SYDE 556/750: Simulating Neurobiological Systems

Accompanying Readings: Chapter 8


  • Everything we've looked at so far has been feedforward
    • There's some pattern of activity in one group of neurons representing $x$
    • We want that to cause some pattern of activity in another group of neurons to represent $y=f(x)$
    • These can be chained together to make more complex systems $z=h(f(x)+g(y))$
  • What about recurrent networks?
    • What happens when we connect a neural group back to itself?

Recurrent functions

  • What if we do exactly what we've done so far in the past, but instead of connecting one group of neurons to another, we just connect it back to itself
    • Instead of $y=f(x)$
    • We get $x=f(x)$ (???)
  • As written, this is clearly non-sensical

    • For example, if we do $f(x)=x+1$ then we'd have $x=x+1$, or $x-x=1$, or $0=1$
  • But don't forget about time

    • What if it was $x_{t+1} = f(x_t)$
    • Which makes more sense because we're talking about a real physical system
    • This is a lot like a differential equation
    • What would happen if we built this?

Try it out

  • Let's try implementing this kind of circuit
  • Start with $x_{t+1}=x_t+1$

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [12]:
import nengo

model = nengo.Network()

with model:
    ensA = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    def feedback(x):
        return x+1
    conn = nengo.Connection(ensA, ensA, function=feedback, synapse = 0.1)

    ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)


  • That sort of makes sense
    • $x$ increases quickly, then hits an upper bound
  • How quickly?
    • What parameters of the system affect this?
  • What are the precise dynamics?

  • What about $f(x)=-x$?

In [13]:
with model:
    def feedback(x):
        return -x
    conn.function = feedback

sim = nengo.Simulator(model)


  • That also makes sense. What if we nudge it away from zero?

In [14]:
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(piecewise({0:1, .2:-1, .4:0}))
    nengo.Connection(stim, ensA)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)


  • With an input of 1, $x=0.5$
  • With an input of -1, $x=-0.5$
  • With an input of 0, it goes back to $x=0$
  • Does this make sense?

    • Why / why not?
    • And why that particular timing/curvature?
  • What about $f(x)=x^2$?

In [27]:
with model:
    stim.output = piecewise({.1:.2, .2:.4, .4:0})
    def feedback(x):
        return x*x
    conn.function = feedback

sim = nengo.Simulator(model)


  • Well that's weird
    • Stable at $x=0$ with no input
    • Stable at .2
    • Unstable at .4, shoots up high
    • Something very strange happens around $x=1$ when the input is turned off
  • Why is this happening?

Making sense of dynamics

  • Let's go back to something simple
  • Just a single feed-forward neural population
    • Encode $x$ into current, compute spikes, decode filtered spikes into $\hat{x}$
  • Instead of a constant input, let's change the input
    • Change it suddenly from zero to one to get a sense of what's happening with changes

In [21]:
import nengo
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

model = nengo.Network(seed=4)

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(piecewise({.3:1}))
    ensA = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    def feedback(x):
        return x
    nengo.Connection(stim, ensA)
    #conn = nengo.Connection(ensA, ensA, function=feedback)

    stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim)
    ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.1)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

plot(sim.trange(),[ensA_p], label="$\hat{x}$")
plot(sim.trange(),[stim_p], label="$x$")

  • This was supposed to compute $f(x)=x$
  • For a constant input, that works
    • But we get something else when there's a change in the input
  • What is this difference?
    • What affects it?

In [22]:
with model:
    ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.03)

sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

plot(sim.trange(),[ensA_p], label="$\hat{x}$")
plot(sim.trange(),[stim_p], label="$x$")

  • The time constant of the post-synaptic filter
  • We're not getting $f(x)=x$
  • Instead we're getting $f(x(t))=x(t)*h(t)$

In [25]:
tau = 0.03
with model:
    ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=tau)

sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

stim_filt = nengo.synapses.filt([stim_p], synapse=tau, dt=sim.dt)

plot(sim.trange(),[ensA_p], label="$\hat{x}$")
plot(sim.trange(),[stim_p], label="$x$")
plot(sim.trange(), stim_filt, label="$h(t)*x(t)$")

  • So there are dynamics and filtering going on, since there is always a synaptic filter on a connection
  • Recurrent connections are dynamic as well (i.e. passing past information to future state of the population)
  • Let's take a look more carefully

Recurrent connections

  • So a connection actually approximates $f(x(t))*h(t)$
  • So what does a recurrent connection do?

    • Also $x(t) = f(x(t))*h(t)$
  • where $$ h(t) = \begin{cases} e^{-t/\tau} &\mbox{if } t > 0 \\ 0 &\mbox{otherwise} \end{cases} $$

  • How can we work with this?

  • General rule of thumb: convolutions are annoying, so let's get rid of them

  • We could do a Fourier transform
    • $X(\omega)=F(\omega)H(\omega)$
    • But, since we are studying the response of a system (rather than a continuous signal), there's a more general and appropriate transform that makes life even easier:
  • Laplace transform (it is more general because $s = a + j\omega$)
  • The Laplace transform of our equations are:
    • $X(s)=F(s)H(s)$
    • $H(s)={1 \over {1+s\tau}}$
  • Rearranging:

$X(s)=F(s){1 \over {1+s\tau}}$

$X(s)(1+s\tau) = F(s)$

$X(s) + X(s)s\tau = F(s)$

$sX(s) = {1 \over \tau} (F(s)-X(s))$

  • Convert back into the time domain (inverse Laplace):

${dx \over dt} = {1 \over \tau} (f(x(t))-x(t))$


  • This says that if we introduce a recurrent connection, we end up implementing a differential equation

  • So what happened with $f(x)=x+1$?

    • $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau} (x+1-x)$
    • $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau}$
  • What about $f(x)=-x$?
    • $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau} (-x-x)$
    • $\dot{x} = {-2x \over \tau}$
  • And $f(x)=x^2$?

    • $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau} (x^2-x)$
  • What if there's some differential equation we really want to implement?

    • We want $\dot{x} = f(x)$
    • So we do a recurrent connection of $f'(x)=\tau f(x)+x$
    • The resulting model will end up implementing $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau} (\tau f(x)+x-x)=f(x)$


  • What happens if there's an input as well?

    • We'll call the input $u$ from another population, and it is also computing some function $g(u)$
    • $x(t) = f(x(t))*h(t)+g(u(t))*h(t)$
  • Follow the same derivation steps

    • $\dot{x} = {1 \over \tau} (f(x)-x + g(u))$
  • So if you have some input that you want added to $\dot{x}$, you need to scale it by $\tau$

  • This lets us do any differential equation of the form $\dot{x}=f(x)+g(u)$

A derivation

Linear systems

  • The book shows that we can implement any equation of the form

$\dot{x}(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)$

  • Where $A$ and $x$ are a matrix and vector -- giving a standard control theoretic structure
  • Our goal is to convert this to a structure which has $h(t)$ as the transfer function instead of the standard $\int$

  • Using Laplace on the standard form gives:

$sX(s) = A X(s) + B U(s)$

  • Laplace on the 'neural control' form gives (as before where $F(s) = A'X(s) + B'U(s)$):

$X(s) = {1 \over {1 + s\tau}} (A'X(s) + B'U(s))$

$X(s) + \tau sX(s) = (A'X(s) + B'U(s))$

$sX(s) = {1 \over \tau} (A'X(s) + B'U(s) - X(s))$

$sX(s) = {1 \over \tau} ((A' - 1) X(s) + B'U(s))$

  • Making the 'standard' and 'neural' equations equal to one another, we find that for any system with a given A and B, the A' and B' of the equivalent neural system are given by:

$A' = \tau A + I$ and

$B' = \tau B$

  • where $I$ is the identity matrix

  • This is nice because lots of engineers think of the systems they build in these terms (i.e. as linear control systems).

Nonlinear systems

  • In fact, these same steps can be taken to account for nonlinear control systems as well:

$\dot{x}(t) = F(x(t),u(t),t)$

  • For a neural system with transfer function $h(t)$:

$X(s) = H(s)F'(X(s),U(s),s)$

$X(s) = {1 \over {1 + s\tau}} F'(X(s),U(s),s)$

$sX(s) = {1 \over \tau} (F'(X(s),U(s),s) - X(s))$

  • This gives the general result (slightly more general than what we saw earlier):

$F'(X(s),U(s),s) = \tau(F(X(s),U(s),s)) + X(s)$


Eye control

  • Part of the brainstem called the nuclei prepositus hypoglossi
  • Input is eye velocity $v$
  • Output is eye position $x$
  • $\dot{x}=v$

    • This is an integrator ($x$ is the integral of $v$)
  • It's a linear system, so, to get it in the standard control form $\dot{x}=Ax+Bu$ we have:

    • $A=0$
    • $B=1$
  • So that means we need $A'=\tau 0 + I = 1$ and $B'=\tau 1 = \tau$

In [58]:
import nengo
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

tau = 0.01

model = nengo.Network('Eye control', seed=4)

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(piecewise({.3:1, .6:0 }))
    velocity = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    position = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    def feedback(x):
        return 1*x
    conn = nengo.Connection(stim, velocity)
    conn = nengo.Connection(velocity, position, transform=tau, synapse=tau)
    conn = nengo.Connection(position, position, function=feedback, synapse=tau)

    stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim)
    position_p = nengo.Probe(position, synapse=.01)
    velocity_p = nengo.Probe(velocity, synapse=.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

plot(sim.trange(),[stim_p], label = "stim")
plot(sim.trange(),[position_p], label = "position")
plot(sim.trange(),[velocity_p], label = "velocity")

  • That's pretty good... the area under the input is about equal to the magnitude of the output.
  • But, in order to be a perfect integrator, we'd need exactly $x=1\times x$
    • We won't get exactly that
    • Neural implementations are always approximations
  • Two forms of error:
    • $E_{distortion}$, the decoding error
    • $E_{noise}$, the random noise error
  • What will they do? ### Distortion error

  • What affects this?

In [19]:
import nengo
from nengo.dists import Uniform
from nengo.utils.ensemble import tuning_curves

model = nengo.Network(label='Neurons')
with model:
    neurons = nengo.Ensemble(200, dimensions=1, max_rates=Uniform(100,200))

    connection = nengo.Connection(neurons, neurons)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

d =[connection].weights.T

x, A = tuning_curves(neurons, sim)

xhat =, d)

plot(x, xhat-x)
axhline(0, color='k')

  • So we can think of the distortion error as introducing a bunch of local attractors into the representation
    • Any 'downward' x-crossing will be a stable point ('upwards' is unstable).
    • There will be a tendency to drift towards one of these even if the input is zero.

Noise error

  • What will random noise do?
    • Push the representation back and forth
    • What if it is small?
    • What if it is large?
  • What will changing the post-synaptic time constant $\tau$ do?
    • How does that interact with noise?
  • But real eyes aren't perfect integrators
    • If you get someone to look at someting, then turn off the lights but tell them to keep looking in the same direction, their eye will drift back to centre
    • How do we implement that?

$\dot{x}=-{1 \over \tau_c}x + v$

  • $\tau_c$ is the time constant of that return to centre

  • $A'=\tau {-1 \over \tau_c}+1$

  • $B' = \tau$

In [66]:
import nengo
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

tau = 0.1
tau_c = 2.0

model = nengo.Network('Eye control', seed=5)

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(piecewise({.3:1, .6:0 }))
    velocity = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    position = nengo.Ensemble(200, dimensions=1)
    def feedback(x):
        return (-tau/tau_c + 1)*x
    conn = nengo.Connection(stim, velocity)
    conn = nengo.Connection(velocity, position, transform=tau, synapse=tau)
    conn = nengo.Connection(position, position, function=feedback, synapse=tau)

    stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim)
    position_p = nengo.Probe(position, synapse=.01)
    velocity_p = nengo.Probe(velocity, synapse=.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

plot(sim.trange(),[stim_p], label = "stim")
plot(sim.trange(),[position_p], label = "position")
plot(sim.trange(),[velocity_p], label = "velocity")

  • That also looks right. Note that as $\tau_c \rightarrow \infty$ this will approach the integrator.
  • Humans (a) and Goldfish (b)
  • Humans have more neurons doing this than goldfish (~1000 vs ~40)
  • They also have slower decay (70 s vs. 10 s).
  • Why do these fit together?

Controlled Integrator

  • What if we want an integrator where we can adjust the decay on-the-fly?
  • Separate input telling us what the decay constant $d$ should be

$\dot{x} = -d x + v$

  • So there are two inputs: $v$ and $d$
  • This is no longer in the standard $Ax + Bu$ form. Sort of...

    • Let $A = -d(t)$, so it's not a matrix
    • But it is of the more general form: ${dx \over dt}=f(x)+g(u)$
  • We need to compute a nonlinear function of an input ($d$) and the state variable ($x$)

  • How can we do this?
    • Going to 2D so we can compute the nonlinear function
    • Let's have the state variable be $[x, d]$

In [4]:
import nengo
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

tau = 0.1

model = nengo.Network('Controlled integrator', seed=1)

with model:
    vel = nengo.Node(piecewise({.2:1.5, .5:0 }))
    dec = nengo.Node(piecewise({.7:.2, .9:0 }))
    velocity = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    decay = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=1)
    position = nengo.Ensemble(400, dimensions=2)
    def feedback(x):
        return -x[1]*x[0]+x[0], 0
    conn = nengo.Connection(vel, velocity)
    conn = nengo.Connection(dec, decay)
    conn = nengo.Connection(velocity, position[0], transform=tau, synapse=tau)
    conn = nengo.Connection(decay, position[1], synapse=0.01)
    conn = nengo.Connection(position, position, function=feedback, synapse=tau)

    position_p = nengo.Probe(position, synapse=.01)
    velocity_p = nengo.Probe(velocity, synapse=.01)
    decay_p = nengo.Probe(decay, synapse=.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

lineObjects = plot(sim.trange(),[position_p])

Simulation finished in 0:00:01.                                                 

In [5]:
from nengo_gui.ipython import IPythonViz
IPythonViz(model, "")

/Users/celiasmi/Documents/nengo/nengo_gui/nengo_gui/ ConfigReuseWarning: Reusing config. Only the most recent visualization will update the config.
  "Reusing config. Only the most recent visualization will "

Other fun functions

  • Oscillator
    • $F = -kx = m \ddot{x}$ let $\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}$
    • $\frac{d}{dt} \begin{bmatrix} \omega x \ \dot{x}


      \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \omega \\ -\omega & 0 \end{bmatrix}$
    • $\dot{x}=[x_1, -x_0]$

In [95]:
import nengo

model = nengo.Network('Oscillator')

freq = 1

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(lambda t: [.5,.5] if t<.02 else [0,0])
    osc = nengo.Ensemble(200, dimensions=2)
    def feedback(x):
        return x[0]+freq*x[1], -freq*x[0]+x[1]
    nengo.Connection(osc, osc, function=feedback, synapse=.01)
    nengo.Connection(stim, osc)
    osc_p = nengo.Probe(osc, synapse=.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('State value')

In [84]:
from nengo_gui.ipython import IPythonViz
IPythonViz(model, "")

  • Lorenz Attractor (a chaotic attractor)

    • $\dot{x}=[10x_1-10x_0, -x_0 x_2-x_1, x_0 x_1 - {8 \over 3}(x_2+28)-28]$

In [85]:
import nengo

model = nengo.Network('Lorenz Attractor', seed=3)

tau = 0.1
sigma = 10
beta = 8.0/3
rho = 28

def feedback(x):
    dx0 = -sigma * x[0] + sigma * x[1]
    dx1 = -x[0] * x[2] - x[1]
    dx2 = x[0] * x[1] - beta * (x[2] + rho) - rho
    return [dx0 * tau + x[0], 
            dx1 * tau + x[1], 
            dx2 * tau + x[2]]

with model:
    lorenz = nengo.Ensemble(2000, dimensions=3, radius=60)
    nengo.Connection(lorenz, lorenz, function=feedback, synapse=tau)
    lorenz_p = nengo.Probe(lorenz, synapse=tau)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('State value')

In [86]:
from nengo_gui.ipython import IPythonViz
IPythonViz(model, "")

  • Note: This is not the original Lorenz attractor.
    • The original is $\dot{x}=[10x_1-10x_0, x_0 (28-x_2)-x_1, x_0 x_1 - {8 \over 3}(x_2)]$
    • Why change it to $\dot{x}=[10x_1-10x_0, -x_0 x_2-x_1, x_0 x_1 - {8 \over 3}(x_2+28)-28]$?
    • What's being changed here?

Oscillators with different paths

  • Since we can implement any function, we're not limited to linear oscillators
  • What about a "square" oscillator?
    • Instead of the value going in a circle, it traces out a square
$$ {\dot{x}} = \begin{cases} [r, 0] &\mbox{if } |x_1|>|x_0| \wedge x_1>0 \\ [-r, 0] &\mbox{if } |x_1|>|x_0| \wedge x_1<0 \\ [0, -r] &\mbox{if } |x_1|<|x_0| \wedge x_0>0 \\ [0, r] &\mbox{if } |x_1|<|x_0| \wedge x_0<0 \\ \end{cases} $$

In [87]:
import nengo

model = nengo.Network('Square Oscillator')

tau = 0.02

def feedback(x):    
    if abs(x[1])>abs(x[0]):
        if x[1]>0: dx=[r, 0]
        else: dx=[-r, 0]
        if x[0]>0: dx=[0, -r]
        else: dx=[0, r]
    return [tau*dx[0]+x[0], tau*dx[1]+x[1]] 

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(lambda t: [.5,.5] if t<.02 else [0,0])
    square_osc = nengo.Ensemble(1000, dimensions=2)
    nengo.Connection(square_osc, square_osc, function=feedback, synapse=tau)
    nengo.Connection(stim, square_osc)
    square_osc_p = nengo.Probe(square_osc, synapse=tau)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('State value')

  • Does this do what you expect?
  • How is it affected by:
    • Number of neurons?
    • Post-synaptic time constant?
    • Decoding filter time constant?
    • Speed of oscillation (r)?
  • What about this shape?

In [88]:
import nengo

model = nengo.Network('Heart Oscillator')

tau = 0.02

def feedback(x):    
    return [-tau*r*x[1]+x[0], tau*r*x[0]+x[1]]

def heart_shape(x):
    theta = np.arctan2(x[1], x[0])
    r = 2 - 2 * np.sin(theta) + np.sin(theta)*np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(theta)))/(np.sin(theta)+1.4)
    return -r*np.cos(theta), r*np.sin(theta)

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(lambda t: [.5,.5] if t<.02 else [0,0])
    heart_osc = nengo.Ensemble(1000, dimensions=2)
    heart = nengo.Ensemble(100, dimensions=2, radius=4)
    nengo.Connection(stim, heart_osc)
    nengo.Connection(heart_osc, heart_osc, function=feedback, synapse=tau)
    nengo.Connection(heart_osc, heart, function=heart_shape, synapse=tau)
    heart_p = nengo.Probe(heart, synapse=tau)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('State value')

  • We are doing things differently here
  • The actual $x$ value is a normal circle oscillator
  • The heart shape is a function of $x$
    • But that's just a different decoder
  • Would it be possible to do an oscillator where $x$ followed this shape?
    • How could we tell them apart in terms of neural behaviour?

Controlled Oscillator

  • Change the frequency of the oscillator on-the-fly

  • $\dot{x}=[x_1 x_2, -x_0 x_2]$

In [ ]:
import nengo
from nengo.utils.functions import piecewise

model = nengo.Network('Controlled Oscillator')

tau = 0.1
freq = 20

def feedback(x):
    return x[1]*x[2]*freq*tau+1.1*x[0], -x[0]*x[2]*freq*tau+1.1*x[1], 0

with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(lambda t: [20,20] if t<.02 else [0,0])
    freq = nengo.Node(piecewise({0:1, 2:.5, 6:-1}))
    ctrl_osc = nengo.Ensemble(500, dimensions=3)
    nengo.Connection(ctrl_osc, ctrl_osc, function=feedback, synapse=tau)
    nengo.Connection(stim, ctrl_osc[0:2])
    nengo.Connection(freq, ctrl_osc[2])
    ctrl_osc_p = nengo.Probe(ctrl_osc, synapse=0.01)
sim = nengo.Simulator(model)

xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('State value')

In [ ]:
from nengo_gui.ipython import IPythonViz
IPythonViz(model, "")