In [ ]:
# print hh:mm:ss
hh = 1
mm = 2
ss = 3
# simple
print(hh,':',mm,':',ss, sep='')
# smarter
print(hh,mm,ss, sep=':')
# format method
# format method length=2 leading-0
In [ ]:
# Print colxrow=col*row
col = 2
row = 3
# it's possible to specify the parameter
print('{1}x{0}={2:2}'.format(row, col, row*col))
In [15]:
# Prepare 10000 random data
import random
rand_data = [random.randrange(1000) for i in range(10000)]
In [6]:
# print 1 by 1
def pr1(data):
outfile = open('/dev/null', 'w')
for x in data:
print(x, file=outfile)
In [18]:
# print all in 1 print() function
def pr2(data):
outfile = open('/dev/null', 'w')
print('\n'.join(map(str,data)), file=outfile)
print(file=outfile) # for last new-line
In [16]:
# measure execution time
%timeit pr1(rand_data)
In [19]:
%timeit pr2(rand_data)
In [22]:
# use comma as a separator, last element does not have tailing comma
print(','.join(('abc', '123', 'xyz'))) # 1 tuple argument
# print 1-10 without trailing space
print(' '.join(map(str, range(1,11))))
In [ ]: