Rover Project Test Notebook

This notebook contains the functions that provide the scaffolding needed to test out mapping methods. The following steps are taken to test functions and calibrate data for the project:

  • The simulator is run in "Training Mode" and some data is recorded. Note: the simulator may crash if a large (longer than a few minutes) dataset is recorded; only a small data sample is required i.e. just some example images to work with.
  • The functions are tested with the data.
  • Functions are written and modified to report and map out detections of obstacles and rock samples (yellow rocks).
  • process_image() function is populated with the appropriate steps/functions to go from a raw image to a worldmap.
  • moviepy functions are used to construct a video output from processed image data.
  • Once it is confirmed that mapping is working, and are modified to allow the rover to navigate and map in autonomous mode!

Note: If, at any point, display windows freeze up or other confounding issues are encountered, Kernel should be restarted and output cleared from the "Kernel" menu above.

Uncomment and run the next cell to get code highlighting in the markdown cells.

In [2]:
#<style> code {background-color : orange !important;} </style>

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib qt # Choose %matplotlib qt to plot to an interactive window

import cv2  # OpenCV for perspective transform
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.misc  # For saving images as needed
import glob  # For reading in a list of images from a folder

Quick Look at the Data

There's some example data provided in the test_dataset folder. This basic dataset is enough to get you up and running but if you want to hone your methods more carefully you should record some data of your own to sample various scenarios in the simulator.

Next, read in and display a random image from the test_dataset folder

In [4]:
path = '../test_dataset/IMG/*'
img_list = glob.glob(path)

# Grab a random image and display it
idx = np.random.randint(0, len(img_list)-1)
image = mpimg.imread(img_list[idx])

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f60174a3e10>

Calibration Data

Read in and display example grid and rock sample calibration images. The grid is used for perspective transform and the rock image for creating a new color selection that identifies these samples of interest.

In [5]:
# In the simulator the grid on the ground can be toggled on for calibration.
# The rock samples can be toggled on with the 0 (zero) key.  
# Here's an example of the grid and one of the rocks
example_grid = '../calibration_images/example_grid1.jpg'
example_rock = '../calibration_images/example_rock1.jpg'
example_rock2 = '../calibration_images/example_rock2.jpg'
grid_img = mpimg.imread(example_grid)
rock_img = mpimg.imread(example_rock)
rock_img2 = mpimg.imread(example_rock2)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,3))

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f6015bf2940>

Perspective Transform

Define the perspective transform function and test it on an image.

Four source points are selected which represent a 1 square meter grid in the image viewed from the rover's front camera. These source points are subsequently mapped to four corresponding grid cell points in our "warped" image such that a grid cell in it is 10x10 pixels viewed from top-down. Thus, the front_cam image is said to be warped into a top-down view image by the perspective transformation. The example grid image above is used to choose source points for the grid cell which is in front of the rover (each grid cell is 1 square meter in the sim). The source and destination points are defined to warp the image to a grid where each 10x10 pixel square represents 1 square meter.

The following steps are used to warp an image using a perspective transform:

  1. Define 4 source points, in this case, the 4 corners of a grid cell in the front camera image above.
  2. Define 4 destination points (must be listed in the same order as source points!).
  3. Use cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() to get M, the transform matrix.
  4. Use cv2.warpPerspective() to apply M and warp front camera image to a top-down view.

Refer to the following documentation for geometric transformations in OpenCV:

In [6]:
def perspect_transform(input_img, sourc_pts, destn_pts):
    Apply a perspective transformation to input 3D image.

    Keyword arguments:
    input_img -- 3D numpy image on which perspective transform is applied
    sourc_pts -- numpy array of four source coordinates on input 3D image
    destn_pts -- corresponding destination coordinates on output 2D image

    Return value:
    output_img -- 2D numpy image with overhead view

    transform_matrix = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(
    output_img = cv2.warpPerspective(
        (input_img.shape[1], input_img.shape[0])  # keep same size as input_img
    return output_img

# Define calibration box in source (actual) and destination (desired)
# coordinates to warp the image to a grid where each 10x10 pixel square
# represents 1 square meter and the destination box will be 2*dst_size
# on each side
dst_size = 5

# Set a bottom offset (rough estimate) to account for the fact that the
# bottom of the image is not the position of the rover but a bit in front
# of it
bottom_offset = 6

source = np.float32(
    [[14, 140],
     [301, 140],
     [200, 96],
     [118, 96]]
destination = np.float32(
        [image.shape[1]/2 - dst_size,
         image.shape[0] - bottom_offset],

        [image.shape[1]/2 + dst_size,
         image.shape[0] - bottom_offset],

        [image.shape[1]/2 + dst_size,
         image.shape[0] - 2*dst_size - bottom_offset],

        [image.shape[1]/2 - dst_size,
         image.shape[0] - 2*dst_size - bottom_offset]
warped = perspect_transform(grid_img, source, destination)
# scipy.misc.imsave('../output/warped_example.jpg', warped)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f6015af9b00>

In [7]:
warped_rock = perspect_transform(rock_img, source, destination)
warped_rock2 = perspect_transform(rock_img2, source, destination)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,7))





<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f60159fc0b8>

In [8]:
rock1_pixels = np.copy(rock_img)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f60156b7828>

Color Thresholding

Define the color thresholding function for navigable terrain and apply it to the warped image.

Ultimately, the map not only includes navigable terrain but also obstacles and the positions of the rock samples we're searching for. New functions are needed to return the pixel locations of obstacles (areas below the threshold) and rock samples (yellow rocks in calibration images), such that these areas can be mapped into world coordinates as well.

Color thresholding for navigable terrain

In [9]:
def color_thresh_nav(input_img, rgb_thresh=(160, 160, 160)):
    Apply a color threshold to extract only ground terrain pixels.

    Keyword arguments:
    input_img -- numpy image on which RGB threshold is applied
    rgb_thresh -- RGB thresh tuple above which only ground pixels are detected

    Return value:
    nav_img -- binary image identifying ground/navigable terrain pixels

    # Create an array of zeros same xy size as input_img, but single channel
    nav_img = np.zeros_like(input_img[:, :, 0])

    # Require that each of the R(0), G(1), B(2) pixels be above all three
    # rgb_thresh values such that pix_above_thresh will now contain a
    # boolean array with "True" where threshold was met
    pix_above_thresh = (
        (input_img[:, :, 0] > rgb_thresh[0]) &
        (input_img[:, :, 1] > rgb_thresh[1]) &
        (input_img[:, :, 2] > rgb_thresh[2])
    # Index the array of zeros with the boolean array and set to 1 (white)
    # those pixels that are above rgb_thresh for ground/navigable terrain
    nav_img[pix_above_thresh] = 1

    # nav_img will now contain white pixels identifying navigable terrain
    return nav_img

threshed = color_thresh_nav(warped)
plt.imshow(threshed, cmap='gray')
#scipy.misc.imsave('../output/warped_threshed.jpg', threshed*255)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f60158e3668>

Color thresholding for obstacle terrain

In [44]:
def color_thresh_obst(input_img, rgb_thresh=(160, 160, 160)):
    Apply a color threshold to extract only mountain rock pixels.

    Keyword arguments:
    input_img -- numpy image on which RGB threshold is applied
    rgb_thresh -- RGB thresh tuple below which only obstacle pixels are detected

    Return value:
    nav_img -- binary image identifying rocks/obstacles terrain pixels


    # Create an array of zeros same xy size as input_img, but single channel
    obs_img = np.zeros_like(input_img[:, :, 0])

    # Require that each of the R(0), G(1), B(2) pixels be below all three
    # rgb_thresh values such that pix_below_thresh will now contain a
    # boolean array with "True" where threshold was met
    #pix_below_thresh = (
    #    (input_img[:, :, 0] < rgb_thresh[0]) &
    #    (input_img[:, :, 1] < rgb_thresh[1]) &
    #    (input_img[:, :, 2] < rgb_thresh[2])
    pix_below_thresh = (
        (np.logical_and(input_img[:, :, 0] > 0,input_img[:, :, 0] <= rgb_thresh[0])) & 
        (np.logical_and(input_img[:, :, 1] > 0,input_img[:, :, 1] <= rgb_thresh[1])) & 
        (np.logical_and(input_img[:, :, 2] > 0,input_img[:, :, 2] <= rgb_thresh[2]))
    # Index the array of zeros with the boolean array and set to 1 (white)
    # those pixels that are below rgb_thresh for rocks/obstacles terrain
    obs_img[pix_below_thresh] = 1

    # obs_img will now contain white pixels identifying obstacle terrain
    return obs_img

threshed_obstacles_image = color_thresh_obst(warped)
plt.imshow(threshed_obstacles_image, cmap='gray')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f6041254e48>

Color thresholding for gold rocks

In [11]:
def color_thresh_rock(input_img, low_bound, upp_bound):
    Apply a color threshold using OpenCV to extract pixels for gold rocks.

    Keyword arguments:
    input_img -- numpy image on which OpenCV HSV threshold is applied
    low_bound -- tuple defining lower HSV color value for gold rocks
    upp_bound -- tuple defining upper HSV color value for gold rocks

    Return value:
    threshed_img -- binary image identifying gold rock pixels


    # Convert BGR to HSV
    hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(input_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    # Threshold the HSV image to get only colors for gold rocks
    threshed_img = cv2.inRange(hsv_img, low_bound, upp_bound)

    return threshed_img

# define range of gold rock color in HSV
lower_bound = (75, 130, 130)
upper_bound = (255, 255, 255)

# apply rock color threshold to original rocks 1 and 2 images
threshed_rock_image = color_thresh_rock(
threshed_rock2_image = color_thresh_rock(

# apply rock color threshold to warped rocks 1 and 2 images
threshed_warped_rock_image = color_thresh_rock(
threshed_warped_rock2_image = color_thresh_rock(

# verify correctness of gold rock threshold
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,11))


plt.imshow(threshed_rock_image, cmap='gray')


plt.imshow(threshed_warped_rock_image, cmap='gray')


plt.imshow(threshed_rock2_image, cmap='gray')


plt.imshow(threshed_warped_rock2_image, cmap='gray')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f60155ca5c0>

Coordinate Transformations

Define the functions used to do coordinate transforms and apply them to an image.

In [45]:
def to_rover_coords(binary_img):
    """Convert all points on img coord-frame to those on rover's frame."""
    # Identify nonzero pixels in binary image representing
    # region of interest e.g. rocks
    ypos, xpos = binary_img.nonzero()

    # Calculate pixel positions with reference to rover's coordinate
    # frame given that rover front cam itself is at center bottom of
    # the photographed image.
    x_pixel = -(ypos - binary_img.shape[0]).astype(np.float)
    y_pixel = -(xpos - binary_img.shape[1]/2).astype(np.float)
    return x_pixel, y_pixel

def to_polar_coords(x_pix, y_pix):
    """Convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates."""
    # compute distance and angle of 'each' pixel from origin and
    # vertical respectively
    distances = np.sqrt(x_pix**2 + y_pix**2)
    angles = np.arctan2(y_pix, x_pix)
    return distances, angles

def rotate_pix(x_pix, y_pix, angle):
    """Apply a geometric rotation."""
    angle_rad = angle * np.pi / 180  # yaw to radians
    x_pix_rotated = (x_pix * np.cos(angle_rad)) - (y_pix * np.sin(angle_rad))
    y_pix_rotated = (x_pix * np.sin(angle_rad)) + (y_pix * np.cos(angle_rad))
    return x_pix_rotated, y_pix_rotated

def translate_pix(x_pix_rot, y_pix_rot, x_pos, y_pos, scale): 
    """Apply a geometric translation and scaling."""
    x_pix_translated = (x_pix_rot / scale) + x_pos
    y_pix_translated = (y_pix_rot / scale) + y_pos
    return x_pix_translated, y_pix_translated

def pix_to_world(x_pix, y_pix, x_pos, y_pos, yaw, world_size, scale):
    Apply a geometric transformation i.e. rotation and translation to ROI.

    Keyword arguments:
    x_pix, y_pix -- numpy array coords of ROI being converted to world frame
    x_pos, y_pos, yaw -- rover position and yaw angle in world frame
    world_size -- integer length of the square world map (200 x 200 pixels)
    scale -- scale factor between world frame pixels and rover frame pixels

    Requires functions rotate_pix and translate_pix to work

    # Apply rotation and translation
    x_pix_rot, y_pix_rot = rotate_pix(
    x_pix_tran, y_pix_tran = translate_pix(
    # Clip pixels to be within world_size
    x_pix_world = np.clip(np.int_(x_pix_tran), 0, world_size - 1)
    y_pix_world = np.clip(np.int_(y_pix_tran), 0, world_size - 1)

    return x_pix_world, y_pix_world

# Grab another random image
idx = np.random.randint(0, len(img_list)-1)
image = mpimg.imread(img_list[idx])
warped = perspect_transform(image, source, destination)
threshed = color_thresh_nav(warped)

# Calculate pixel values in rover-centric coords and 
# distance/angle to all pixels
xpix, ypix = to_rover_coords(threshed)
dist, angles = to_polar_coords(xpix, ypix)
mean_dir = np.mean(angles)

######## TESTING ############
xpix = xpix[dist < 130]
ypix = ypix[dist < 130]

# Do some plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9))
plt.imshow(threshed, cmap='gray')
plt.plot(xpix, ypix, '.')
plt.ylim(-160, 160)
plt.xlim(0, 160)
arrow_length = 100
x_arrow = arrow_length * np.cos(mean_dir)
y_arrow = arrow_length * np.sin(mean_dir)
plt.arrow(0, 0, x_arrow, y_arrow, color='red', zorder=2, head_width=10, width=2)

<matplotlib.patches.FancyArrow at 0x7f60410f48d0>

Testing left and right nav angles

In [54]:
x_nav_test_pix, y_nav_test_pix = to_rover_coords(threshed)
nav_test_dists, nav_test_angles = to_polar_coords(x_nav_test_pix, y_nav_test_pix)
mean_test_angle = np.mean(nav_test_angles)

# separate nav_test_angles into left and right angles
nav_test_left_angles = nav_test_angles[nav_test_angles > 0]
mean_test_left_angle = np.mean(nav_test_left_angles)

nav_test_right_angles = nav_test_angles[nav_test_angles < 0]
mean_test_right_angle = np.mean(nav_test_right_angles)

print('amount: ', len(nav_test_angles))
print('mean:', mean_test_angle * 180 / np.pi)
print('amount: ', len(nav_test_left_angles))
print('mean:', mean_test_left_angle * 180 / np.pi)
print('amount: ', len(nav_test_right_angles))
print('mean:', mean_test_right_angle * 180 / np.pi)

#### do some plotting ######
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9))
plt.plot(x_nav_test_pix, y_nav_test_pix, '.')
plt.ylim(-160, 160)
plt.xlim(0, 180)
arrow_length = 150

# main test angle
x_mean_test_angle = arrow_length * np.cos(mean_test_angle)
y_mean_test_angle = arrow_length * np.sin(mean_test_angle)
plt.arrow(0, 0, x_mean_test_angle, y_mean_test_angle, color='red', zorder=2, head_width=10, width=2)

# main left test angle
x_mean_test_left_angle = arrow_length * np.cos(mean_test_left_angle)
y_mean_test_left_angle = arrow_length * np.sin(mean_test_left_angle)
plt.arrow(0, 0, x_mean_test_left_angle, y_mean_test_left_angle, color='yellow', zorder=2, head_width=10, width=2)

# main right test angle
x_mean_test_right_angle = arrow_length * np.cos(mean_test_right_angle)
y_mean_test_right_angle = arrow_length * np.sin(mean_test_right_angle)
plt.arrow(0, 0, x_mean_test_right_angle, y_mean_test_right_angle, color='blue', zorder=2, head_width=10, width=2)

[ 0.26836621  0.2625464   0.25670833 ..., -0.46364761 -0.5880026
amount:  16642
mean: -13.7433667074

[ 0.26836621  0.2625464   0.25670833 ...,  0.46364761  0.32175055
amount:  4688
mean: 12.6741929174

[-0.00624992 -0.01249935 -0.0187478  ..., -0.46364761 -0.5880026
amount:  11799
mean: -24.420181807

<matplotlib.patches.FancyArrow at 0x7f600c10ec50>

Testing Image Pixels for Improving Fidelity

In [25]:
nav_x_pixs, nav_y_pixs = to_rover_coords(threshed)
nav_dists, nav_angles = to_polar_coords(nav_x_pixs, nav_y_pixs)

print('len(nav_dists):', len(nav_dists))
print('mean:', np.mean(nav_dists))
print('shape:', nav_dists.shape)

# remove some pixels that are farthest away
#indexes_to_remove = []
#trim_nav_x_pixs = np.delete(nav_x_pixs, x )

trim_nav_x_pixs = nav_x_pixs[nav_dists < 120]

trim_nav_y_pixs = nav_y_pixs[nav_dists < 120]

[ 160.  160.  160. ...,    6.    6.    6.]

[ 10.   9.   8. ...,  -3.  -4.  -5.]

len(nav_dists): 17754
[ 160.31219542  160.25292509  160.19987516  160.1530518 ]
mean: 119.508444168
shape: (17754,)

[ 119.  119.  119. ...,    6.    6.    6.]
[ 11.  10.   9. ...,  -3.  -4.  -5.]

Read in saved data and ground truth map of the world

The next cell is all setup to read data saved from rover sensors into a pandas dataframe. Here we'll also read in a "ground truth" map of the world, where white pixels (pixel value = 1) represent navigable terrain.

After that, we'll define a class to store telemetry data and pathnames to images. When the class (data = SensorData()) is instantiated, we'll have a global variable called data that can be referenced for telemetry and to map data within the process_image() function in the following cell.

In [29]:
import pandas as pd

# Change the path below to your data directory
# If you are in a locale (e.g., Europe) that uses ',' as the decimal separator
# change the '.' to ','

# Read in csv log file as dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('../test_dataset_2/robot_log.csv', delimiter=';', decimal='.')
csv_img_list = df["Path"].tolist()  # Create list of image pathnames

# Read in ground truth map and create a 3-channel image with it
ground_truth = mpimg.imread('../calibration_images/map_bw.png')
ground_truth_3d = np.dstack(

class SensorData():
    Create a class to be a container of rover sensor data from sim.

    Reads in saved data from csv sensor log file generated by sim which
    includes saved locations of front camera snapshots and corresponding
    rover position and yaw values in world coordinate frame


    def __init__(self):
        Initialize a SensorData instance unique to a single simulation run.

        worldmap instance variable is instantiated with a size of 200 square
        grids corresponding to a 200 square meters space which is same size as
        the 200 square pixels ground_truth variable allowing full range
        of output position values in x and y from the sim

        self.images = csv_img_list
        self.xpos = df["X_Position"].values
        self.ypos = df["Y_Position"].values
        self.yaw = df["Yaw"].values
        # running index set to -1 as hack because moviepy
        # (below) seems to run one extra iteration
        self.count = -1
        self.worldmap = np.zeros((200, 200, 3)).astype(np.float)
        self.ground_truth = ground_truth_3d  # Ground truth worldmap

# Instantiate a SensorData().. this will be a global variable/object
# that can be referenced in the process_image() function below
data = SensorData()

Write a function to process stored images

The process_image() function below is modified by adding in the perception step processes (functions defined above) to perform image analysis and mapping. The following cell is all set up to use this process_image() function in conjunction with the moviepy video processing package to create a video from the rover camera image data taken in the simulator.

In short, we will be passing individual images into process_image() and building up an image called output_image that will be stored as one frame of the output video. A mosaic of the various steps of above analysis process and additional text can also be added.

The output video ultimately demonstrates our mapping process.

In [34]:
def process_image(input_img):
    Establish ROIs in rover cam image and overlay with ground truth map.

    Keyword argument:
    input_img -- 3 channel color image

    Return value:
    output_img -- 3 channel color image with ROIs identified

    Requires data (a global SensorData object)
    Required by the ImageSequeceClip object from moviepy module

    # Example of how to use the SensorData() object defined above
    # to print the current x, y and yaw values
    # print(data.xpos[data.count], data.ypos[data.count], data.yaw[data.count])

    # 1) Define source and destination points for perspective transform
    # 2) Apply perspective transform
    warped_img = perspect_transform(input_img, source, destination)

    # 3) Apply color threshold to identify following ROIs:
    #    a. navigable terrain
    #    b. obstacles
    #    c. rock samples
    threshed_img_navigable = color_thresh_nav(warped_img)
    threshed_img_obstacle = color_thresh_obst(warped_img)
    threshed_img_rock = color_thresh_rock(

    # 4) Convert thresholded image pixel values to rover-centric coords
    navigable_x_rover, navigable_y_rover = to_rover_coords(threshed_img_navigable)
    obstacle_x_rover, obstacle_y_rover = to_rover_coords(threshed_img_obstacle)
    rock_x_rover, rock_y_rover = to_rover_coords(threshed_img_rock)
    ########################### TESTING ############################
    nav_dists = to_polar_coords(navigable_x_rover, navigable_y_rover)[0]
    navigable_x_rover = navigable_x_rover[nav_dists < 130]
    navigable_y_rover = navigable_y_rover[nav_dists < 130]

    # 5) Convert rover-centric pixel values to world coords
    my_worldmap = np.zeros((200, 200))
    my_scale = 10  # scale factor assumed between world and rover space pixels
    #curr_rover_xpos = data.xpos[data.count-1]
    #curr_rover_ypos = data.ypos[data.count-1]
    #curr_rover_yaw = data.yaw[data.count-1]
    navigable_x_world, navigable_y_world = pix_to_world(
    obstacle_x_world, obstacle_y_world = pix_to_world(
    rock_x_world, rock_y_world = pix_to_world(

    # 6) Update worldmap (to be displayed on right side of screen)
    #data.worldmap[obstacle_y_world, obstacle_x_world] = (255,0,0)
    #data.worldmap[rock_y_world, rock_x_world] = (255,255,255)
    #data.worldmap[navigable_y_world, navigable_x_world] = (0,0,255)
    data.worldmap[obstacle_y_world, obstacle_x_world, 0] += 1
    data.worldmap[rock_y_world, rock_x_world, 1] += 1
    data.worldmap[navigable_y_world, navigable_x_world, 2] += 1

    # 7) Make a mosaic image

    # First create a blank image (can be whatever shape)
    output_image = np.zeros(
        (input_img.shape[0] + data.worldmap.shape[0],
    # Next we populate regions of the image with various output
    # Here we're putting the original image in the upper left hand corner
    output_image[0:input_img.shape[0], 0:input_img.shape[1]] = input_img

    # add a warped image to the mosaic
    warped = perspect_transform(input_img, source, destination)

    # Add the warped image in the upper right hand corner
    output_image[0:input_img.shape[0], input_img.shape[1]:] = warped

    # Overlay worldmap with ground truth map
    map_add = cv2.addWeighted(data.worldmap, 1, data.ground_truth, 0.5, 0)

    # Flip map overlay so y-axis points upward and add to output_image
    ] = np.flipud(map_add)

    # Then putting some text over the image
        "Populate this image with your analyses to make a video!",
        (20, 20),
        (255, 255, 255),
    data.count += 1  # Keep track of the index in the Databucket()
    return output_image

Make a video from processed image data

Use the moviepy library to process images and create a video.

In [35]:
# Import everything needed to edit/save/watch video clips
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip

# Define pathname to save the output video
output = '../output/test_mapping.mp4'

# Re-initialize data in case this cell is run multiple times
data = SensorData()

# Note: output video will be sped up because recording rate in
# simulator is fps=25
clip = ImageSequenceClip(data.images, fps=60)
new_clip = clip.fl_image(process_image)  # process_image expects color images!

%time new_clip.write_videofile(output, audio=False)

[MoviePy] >>>> Building video ../output/test_mapping.mp4
[MoviePy] Writing video ../output/test_mapping.mp4
100%|██████████| 2563/2563 [00:21<00:00, 119.23it/s]
[MoviePy] Done.
[MoviePy] >>>> Video ready: ../output/test_mapping.mp4 

CPU times: user 19.9 s, sys: 364 ms, total: 20.3 s
Wall time: 21.6 s

This next cell should function as an inline video player

If this fails to render the video, the alternative video rendering method in the following cell can be run. The output video mp4 is saved in the /output folder.

In [36]:
from IPython.display import HTML

<video width="960" height="540" controls>
  <source src="{0}">


Below is an alternative way to create a video in case the above cell did not work.

In [37]:
import io
import base64

video =, 'r+b').read()
encoded_video = base64.b64encode(video)
HTML(data='''<video alt="test" controls>
                <source src="data:video/mp4;base64,{0}" type="video/mp4" />

IOPub data rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable

In [ ]: