Tephigram plotting in Python

This notebook provides a few simple worked examples showing you how to use the tephi Python package to easily plot your metorological data on a tephigram.

For further details, please refer to the Tephi documentation.

Import packages

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import tephi
from tephi import Tephigram

Load tephi sample data

Let's load some pre-define tephi sample data to plot on our tephigrams.

First, let's load some tephi sample dew point temperature and dry bulb temperature data...

In [3]:
fname_dewpoint = os.path.join(tephi.DATA_DIR, "dews.txt")
fname_drybulb = os.path.join(tephi.DATA_DIR, "temps.txt")

column_titles = [("pressure", "dewpoint"),
                 ("pressure", "temperature")]

data_dewpoint, data_drybulb = tephi.loadtxt(fname_dewpoint, fname_drybulb, column_titles=column_titles)

dewpoint = list(zip(data_dewpoint.pressure, data_dewpoint.dewpoint))
drybulb = list(zip(data_drybulb.pressure, data_drybulb.temperature))

Also, let's load some tephi sample wind barb data...

In [4]:
fname_barbs = os.path.join(tephi.DATA_DIR, "barbs.txt")

column_titles = [("pressure", "dewpoint", "wind_speed", "wind_direction")]

data_barbs = tephi.loadtxt(fname_barbs, column_titles=column_titles)

barbs = list(zip(data_barbs.wind_speed, data_barbs.wind_direction, data_barbs.pressure))

Plot tephi sample data

Now let's plot our dew point temperature and dry bulb temperature data...

In [5]:
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))

tephigram = Tephigram(figure=figure)
tephigram.plot(dewpoint, label="Dew Point Temperature", color="blue")
tephigram.plot(drybulb, label="Dry Bulb Temperature", color="red")

<tephi.isopleths.Profile at 0x7f0fa6624610>

And finally, let's plot our wind barb data and associate it with the dew point temperature data...

In [6]:
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))

tephigram = Tephigram(figure=figure)
profile = tephigram.plot(dewpoint, label="Dew Point Temperature", color="blue")
tephigram.plot(drybulb, label="Dry Bulb Temperature", color="red")

<tephi.isopleths.Profile at 0x7f0fa6003370>

Note that, you can easily associated the sample wind barb data with the dry bulb temperature data instead...

In [7]:
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))

tephigram = Tephigram(figure=figure)
tephigram.plot(dewpoint, label="Dew Point Temperature", color="blue")
profile = tephigram.plot(drybulb, label="Dry Bulb Temperature", color="red")

Anchoring a tephi plot

By default, tephi will automatically center the plot around all rendered temperature profiles. This behaviour may not be desirable, particularly when comparing several separate tephigram plots against one another e.g., for a time-series for a specific observation point-of-interest.

To fix the extent of a plot, simply specify an anchor point to tephi.

An anchor point is a sequence of two (pressure, temperature) pairs that specify the bottom left-hand corner and the top right-hand corner of the plot. The pressure data points must be in units of mb or hPa, and the temperature data points must be in units of oC, e.g.,

In [8]:
anchor = [(1000, 0), (300, 0)]

figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))

tephigram = Tephigram(figure=figure, anchor=anchor)
tephigram.plot(dewpoint, label="Dew Point Temperature", color="blue")
profile = tephigram.plot(drybulb, label="Dry Bulb Temperature", color="red")

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