pyPanair Tutorial#2 Tapered Wing

In this tutorial we will perform an analysis of a tapered wing.
The wing is defined by five different wing sections at $\eta=0.000, 0.126, 0.400, 0.700, 1.000$.

Below are the wing planform and airfoil stack, respectively. (The wing is based on the DLR-F41)


In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyPanair.preprocess import wgs_creator
for eta in ("0000", "0126", "0400", "0700", "1000"):
    af = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta{}.csv".format(eta)) 
    plt.plot(af[:,0], af[:,2], "k-", lw=1.)
plt.plot((0.5049,), (0,), "ro", label="Center of rotation")
plt.xlabel("$x$ [m]")
plt.xlabel("$z$ [m]")

1.Defining the geometry

Just as we have done in tutorial 1, we will use the wgs_creator module to define the geometry of the wing.

First off, we initialize a LaWGS object.

In [2]:
from pyPanair.preprocess import wgs_creator
wgs = wgs_creator.LaWGS("tapered_wing")

Next, we create a Line object that defines the coordinates of the airfoil at the root of the wing.
To do so, we will read a csv file that contains the coordinates of the airfoil, using the read_airfoil function.

Five csv files, eta0000.csv, eta0126.csv, eta0400.csv, eta0700.csv, and eta1000.csv have been prepared for this tutorial.

Before creating the Line object, we will take a quick view at these files. For example, eta0000.csv looks like ...

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 10)

xup zup xlow zlow
0 0.347000 -0.023367 0.347000 -0.023367
1 0.347018 -0.022381 0.347035 -0.024348
2 0.347256 -0.020599 0.347417 -0.026096
3 0.348095 -0.018430 0.348499 -0.028143
4 0.349882 -0.016352 0.350274 -0.030245
... ... ... ... ...
36 0.552256 -0.033298 0.550842 -0.043232
37 0.560901 -0.035545 0.559736 -0.043060
38 0.569621 -0.037978 0.568753 -0.043126
39 0.578415 -0.040590 0.577882 -0.043474
40 0.587110 -0.043792 0.587110 -0.043792

41 rows × 4 columns

The first and second columns xup and zup represent the xz-coordinates of the upper surface of the airfoil.
The third and fourth columns xlow and zlow represent the xz-coordinates of the lower surface of the airfoil.

The csv file must follow four rules:

  1. Data in the first row correspond to the xz-coordinates of the leading edge of the airfoil
  2. Data in the last row correspond to the xz-coordinates of the trailing edge of the airfoil
  3. For the first row, the coordinates (xup, zup) and (xlow, zlow) are the same
  4. For the last row, the coordinates (xup, zup) and (xlow, zlow) are the same (i.e. the airfoil has a sharp TE)

Now we shall create a Line object for the root of the wing.

In [4]:
wingsection1 = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta0000.csv", y_coordinate=0.)

The first variable specifies the name of the csv file.
The y_coordinate variable defines the y-coordinate of the points included in the Line.

Line objects for the remaining four wing sections can be created in the same way.

In [5]:
wingsection2 = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta0126.csv", y_coordinate=0.074211)
wingsection3 = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta0400.csv", y_coordinate=0.235051)
wingsection4 = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta0700.csv", y_coordinate=0.410350)
wingsection5 = wgs_creator.read_airfoil("eta1000.csv", y_coordinate=0.585650)

Next, we create four networks by linearly interpolating these wing sections.

In [6]:
wingnet1 = wingsection1.linspace(wingsection2, num=4)
wingnet2 = wingsection2.linspace(wingsection3, num=8)
wingnet3 = wingsection3.linspace(wingsection4, num=9)
wingnet4 = wingsection4.linspace(wingsection5, num=9)

Then, we concatenate the networks using the concat_row method.

In [7]:
wing = wingnet1.concat_row((wingnet2, wingnet3, wingnet4))

The concatenated network is displayed below.

In [8]:

After creating the Network for the wing, we create networks for the wingtip and wake.

In [9]:
wingtip_up, wingtip_low = wingsection5.split_half()
wingtip_low = wingtip_low.flip()
wingtip = wingtip_up.linspace(wingtip_low, num=5)

In [10]:
wake_length = 50 * 0.1412
wingwake = wing.make_wake(edge_number=3, wake_length=wake_length)

Next, the Networks will be registered to the wgs object.

In [11]:
wgs.append_network("wing", wing, 1)
wgs.append_network("wingtip", wingtip, 1)
wgs.append_network("wingwake", wingwake, 18)

Then, we create a stl file to check that there are no errors in the model.

In [12]:

Last, we create input files for panin

In [13]:
wgs.create_aux(alpha=(-2, 0, 2), mach=0.6, cbar=0.1412, span=1.1714, sref=0.1454, xref=0.5049, zref=0.)

2. Analysis

The analysis can be done in the same way as tutorial 1.
Place panair, panin, tapered_wing.aux, and tapered_wing.wgs in the same directory, and run panin and panair.

$ ./panin
 Prepare input for PanAir
  Version 1.0 (4Jan2000)
 Ralph L. Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software
 Enter the name of the auxiliary file: 
          10  records copied from auxiliary file.
           9  records in the internal data file.
  Geometry data to be read from tapered_wing.wgs                                                                
 Reading WGS file...
 Reading network wing
 Reading network wingtip
 Reading network wingwake
 Reading input file instructions...
 Command  1 MACH 0.6
 Command 11 ALPHA -2 0 2
 Command  6 cbar 0.1412
 Command  7 span 1.1714
 Command  2 sref 0.1454
 Command  3 xref 0.5049
 Command  5 zref 0.0
 Command 35 BOUN 1 1 18
 Writing PanAir input file...
  Files added to your directory.
 Also, file panin.dbg
 Normal termination of panin, version 1.0 (4Jan2000)
 Normal termination of panin
$ ./panair
 Panair High Order Panel Code, Version 15.0 (10 December 2009)
 Enter name of input file:

After the analysis finishes, place panair.out, agps, and ffmf in the tutorial2 directory.

3. Visualization

Visualization of the results can be done in the same manner as tutorial 2.

In [14]:
from pyPanair.postprocess import write_vtk

n_wake =  1
network 1 shape:  (27, 81, 7)
network 2 shape:  (5, 41, 7)

In [15]:
from pyPanair.postprocess import calc_section_force
calc_section_force(aoa=2, mac=0.1412, rot_center=(0.5049,0,0), casenum=3, networknum=1)

In [16]:
section_force = pd.read_csv("section_force.csv")

plt.plot(section_force.pos / 0.5857, * section_force.chord, "s", mfc="None", mec="b")
plt.xlabel("spanwise position [normalized]")
plt.ylabel("cl * chord")

The ffmf file can be parsed using the read_ffmf and write_ffmf methods.

In [17]:
from pyPanair.postprocess import write_ffmf, read_ffmf

sol-no alpha beta cl cdi cy fx fy fz mx my mz area
0 1 -2.0000 0.0000 0.46108 0.00737 -0.00000 0.02346 -0.00000 0.46054 0.00000 -0.10788 -0.00000 0.30720
1 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.66555 0.01538 -0.00000 0.01538 -0.00000 0.66555 0.00000 -0.11753 -0.00000 0.30720
2 3 2.0000 0.0000 0.86890 0.02630 -0.00000 -0.00404 -0.00000 0.86929 0.00000 -0.12618 0.00000 0.30720

In [18]:

The read_ffmf method parses the ffmf file and converts it to a pandas DataFrame.
The write_ffmf will convert the ffmf file to a csv file. (The default name of the converted file is ffmf.csv)

This is the end of tutorial 2.


  1. Redeker, G., "A selection of experimental test cases for the validation of CFD codes," AGARD AR-303, 1994.

In [ ]: