A Brief Guide of Using Hybrid Monte Carlo for Gaussian Process Models

Zhenwen Dai and Mu Niu, November 2014

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import GPy
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from pylab import *

Example 1 HMC Inference for GP Regression

Let's first generate some synthetic data.

In [2]:
# Let's make some synthetic data
x = np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,100)[:,None]
y = -cos(x)+np.random.randn(*x.shape)*0.3+1
_ = plot(x,y,'.')

Let us Make a GP Regression model and give some general prior distributions to model parameters.

In [3]:
# Make a GP regression model
m = GPy.models.GPRegression(x,y)
# Give some general prior distributions for model parameters

WARNING: reconstraining parameters GP_regression.rbf.lengthscale
WARNING: reconstraining parameters GP_regression.rbf.variance
WARNING: reconstraining parameters GP_regression.Gaussian_noise.variance

Sampling the posterior distribution of model parameters

Draw 1000 samples from the GP model

In [4]:
hmc = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(m,stepsize=5e-2)
s = hmc.sample(num_samples=1000) # Burnin
s = hmc.sample(num_samples=1000)

Plot the samples:

In [5]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f786dbb8f90>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f786dbb8e10>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f786dbb8990>]

Plot the posterior marginal distribution of model parameters:

In [6]:
labels = ['kern variance', 'kern lengthscale','noise variance']
samples = s[300:] # cut out the burn-in period
from scipy import stats
xmin = samples.min()
xmax = samples.max()
xs = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)
for i in xrange(samples.shape[1]):
    kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(samples[:,i])
_ = legend()

Plot the model parameters (lengthscale, variance and noise variance) against each other:

In [7]:
fig = figure(figsize=(14,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[1])
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[1]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[2])
ax = fig.add_subplot(133)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[2])

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f785f2c5c10>

By setting the model parameters to the posterior mean, we can visualize the model fit:

In [8]:
# Set the model parameters as the posterior mean
m.kern.variance[:] = samples[:,0].mean()
m.kern.lengthscale[:] = samples[:,1].mean()
m.likelihood.variance[:] = samples[:,2].mean()
print m

Name : GP regression
Objective : 39.2970574179
Number of Parameters : 3
Number of Optimization Parameters : 3
Updates : True
  GP_regression.           |            value  |  constraints  |     priors   
  rbf.variance             |    1.41818926221  |      +ve      |  Ga(0.1, 0.1)
  rbf.lengthscale          |    1.53693651461  |      +ve      |  Ga(0.1, 0.1)
  Gaussian_noise.variance  |  0.0920819762721  |      +ve      |  Ga(0.1, 0.1)

Sample the posterior distribution of X given some new Y

Given some new observations, inferring the posterior distribution of the corresponding inputs is difficult, because it can lead to multi-modal distributions.

Assume we have a new observation $1.5$, and try to infer its input distribution.

In [9]:
y_new = np.array([1.5])[:,None]

Generate the inference model for the new observations. X_new are the MAP estimations by optimizing the log likelihood. As plotted with a red dot, the MAP estimation corresponds to only one of the modes.

In [10]:
x_new,mi = m.infer_newX(y_new)
print mi

Name : inferenceX
Objective : -12.192425512
Number of Parameters : 1
Number of Optimization Parameters : 1
Updates : True
  inferenceX.  |          value  |  constraints  |  priors
  latent mean  |  [ 2.11646619]  |               |        
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f786dbdc510>]

Draw 10,000 samples from the inference model:

In [11]:
hmc_new = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(mi,stepsize=2e-1)
s_new = hmc_new.sample(num_samples=10000,hmc_iters=10)

Plot the samples:

In [12]:
_ = plot(s_new[:,:])

Plot the marginal distribution of inferred inputs. The two modes of inputs are clearly visible from the sampled posterior distribution.

In [13]:
from scipy import stats
samples_new = s_new[:]
xmin = samples_new.min()
xmax = samples_new.max()
xs = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)
for i in xrange(samples_new.shape[1]):
    kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(samples_new[:,i])

Example 2 HMC for lengthscale and variance with marathon data

we set prior for lengthscale and variance of kernel. The mean of the prior is close to the result of GP optimisation. we then allow a big variance. In the case below,we set gamma prior to lengthscale and variance. E(lengthscale) = 120, Var(lengthscale)=2000, E(variance) = 25, Var(variance) = 150

In [14]:
m = GPy.examples.regression.olympic_marathon_men()
#set prior for lengthscale and variance.
print m

WARNING: reconstraining parameters GP_regression.rbf.variance
WARNING: reconstraining parameters GP_regression.rbf.lengthscale

Name : GP regression
Objective : 15.5939533439
Number of Parameters : 3
Number of Optimization Parameters : 3
Updates : True
  GP_regression.           |            value  |  constraints  |     priors    
  rbf.variance             |    25.3995048123  |      +ve      |  Ga(4.2, 0.17)
  rbf.lengthscale          |    152.045313268  |      +ve      |  Ga(7.2, 0.06)
  Gaussian_noise.variance  |  0.0485064747583  |      +ve      |               


we plot the full length of hmc iteration. The first 5000 could be burn in stage and can be ignored.

In [15]:
# initialise hmc
hmc = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(m,stepsize=2e-1)
# run hmc
t = hmc.sample(num_samples=20000,hmc_iters=20)

# Sample parameters 
#hmc = GPy.inference.optimization.HMC(m, stepsize=5e-1)
#t = hmc.sample(m_iters=50000,hmc_iters=20)


In [16]:
print t.mean(axis=0)
print t.std(axis=0)

[  2.34246741e+01   1.25455721e+02   5.32988933e-02]
[  1.06955975e+01   3.11140579e+01   1.72613018e-02]


Using Seaborn for plotting distributions over Hyperparameters:

In [17]:
import seaborn as sns, pandas as pd
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False

In [18]:
df = pd.DataFrame(t, columns=m.parameter_names_flat())
ax = sns.kdeplot(df['rbf.variance'],
                 color="b", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)
ax = sns.kdeplot(df['rbf.lengthscale'],
                 color="r", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)

In [19]:
sns.set(style="white", color_codes=True)
_ = sns.jointplot(data=df, x='rbf.variance', y='rbf.lengthscale', kind="hex", 
                  marginal_kws=dict(kde=True, hist=True, kde_kws=dict(shade=False)),

In [20]:

rbf.variance rbf.lengthscale Gaussian_noise.variance
0 25.698306 156.070699 0.059547
1 18.743578 156.595044 0.074173
2 13.887465 152.355175 0.069016
3 14.155445 151.787650 0.081634
4 20.421911 154.500416 0.063637
5 30.195630 152.830979 0.072222
6 26.109314 157.151448 0.055252
7 20.467120 156.583988 0.052092
8 30.400506 152.062560 0.064315
9 28.352966 152.437746 0.055480
10 29.774243 153.919031 0.035826
11 33.207275 151.824560 0.037272
12 32.003007 145.061784 0.057754
13 26.803550 145.314209 0.055612
14 25.152094 138.583572 0.040753
15 27.634485 132.632704 0.049969
16 29.605808 137.675906 0.036453
17 34.438591 136.449935 0.026122
18 35.887368 136.237108 0.028379
19 35.887368 136.237108 0.028379
20 43.910838 133.445562 0.026832
21 43.485700 139.080476 0.033924
22 48.157112 140.288812 0.044917
23 53.635800 130.723554 0.033170
24 53.635800 130.723554 0.033170
25 57.156723 121.930448 0.027956
26 53.572664 124.038815 0.036399
27 49.700571 130.319728 0.045346
28 48.870969 127.856158 0.034672
29 47.474023 127.517905 0.053423
... ... ... ...
19970 13.297307 109.510459 0.040657
19971 13.297307 109.510459 0.040657
19972 13.297307 109.510459 0.040657
19973 17.929041 112.442954 0.059544
19974 24.739505 113.709543 0.040424
19975 24.341697 116.804279 0.045263
19976 19.742260 121.770468 0.046144
19977 25.370468 119.295514 0.050279
19978 22.303060 126.546828 0.038183
19979 18.741118 120.461284 0.033619
19980 13.677802 126.895327 0.039083
19981 14.740390 122.796441 0.041132
19982 10.440311 124.437531 0.034105
19983 18.213002 129.423301 0.043406
19984 17.618734 125.726755 0.032402
19985 19.329991 127.194190 0.050174
19986 18.250197 126.106561 0.054068
19987 15.832616 125.425730 0.055303
19988 8.600004 122.485631 0.054096
19989 13.351543 121.282395 0.062515
19990 17.307096 121.825491 0.039614
19991 15.615636 122.234168 0.043671
19992 15.407677 121.591582 0.048710
19993 15.772050 126.809752 0.065785
19994 11.103071 131.416994 0.087163
19995 13.936923 128.758211 0.085912
19996 14.504106 125.278166 0.099385
19997 13.472985 128.396493 0.083822
19998 12.813494 127.803197 0.086454
19999 10.234419 123.825535 0.078223

20000 rows × 3 columns

In [ ]: