Example of using pyuvwsim for generating baseline coordinates.

Assumed position of VLA site:

  • lon = -107.618363
  • lat = 34.078358
  • alt = 0 m

Assumed position of SKA1 LFAA site:

  • lon = 116.631289 deg
  • lat = -26.697024 deg
  • alt = 0 m

Assumed position of SKA1 Mid site:

  • lon = 21.442909
  • lat = -30.739475
  • alt = 0 m
Zenith direction calculated in CASA with the following code:
# run in CASA with:
#   execfile('calculate_zenith_direction.py'
# or from the command line with:
# casapy --nogui --nologger --log2term -c calculate_zenith_direction.py

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import numpy as np

    lon      = 116.631289
    lat      = -26.697024
    alt      = 0.0
    t0_year  = 2015
    t0_month = 4
    t0_day   = 15
    t0_hour  = 12
    t0_min   = 0
    t0_sec   = 0
    t0_utc   = '%04i/%02i/%02i/%02i:%02i:%05.2f' % \
        (t0_year, t0_month, t0_day, t0_hour, t0_min, t0_sec)
    az0 = 0.0
    el0 = 90.0

    # Lon,lat of the telescope
    p0 = me.position('WGS84', qa.quantity(lon, 'deg'), qa.quantity(lat, 'deg'),
        qa.quantity(alt, 'm'))

    # Convert az, el and time to celestial coordiantes.
    d0 = me.direction('AZEL', qa.quantity(az0, 'deg'), qa.quantity(el0, 'deg'))
    e = me.epoch('UTC', t0_utc)
    t_mjd_utc = e['m0']['value']
    qt = qa.quantity(t_mjd_utc, unitname='d')
    qa.time(qt, form="ymd")
    d = me.measure(d0, 'J2000')
    ra  = d['m0']['value']*(180./np.pi)
    dec = d['m1']['value']*(180./np.pi)
    stime = qa.time(qt, form=["ymd"])[0]
    print '='*80
    print '* lon  = %f' % lon
    print '* lat  = %f' % lat
    print '* alt  = %f' % alt
    print '* az   = %s' % az0
    print '* el   = %s' % el0
    print '* time = %s' % stime
    print '* ra   = %f' % ra
    print '* dec  = %f' % dec
    print '='*80
Coordinate times vs observation length

In [71]:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import urllib
import os
import pyuvwsim as pyuvw

# Download the VLA positions
VLA_A_cfg_file = 'VLA_A_hor_xyz.txt'
VLA_A_cfg_url  = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' \
    'SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/uvwsim/' \
fh = open(VLA_A_cfg_file, 'w')

# Load station coordinates from the downloaded data file
(x,y,z) = pyuvw.load_station_coords(VLA_A_cfg_file)

# Convert to ECEF coordinates
lon = -107.618363*(np.pi/180.0)
lat = 34.078358*(np.pi/180.0)
alt = 0
(x,y,z) = pyuvw.convert_enu_to_ecef(x,y,z,lon,lat,alt)

# Define observation start time, in MJD
t0  = pyuvw.datetime_to_mjd(2015, 4, 15, 0, 0, 0.0);

# Define an observation direction.
ra   = 94.968098*(np.pi/180.0)
dec  = 33.908916*(np.pi/180.0)

# Evaluate baseline coordinates
num_times = 9 # Must be odd !
obs_length = 2./24. # days
t_inc = obs_length/float(num_times)
t_start = t0-(obs_length/2.)+(t_inc/2.)
uu=[]; vv=[]; ww=[]
for i in range(0, num_times):
    mjd = t_start+t_inc*i
    #print '[%3i] delta_t = % -.5f min.' % (i, ((-obs_length/2.)+(t_inc/2.)+t_inc*i)*24*60.0)
    (uu_,vv_,ww_) = pyuvw.evaluate_baseline_uvw(x, y, z, ra, dec, mjd)
    uu = np.append(uu, uu_)
    vv = np.append(vv, vv_)
    ww = np.append(vv, ww_)
# Plot the baseline distribution
fig = pp.figure(1, figsize=(12,5.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal')
ax.plot(uu/1.e3, vv/1.e3, 'b.')
ax.plot(-uu/1.e3, -vv/1.e3, 'r.', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('baseline uu [km]')
ax.set_ylabel('baseline vv [km]')

ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
uvdist = np.sqrt(uu**2+vv**2)
ax.hist(uvdist/1.e3, 50)
ax.set_xlabel('uu-vv distance [km]')

# Remove the Downloaded SKA1 low config

In [84]:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import urllib
import os
import pyuvwsim as pyuvw

# Download the SKA1 mid config from github
ska1_mid_cfg_file = 'SKA1_mid_ecef.txt'
ska1_mid_cfg_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/'\
fh = open(ska1_mid_cfg_file, 'w')

# Load station coordinates from the downloaded data file
(x,y,z) = pyuvw.load_station_coords(ska1_mid_cfg_file)

# Define observation start time, in MJD (2015/04/15/08:32:21.10 UTC)
t0 = pyuvw.datetime_to_mjd(2015, 4, 15, 8, 32, 21.1);

# Define an observation direction.
# Assumed lon,lat = (21.442909, -30.739475)
ra  = -7.477204 * (np.pi/180.)
dec = -30.655309 * (np.pi/180.)

# Evaluate baseline coordinates
mjd = t0
(uu,vv,ww) = pyuvw.evaluate_baseline_uvw(x, y, z, ra, dec, mjd)

# Plot the baseline distrubution
fig = pp.figure(1, figsize=(12,5.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal')
ax.plot(uu/1.e3, vv/1.e3, 'b.')
ax.plot(-uu/1.e3, -vv/1.e3, 'r.', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('baseline uu [km]')
ax.set_ylabel('baseline vv [km]')

ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
uvdist = np.sqrt(uu**2+vv**2)
#n, bins, patches = ax.hist(np.log10(uvdist), 50)
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(uvdist/1.e3, 50)
#ax.set_xlabel('log10(uu-vv distance) [m]')
ax.set_xlabel('uu-vv distance [km]')

# Remove the Downloaded SKA1 mid config

In [74]:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import urllib
import os
import pyuvwsim as pyuvw

# Download the SKA1 low config from github
ska1_low_cfg_file = 'SKA1_low_ecef.txt'
ska1_low_cfg_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/'\
fh = open(ska1_low_cfg_file, 'w')

# Load station coordinates from the downloaded data file
(x,y,z) = pyuvw.load_station_coords(ska1_low_cfg_file)

# Define observation start time, in MJD
t0  = pyuvw.datetime_to_mjd(2015, 4, 15, 12, 0, 0.0);

# Define an observation direction.
# Assumed lon,lat = (116.631289, -26.697024)
ra  = 139.789425*(np.pi/180.0)
dec = -26.472055*(np.pi/180.0)

# Evaluate baseline coordinates
mjd = t0
(uu,vv,ww) = pyuvw.evaluate_baseline_uvw(x, y, z, ra, dec, mjd)

# Plot the baseline distrubution
fig = pp.figure(1, figsize=(12,5.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal')
ax.plot(uu/1.e3, vv/1.e3, 'b.')
ax.plot(-uu/1.e3, -vv/1.e3, 'r.', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('baseline uu [km]')
ax.set_ylabel('baseline vv [km]')

ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
uvdist = np.sqrt(uu**2+vv**2)
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(uvdist/1.e3, 50)
#ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
ax.set_xlabel('uu-vv distance [km]')

# Remove the Downloaded SKA1 low config

In [ ]: