Solution of Fox et al. 2015

In [1]:
import pandas
import numpy as np

First, we read the input, and take a look at the column names

In [2]:
fox = pandas.read_csv("../data/Fox2015_data.csv")

In [3]:

Index(['MsID', 'Year', 'HandlingEditorSex', 'ReviewerSex', 'ReviewerRegion',
       'ReviewerInvited', 'ReviewerAgreed', 'ReviewerScore', 'FinalDecision'],

Extract the unique manuscripts and count them

In [4]:
unique_ms = list(set(fox['MsID']))
num_ms = len(unique_ms)


Now we want to elaborate the data, by saving into lists the number of reviewers, the final decision, and the year for each manuscript. At the end of the code, we convert the lists into np.arrays, as it is much easier to subset them.

In [5]:
num_reviewers = []
final_decision = []
year = []

for ms in unique_ms:
    # extract the rows
    subset = fox[fox['MsID'] == ms]
    # count number of reviewers by summing ReviewerAgreed
    # extract final decision
    if list(subset['FinalDecision'])[0] == 1:
    # extract year

# convert to np.array
num_reviewers = np.array(num_reviewers)
final_decision = np.array(final_decision)
year = np.array(year)

Now we write a function that takes a year as input, and prints the rejection rate for each number of reviewers, along with some other summary information. If we call the function with 'all' instead of a year, then the analysis is performed on the whole data set.

In [6]:
def get_prob_rejection(my_year = 'all'):
    # subset the data
    if my_year != 'all':
        my_num_reviewers = num_reviewers[year == my_year]
        my_final_decision = final_decision[year == my_year]
        my_num_reviewers = num_reviewers
        my_final_decision = final_decision
    # start printing output
    print("Year:", my_year)
    print("Submissions:", len(my_final_decision))
    print("Overall rejection rate:", 
    print("NumRev", '\t', "NumMs", '\t', "rejection rate")
    for i in range(max(my_num_reviewers) + 1):
        print(i, '\t',
              len(my_final_decision[my_num_reviewers == i]), '\t',
              round(my_final_decision[my_num_reviewers == i].mean(), 3))

Compile a table measuring the probability of rejection given the number of reviewers. Does having more reviewers increase the probability of being rejected?

In [7]:

Year: all
Submissions: 6720
Overall rejection rate: 0.807
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 2875 	 0.978
1 	 91 	 0.527
2 	 2667 	 0.685
3 	 1012 	 0.674
4 	 72 	 0.708
5 	 3 	 1.0

It seems so. Especially, look at the difference between one and two reviewers...

Repeat the analysis above for each year represented in the database.

We can simply call the function for each year. For example:

In [8]:

Year: 2009
Submissions: 626
Overall rejection rate: 0.827
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 306 	 0.977
1 	 2 	 0.5
2 	 228 	 0.68
3 	 86 	 0.698
4 	 4 	 0.75

In [9]:
for yr in range(2004, 2015):

Year: 2004
Submissions: 390
Overall rejection rate: 0.741
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 55 	 0.836
1 	 8 	 0.5
2 	 302 	 0.735
3 	 25 	 0.68
Year: 2005
Submissions: 467
Overall rejection rate: 0.745
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 117 	 0.897
1 	 17 	 0.471
2 	 299 	 0.692
3 	 34 	 0.824
Year: 2006
Submissions: 548
Overall rejection rate: 0.712
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 171 	 0.918
1 	 17 	 0.353
2 	 322 	 0.634
3 	 36 	 0.611
4 	 2 	 0.5
Year: 2007
Submissions: 557
Overall rejection rate: 0.79
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 207 	 0.981
1 	 12 	 0.5
2 	 255 	 0.678
3 	 75 	 0.693
4 	 8 	 0.75
Year: 2008
Submissions: 604
Overall rejection rate: 0.768
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 254 	 0.961
1 	 5 	 0.6
2 	 285 	 0.639
3 	 56 	 0.589
4 	 4 	 0.5
Year: 2009
Submissions: 626
Overall rejection rate: 0.827
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 306 	 0.977
1 	 2 	 0.5
2 	 228 	 0.68
3 	 86 	 0.698
4 	 4 	 0.75
Year: 2010
Submissions: 670
Overall rejection rate: 0.846
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 341 	 0.997
1 	 1 	 1.0
2 	 116 	 0.724
3 	 198 	 0.672
4 	 13 	 0.615
5 	 1 	 1.0
Year: 2011
Submissions: 740
Overall rejection rate: 0.82
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 370 	 0.997
1 	 5 	 0.6
2 	 118 	 0.653
3 	 227 	 0.626
4 	 20 	 0.8
Year: 2012
Submissions: 783
Overall rejection rate: 0.844
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 392 	 0.992
1 	 3 	 0.667
2 	 185 	 0.686
3 	 188 	 0.691
4 	 13 	 0.846
5 	 2 	 1.0
Year: 2013
Submissions: 872
Overall rejection rate: 0.847
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 436 	 0.995
1 	 14 	 0.571
2 	 366 	 0.691
3 	 51 	 0.804
4 	 5 	 0.6
Year: 2014
Submissions: 463
Overall rejection rate: 0.862
NumRev 	 NumMs 	 rejection rate
0 	 226 	 0.996
1 	 7 	 0.857
2 	 191 	 0.749
3 	 36 	 0.667
4 	 3 	 0.333

In [ ]: