In [1]:
import numpy as np
import GPy
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from pylab import *
Let's first generate some synthetic data.
In [2]:
# Let's make some synthetic data
x = np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,100)[:,None]
y = -cos(x)+np.random.randn(*x.shape)*0.3+1
_ = plot(x,y,'.')
Let us Make a GP Regression model and give some general prior distributions to model parameters.
In [3]:
# Make a GP regression model
m = GPy.models.GPRegression(x,y)
# Give some general prior distributions for model parameters
Draw 1000 samples from the GP model
In [4]:
hmc = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(m,stepsize=5e-2)
s = hmc.sample(num_samples=1000) # Burnin
s = hmc.sample(num_samples=1000)
Plot the samples:
In [5]:
Plot the posterior marginal distribution of model parameters:
In [6]:
labels = ['kern variance', 'kern lengthscale','noise variance']
samples = s[300:] # cut out the burn-in period
from scipy import stats
xmin = samples.min()
xmax = samples.max()
xs = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)
for i in xrange(samples.shape[1]):
kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(samples[:,i])
_ = legend()
Plot the model parameters (lengthscale, variance and noise variance) against each other:
In [7]:
fig = figure(figsize=(14,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[1])
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[1]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[2])
ax = fig.add_subplot(133)
ax.set_xlabel(labels[0]); ax.set_ylabel(labels[2])
By setting the model parameters to the posterior mean, we can visualize the model fit:
In [8]:
# Set the model parameters as the posterior mean
m.kern.variance[:] = samples[:,0].mean()
m.kern.lengthscale[:] = samples[:,1].mean()
m.likelihood.variance[:] = samples[:,2].mean()
print m
Given some new observations, inferring the posterior distribution of the corresponding inputs is difficult, because it can lead to multi-modal distributions.
Assume we have a new observation $1.5$, and try to infer its input distribution.
In [9]:
y_new = np.array([1.5])[:,None]
Generate the inference model for the new observations. X_new are the MAP estimations by optimizing the log likelihood. As plotted with a red dot, the MAP estimation corresponds to only one of the modes.
In [10]:
x_new,mi = m.infer_newX(y_new)
print mi
Draw 10,000 samples from the inference model:
In [11]:
hmc_new = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(mi,stepsize=2e-1)
s_new = hmc_new.sample(num_samples=10000,hmc_iters=10)
Plot the samples:
In [12]:
_ = plot(s_new[:,:])
Plot the marginal distribution of inferred inputs. The two modes of inputs are clearly visible from the sampled posterior distribution.
In [13]:
from scipy import stats
samples_new = s_new[:]
xmin = samples_new.min()
xmax = samples_new.max()
xs = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)
for i in xrange(samples_new.shape[1]):
kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(samples_new[:,i])
In [14]:
m = GPy.examples.regression.olympic_marathon_men()
#set prior for lengthscale and variance.
print m
In [15]:
# initialise hmc
hmc = GPy.inference.mcmc.HMC(m,stepsize=2e-1)
# run hmc
t = hmc.sample(num_samples=20000,hmc_iters=20)
# Sample parameters
#hmc = GPy.inference.optimization.HMC(m, stepsize=5e-1)
#t = hmc.sample(m_iters=50000,hmc_iters=20)
In [16]:
print t.mean(axis=0)
print t.std(axis=0)
In [17]:
import seaborn as sns, pandas as pd
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
In [18]:
df = pd.DataFrame(t, columns=m.parameter_names_flat())
ax = sns.kdeplot(df['rbf.variance'],
color="b", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)
ax = sns.kdeplot(df['rbf.lengthscale'],
color="r", shade=True, shade_lowest=False)
In [19]:
sns.set(style="white", color_codes=True)
_ = sns.jointplot(data=df, x='rbf.variance', y='rbf.lengthscale', kind="hex",
marginal_kws=dict(kde=True, hist=True, kde_kws=dict(shade=False)),
In [20]:
In [ ]: