This document is a supplementary material of the article Detecting periodicities with Gaussian processes by N. Durrande, J. Hensman, M. Rattray and N. D. Lawrence.
The first step is to import the required packages. This tutorial has been written with GPy 0.8.8 which includes the kernels discussed in the article. The latter can be downloaded on the SheffieldML github page.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import GPy
We now introduce 1-periodic tests functions that are defined over $[0,1)$ as: \begin{equation} \begin{split} f_1(x) & = \cos(2 \pi x) + \varepsilon\\ f_2(x) & = 1/2 \cos(2 \pi x) + 1/2 \cos(4 \pi x) + \varepsilon\\ f_3(x) & = \left\{ \begin{matrix} 1 + \varepsilon \text{ if } x \in [0,0.2] \\ -1 + \varepsilon \text{ if } x \in (0.2,1) \\ \end{matrix} \right. \\ f_4(x) & = 4 |x-0.5| + 1) + \varepsilon\\ f_5(x) & = 1 - 2x + \varepsilon\\ f_6(x) & = + \varepsilon \end{split} \end{equation} where $\varepsilon$ is a $\mathcal{N}(0,\tau^2)$ random variable.
In [2]:
# domain boundaries
lower = 0.
upper = 3.
x = np.linspace(lower,upper,500)
# grid for function evaluations and plots
n_pts = 50
X = np.linspace(lower,upper,n_pts+1)
X = X[0:-1]+X[1]/2
# test functions
def f1(x,tau2=0.1):
return(np.cos(x*2*np.pi) + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
def f2(x,tau2=0.1):
return(1./2*np.cos(x*2*np.pi)+1./2*np.cos(x*4*np.pi) + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
def f3(x,tau2=0.1):
alpha = 0.2
return(2*(x - np.trunc(x) < alpha)-1 + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
def f4(x,tau2=0.1):
return(4*np.abs(x - np.trunc(x) - 0.5)-1 + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
def f5(x,tau2=0.1):
return(2*np.trunc(x) - 2*x +1 + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
def f6(x,tau2=0.1):
return(np.zeros((len(x),)) + np.sqrt(tau2)*np.random.normal(size=x.shape))
The associated graphs are:
In [3]:
names = ['f1','f2','f3','f4','f5','f6']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,3,figsize=(12,7), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for i, (ax,testfunc) in enumerate(zip(axs.flat, [f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6])):
ax.plot(x,testfunc(x,0.),'r', linewidth=1.5)
COSOPT: We consider here the following implementation
In [4]:
def fit_cosopt(X,Y):
X = X[:,None]
Y = Y[:,None]
period = np.linspace(0.15,2,100)
phase = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100)
MSE = np.zeros((100,100))
for i,per in enumerate(period):
for j,pha in enumerate(phase):
B = np.hstack((np.ones(X.shape),np.cos(X*2*np.pi/per+pha)))
C =,B)),,Y))
MSE[i,j] = np.mean((,C)-Y)**2)
i,j = np.unravel_index(MSE.argmin(), MSE.shape)
B = np.hstack((np.ones(X.shape),np.cos(X*2*np.pi/period[i]+phase[j])))
C =,B)),,Y))
def pred_cosopt(x,m_cosopt):
C,per,pha = m_cosopt
Bx = np.hstack((0*x[:,None]+1, np.cos(x[:,None]*2*np.pi/per+pha)))
P =,C)
Linear regression
In [5]:
def B(x):
# function returning the matrix of basis functions evaluated at x
#input: x, np.array with d columns
#output: a matrix (b_j(x_i))_{i,j}
B = np.ones((x.shape[0],1))
for i in range(1,20):
B = np.hstack((B,np.sin(2*np.pi*i*x[:,None]),np.cos(2*np.pi*i*x[:,None])))
def LR(X,F,B,tau2):
#input: X, np.array with d columns representing the DoE
# F, np.array with 1 column representing the observations
# B, a function returning the (p) basis functions evaluated at x
# tau2, noise variance
#output: beta, estimate of coefficients np.array of shape (p,1)
# covBeta, cov matrix of beta, np.array of shape (p,p)
BX = B(X)
covBeta = np.linalg.inv(,BX))
beta =,,F))
def predLR(x,B,beta,covBeta):
#function returning predicted mean and variance
#input: x, np.array with d columns representing m prediction points
# B, a function returning the (p) basis functions evaluated at x
# beta, estimate of the regression coefficients
# covBeta, covariance matrix of beta
#output: m, predicted mean at x, np.array of shape (m,1)
# v, predicted variance, np.array of shape (m,1)
m =,beta)
v =,,B(x).T))
Gaussian Process model
In [6]:
def fit_gp(X,Y):
#input: X, np.array with d columns representing the DoE
# Y, np.array with 1 column representing the observations
#output: a GPy gaussian process model object
X = X[:,None]
Y = Y[:,None]
k = GPy.kern.PeriodicMatern32(1,variance=1.,lengthscale=1., period=1., n_freq=20,lower=lower,upper=upper)
bias = GPy.kern.Bias(1,variance=1.)
m32 = GPy.models.GPRegression(X,Y,k+bias)
m32.unconstrain('') # remove positivity constrains to avoids warnings
m32.likelihood.constrain_bounded(0.001,3., warning=False) # boundaries for the observation noise
m32.kern.periodic_Matern32.constrain_bounded(0.01,3., warning=False) # boundaries for the periodic variance and lengthscale
m32.kern.periodic_Matern32.period.constrain_bounded(0.15,2., warning=False) # boundaries for the period
def pred_gp(x,m_gp):
x = x[:,None]
mu,var = m_gp.predict(x)
Definition of the criterion for assesing the quality of a model prediction :
In [7]:
def RMSE(Ypred,Yreal):
return( np.sqrt(np.mean((Yreal - Ypred)**2)) )
In [8]:
M_COS = []
M_GP = []
M_LR = []
for i,testfunc in enumerate([f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6]):
Y = testfunc(X)
Yreal = testfunc(x,0)
M_COS += [fit_cosopt(X,Y)]
M_GP += [fit_gp(X,Y)]
M_LR += [LR(X,Y,B,0.1)]
In [9]:
lower = 0.
upper = 3.
xRMSE = np.linspace(lower,upper,500)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3,figsize=(12,7), sharex=True, sharey=True, tight_layout=False)
for i,testfunc in enumerate([f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6]):
Y = testfunc(X)
Yreal = testfunc(x,0)
ax = axes.flat[i]
# test func
plreal, = ax.plot(x,Yreal, '-r', linewidth=1.5,label="test function")
realRMSE = testfunc(xRMSE,0)
cosopt_pred = pred_cosopt(x,M_COS[i])
plcos, = ax.plot(x,cosopt_pred, '--g', linewidth=1.5,label="COSOPT", dashes=(7,3))
cRMSE = RMSE(pred_cosopt(xRMSE,M_COS[i]),realRMSE)
#GP 32
gp_pred = pred_gp(x,M_GP[i])
plgp, = ax.plot(x,gp_pred, '--b', linewidth=1.5,label="periodic GP", dashes=(15,3))
gpRMSE = RMSE(pred_gp(xRMSE,M_GP[i]),realRMSE)
# Lin Reg
lr_pred = predLR(x,B,M_LR[i][0],M_LR[i][1])
pllr, = ax.plot(x,lr_pred[0], ':k', linewidth=2,label="periodic GP")
lrRMSE = RMSE(predLR(xRMSE,B,M_LR[i][0],M_LR[i][1])[0],realRMSE)
ax.plot(X,testfunc(X),'kx',mew=1, alpha=0.5)
ax.text(1.5, 1.8, 'RMSE=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)'%(cRMSE,gpRMSE,lrRMSE),
verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=13)
fig.suptitle(' ')
l = fig.legend((plreal,plcos,plgp,pllr),("test function","COSOPT","periodic GP","Lin. Reg."),'upper center',ncol=4,handlelength=3,fancybox=True,columnspacing=3)