution
  • A variable can be either 0 or 1 with probability of success = b; N trials
  • Appropriate for a number of discrete boolean events (yes or no) which are independent
  • Example: How many heads do you get when you flip a coin N times?
  • Can be generalized to multinomial distribution

In [286]:

In [287]:
# 10000 nums from a binomial dist
dist = stats.binom(20,0.5) # 20 trials, probability 0.5
pop = dist.rvs(10000)

Poisson Distribution

  • $p(k|\mu) = \frac{\mu^k exp(-\mu)}{k!}$
  • scipy.stats.poisson(mu)
  • Discrete Distribution
  • Special case of binomial distribution when $N$ approaches infinity, so prob of success remains fixed.
  • "Law of rare events", p is small not \mu
  • The mean $\mu$ fully describes the Poisson Distribution:
    • mode = $\mu - 1$
    • std = $\sqrt \mu$
    • skewness = $\frac{1}{\sqrt \mu}$
    • kurtosis = $\frac{1}{\mu}$
  • As $\mu$ increases, approximates a gaussian
  • Poisson distribution describes the distribution of the number of photons counted in a given interval.

In [288]:

In [289]:
# 10000 nums from a poisson dist
dist = stats.poisson(5) # mean = 20
pop = dist.rvs(10000)

Cauchy (Lorentzian) Distribution

  • $p(x|\mu, \gamma) = \frac{1}{\pi \gamma} (\frac{\gamma^2}{\gamma^2 + (x - \mu)^2})$
  • scipy.stats.cauchy(mu, gamma)
  • Continuous Distribution
  • Symmetric distribution described by the location parameter $\mu$ and the scale parameter $\gamma$.
  • Median = mode = $\mu$
  • Tails descrease slowly for large $|x|$, mean, variance, std, and higher moments do not exist
  • Can estimate std from interquartile range: $\sigma_G = 1.483\gamma$
  • Clipped mean approach for value estimates

In [290]:

In [293]:
# 10000 nums from a poisson dist
dist = stats.cauchy(0,1)
pop = dist.rvs(100) #increase N and see divergence

Exponential (Laplace) Distribution

  • $p(x|\mu, \Delta) = \frac{1}{2\Delta}exp(\frac{-|x-\mu|}{\Delta})$
  • scipy.stats.laplace(mu, delta)
  • Continuous Distribution
  • Symmetric distribution described by the location parameter $\mu$ and the scale parameter $\Delta$.
  • Median = mode = $\mu$
  • It describes the time between two successive events which occur continuously and independently
  • Example: photons arriving at a detector

In [294]:

In [295]:
# 10000 nums from a laplace dist
dist = stats.laplace(0, 10)
pop = dist.rvs(10000) #increase N and see divergence

$\chi^2$ Distribution

  • $p(Q|k) = \chi^2(Q|k) = \frac{1}{2^{k/2}\Gamma(k/2)} Q^{k/2-1} exp(\frac{-Q}{2})$ for $Q>0$
  • scipy.stats.chi2(k)
  • Continuous Distribution

In [296]:

In [297]:
# 10000 nums from a chi^2 dist
dist = stats.chi2(10)
pop = dist.rvs(10000) #increase N and see divergence

In [ ]: