In [5]:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import tree, neighbors, neural_network
from sklearn import base, metrics
import numpy as np
import graphviz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
In [11]:
after_match_attributes = ['home_team_goal', 'away_team_goal', 'possession_home', 'shoton_home', 'shoton_away',
'shotoff_home', 'shotoff_away', 'corner_home', 'corner_away', 'cross_home', 'cross_away',
'foulcommit_home', 'foulcommit_away', 'rcard_home', 'rcard_away', 'ycard_home', 'ycard_away',
'throwin_home', 'throwin_away']
team_attributes = ['buildUpPlaySpeed_home', 'buildUpPlayDribbling_home', 'buildUpPlayPassing_home',
'buildUpPlayPositioningClass_home_isOrganised', 'chanceCreationPassing_home',
'chanceCreationCrossing_home', 'chanceCreationShooting_home',
'chanceCreationPositioningClass_home_isOrganised', 'defencePressure_home',
'defenceAggression_home', 'defenceTeamWidth_home', 'buildUpPlaySpeed_away',
'buildUpPlayDribbling_away', 'buildUpPlayPassing_away' ,
'buildUpPlayPositioningClass_away_isOrganised', 'chanceCreationPassing_away',
'chanceCreationCrossing_away', 'chanceCreationShooting_away',
'chanceCreationPositioningClass_away_isOrganised', 'defencePressure_away' ,
'defenceAggression_away', 'defenceTeamWidth_away']
def split_sets_inner(df, test):
training = df[~df.isin(test)].dropna()
training_args = training.drop(after_match_attributes, axis=1)
# training_args = training.filter(team_attributes)
test_args = test.drop(after_match_attributes, axis=1)
# test_args = test.filter(team_attributes)
training_answers = training['home_team_goal'] > training['away_team_goal']
test_answers = test['home_team_goal'] > test['away_team_goal']
return training, training_args, training_answers, test, test_args, test_answers
def split_sets_holdout(df, frac):
test = df.sample(frac = 1 - frac)
return split_sets_inner(df, test)
def split_sets_kfold(df, k, n): # 0 <= n < k
rows = df.shape[0]
start = rows * n // k
end = rows * (n+1) // k - 1
test = df[start:end]
return split_sets_inner(df, test)
df_match = pd.read_csv('../Project1/dataset.csv')
outer_train, outer_train_args, outer_train_answers, outer_test, outer_test_args, outer_test_answers = split_sets_holdout(df_match, 0.9)
print (outer_test_answers.value_counts()[0] / outer_test_answers.count())
In [12]:
def do_prediction(clf, train_args, train_answers, test_args, test_answers):, train_answers)
predictions = clf.predict(test_args)
confusion = metrics.confusion_matrix(test_answers, predictions)
probs = clf.predict_proba(test_args)
return (confusion[0, 0] + confusion[1, 1]) / np.sum(confusion), probs
def do_prediction_kfold(clf_orig, outer_train):
folds = 10
ret = 0
cur = np.zeros(folds)
for cur_fold in range(folds):
clf = base.clone(clf_orig)
train, train_args, train_answers, test, test_args, test_answers = split_sets_kfold(outer_train, folds, cur_fold)
cur[cur_fold], _ = do_prediction(clf, train_args, train_answers, test_args, test_answers)
ret = ret + cur[cur_fold]
return ret / folds, cur
In [13]:
# Decision tree
depths_count = 25
correct_tree = np.zeros(depths_count)
depths = np.arange(1, depths_count + 1)
for i in range(depths_count):
correct_tree[i], _ = do_prediction_kfold(tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = depths[i]), outer_train)
best_depth = depths[np.argmax(correct_tree)]
plt.plot(depths, correct_tree * 100, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Tree depth')
plt.ylabel('Correct (%)')
In [14]:
clf_tree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = best_depth)
outer_correct, tree_probs = do_prediction(clf_tree, outer_train_args, outer_train_answers, outer_test_args, outer_test_answers)
print (best_depth, correct_tree[best_depth], outer_correct)
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(clf_tree, out_file=None, feature_names=outer_train_args.columns)
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)
_, tree_perf = do_prediction_kfold(tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = best_depth), outer_train)
In [15]:
n_neighbors = 214
neighbors_count = np.arange(1, n_neighbors + 1)
correct_knn = np.zeros(n_neighbors)
for i in range(n_neighbors):
correct_knn[i], _ = do_prediction_kfold(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = neighbors_count[i]), outer_train)
best_k = neighbors_count[np.argmax(correct_knn)]
plt.plot(neighbors_count, correct_knn * 100, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Number of neighbors')
plt.ylabel('Correct (%)')
In [16]:
clf_knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = best_k)
outer_correct, knn_probs = do_prediction(clf_knn, outer_train_args, outer_train_answers, outer_test_args, outer_test_answers)
print (best_k, correct_knn[best_k], outer_correct)
_, knn_perf = do_prediction_kfold(neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = best_k), outer_train)
In [22]:
n_units = np.arange(1, 100, 1, dtype=int)
correct_ann = np.zeros(len(n_units))
for i in range(len(correct_ann)):
correct_ann[i], _ = do_prediction_kfold(neural_network.MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes = n_units[i], max_iter=1000), outer_train)
best_i = np.argmax(correct_ann)
plt.plot(n_units, correct_ann * 100, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Number of units in hidden layer')
plt.ylabel('Correct (%)')
In [23]:
clf_ann = neural_network.MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes = n_units[best_i], max_iter=1000)
outer_correct, ann_probs = do_prediction(clf_ann, outer_train_args, outer_train_answers, outer_test_args, outer_test_answers)
print (n_units[best_i], correct_ann[best_i], outer_correct)
In [19]:
### Compare probabilities
prob_a = tree_probs[:, 1]
prob_b = knn_probs[:, 1]
#tval, pval = stats.ttest_rel(prob_a, prob_b)
#print (tval, pval)
In [18]:
### Compare predictions
#predict_a = np.where(prob_a >= 0.5, 1, 0)
#predict_b = np.where(prob_b >= 0.5, 1, 0)
#tval, pval = stats.ttest_rel(predict_a, predict_b)
#print (tval, pval)
In [17]:
### Compare accuracies from 10-fold
tval, pval = stats.ttest_rel(tree_perf, knn_perf)
print (tval, pval)
In [24]:
a_win_win = prob_a[outer_test_answers.as_matrix()]
a_win_loss = prob_a[np.where(outer_test_answers.as_matrix(), False, True)]
b_win_win = prob_b[outer_test_answers.as_matrix()]
b_win_loss = prob_b[np.where(outer_test_answers.as_matrix(), False, True)]
#plt.hist((a_win_win, a_win_loss), stacked=True, bins = 20, label=['Decision tree (actually won games)', 'Decision tree (actually not won games)'])
plt.hist((b_win_win, b_win_loss), stacked=True, bins = 20, label=['KNN (actually won games)', 'KNN (actually not won games)'])
plt.xlabel('Estimated probability of winning')
In [21]:
# Performance comparison
# K=10, v=9
v = 9
alpha = 0.05
zs = np.array(tree_perf) - np.array(knn_perf)
z_bar = np.mean(zs)
std_z_bar = np.std(zs)
from scipy.stats import t
theta_l = z_bar + std_z_bar * t.ppf(alpha/2, v)
theta_u = z_bar + std_z_bar * t.ppf(1 - alpha/2, v)
print("theta bar: " + str(z_bar))
print("theta_l: " + str(theta_l))
print("theta_u: " + str(theta_u))
In [ ]: