In [ ]:
%autosave 0
In [ ]:
x = 1
print('x =', x, type(x))
x = 'abc'
print('x =', x, type(x))
In the following example, the data of the Object which x refered did not change but x refered new Object.
In [ ]:
x = 1
print('x =', x, 'object id:', id(x))
y = x
x += 1
print('x =', x, 'object id:', id(x))
print('y =', y, 'object id:', id(y))
Plese refer Python3 reference for detail.
Except above, Python support Complex ( $i: i^2 = -1$ ) as well. ( j is used intead of i )
In [ ]:
def void_vundc():
return None
x = void_vundc()
In [ ]:
x = 0+1j
In [ ]:
x = True
print(x, type(x))
x = False
print(x, type(x))
x = (1 == 1)
print('1==1:', x, type(x))
x = (1 > 2)
print('1>2:', x, type(x))
In [ ]:
# Evaluate this cell before foloowing cell
def check_true(b):
if b:
print(b,"is treated as true")
print(b,"is treated as false")
In [ ]:
check_true(' ')
In [ ]:
check_true(' ')
In [ ]:
print (True and True, True and False, False and True, False and False)
print (True or True, True or False, False or True, False or False)
print (not True, not False)
print("\nBitwise operation: 1('0001'b) & 2('0010'b)")
x = 0b01 & 0b10
print(x, type(x))
check_true(0b01 & 0b10)
print('\nLogical operation: 1 and 2')
x = 0 and 2
print(x, type(x))
check_true(0b01 and 0b10)
print('\nLogical operation: 1 or 2')
check_true(0b01 or 0b10)
and operation: 1 and 2 -> 1 is evaluated (true) - 2 is evaluated (true) -> true 0 and 2 -> 0 is evaluated (false) --------------------------> false
or operation 1 or 2 -> 1 is evaluated (true) ----------------------------> true 0 or 2 -> 0 is evaluated (false) -> 2 is evaluated (true) -> true
Same as C. >, >=, <, <=, ==, != can be used to compare 2 objects. The objects do not need to have the same type (some combination such as Integer and String are not allowed). These operator can be used other than numeric value, such as String.
The operators is and is not test for object identity: x is y
is true if and only if x and y are the same object.
Object identity is determined using the id() function. x is not y
yields the inverse truth value.
is operator shall not be used to compare the value of 2 objects. == shall be used instead.
In [ ]:
x = 'abc'
y = 'abc'
print("\nResult of 'x is y':", x is y, " Result of 'x == y':", x == y)
print('x:', x, 'y:',y, '\nid(x):', id(x), 'id(y):', id(y))
x += 'd'
y += 'd'
print("\nResult of 'x is y':", x is y, " Result of 'x == y':", x == y)
print('x:', x, 'y:',y, '\nid(x):', id(x), 'id(y):', id(y))
In [ ]:
s = 'abc' # s is a String
print('x' in s)
print('b' in s)
print('ab' in s)
print('ac' in s)
t = [1, 2, 3, 4, [5,6]] # t is a List
print('number of elements of t:',len(t))
print(5 in t)
print(5 in t[4]) # t[0]: 1, t[1]: 2, ... t[4]: [5,6]
print(3 in t)
u = ('a', 'b', 3, 0.1) # u is a Tupple
print(0.1 in u)
print('c' not in u)
0, 100, -10000, 0b1001, 0o664, 0x01a0 etc. The size of integer is Unlimited in Python. (most computer langueage does not support unlimited integer)
int() function can be used to convert from float or string to integer. Fractional part (digits below 0) of float value is discared when it is converted to integer.
In [ ]:
x = 1.9999
print('x:', x, 'int(x):', int(x))
print('2^1000 = ', 2 ** 1000)
+,-,*,/,//,%,** are numerical operators of Python. It's almost same as C, except devide (/ and //), and power (**). / always returns float, // returns integer (which will be converted to float, if one of the argument is float). The behavior of // is similar to C, but not same for negative result.
In [ ]:
x = 3.1415
x += 0.1
print(round(x, 6))
In [ ]:
x = 1+1
print('1+1:', x, type(x))
x = 1-3
print('1-3:', x, type(x))
x = 4/2 # / returns float
print('4/2:', x, type(x))
x = 5//2 # // returns integer if both of arguments are integer
print('5//2:', x, type(x))
x = 5//(-2) # Python returns floor(x) for the result of negative division of //
print('5/-2:', x, type(x))
x = 5//(-2)
print('5//(-2)', x, type(x))
x = 5//2.0 # result is converted to float if one of the auguments is float
print('5//2.0:', x, type(x))
x = 2*8
print('2*8:', x, type(x))
x = 5%2
print('5%2 (Modulo):', x, type(x))
x = 2**8
print('2**8 (exponents):', x, type(x))
x = 2**(1/2)
print('2**(1/2) (square root):', x, type(x))
In [ ]:
x = None
print(x == True, x == False) # None is not True or False
if x:
print ('None is evaluated as True')
print ('None is evaluated as False')
def do_nothing():
y = do_nothing()
print('y:', y, 'id(x):', id(x), 'id(y):', id(y)) # Only 1 object of None exists
if y:
print('y is treated as True')
print('y is treated as False')
if y == False:
print('y == False')
print('y != False')
if y == True:
print('y == True')
print('y != True')
String can be made using single quate ('), double quate("), triple single quate or double quate. str() function converts numeric value to string.
The biggest difference of String between C and Python is that the String is immutable(not changeable) in Python, and String of Python has its own method.
In [ ]:
x = 'string'
print(x, type(x))
x = "it's string too"
print(x, type(x))
print('double quatation(") can be written without escape in single quatation(\')')
# escape sequence \' and \" is also possible
x = 'a\'b\"c'
for c in x:
print (c, end = ' ')
x = '''Triple quatation is OK too'''
print(x, type(x))
# Triple quatation is usually used to make multiple line string
x = '''
1st line,
2nd line,
3rd line
print(x, type(x))
In [ ]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a module docstring
This program displays number from 1 to 10 horizontally
def show_num(first,last):
first: Start number
last: End Number - 1
Return: None
for i in range(first,last):
print (i, end = ' ')
# help(module_name) shows the help of the nodule (python script)
In [ ]:
import math
# help(math)
In [ ]:
x = 'abc' + 'xyz'
print(x, type(x))
x = 3 * '123'
print(x, type(x))
Strings can be indexed (subscripted), with the first character having index 0. There is no separate character type; a character is simply a string of size one:
In addition to indexing, slicing is also supported. While indexing is used to obtain individual characters, slicing allows you to obtain substring:
In [ ]:
# Index
word = 'python'
print(word[0], word[1], word[2])
print(word[-1], word[-2], word[-6])
# Slice
print(word[0:2]) # from word[0] 'p' to BEFORE word[2] => 'py'
print(word[2:5]) # from word[2] 't' to BEFORE word[5] => 'tho'
print(word[:2]) # from word[0] to BEFORE word[2]
print(word[2:]) # from word[2] to the end
print(word[:]) # all
print(word[::2]) # from top to last, step=2
for c in word[::-1]: # from last to top (all string, step: -1)
print(c, end = '')
In [ ]:
x = 'abc'
print(x, '\nlen(x):', len(x))
x = 'Hello world! ' * 10
print(x, '\nlen(x):', len(x))
String has many method. See for detail. (this document is in NFS directory. library.pdf)
help(str) shows overview.
In [ ]:
s = 'a b c'
x = s.split()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
s = 'test string'
print(s, s.capitalize())
print("Number of 't' in", s, s.count('t'))
print("Location of 'str' in", s, s.find('str'))
print("Location of 'stx' in", s, s.find('stx'))
print(s, 'islower ?', s.islower())
print('Convert to upper case:', s.upper())
x = s.split()
print('Spit to List:', x, type(x))
print("{0} + {1} = {2}".format(2, 3, 2+3)) # {0}: first parameter ...
In [ ]:
# Hands on
# find some methods in the help(str) and try them