Silvestro di Luise []

  • This notebook contains some non static elements (indexes, maps), it is suggested to visualize via the Jupyter nbviewer for proper rendering: paste github link of this notebook here:


  • First part of the data processing/preparation is performed on a Spark Data Frame. This is in principle not necessary on a small dataset like the one under study. Neverthless the Spark framework has been used since that would be the way to proceed in the case of a very large dataset distributed on (HDFS) cluster.
    The tool used is PySpark.

  • The second part of data processing/preparation: characterization and modelling is performed on a Pandas Data Frame. After data cleaning it is advisable to perform data exploration and modelling on a small part of the data stored to on locally resident object. Tools used: Pandas, numpym scikit learn, ... The full pipeline can then be run on the distributed dataset using Spark MLLib package to implent the ML algorithm.

General Settings

In [154]:
# write all outputs not only last one in the cell
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'all'

In [2]:
# enable retina display quality for figures
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

In [3]:
# do not show warnings (turn on for final presentation)
import warnings

In [4]:
# platform setting
import os, sys, platform


In [5]:
# some utility 
import numpy as np

In [6]:
# Pandas module import and cofiguration

import pandas as pd

# avoid truncation when displaying long field values
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

# avoid column truncation when displaying high dimension data frames 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

pd.options.display.max_rows = 999

# avoid long decimal printouts
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.5f}'.format

Spark environment setup

In [7]:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SQLContext, SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local").set("spark.driver.memory", "1g").set("spark.executor.memory", "1g") 
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
  • Start a Spark session

In [8]:
#spark object entry point Spark 2.0, handle to a spark session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession(sc)

  • Set number of partitions. That is not necessary on small dataset and while running Spark locally
    But it is in general advisable to optimize this setting

In [9]:


Load utiity functions and data types

In [10]:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, IntegerType, LongType, FloatType, DoubleType, TimestampType

Data Ingestion

to index

  • Data is a set of partitions saved in parquet format
  • Since the data set if a few MBs, distributed over about 40 partitions, it is possible to list single files to test file state individually

In [11]:
# set path to input data
data_path = 'Data/zubie_trips_anonymous/'

In [12]:
# list local data directory 
!ls -ltrh Data/zubie_trips_anonymous | grep .parquet | awk '{print $5, $9}'

5.8K part-00037-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00036-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00035-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00034-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00033-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00032-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00031-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00030-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00029-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00028-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00027-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00026-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00025-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00024-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00023-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00022-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00021-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00020-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00019-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00018-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00017-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00016-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00015-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00014-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
5.8K part-00013-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
26K part-00012-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
57K part-00011-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
111K part-00010-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
129K part-00009-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
154K part-00008-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
144K part-00007-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
298K part-00006-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
271K part-00005-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
236K part-00004-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
250K part-00003-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
313K part-00002-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
473K part-00001-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet
533K part-00000-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet

In [13]:
# loop over files using HDFS filesystem interface as if data would be on cluster
# read data files and print row counts 

hadoop =
fs   = hadoop.fs.FileSystem
conf = hadoop.conf.Configuration() 
path = hadoop.fs.Path(data_path)

for f in fs.get(conf).listStatus(path):
    name =  str(f.getPath())
    if name.endswith('.parquet'):
        counts =  
        print ("{}, rows: {} ".format( name.split('/')[-1], counts) )

part-00000-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 8530 
part-00001-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 4922 
part-00002-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 3115 
part-00003-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 2202 
part-00004-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 1701 
part-00005-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 2508 
part-00006-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 1803 
part-00007-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 1357 
part-00008-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 1102 
part-00009-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 856 
part-00010-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 534 
part-00011-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 281 
part-00012-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 41 
part-00013-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00014-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00015-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00016-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00017-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00018-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00019-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00020-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00021-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00022-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00023-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00024-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00025-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00026-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00027-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00028-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00029-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00030-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00031-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00032-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00033-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00034-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00035-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00036-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
part-00037-3927ef29-1d8d-4f92-bb39-ac1f52d70583.snappy.parquet, rows: 0 
  • Load whole data set into a Spark DataFrame
    Get total number of rows

In [14]:
df =

numOfFieldsRaw = len(df.columns)

numOfRows = df.count()
numOfRowsRaw = numOfRows

print ( "total num of fields: {}".format( numOfFieldsRaw ) )
print ( "total num of rows: {}".format( numOfRowsRaw ) )

total num of fields: 56
total num of rows: 28952
  • Number of Partitions

In [15]:
print ( "Number of partitions: {}".format(df.rdd.getNumPartitions()) )

Number of partitions: 2
  • Print Data Frame Schema: field Name and Type

In [16]:
print ( " Data Frame Schema: " )

 Data Frame Schema: 
 |-- device_key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- distance_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- duration_seconds: double (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_country: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag: boolean (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_latitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_longitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_place: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_timestamp: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_timestamp_tz: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_timestamp_utc: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_consumed: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_consumed_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_cost: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_cost_currency_code: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_cost_currency_symbol: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_ppg: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fuel_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- gps_distance: double (nullable = true)
 |-- gps_miles: double (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_accel_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_brake_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- idle_seconds: long (nullable = true)
 |-- key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- mpg_combined: string (nullable = true)
 |-- obd_distance: double (nullable = true)
 |-- obd_miles: double (nullable = true)
 |-- points_city_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- points_hwy_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- speed_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_major_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_minor_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_major_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_minor_count: long (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_country: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag: boolean (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_latitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_longitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_place: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_timestamp: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_timestamp_tz: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_timestamp_utc: string (nullable = true)
 |-- static_map_url: string (nullable = true)
 |-- tags: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- top_speed: double (nullable = true)
 |-- top_speed_mph: double (nullable = true)
 |-- trip_segments: long (nullable = true)
 |-- user: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_nickname: string (nullable = true)

Data Preparation: Inspection, Cleaning, Fixing, Validation

to index

  • Analysis performed on Spark Data Frame

First lookat the Data

  • To visualize table data, a few rows of Spark DF are retrieved and tranformed to a Pandas DF for better formatting

In [17]:

device_key distance_um duration_seconds end_point_address_city end_point_address_country end_point_address_state end_point_address_zipcode end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag end_point_latitude end_point_longitude end_point_place end_point_timestamp end_point_timestamp_tz end_point_timestamp_utc fuel_consumed fuel_consumed_um fuel_cost fuel_cost_currency_code fuel_cost_currency_symbol fuel_ppg fuel_type gps_distance gps_miles hard_accel_count hard_brake_count idle_seconds key mpg_combined obd_distance obd_miles points_city_count points_hwy_count speed_um speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_point_address_city start_point_address_country start_point_address_state start_point_address_zipcode start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag start_point_latitude start_point_longitude start_point_place start_point_timestamp start_point_timestamp_tz start_point_timestamp_utc static_map_url tags top_speed top_speed_mph trip_segments user vehicle_key vehicle_nickname
0 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 425.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73208 -1.71761 None 2016-11-24 12:33:01 GMT 2016-11-24 12:33:01 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 0.74782 0.74782 0 0 238 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUmVUaEpUNlFaRmJhQ1IyREtTTmFSNww None 0.78106 0.78106 12 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3BE False 53.72496 -1.71555 None 2016-11-24 12:25:56 GMT 2016-11-24 12:25:56 [] 32.30000 32.30000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 235.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3BJ False 53.72505 -1.71570 None 2016-11-24 12:12:05 GMT 2016-11-24 12:12:05 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 0.87467 0.87467 0 0 25 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWazNmMmdEb05oRHJWY3NQSEh5aGdlVgw None 0.88483 0.88483 12 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73204 -1.71759 None 2016-11-24 12:08:10 GMT 2016-11-24 12:08:10 [] 27.30000 27.30000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 2,439.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73204 -1.71758 None 2016-11-24 08:28:24 GMT 2016-11-24 08:28:24 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 11.28354 11.28354 3 0 541 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWNFB6V1N5YVhKZFhuOGdlcDNtVVoyVww None 10.95850 10.95850 83 0 mph 2 1 0 0 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 False 53.72362 -1.94588 None 2016-11-24 07:47:45 GMT 2016-11-24 07:47:45 [] 52.80000 52.80000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
3 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 738.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 False 53.72361 -1.94621 None 2016-11-23 17:55:30 GMT 2016-11-23 17:55:30 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 3.56389 3.56389 0 0 117 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWOEViRzVwb0FDc21vSzdabkpQTTZraAw None 3.46539 3.46539 26 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Halifax GB England HX1 3BA False 53.71449 -1.87807 None 2016-11-23 17:43:12 GMT 2016-11-23 17:43:12 [] 37.90000 37.90000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
4 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 1,808.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 3BA False 53.71443 -1.87809 None 2016-11-23 17:32:16 GMT 2016-11-23 17:32:16 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 8.28467 8.28467 0 0 478 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWZlNyRFpVR1ZBbXBmVXNlR3pqcVl3Sgw None 8.05608 8.05608 58 6 mph 0 1 0 0 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73196 -1.71741 None 2016-11-23 17:02:08 GMT 2016-11-23 17:02:08 [] 46.00000 46.00000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
5 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 241.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73208 -1.71757 None 2016-11-23 13:50:00 GMT 2016-11-23 13:50:00 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 0.91447 0.91447 0 0 62 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWRE14bjNIYUtIUlVrRXlTVHRjeW9mZww None 0.91714 0.91714 11 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3BE False 53.72501 -1.71539 None 2016-11-23 13:45:59 GMT 2016-11-23 13:45:59 [] 36.00000 36.00000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
6 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 252.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3HU False 53.72507 -1.71529 None 2016-11-23 13:35:05 GMT 2016-11-23 13:35:05 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 0.91864 0.91864 0 0 85 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWNGd1UmpBYmtEcGVVeFU1Q1pFUll4VQw None 0.90720 0.90720 10 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 False 53.73222 -1.71735 None 2016-11-23 13:30:53 GMT 2016-11-23 13:30:53 [] 35.40000 35.40000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
7 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 2,366.00000 Cleckheaton GB England BD19 3TY False 53.73207 -1.71757 None 2016-11-23 08:27:53 GMT 2016-11-23 08:27:53 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 11.33165 11.33165 0 1 381 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWR3BTemRLdXc3bjJKR1Z1ZHhYQ3pRQww None 10.95291 10.95291 80 0 mph 1 1 0 0 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 False 53.72361 -1.94609 None 2016-11-23 07:48:27 GMT 2016-11-23 07:48:27 [] 50.30000 50.30000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
8 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 526.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 6AH False 53.72363 -1.94622 None 2016-11-22 21:39:30 GMT 2016-11-22 21:39:30 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 3.57647 3.57647 0 0 61 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWdGNtVmh4ejhSbmg5NGNScXY3WXR4eQw None 3.43805 3.43805 22 0 mph 2 1 0 0 Halifax GB England HX1 3BA False 53.71457 -1.87802 None 2016-11-22 21:30:44 GMT 2016-11-22 21:30:44 [] 44.10000 44.10000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
9 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 532.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 3BA False 53.71457 -1.87801 None 2016-11-22 21:25:20 GMT 2016-11-22 21:25:20 None gal None EUR 2.39 regular 1.53763 1.53763 0 0 48 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWaVM3QkFEV1FYNGJINDI4d05lV1ptaQw None 1.55964 1.55964 20 0 mph 1 0 0 0 Halifax GB England HX1 4TA False 53.72466 -1.88786 None 2016-11-22 21:16:28 GMT 2016-11-22 21:16:28 [] 32.30000 32.30000 1 None agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN

Remove all-NA Fields

  • From the display looks like several fields have all 'None' values
  • Non-NA occurences are computed individually for selected field and confirmed that 0 rows are left out
  • Columns are removed
  • It is important to remove those fields otherwise all the rows will be removed
    when in the following you want to drop rows with at least one NA field.

In [18]:
# Selected columns to inspect and eventually to drop
cols = ['user','start_point_place','end_point_place','mpg_combined','fuel_consumed','fuel_cost']

# count number of NA 
for col in cols:
  print ( "field: \'{}\', Number of non NULL entries: {} "
         .format( col, ) 

# 'tags' field contains an array, let's expand it before counting for missing values
print ( "field: \'tags\',  Number of non NULL entries: {}"
       .format('tags')).dropna().count() ) 

# append to the list of columns 

# apply drop function iteratively on selected columns
from functools import reduce
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

df = reduce(DataFrame.drop, cols, df)

print ("\n Columns have been dropped ")

field: 'user', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'start_point_place', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'end_point_place', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'mpg_combined', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'fuel_consumed', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'fuel_cost', Number of non NULL entries: 0 
field: 'tags',  Number of non NULL entries: 0

 Columns have been dropped 

Remove Duplicated Rows

  • More than 80% of the rows in the dataset are duplicates
  • This reduce the effective DF entries from ~30k to ~5k
  • A quick check is done to show that this is indeed the case

In [19]:
# transfom Spark DF into Pandas DF. 
# (for large distributed dataset it would be necessary to sample only a franction
# of it before)
# Keep only duplicated rows
# Select a single vehicle_nickname, order by date
# Show table
pdf = df.toPandas()

pdf[ pdf.duplicated() ]\
   [ pdf['vehicle_nickname']==pdf['vehicle_nickname'].values[0] ]\

device_key distance_um duration_seconds end_point_address_city end_point_address_country end_point_address_state end_point_address_zipcode end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag end_point_latitude end_point_longitude end_point_timestamp end_point_timestamp_tz end_point_timestamp_utc fuel_consumed_um fuel_cost_currency_code fuel_cost_currency_symbol fuel_ppg fuel_type gps_distance gps_miles hard_accel_count hard_brake_count idle_seconds key obd_distance obd_miles points_city_count points_hwy_count speed_um speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_point_address_city start_point_address_country start_point_address_state start_point_address_zipcode start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag start_point_latitude start_point_longitude start_point_timestamp_tz start_point_timestamp_utc static_map_url top_speed top_speed_mph trip_segments vehicle_key vehicle_nickname
2016-09-15 17:42:06 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 774.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72095 -1.85880 2016-09-15 17:55:00 BST 2016-09-15 16:55:00 gal USD $ 3.54 regular 2.60910 2.60910 0 0 101.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWZjV0R3l1TmNwbkMzcnZqQXBUYXQ2Vgw 3.72326 3.72326 31.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 None None None None False 0.00000 0.00000 None 2016-09-15 16:42:06 41.60000 41.60000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 17:42:06 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 774.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72095 -1.85880 2016-09-15 17:55:00 BST 2016-09-15 16:55:00 gal USD $ 3.54 regular 2.60910 2.60910 0 0 101.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWZjV0R3l1TmNwbkMzcnZqQXBUYXQ2Vgw 3.72326 3.72326 31.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 None None None None False 0.00000 0.00000 None 2016-09-15 16:42:06 41.60000 41.60000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 17:42:06 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 774.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72095 -1.85880 2016-09-15 17:55:00 BST 2016-09-15 16:55:00 gal USD $ 3.54 regular 2.60910 2.60910 0 0 101.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWZjV0R3l1TmNwbkMzcnZqQXBUYXQ2Vgw 3.72326 3.72326 31.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 None None None None False 0.00000 0.00000 None 2016-09-15 16:42:06 41.60000 41.60000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 17:42:06 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 774.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72095 -1.85880 2016-09-15 17:55:00 BST 2016-09-15 16:55:00 gal USD $ 3.54 regular 2.60910 2.60910 0 0 101.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWZjV0R3l1TmNwbkMzcnZqQXBUYXQ2Vgw 3.72326 3.72326 31.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 None None None None False 0.00000 0.00000 None 2016-09-15 16:42:06 41.60000 41.60000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 18:53:20 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 919.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72364 -1.94611 2016-09-15 19:08:39 BST 2016-09-15 18:08:39 gal EUR 2.39 regular 4.54532 4.54532 0 0 73.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUEVaYVR5cktjQnVxSnpYZkdmS2RQdww 4.44156 4.44156 37.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72102 -1.85883 BST 2016-09-15 17:53:20 41.00000 41.00000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 18:53:20 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 919.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72364 -1.94611 2016-09-15 19:08:39 BST 2016-09-15 18:08:39 gal EUR 2.39 regular 4.54532 4.54532 0 0 73.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUEVaYVR5cktjQnVxSnpYZkdmS2RQdww 4.44156 4.44156 37.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72102 -1.85883 BST 2016-09-15 17:53:20 41.00000 41.00000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 18:53:20 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 919.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72364 -1.94611 2016-09-15 19:08:39 BST 2016-09-15 18:08:39 gal EUR 2.39 regular 4.54532 4.54532 0 0 73.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUEVaYVR5cktjQnVxSnpYZkdmS2RQdww 4.44156 4.44156 37.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72102 -1.85883 BST 2016-09-15 17:53:20 41.00000 41.00000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-15 18:53:20 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 919.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72364 -1.94611 2016-09-15 19:08:39 BST 2016-09-15 18:08:39 gal EUR 2.39 regular 4.54532 4.54532 0 0 73.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUEVaYVR5cktjQnVxSnpYZkdmS2RQdww 4.44156 4.44156 37.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Halifax GB England HX1 True 53.72102 -1.85883 BST 2016-09-15 17:53:20 41.00000 41.00000 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-16 10:53:46 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 144.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 6NS True 53.72584 -1.94266 2016-09-16 10:56:10 BST 2016-09-16 09:56:10 gal EUR 2.39 regular 0.42214 0.42214 0 0 36.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWWWtINUhvU2poZHR1WFdWREdCTHhMYww 0.46603 0.46603 7.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72353 -1.94616 BST 2016-09-16 09:53:46 30.44719 30.44719 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2016-09-16 10:53:46 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 144.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 6NS True 53.72584 -1.94266 2016-09-16 10:56:10 BST 2016-09-16 09:56:10 gal EUR 2.39 regular 0.42214 0.42214 0 0 36.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWWWtINUhvU2poZHR1WFdWREdCTHhMYww 0.46603 0.46603 7.00000 0.00000 mph 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Luddenden Foot GB England HX2 True 53.72353 -1.94616 BST 2016-09-16 09:53:46 30.44719 30.44719 1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
  • Get a new DF with unique rows

In [20]:
df = df.dropDuplicates()

print( "Number of unique rows/total  {}/{}".format( df.count(), numOfRows ) )

numOfRows = df.count()

Number of unique rows/total  5295/28952

Drop rows with NA fields

  • Dropping all the rows with at lest one NA field preserve about 75% of the data
  • This is an acceptable loss for now, individual fields can be made to discard from the selection fields we are not interested in.
    To prepare for this counts are coumputed for each field beforehand

In [21]:
# get single field NA counts
for c in df.columns:
  n = df.where( F.col(c).isNull() ).count()
  print ("\'{}\' -- null counts/total: {}/{}".format(c, n, numOfRows))

'device_key' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'distance_um' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'duration_seconds' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'end_point_address_city' -- null counts/total: 483/5295
'end_point_address_country' -- null counts/total: 108/5295
'end_point_address_state' -- null counts/total: 145/5295
'end_point_address_zipcode' -- null counts/total: 131/5295
'end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'end_point_latitude' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'end_point_longitude' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'end_point_timestamp' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'end_point_timestamp_tz' -- null counts/total: 153/5295
'end_point_timestamp_utc' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'fuel_consumed_um' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'fuel_cost_currency_code' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'fuel_cost_currency_symbol' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'fuel_ppg' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'fuel_type' -- null counts/total: 57/5295
'gps_distance' -- null counts/total: 511/5295
'gps_miles' -- null counts/total: 511/5295
'hard_accel_count' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'hard_brake_count' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'idle_seconds' -- null counts/total: 85/5295
'key' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'obd_distance' -- null counts/total: 59/5295
'obd_miles' -- null counts/total: 59/5295
'points_city_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'points_hwy_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'speed_um' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'speeding_city_major_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'speeding_city_minor_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'speeding_hwy_major_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'speeding_hwy_minor_count' -- null counts/total: 330/5295
'start_point_address_city' -- null counts/total: 422/5295
'start_point_address_country' -- null counts/total: 60/5295
'start_point_address_state' -- null counts/total: 73/5295
'start_point_address_zipcode' -- null counts/total: 82/5295
'start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'start_point_latitude' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'start_point_longitude' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'start_point_timestamp' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'start_point_timestamp_tz' -- null counts/total: 94/5295
'start_point_timestamp_utc' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'static_map_url' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'top_speed' -- null counts/total: 3/5295
'top_speed_mph' -- null counts/total: 3/5295
'trip_segments' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'vehicle_key' -- null counts/total: 0/5295
'vehicle_nickname' -- null counts/total: 0/5295

In [22]:
# drop all rows with one or more NA field 
df = df.dropna(how='any')

print( "Number of non-NA rows/total:  {}/{}".format( df.count(), numOfRows ) )

numOfRows = df.count()

Number of non-NA rows/total:  3903/5295

check URL field

  • This varible may contain useful information however direct inspection of a few links reveals that they are not available
  • Second check: a random 10% sample is extracted to perfom a URL request.
  • An error code (4xx) is returned.
  • The associate column is dropped

In [23]:
# extract a few rows to show URL'static_map_url').limit(5).toPandas() #show(5,truncate=False)

import requests

# sample 10% of the rows and get status code request (retain on 5 for printing)
for url in [ c['static_map_url'] for c in df.sample(False,0.1,seed=0).limit(5).rdd.collect() ]:
  print (url)
  code = requests.get(url).status_code 
  print (' satus code {}\n'.format( code ))

# drop column
df = df.drop('static_map_url')

 satus code 401
 satus code 401
 satus code 401
 satus code 401
 satus code 401

Check Unit of Measurement

  • Control if the same unit of measurment is used for all the entries of the same field
    If different units are used, values would be convert to a common one
    In the present sample the same units are used for distance, speed and fuel consumption
  • Currency can be EUR or USD and the fuel price per gallon is constant
    We know already that fuel_consumed field is empty so those information can be dropped

In [24]:
# list how many distinct units exists for distance,speed and fuel_consumed'distance_um').distinct().show()'speed_um').distinct().show()'fuel_consumed_um').distinct().show()

# list how many different combination exists for currency, symbol and price per gallon of fuel.'fuel_cost_currency_code','fuel_cost_currency_symbol','fuel_ppg').distinct().show()

# drop fuel ralted fields since there no observations are available (e.g.: fuel_consumed is empty)
df = df.drop('fuel_cost_currency_code','fuel_cost_currency_symbol','fuel_ppg','fuel_consumed_um')

|         mi|

|     mph|

|             gal|

|                    EUR|                        €|    2.39|
|                    USD|                        $|    3.54|

Redundant Fields

  • From data display looks like some field columns are duplicated
  • To control the all the values are the same in principle it is possible to pair column values row-by-row but that would be not efficient on a large distributed dataset For the purpose it's enough to look at summarization parameters to decide if two columns are identical
  • Redundant fields are removed

In [25]:
# get stat descritption of'top_speed','top_speed_mph').describe().show()'obd_distance','obd_miles').describe().show()'gps_distance','gps_miles').describe().show()

# remove field with names specifying the unit since this is stored in a separate field
# and unit uniformity has been already ensured
df = df.drop('top_speed_mph','obd_miles','gps_miles')

|summary|         top_speed|     top_speed_mph|
|  count|              3903|              3903|
|   mean| 45.53637113548452| 45.53637113548452|
| stddev|20.040925556040133|20.040925556040133|
|    min|               0.0|               0.0|
|    max|127.38109440865345|127.38109440865345|

|summary|      obd_distance|         obd_miles|
|  count|              3903|              3903|
|   mean| 8.095386916834068| 8.095386916834068|
| stddev| 16.38601543277141| 16.38601543277141|
|    min|               0.0|               0.0|
|    max|232.86755348763222|232.86755348763222|

|summary|        gps_distance|           gps_miles|
|  count|                3903|                3903|
|   mean|   7.257100007399001|   7.257100007399001|
| stddev|  15.855331245522395|  15.855331245522395|
|    min|8.006704572768198E-5|8.006704572768198E-5|
|    max|  237.73788151299107|  237.73788151299107|

Constant Fields

  • Check for constant value fields and remove them if necessary

In [26]:

df = df.drop('trip_segments','fuel_type')

|            1|

|  regular|

Inspection of Country and State

  • Get list of different countries present in the whole dataset
     - Drop constant value fields so as to reduce data to be  
       susequently transformed into a local Data Frame (and improve data display readability)    
       although not critical with the present datasize

In [27]:
# list of different countries'start_point_address_country').distinct().show()'end_point_address_country').distinct().show()

# drop since they are constant fields
df = df.drop('start_point_address_country','end_point_address_country')

|                         GB|

|                       GB|

  • Get list of different states
      - There is a "suspicious" name: 'Cymru'
      - Cymru is the Welsh name of Wales 

In [28]:
# list of different states'start_point_address_state').distinct().show()'end_point_address_state').distinct().show()

# list of start-end point state combinations'start_point_address_state','end_point_address_state').distinct().show()

|                  England|
|                 Scotland|
|                    Wales|
|                    Cymru|
|         Northern Ireland|

|                England|
|               Scotland|
|                  Wales|
|       Northern Ireland|

|                  England|                England|
|                 Scotland|               Scotland|
|                  England|                  Wales|
|         Northern Ireland|       Northern Ireland|
|                    Wales|                England|
|                    Wales|                  Wales|
|                    Cymru|                  Wales|

- Inspect rows with 'Cymru' (only one actually) and then change the name to Wales  
  to get consistent naming

In [29]:
print (" Num of records with with state adress = Cymru: {} "
       .format( df.filter(df['start_point_address_state']=='Cymru').count() )

# look at the data

# convert name
df = df.replace('Cymru','Wales')

 Num of records with with state adress = Cymru: 1 
device_key distance_um duration_seconds end_point_address_city end_point_address_state end_point_address_zipcode end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag end_point_latitude end_point_longitude end_point_timestamp end_point_timestamp_tz end_point_timestamp_utc gps_distance hard_accel_count hard_brake_count idle_seconds key obd_distance points_city_count points_hwy_count speed_um speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_point_address_city start_point_address_state start_point_address_zipcode start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag start_point_latitude start_point_longitude start_point_timestamp start_point_timestamp_tz start_point_timestamp_utc top_speed vehicle_key vehicle_nickname
0 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk5MTjJrdFZrQUNpZEJLZ3FHbWFFaGUM mi 1,661.00000 Bridgend Wales CF32 9SU False 51.53157 -3.57945 2016-11-21 12:45:18 GMT 2016-11-21 12:45:18 21.13067 0 0 51 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk5MTjJrdFZrQUNpZEJLZ3FHbWFFaGUMCxIEVHJpcCIWQ2dxNWZ2WjNLR1hTYWoyU282Y2tDegw 21.09431 54 1 mph 16 5 0 0 Caerphilly Cymru CF83 False 51.56780 -3.23142 2016-11-21 12:17:37 GMT 2016-11-21 12:17:37 72.70000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZKblAyYmE0cTM5OVAzSGNhbTRiUTdCDAsSA0NhciILNW9xNHV5UHJIUHgM KS12VRN

Time Zone Tags

  • Check if some trips start and end in different time zones
    If not keep only one of them and convert filed name for a shorter one
  • Check is 'daylight saving time flag' is assigned consistently. Remove field since it is not needed

In [30]:
# get occurencies of start/end point time zone combinations
# only BST-BST and GMT-GMT. Keep only one of the two

# get occurencies  of timezone/daylight_saving_time_flag
# since pairing is consitent no fix is needed and the field can be removed

df =  df.drop('start_point_daylight_saving_time_flag','end_point_daylight_saving_time_flag')\

# rename for field name length more similar to a (3-character) field values 
df = df.withColumnRenamed('start_point_timestamp_tz','trip_tz')

|start_point_timestamp_tz| BST| GMT|
|                     BST| 872|null|
|                     GMT|null|3031|

|                     BST| null| 872|
|                     GMT| 3031|null|

|                   BST| null| 872|
|                   GMT| 3031|null|

Time stamps

  • Data schema shows that time stamps field values are casted as string
  • Proceed to convertion to TimestampType specifying the format (that will also assure that time format is uniform across the dataset)

In [31]:
# define funciton for type casting a list of columns to pyspark.sql.types=Timestamp
def colsToTimestamp(df,colnames,format):
  for name in colnames:
    df = df.withColumn(name, F.unix_timestamp(df[name],timestamp_format).cast(TimestampType()))
  return df

timestamp_format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'

#fields to be converted
timestamp_cols   = ['start_point_timestamp','start_point_timestamp_utc','end_point_timestamp','end_point_timestamp_utc']

df = colsToTimestamp(df,timestamp_cols,timestamp_format) 

# print checks
print (" check types schema: ")
print ( [(,c.dataType) for c in df.schema if in timestamp_cols] )

# display some rows

 check types schema: 
[('end_point_timestamp', TimestampType), ('end_point_timestamp_utc', TimestampType), ('start_point_timestamp', TimestampType), ('start_point_timestamp_utc', TimestampType)]
device_key distance_um duration_seconds end_point_address_city end_point_address_state end_point_address_zipcode end_point_latitude end_point_longitude end_point_timestamp end_point_timestamp_utc gps_distance hard_accel_count hard_brake_count idle_seconds key obd_distance points_city_count points_hwy_count speed_um speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_point_address_city start_point_address_state start_point_address_zipcode start_point_latitude start_point_longitude start_point_timestamp trip_tz start_point_timestamp_utc top_speed vehicle_key vehicle_nickname
0 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 425.00000 Cleckheaton England BD19 3TY 53.73208 -1.71761 2016-11-24 12:33:01 2016-11-24 12:33:01 0.74782 0 0 238 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWUmVUaEpUNlFaRmJhQ1IyREtTTmFSNww 0.78106 12 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton England BD19 3BE 53.72496 -1.71555 2016-11-24 12:25:56 GMT 2016-11-24 12:25:56 32.30000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
1 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 738.00000 Luddenden Foot England HX2 53.72361 -1.94621 2016-11-23 17:55:30 2016-11-23 17:55:30 3.56389 0 0 117 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWOEViRzVwb0FDc21vSzdabkpQTTZraAw 3.46539 26 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Halifax England HX1 3BA 53.71449 -1.87807 2016-11-23 17:43:12 GMT 2016-11-23 17:43:12 37.90000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
2 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 241.00000 Cleckheaton England BD19 3TY 53.73208 -1.71757 2016-11-23 13:50:00 2016-11-23 13:50:00 0.91447 0 0 62 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWRE14bjNIYUtIUlVrRXlTVHRjeW9mZww 0.91714 11 0 mph 0 0 0 0 Cleckheaton England BD19 3BE 53.72501 -1.71539 2016-11-23 13:45:59 GMT 2016-11-23 13:45:59 36.00000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
3 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 526.00000 Luddenden Foot England HX2 6AH 53.72363 -1.94622 2016-11-22 21:39:30 2016-11-22 21:39:30 3.57647 0 0 61 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWdGNtVmh4ejhSbmg5NGNScXY3WXR4eQw 3.43805 22 0 mph 2 1 0 0 Halifax England HX1 3BA 53.71457 -1.87802 2016-11-22 21:30:44 GMT 2016-11-22 21:30:44 44.10000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
4 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ciILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MM mi 532.00000 Halifax England HX1 3BA 53.71457 -1.87801 2016-11-22 21:25:20 2016-11-22 21:25:20 1.53763 0 0 48 agplfnp1YmllLWV1ckILEgZEZXZpY2UiFk1aVEdCQ3NMZ1BjRzJOU0JMN1FWV1MMCxIEVHJpcCIWaVM3QkFEV1FYNGJINDI4d05lV1ptaQw 1.55964 20 0 mph 1 0 0 0 Halifax England HX1 4TA 53.72466 -1.88786 2016-11-22 21:16:28 GMT 2016-11-22 21:16:28 32.30000 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN
  • Verify that change of time occurs on the right day (Oct 30th for 2016 for UK)

In [32]:
# keep only October
# group to get one entry per day 
# order

col = 'start_point_timestamp','trip_tz' )\

year(start_point_timestamp) month(start_point_timestamp) dayofmonth(start_point_timestamp) trip_tz count
0 2016 10 1 BST 12
1 2016 10 2 BST 3
2 2016 10 3 BST 5
3 2016 10 4 BST 2
4 2016 10 5 BST 2
5 2016 10 6 BST 10
6 2016 10 8 BST 1
7 2016 10 11 BST 5
8 2016 10 13 BST 4
9 2016 10 15 BST 11
10 2016 10 16 BST 13
11 2016 10 17 BST 14
12 2016 10 18 BST 13
13 2016 10 19 BST 18
14 2016 10 20 BST 5
15 2016 10 21 BST 16
16 2016 10 22 BST 46
17 2016 10 23 BST 32
18 2016 10 24 BST 21
19 2016 10 25 BST 15
20 2016 10 26 BST 28
21 2016 10 27 BST 48
22 2016 10 28 BST 60
23 2016 10 29 BST 86
24 2016 10 30 GMT 63
25 2016 10 31 GMT 81

Cross check calculation of trip duration

  • Verify correctness of trip duration calculation as difference between
    start point and end point timestamps (for both UTC and local timezones)
  • Drop UTC time reporting since not needed at the moment

In [33]:
# select timestamp-type columns
timing_cols = [n for n in df.columns if 'timestamp' in n]

# add necessary info for the calculations

# re-compute trip duration as timestamps difference for a few entries
# and show results [c for c in timing_cols] ) \
  .withColumn('mydt',F.unix_timestamp(df['end_point_timestamp_utc'])-F.unix_timestamp(df['start_point_timestamp_utc'])) \
  .limit(5).toPandas().head() #(.show(5,truncate=False)

# re-compute for the whole dataset to check aggregated stats 
# as resonable proof that the two calculations return always same result [c for c in timing_cols] ) \
  .withColumn('mydt',F.unix_timestamp(df['end_point_timestamp_utc'])-F.unix_timestamp(df['start_point_timestamp_utc'])) \
  .describe('duration_seconds','mydt') \

# drop field for now not necessary 
df = df.drop('start_point_timestamp_utc','end_point_timestamp_utc')

end_point_timestamp end_point_timestamp_utc start_point_timestamp start_point_timestamp_utc trip_tz duration_seconds mydt
0 2016-11-24 12:33:01 2016-11-24 12:33:01 2016-11-24 12:25:56 2016-11-24 12:25:56 GMT 425.00000 425
1 2016-11-23 17:55:30 2016-11-23 17:55:30 2016-11-23 17:43:12 2016-11-23 17:43:12 GMT 738.00000 738
2 2016-11-23 13:50:00 2016-11-23 13:50:00 2016-11-23 13:45:59 2016-11-23 13:45:59 GMT 241.00000 241
3 2016-11-22 21:39:30 2016-11-22 21:39:30 2016-11-22 21:30:44 2016-11-22 21:30:44 GMT 526.00000 526
4 2016-11-22 21:25:20 2016-11-22 21:25:20 2016-11-22 21:16:28 2016-11-22 21:16:28 GMT 532.00000 532
|summary|  duration_seconds|              mydt|
|  count|              3903|              3903|
|   mean|1164.3219336407892| 1164.322316167051|
| stddev|1374.7726984147882|1374.7725450494697|
|    min|              18.0|                18|
|    max|           17805.0|             17805|

Create useful list of columns

  • do some name shortening
  • group columns by subject

In [34]:
df = df.withColumnRenamed('start_point_latitude','start_point_lat') \
  .withColumnRenamed('start_point_longitude','start_point_lon') \
  .withColumnRenamed('end_point_latitude','end_point_lat') \

In [35]:
latlong_cols = ['start_point_lat','start_point_lon','end_point_lat','end_point_lon']

timestamp_cols = [n for n in df.columns if 'timestamp' in n]

distance_cols = ['gps_distance','obd_distance']

duration_cols = ['duration_seconds','idle_seconds']

Fields consistency: duration time and idle time

  • Ensure that is always idle time < trip duration time and that there are no negative values for idle time
    (already checked above that duration is calculate correctly)
    Remove non-consistent rows (actually a small fraction of the data)

In [36]:
# useful column for the study
cols = timestamp_cols + duration_cols + latlong_cols + ['gps_distance']

print (" number of rows where idle time  >= trip duration: {}"\
 .format( df.where(df['idle_seconds'] >= df['duration_seconds']).count() )
print (" number of rows where idle time  < 0: {}" \
 .format( df.where(df['idle_seconds'] < 0).count() )

# display data for direct inspection
print(' \n Entries with idle > duration')\
    .where( df['idle_seconds'] >= df['duration_seconds'] )\
print(' Entries with idle < 0 ')\
    .where( df['idle_seconds'] < 0 )\
# remove inconsistent entries
df = df.where( (df['duration_seconds'] > df['idle_seconds']) & (df['idle_seconds'] >= 0) )

 number of rows where idle time  >= trip duration: 23
 number of rows where idle time  < 0: 1
 Entries with idle > duration
end_point_timestamp start_point_timestamp duration_seconds idle_seconds start_point_lat start_point_lon end_point_lat end_point_lon gps_distance
0 2016-11-21 17:19:44 2016-11-21 17:19:09 35.00000 35 51.63796 -0.46845 51.63795 -0.46844 0.00052
1 2016-11-23 10:00:57 2016-11-23 10:00:28 29.00000 29 53.30265 -3.54296 53.30273 -3.54290 0.00072
2 2016-10-31 14:22:57 2016-10-31 14:14:34 503.00000 503 51.27742 -0.20994 51.27740 -0.20987 0.00277
3 2016-10-29 11:26:59 2016-10-29 11:26:34 25.00000 25 51.13667 -0.03229 51.13667 -0.03227 0.00045
4 2016-09-18 18:53:03 2016-09-18 18:51:32 91.00000 91 53.03751 -2.16971 53.03758 -2.16996 0.01067
5 2016-11-10 10:42:34 2016-11-10 10:42:12 22.00000 22 50.81133 -0.77265 50.81134 -0.77276 0.00469
6 2016-09-16 12:38:17 2016-09-16 12:34:30 227.00000 227 55.95875 -3.12300 55.95874 -3.12300 0.00057
7 2016-11-15 19:40:34 2016-11-15 19:39:51 43.00000 43 51.53670 -1.02413 51.53679 -1.02414 0.00574
8 2016-11-27 21:02:36 2016-11-27 21:01:05 91.00000 91 51.18283 -0.02588 51.18279 -0.02585 0.00190
9 2016-09-29 17:43:42 2016-09-29 17:41:21 141.00000 141 51.14703 -0.97698 51.14702 -0.97695 0.00143
10 2016-10-29 12:14:50 2016-10-29 12:00:22 868.00000 868 55.95857 -3.12247 55.95853 -3.12248 0.00313
11 2016-11-24 17:42:54 2016-11-24 17:42:11 43.00000 43 51.43344 -1.07573 51.43344 -1.07573 0.00041
12 2016-10-29 15:44:01 2016-10-29 15:43:36 25.00000 25 52.77901 -0.17527 52.77896 -0.17518 0.00194
13 2016-09-18 09:17:55 2016-09-18 09:16:39 76.00000 76 53.03760 -2.16988 53.03753 -2.16974 0.00827
14 2016-11-13 10:16:33 2016-11-13 10:15:56 37.00000 37 53.85990 -1.51111 53.85982 -1.51104 0.00751
15 2016-11-10 20:54:07 2016-11-10 20:53:30 37.00000 37 53.85981 -1.51114 53.85979 -1.51106 0.00353
16 2016-11-03 11:40:35 2016-11-03 11:36:04 271.00000 531488141 53.78643 -1.54367 53.78645 -1.54371 0.84060
17 2016-11-11 12:45:16 2016-11-11 12:44:39 37.00000 37 54.56519 -5.97924 54.56517 -5.97921 0.00008
18 2016-10-23 11:32:24 2016-10-23 11:31:49 35.00000 35 53.03758 -2.16986 53.03753 -2.16969 0.00942
19 2016-11-30 19:08:07 2016-11-30 19:07:33 34.00000 34 51.18279 -0.02590 51.18283 -0.02584 0.00342
20 2016-10-19 13:02:40 2016-10-19 13:01:14 86.00000 86 51.10771 -1.04498 51.10757 -1.04516 0.01481
21 2016-09-24 06:31:02 2016-09-24 06:29:01 121.00000 121 51.10760 -1.04526 51.10761 -1.04518 0.00477
22 2016-10-27 22:27:13 2016-10-27 22:26:55 18.00000 18 53.69080 -2.32692 53.69072 -2.32716 0.01227
 Entries with idle < 0 
end_point_timestamp start_point_timestamp duration_seconds idle_seconds start_point_lat start_point_lon end_point_lat end_point_lon gps_distance
0 2016-10-31 10:24:47 2016-10-31 09:57:11 1,656.00000 -3326 51.07413 -1.77164 51.07443 -1.77063 0.10528
  • get remaining entries

In [37]:
print ("rows after selection/total: {}/{}".format( df.count(), numOfRows) )

numOfRows = df.count()

rows after selection/total: 3879/3903

Latitude Longitude fields: basic checks

  • Simple stats computations to verify that values are within expected range for UK Basic check useful on the distributed data before plotting data distribution

In [38]:\

|summary|   start_point_lat|    start_point_lon|     end_point_lat|      end_point_lon|
|  count|              3879|               3879|              3879|               3879|
|   mean|  52.4211081309616|-1.2384743000773375|52.422046621551914|-1.2375207383346223|
| stddev|1.4824738917067224|  1.178389915446085|1.4817053846773547| 1.1743991693920588|
|    min|         50.052223|           -6.29264|          50.05226|          -6.254267|
|    max|         56.494857|           1.437023|         56.494875|           1.436827|

Speed and driving-score fields: basic checks

- Verify that speed data and scores do not show unexpcted stats values, in particular
  for min and max values.  
  Basic check useful on the distributed data before plotting data distribution

In [39]:'top_speed')\
  .show() [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('speeding')] )\
  .show() [c for c in df.columns if 'brake' in c ] )\
  .show() [c for c in df.columns if 'accel' in c] )\
  .show() [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('points')] )\

|summary|         top_speed|
|  count|              3879|
|   mean|45.782874724678294|
| stddev|19.822138603306705|
|    min|               0.0|
|    max|127.38109440865345|

|  count|                     3879|                     3879|                    3879|                    3879|
|   mean|       1.1874194379994845|       0.9151843258571797|      0.2031451405001289|      0.1500386697602475|
| stddev|        4.963942862667783|        2.015354650938146|      3.4551544422836504|      1.5285386825067353|
|    min|                        0|                        0|                       0|                       0|
|    max|                      128|                       26|                     167|                      45|

|summary|  hard_brake_count|
|  count|              3879|
|   mean|0.5225573601443672|
| stddev|1.2394761981345064|
|    min|                 0|
|    max|                19|

|summary|   hard_accel_count|
|  count|               3879|
|   mean|0.20108275328692962|
| stddev| 0.7056749724151983|
|    min|                  0|
|    max|                 11|

|summary| points_city_count|  points_hwy_count|
|  count|              3879|              3879|
|   mean| 27.88837329208559| 4.840422789378706|
| stddev|30.296287733772218|20.752739069399357|
|    min|                 0|                 0|
|    max|               291|               356|

Some fields re-cast

  • Double's -> Float's
  • Duration_seconds: Float -> Int

In [40]:
schema_cols = [(,c.dataType) for c in df.schema]

for c in schema_cols:
  name,dtype = c
  if  dtype == DoubleType():
    df = df.withColumn(name,df[name].cast(FloatType()))
  elif dtype == LongType():
    df = df.withColumn(name,df[name].cast(IntegerType()))
df = df.withColumn('duration_seconds',df['duration_seconds'].cast(IntegerType()))


 |-- device_key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- distance_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- duration_seconds: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_lat: float (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_lon: float (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- gps_distance: float (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_accel_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_brake_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- idle_seconds: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- obd_distance: float (nullable = true)
 |-- points_city_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- points_hwy_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speed_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_major_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_minor_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_major_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_minor_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_lat: float (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_lon: float (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- trip_tz: string (nullable = true)
 |-- top_speed: float (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_nickname: string (nullable = true)

'Key' field

  • There are as many key as rows
    Field can be dropped

In [41]:
print (" key entries/total: {}/{}"\
                      .format('key').distinct().count(), numOfRows )

df = df.drop('key')

 key entries/total: 3879/3879

Device key and vehicle key/nickname field

  • Get number of different devices
  • Get number of different nickanmes
  • Get combination of Device key and vehicle nickname to control if a device is used
    on multiple vehicles. It results that there is always one device per vehicle

In [42]:
print (" Number of device_key: {}"\
                               .format('device_key').distinct().count() ) 

 Number of device_key: 55

In [43]:
print ("Number of unique vehicle_key, vehicle_nickname: ",\'vehicle_key','vehicle_nickname').groupBy('vehicle_key','vehicle_nickname').count().count()

('Number of unique vehicle_key, vehicle_nickname: ', 55)
vehicle_key vehicle_nickname count
0 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZrSEp3RHhIZzhVakdTR0xiQkhqY3dFDAsSA0NhciILRnczZlVRVjk0WnEM BG61YNF 12
2 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZMQjRZRXVuNGtKcTVZWGJGWXpYYkdKDAsSA0NhciILWDlIaVR5dGI4ZXQM Bill's Honda 64
3 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZLNFJHZllXMnViaEdqekxGbzRFWjlDDAsSA0NhciILWjdIMkFwdWpYWVYM California 18
5 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZxOE1icnVodXYyVHFaM25ONTV6VkxlDAsSA0NhciILaENaWUE1OHBLVUIM EO14GZR 123
6 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZpUEpCajJxVjNFWGdZTktYOEhyS0x3DAsSA0NhciILYlRROWZWeUhleTcM F9ELL 45
7 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ3TjduVmFGM0c1ZmtFekhTUUpyRlc0DAsSA0NhciILRW5aSHRrV280TXAM FX16VYG 39
8 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZlejJLMlB6NHdDTW9rb1R1VVIydW1aDAsSA0NhciILc0pyZWFMbnJnWXkM FY64AZT 5
9 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ5a3NlYVU1UXd0RDg1TWJXRDd2NTZIDAsSA0NhciILYVFIQlUzbjQ1ZlMM GF07CGG 25
10 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZuQ1BQdlZqVXZOeFZmQ21ndlJxVmd5DAsSA0NhciILOHN2eVNTdXhRRVoM GF10LZH 5
11 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ2RFZFeVp2Q245cWZ3QUNYOWlnRG5aDAsSA0NhciILYWRUVnNERWFQcGsM GN64UTO 78
12 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhYzVk45ZWh5elp6VGpjdXBZcVlvRnlhDAsSA0NhciILY2pnUmFqZU1kNTcM GU07LZD 34
13 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZxRFM1V29ETDhwNGI1d1c3VmR4U2NhDAsSA0NhciILbzdBamhnWnNXcjIM GX05RHU 116
14 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZzaDhya1M0Uzg2OENvVkdzZDU3dnFGDAsSA0NhciILeW91YWZyZGdGdzIM Jamie 6
15 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZhNEJudVUyM0VFWXozaWQ1VldpWWpUDAsSA0NhciILOWh0c3hjY2FEYXgM KM59WDP 180
16 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZxaVh2b0RDRlVFUVhKVUt3VEVDZ3pWDAsSA0NhciILTEVpcDhab2JxWUsM KN15UAC 153
17 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ5eGlFRlo1U3RIUkxqV0NrTE5xcGVTDAsSA0NhciILUWFETGpiV21abVkM KN15UAG 40
18 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ6WEVrSzl4WW84RUY1V3diUkNtRUJ4DAsSA0NhciILV1p4R2VvUzY0SGkM KO16WBJ 129
19 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZKblAyYmE0cTM5OVAzSGNhbTRiUTdCDAsSA0NhciILNW9xNHV5UHJIUHgM KS12VRN 66
21 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhY4cmFyREROVDJDWFgydUdma0tVcGllDAsSA0NhciILTERXd3RLN2JyQ2QM L111TYM 34
25 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZiRFI0b0xWeHBnalhnSEJBWFNrbW5CDAsSA0NhciILRktNQVBhVHVzb1UM LT16NVG 56
26 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ6VnZMS0F3bkpGbXZTYjVqVFc1azlSDAsSA0NhciILQjU2WVU3b1BhYWIM LX14NYS 99
27 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZwVEN3UDRyU3VydWJ5cFY0RmM2OWlZDAsSA0NhciILWVl4b3FpWkVIdVAM LX64KWB 4
28 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZONVJjdVBKR2c0Z0RCTnlHdXJ6cHppDAsSA0NhciILRVprcmI4V2JBdjkM M100NEB 104
29 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZmOVdvd0xORFJYWnhTNndocWZZaUptDAsSA0NhciILUVZGQ3BLbzNVd3AM MJ16JPO 76
30 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDSHh3clVuZzlyakNjRldaUUZiMm9TDAsSA0NhciILNENOaVpkM1U5SHEM MV13ZFN 214
31 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZYOUs2QXYyWTdaU2RSS21HQVZmRFZZDAsSA0NhciILYzN0NGdXTk43a2IM NJZ8764 39
32 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ4TktCV2lrbTRRcDV4dEMyd28zbk5MDAsSA0NhciILSjRmdWdtNlBtY0oM NL62TNX 69
33 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZOVUpTbUZyRWtoY2JmbWQ0TmE5eEFXDAsSA0NhciILMnVXVjhLQ2RWSm4M OE07CKK 112
34 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZZem9LZm5vQkxad0c0dk1ReWg1UVVKDAsSA0NhciILdUhIckw4NVVqVDIM OY09WKK 141
35 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ4eWdBVkhnUG9BSkRVc0FyRWNjUnBGDAsSA0NhciILQ0g1Qlo3c3BHQ3MM PL08ZVH 33
36 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZoZ3d0TU5lWFdYWkprZVBhRHBtVHE4DAsSA0NhciILWEVmbVg5MmM0MlkM PX10YSL 77
37 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZDNDhDeXV5S1oyeEtwR2J5OGs3aW5TDAsSA0NhciILb3VnSzJhNGdlOEsM RK58SRO 10
38 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZCc1lDbkFwaWJpVlFqTTJ3VTM1eWdlDAsSA0NhciILN0pOd3ZVcFdLR1IM SB14FWG 196
39 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhY4ckpZMmlTNzZiclgzS1J5NXBGeEJyDAsSA0NhciILelQ5VFBHUlhueWYM SC14WGV 34
40 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZxbXlnR1Y3RVFhU3VlUmZMajJBR1NZDAsSA0NhciILZWtZazRYcjZjUlAM SG63XMW 19
41 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhY3Q1ZvRU04enJjc29ZNFliRWpjOExuDAsSA0NhciILTVR3RWNHc3ozemoM ST61MWJ 111
42 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZuNmsySkpNRVVaYk5wWWlORTNUY1ZwDAsSA0NhciILTVRGRXNvdkFuWmcM Sk12ZGS 220
43 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZpYXN4MlQzRFdMaFZxaFRxaUxFa2V2DAsSA0NhciILNEhWeVhGVUdKbWEM T6FTO 29
45 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZwQlIzWnBaQ0pBVUR1SGVBWUhYSlZjDAsSA0NhciILcFgyaVJXQTNrTEIM W31PMW 83
46 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZEVUI2R2tmc0FrUEVSUkFSV0dYVVdKDAsSA0NhciILc0I5ZUpGU2lnUEwM YC15CXR 62
47 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZzU0RHdTRkSHA4Z3lvNUJyS3IzbTZiDAsSA0NhciILekFhUmNLcTZqOEMM YC62VAO 43
48 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZabnBqRjhmcmdKeWJZTkJnQUVjbXZZDAsSA0NhciILNE1QcUVIaGVEUDMM YE14DGF 31
49 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZyOTIyd2NmajJYbWN1cWdyY0JleUJGDAsSA0NhciILb1loRkxYQnZMMkMM YK65WLE 33
50 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhY3a3NoM2lNdnNTTGVnWFg5aVRtQnJFDAsSA0NhciILTVdialZVWjVncEoM YP63LSE 24
51 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZQakZxWXBXb0JiQ0JENmM5Y3hWaEhoDAsSA0NhciILNmtDZFNMUjNDb0UM bens 72
52 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZ1TWdoQVhxYjZHWVRCY0NHRGNHQW5vDAsSA0NhciILVTJ1RWJmb0ZKa3kM harrow55 40
53 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZiQ3NGdGFVOHhIcmREaFd5RjZ0UlBjDAsSA0NhciILcHRnRmhGZWNGeVQM ll58hxj 130
54 agplfnp1YmllLWV1cjcLEgdBY2NvdW50IhZQRGR1WnJZeGl2NmJtZHJmNTlVdkozDAsSA0NhciILV0w3cU41S01QR3AM ov54phj 65
  • Convert device keys to more manageable IntegerTypes id's: add 'device_id' fields
    That would be useful also for ML algorithms, which normally require int or floating point values
  • Remove vehicle and device keys

In [44]:
df = df.drop('vehicle_key')

In [45]:
# get list of unique device_key's
device_keys ='device_key').distinct().orderBy('device_key').rdd.flatMap(lambda x:x).collect()

# register UDF function to map key to an integer given by its position in the array
getID_udf = F.udf(lambda k: device_keys.index(k), IntegerType())

# create new column
df = df.withColumn('device_id',getID_udf(df['device_key']))

df = df.drop('device_key')
  • check data frame schema

In [46]:

 |-- distance_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- duration_seconds: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_lat: float (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_lon: float (nullable = true)
 |-- end_point_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- gps_distance: float (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_accel_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- hard_brake_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- idle_seconds: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- obd_distance: float (nullable = true)
 |-- points_city_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- points_hwy_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speed_um: string (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_major_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_city_minor_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_major_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- speeding_hwy_minor_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_city: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_state: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_address_zipcode: string (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_lat: float (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_lon: float (nullable = true)
 |-- start_point_timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- trip_tz: string (nullable = true)
 |-- top_speed: float (nullable = true)
 |-- vehicle_nickname: string (nullable = true)
 |-- device_id: integer (nullable = true)

Some column rearrangement

  • Shorten some long field names
  • Re-shuffle colums based on typology
  • Order by time and device id

In [47]:
# remove the 'address' tag
for c in [c for c in df.columns if 'address' in c]:
  df = df.withColumnRenamed(c,c.replace('address_',''))

In [48]:
# ordered list
cols = ['device_id','vehicle_nickname'] \
       + [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('start')] \
       + [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('end')] \
       + ['trip_tz'] \
       + ['duration_seconds','idle_seconds'] \
       + ['gps_distance','obd_distance'] \
       + ['top_speed'] \
       + ['hard_accel_count','hard_brake_count'] \
       + ['points_city_count','points_hwy_count'] \
       + [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('speeding')] \
       + ['speed_um','distance_um']
# check that no cols are left out
print( 'new/old colunm list length {}/{}'.format( len(cols), len(df.columns) ) )

new/old colunm list length 30/30

In [49]:
# apply re-shuffling
df =

df = df.orderBy('start_point_timestamp','device_id')


  • Prepared Data Frame:

In [50]:
print('\n list of columns: ')

 list of columns: 
  • Display some rows

In [51]:

device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon start_point_timestamp end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp trip_tz duration_seconds idle_seconds gps_distance obd_distance top_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count speed_um distance_um
0 37 bens London England SE22 0NN 51.45408 -0.05773 2016-08-10 17:33:52 London England SE20 8SH 51.40580 -0.06562 2016-08-10 17:55:50 BST 1318 360 4.56465 4.49189 41.60000 0 3 47 0 0 1 0 0 mph mi
1 37 bens London England SE20 8SJ 51.40570 -0.06566 2016-08-13 09:00:25 London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 09:13:16 BST 771 189 2.26938 2.81295 32.30000 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
2 37 bens London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 10:41:20 London England SE20 8SH 51.40581 -0.06558 2016-08-13 10:54:48 BST 808 214 2.21226 2.72223 29.80000 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
3 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 51.40616 -0.06565 2016-08-14 00:53:25 London England SE20 8SW 51.40634 -0.06818 2016-08-14 01:01:18 BST 473 104 0.11582 1.40492 28.00000 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
4 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 51.40576 -0.06559 2016-08-17 19:27:08 Orpington England BR6 0AT 51.37328 0.09562 2016-08-17 20:00:46 BST 2018 605 9.23671 9.05462 39.10000 0 1 61 0 1 1 0 0 mph mi
5 37 bens Orpington England BR6 0AT 51.37328 0.09562 2016-08-17 20:41:04 London England SE20 8SH 51.40581 -0.06560 2016-08-17 21:05:24 BST 1460 138 7.95704 8.92848 42.30000 0 2 45 0 1 2 0 0 mph mi
6 37 bens London England SE20 8SJ 51.40579 -0.06579 2016-08-18 19:53:53 London England SE23 3XP 51.44048 -0.05667 2016-08-18 20:04:44 BST 651 75 2.53011 2.94716 32.90000 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 mph mi
7 37 bens London England SE23 3XP 51.44078 -0.05680 2016-08-18 21:16:34 London England SE20 8SJ 51.40582 -0.06583 2016-08-18 21:38:01 BST 1287 449 3.26761 3.59960 34.20000 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
8 37 bens London England SE20 8BL 51.41071 -0.06535 2016-08-19 17:07:36 Fleet England GU51 51.29453 -0.85891 2016-08-19 19:45:12 BST 9456 3629 74.70174 72.48668 90.10000 1 15 97 89 6 6 5 10 mph mi
9 37 bens Tatsfield England TN16 2ER 51.27354 0.04222 2016-08-21 12:49:35 London England SE19 2BA 51.41868 -0.07489 2016-08-21 13:51:55 BST 3740 761 26.97838 25.79001 84.50000 0 2 93 22 7 0 1 2 mph mi

In [52]:
print(' Number of selected fields/total: {}/{} '.format( len(df.columns), numOfFieldsRaw ) )
print(' Number of selected rows/total: {}/{} '.format( numOfRows, numOfRowsRaw) )

 Number of selected fields/total: 30/56 
 Number of selected rows/total: 3879/28952 

In [53]:
# Prepared Spark data frame can be written to file system for later use
#! rm -rf ./output

In [54]:

Data Analytics

to index

  • Analysis is performed on a Padas Data Frame
  • Feature exploration, validation, engineering, selection
  • Data exploration, visualization and selection
  • Predictive modelling using scikit learn libray

In [55]:
# control cell printout 
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'last_expr'

In [56]:
# import graphics library

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import seaborn as sns

In [57]:
# graphics settings


plt.rc('font', size=BIGGER_SIZE)         # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)     # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=BIGGER_SIZE)    # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=BIGGER_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=BIGGER_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=BIGGER_SIZE)    # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)  # fontsize of the figure title

axis_font = {'fontname':'Arial', 'size':'24'}

Convert Spark Data Frame into a Pandas Data Frame

  • Locally resident object

In [151]:
pdf = df.toPandas()

#write to file for later use

Feature analysis: Visualization of geo-spatial data

  • Exploit lat/long coordinates to create dynamic maps to visualize geographical distribution of data features
  • As first data exploration a base map with two layers displaying density of trips (the starting point) is created:
    -One layer holding a heatmap  
    -One layer holding a clustered rapresentation of trip starting points. Point clusters can be
     recomputed according to the distance scale

In [155]:
# Load necessary modules
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
from IPython.display import IFrame

# Module to handle Pandas Dataframes and geo-data
import geopandas as gpd
from import sjoin

# Interactive Map with layer support
import folium
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
from folium.element import IFrame

# utilities
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import Point
  • Create a GeoSeries object: a series of Shapely geometry objects (a Point), one for each starting_point location
  • Build a GeoDataFrame: a Pandas data frame pdf with a geometry-specilized-field

In [61]:
# Build a GeoSeries of shapely Points
# Select coordinate system ESPG4326 which is the standard WGS84 coordinate system
geo_series = gpd.GeoSeries( pdf.apply(lambda z: Point(z['start_point_lat'], z['start_point_lon']), 1)
                           ,crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'} )

In [62]:

0    POINT (51.45407867431641 -0.05773499980568886)
1    POINT (51.40570068359375 -0.06565999984741211)
2    POINT (51.43125915527344 -0.03488999977707863)
3    POINT (51.40615844726562 -0.06565000116825104)
4    POINT (51.40576171875 -0.06558500230312347)   
dtype: object

In [63]:
# join geo_series to pdf and drop orinal columns
# In general it is advisable to subset pdf to retain fields relevant for maps
# (not critical on small data sets)
geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pdf.drop(['start_point_lat', 'start_point_lon'], 1)
                          ,geometry=geo_series )

In [64]:
# display data frame with the new field 'geometry'
# Such field is added as the last one: let's put it as first
# before displaying
geo_df = geo_df[ ['geometry']+geo_df.columns[:-1].tolist() ]

geometry device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_timestamp end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp trip_tz duration_seconds idle_seconds gps_distance obd_distance top_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count speed_um distance_um
0 POINT (51.45407867431641 -0.05773499980568886) 37 bens London England SE22 0NN 2016-08-10 17:33:52 London England SE20 8SH 51.40580 -0.06562 2016-08-10 17:55:50 BST 1318 360 4.56465 4.49189 41.60000 0 3 47 0 0 1 0 0 mph mi
1 POINT (51.40570068359375 -0.06565999984741211) 37 bens London England SE20 8SJ 2016-08-13 09:00:25 London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 09:13:16 BST 771 189 2.26938 2.81295 32.30000 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
2 POINT (51.43125915527344 -0.03488999977707863) 37 bens London England SE6 4RS 2016-08-13 10:41:20 London England SE20 8SH 51.40581 -0.06558 2016-08-13 10:54:48 BST 808 214 2.21226 2.72223 29.80000 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
3 POINT (51.40615844726562 -0.06565000116825104) 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 2016-08-14 00:53:25 London England SE20 8SW 51.40634 -0.06818 2016-08-14 01:01:18 BST 473 104 0.11582 1.40492 28.00000 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 mph mi
4 POINT (51.40576171875 -0.06558500230312347) 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 2016-08-17 19:27:08 Orpington England BR6 0AT 51.37328 0.09562 2016-08-17 20:00:46 BST 2018 605 9.23671 9.05462 39.10000 0 1 61 0 1 1 0 0 mph mi
  • Create a base map object

In [65]:
# center map at the mean of the lat-long grid form the data (starting point only)
lat,lon = pdf[['start_point_lat']].mean(),  pdf[['start_point_lon']].mean() 

geo_map = folium.Map( 
        location=[np.float(lat), np.float(lon)]
        ,control_scale = True # show distance scales
        ,zoom_start = 7 # ajusted to show most of the country
  • Write a function to build a heatmap layer from the GeoDataFrame

In [66]:
def add_heatmap(base_map, gdf, mag_field=None):
        Add an heatmap layer to Folium base_map using points from the 
        POINT-type field 'geometry'in the GeoDataFrame gdf
        Values in the mag_field colums can be used as weights
    # Create empty lists to hold coordinates and magnitude values if provided
    lat, lon, mag = [], [], []
    coords = []
    # loop through rows of the GeoDataFrame
    for i, row in gdf.iterrows():
        coords.append([np.float(row.geometry.x), np.float(row.geometry.y)])
        lat.append( np.float(row.geometry.x) )
        lon.append( np.float(row.geometry.y) )
        m = row[mag_field] if mag_field else 1
        mag.append( m )
    # create a Folium Feature Group for the layer
    layer = folium.FeatureGroup(name = 'heatmap')
    # add this point layer to the map object
    return base_map
  • Write a function to build a clusters layer from the GeoDataFrame

In [67]:
def add_clustered_points(base_map, gdf, popup_fields=None ):
        Add a cluster point layer to Folium base_map using points from the 
        POINT-type field 'geometry'in the GeoDataFrame gdf
        Values in the popup_fileds column can be used as text to be displayed in
        the marker popup window
    # Create empty lists to hold coordinates and popup info text if provided
    coords, pops = [], [] 
    # loop through rows of the GeoDataFrame
    for i, row in gdf.iterrows():
        coords.append([np.float(row.geometry.x), np.float(row.geometry.y)])
        if popup_fields:
            # create a string of HTML code joining values from  
            # the fields listed in 'popup_fields' with a linebreak between them
            label = '<br>'.join([row[field] for field in popup_fields])
            # append an IFrame that uses the HTML string to the "popups" list 
            pops.append( IFrame(label, width = 300, height = 100) )
    # create a Folium feature group for the layer
    layer = folium.FeatureGroup(name = 'clusters')
    # add the clustered points of crime locations and popups to this layer
    if not popup_fields: pops = None
    layer.add_children( MarkerCluster(locations = coords, popups=pops) )
    # add this point layer to the map object
    return base_map
  • Create the interactive map as a base map with two layers:
    Heatmap and a map of Point Clusters. It is possible to swhich can be activated via layer control
    - no magnitude field is provided to the heatmap: it will represents density of points

In [68]:
geo_map = add_heatmap(geo_map, geo_df)

geo_map = add_clustered_points(geo_map, geo_df)
# Optionally you can pass a list of fields to be dispalyed
# in the popup infobox (not advisable on large datasets)
# e.g.:
# geo_map = add_clustered_points(geo_map, geo_df, ['vehicle_nickname','top_speed'])

# add layer control to be shown on the map
folium.LayerControl().add_to( geo_map )

< at 0x115434a90>
  • Display interactive map
      - zooming in and out will trigger different reclustering of the points. Polygon defining the  
        cluster boundaries can be visualized as well by hovering over the cluster.

In [69]:


Static map images

Just as a reference, a few static images are shown here in case proper rendering is not available.

  • Clusters layers

In [162]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='cluster_map_0.png',width=500, height=100)


In [165]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='cluster_map_1.png',width=500, height=100)


In [163]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='heat_map_0.png',width=500, height=100)

  • Heat map layer

In [164]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='heat_map_1.png',width=500, height=100)


Feature analysis

In [70]:
#pdf = pd.read_pickle('zubie.pkl')

Feature creation

  • combine features into more descriptive quantities and define non linear combination of features which may help exploit higher order correlations:
    • first: for convenience, express time range variables in minutes
    • calculate effective driving time and trip average speed
      where $d$ is the obd measured distance
    • compute total number of $hard$ $drive$ $maneuvers$ per trip as the sum hard accelerations and brakes
      $N_{hm} = N_{acc}+N_{brake}$
    • for each trip, compute number of hard maneuvers per mile: $N_{hm}/d$

In [71]:
# convert seconds to minutes
pdf.rename(columns={'duration_seconds':'duration','idle_seconds':'idle'}, inplace = True)
pdf['duration'] = pdf.eval('duration/60.')
pdf['idle'] = pdf.eval('idle/60.')

# effective driven time
pdf['drive_time'] = pdf.eval('duration - idle')

# mph 
pdf['ave_speed'] = pdf.eval('60.*(obd_distance/drive_time)')

# hard maneuvers
pdf['hard_manv_count'] = pdf.eval('hard_accel_count + hard_brake_count')

#  hard maneuvers per mile (distance has been already validated to be always >0)
pdf['hard_manv_pm'] = pdf.eval('hard_manv_count/obd_distance')
  • Add one more distance-like variable: geo_distance
      - geodesic distance (i.e. the shortest) between start-point and end-point of a trip may capture other
        feature charateristic, in addition to the effective driven distance (obd_distance)

In [72]:
# calculate geo-distance from lat/lon coordinates
import geopy
from geopy.distance import vincenty

def getGeoDist(row):
    start = (row['start_point_lat'],row['start_point_lon'])
    end   = (row['end_point_lat'],row['end_point_lon'])
    return vincenty(start,end).miles

pdf['geo_distance'] = pdf.apply(getGeoDist, axis=1)
  • reshuffle columns to group them by subject

In [73]:
columns = ['device_id', 'vehicle_nickname', 'start_point_city' \
       ,'start_point_state', 'start_point_zipcode', 'start_point_lat' \
       ,'start_point_lon', 'start_point_timestamp', 'end_point_city' \
       ,'end_point_state', 'end_point_zipcode', 'end_point_lat', 'end_point_lon' \
       ,'end_point_timestamp', 'duration','idle','drive_time' \
       ,'gps_distance','obd_distance','geo_distance' \
       ,'top_speed','ave_speed' \
       ,'hard_accel_count', 'hard_brake_count','hard_manv_count', 'hard_manv_pm'\
       ,'points_city_count', 'points_hwy_count', 'speeding_city_major_count' \
       ,'speeding_city_minor_count', 'speeding_hwy_major_count' \

In [74]:
pdf = pdf[columns]

device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon start_point_timestamp end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp duration idle drive_time gps_distance obd_distance geo_distance top_speed ave_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count hard_manv_count hard_manv_pm points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count
0 37 bens London England SE22 0NN 51.45408 -0.05773 2016-08-10 17:33:52 London England SE20 8SH 51.40580 -0.06562 2016-08-10 17:55:50 21.96667 6.00000 15.96667 4.56465 4.49189 3.35521 41.60000 16.87976 0 3 3 0.66787 47 0 0 1 0 0
1 37 bens London England SE20 8SJ 51.40570 -0.06566 2016-08-13 09:00:25 London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 09:13:16 12.85000 3.15000 9.70000 2.26938 2.81295 2.21154 32.30000 17.39967 0 0 0 0.00000 5 0 0 0 0 0
2 37 bens London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 10:41:20 London England SE20 8SH 51.40581 -0.06558 2016-08-13 10:54:48 13.46667 3.56667 9.90000 2.21226 2.72223 2.20356 29.80000 16.49835 0 0 0 0.00000 6 0 0 0 0 0
3 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 51.40616 -0.06565 2016-08-14 00:53:25 London England SE20 8SW 51.40634 -0.06818 2016-08-14 01:01:18 7.88333 1.73333 6.15000 0.11582 1.40492 0.10999 28.00000 13.70654 0 0 0 0.00000 3 0 0 0 0 0
4 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 51.40576 -0.06559 2016-08-17 19:27:08 Orpington England BR6 0AT 51.37328 0.09562 2016-08-17 20:00:46 33.63333 10.08333 23.55000 9.23671 9.05462 7.32516 39.10000 23.06910 0 1 1 0.11044 61 0 1 1 0 0
  • Tot. number of rows at this point

In [75]:


Feature validation

  • Make sense of feature distribution and relations
  • Perform data selection: remove outliers, inconsistent entries, ...
  • Hard accel and hard brake counts
    for about 65$\%$ of the trips no hard accelerations or brakes are
    registered. Ditribution falls quite rapidly for higher counts

In [76]:
print(' counts of hard accelerations+brakes, as a fraction of the total: ')

 counts of hard accelerations+brakes, as a fraction of the total: 
0   0.66228
1   0.19309
2   0.06419
3   0.03145
4   0.01830
Name: hard_manv_count, dtype: float64

In [77]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,5.5));

# superimpose three distributions, normalized to show the
# relative frequency of each count
args = dict(bins=5, range=(0,5), normed=True, alpha=0.3, align='left'); #opts

ax[0].hist(pdf.hard_accel_count, label='accels', **args);
ax[0].hist(pdf.hard_brake_count, label='brakes', **args);
ax[0].hist(pdf.hard_manv_count,  label='accels+brakes',**args);
ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency [fractional]')

# blank second panel
ax[1].hist(pdf[pdf.hard_manv_count>0].hard_manv_pm,bins=20, range=(0,1), alpha=0.5);
ax[1].set_xlabel('accels+braks per mile')
ax[1].text(0.4,150,' only trips with at least one \n hard accel or one hard brake')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11a1f9350>
  • distances
    Inspect correlation plots between the three distances available.
    For a given trip it is expected that the covered distance is always larger than the geo-distance between the
    starting point and the end point.
    Can be oserved that:
    For a small number of trips the OBD distance is shorter than the geo-distance.
    For a quite large number of trips the GPS distance is shorter than the geo-distance.
    In both cases this is seen mostly for short trips, an indication that the cause could be
    GPS miscalculation and/or GPS precision.
    Moreover, difference between OBD and GPS measurement can be quite large.
    Such results justify the usage of the OBD distance as the default measured trip length.

In [78]:
# keep only nedeed features
vars = ['geo_distance','obd_distance','gps_distance']

data = pdf[vars]

# some data selection for better visualization
dmax= 30

data = data[ (data.gps_distance<dmax) & (data.obd_distance<dmax) & (data.geo_distance<dmax) ]

# flag trips based on the condition on obd and geo distance 
hue = ['','obd > geo','obd < geo'] #[legend title,items...]
data[hue[0]] = (data.obd_distance > data.geo_distance).apply(lambda x: hue[1] if x else hue[2])

# prepare for visualization 
data.columns = ['geo [mi]', 'obd [mi]','gps [mi]',hue[0]]

sns.set_style('whitegrid', {'axes.edgecolor': '0.5'})

g = sns.PairGrid(data, hue=hue[0], size=3, palette={hue[1]:'g',hue[2]:'r'})

# histo on diagonal
g = g.map_diag(plt.hist, bins=30, histtype="step", linewidth=3)

# scatter on the upper side
g = g.map_upper(plt.scatter, alpha=0.7, edgecolor="w")

# heatmaps (2d-histograms) on the lower side (useful to visualize data clusterization)
# Add plt.histo2d into the sns PairGrid API it's not straightforward
# The plt.histo2d API is not fully compatible with PairGrid
# because it doesn't know how to handle a color= kwarg. 
# It is necessary to use a thin wrapper function.
def pairgrid_heatmap(x, y, **kws):
    cmap = sns.light_palette(kws.pop("color"), as_cmap=True)
    plt.hist2d(x, y, cmap=cmap, cmin=1, **kws)

g.map_lower(pairgrid_heatmap, bins=(np.linspace(0,dmax,dmax+1),np.linspace(0,dmax,dmax+1)))

g = g.add_legend()

# adjust number of ticks and avoid overlaps
for ax in g.axes.flat:
    ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(4, prune="both"))
    ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(4, prune="both"))
# adjust subplots spacing
g.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.05, wspace=.05);

In [79]:
print(' num. of trips where gps distance <=  geo distance: {}/{} '.format(
          pdf[pdf['gps_distance'] <= pdf['geo_distance']].shape[0], pdf.shape[0] )

#show data
pdf[pdf['gps_distance'] < pdf['geo_distance']].head()

 num. of trips where gps distance <=  geo distance: 514/3879 
device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon start_point_timestamp end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp duration idle drive_time gps_distance obd_distance geo_distance top_speed ave_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count hard_manv_count hard_manv_pm points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count
12 37 bens Beckenham England BR3 4EH 51.40113 -0.05232 2016-08-23 07:27:33 Beckenham England BR3 4EA 51.40072 -0.05150 2016-08-23 07:33:51 6.30000 2.11667 4.18333 0.04361 1.17626 0.04541 29.20000 16.87060 0 1 1 0.85016 2 0 0 0 0 0
18 37 bens Beckenham England BR3 4AA 51.39754 -0.04958 2016-08-28 12:01:19 London England SE20 8SH 51.40579 -0.06561 2016-08-28 12:09:24 8.08333 1.91667 6.16667 0.01975 1.61246 0.89738 28.60000 15.68878 0 0 0 0.00000 3 0 0 0 0 0
37 6 Bill's Honda Sutton England SM1 3RD 51.36700 -0.17840 2016-09-05 12:34:10 Sutton England SM1 3RD 51.36703 -0.17853 2016-09-05 12:34:58 0.80000 0.48333 0.31667 0.00411 0.00497 0.00592 3.10686 0.94187 0 0 0 0.00000 1 0 0 0 0 0
65 37 bens Croydon England SE25 51.39001 -0.08990 2016-09-10 18:03:17 London England SE20 8SJ 51.40584 -0.06578 2016-09-10 18:12:12 8.91667 2.58333 6.33333 0.03999 1.63607 1.51158 37.30000 15.49961 0 0 0 0.00000 3 0 0 0 0 0
67 37 bens London England SE20 8SH 51.40589 -0.06566 2016-09-11 11:13:31 Croydon England CR0 2DJ 51.38809 -0.08958 2016-09-11 11:22:21 8.83333 2.06667 6.76667 0.01172 1.67584 1.60733 27.30000 14.85965 0 0 0 0.00000 3 0 0 0 0 0

In [80]:
print(' num. of trips where obd distance <=  geo distance: {}/{} '.format(
          pdf[pdf['obd_distance'] <= pdf['geo_distance']].shape[0],pdf.shape[0] )

#show data
pdf[pdf['obd_distance'] < pdf['geo_distance']].head()

 num. of trips where obd distance <=  geo distance: 111/3879 
device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon start_point_timestamp end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp duration idle drive_time gps_distance obd_distance geo_distance top_speed ave_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count hard_manv_count hard_manv_pm points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count
37 6 Bill's Honda Sutton England SM1 3RD 51.36700 -0.17840 2016-09-05 12:34:10 Sutton England SM1 3RD 51.36703 -0.17853 2016-09-05 12:34:58 0.80000 0.48333 0.31667 0.00411 0.00497 0.00592 3.10686 0.94187 0 0 0 0.00000 1 0 0 0 0 0
155 40 ov54phj Stoke England ST6 53.06413 -2.21262 2016-09-17 10:25:14 Stoke England ST6 53.06408 -2.21259 2016-09-17 10:27:17 2.05000 1.63333 0.41667 0.00706 0.00186 0.00380 2.50000 0.26843 0 0 0 0.00000 2 0 0 0 0 0
233 20 L3TGG Four Marks England GU34 5DG 51.10756 -1.04513 2016-09-18 14:17:53 Four Marks England GU34 5DG 51.10756 -1.04523 2016-09-18 14:19:06 1.21667 0.73333 0.48333 0.00408 0.00373 0.00414 3.10686 0.46281 0 0 0 0.00000 3 0 0 0 0 0
238 5 W31PMW Perth Scotland PH1 3UN 56.41909 -3.47579 2016-09-18 14:56:41 Perth Scotland PH1 3ED 56.41898 -3.47600 2016-09-18 14:57:19 0.63333 0.00000 0.63333 0.00881 0.00186 0.01133 3.72823 0.17660 0 0 0 0.00000 2 0 0 0 0 0
267 40 ov54phj Stoke England ST1 6BG 53.03754 -2.16995 2016-09-19 09:48:50 Stoke England ST1 6BG 53.03752 -2.16990 2016-09-19 09:55:28 6.63333 6.61667 0.01667 0.00331 0.00000 0.00269 0.00000 0.00000 0 0 0 nan 1 0 0 0 0 0
  • Apply selection: assuming the obd distance is the most robust one, it is safe to remove trips for which obd distance > geo distance. This helps removing trips for which start and/or end point gps are not well measured and some very short trips which will be anyhow treated in the following.

In [81]:
pdf = pdf[pdf['obd_distance'] > pdf['geo_distance']]

print( 'Tot. num of rows: {}'.format(pdf.shape[0]))

Tot. num of rows: 3768
  • speed
    For a small number of trips top speed > average speed.
    Corresponding rows are removed

In [82]:
print(' num. of trips where top speed < ave speed: {}/{} '.format(
          pdf[pdf['top_speed'] <= pdf['ave_speed']].shape[0], pdf.shape[0] )

# filter out those trips
pdf = pdf[pdf['top_speed'] >  pdf['ave_speed']]

 num. of trips where top speed < ave speed: 33/3768 

In [83]:
print( 'Tot. num of rows: {}'.format(pdf.shape[0]))

Tot. num of rows: 3735
  • Exploratory study of the relation between everage speed and top speed for different values of:
    drive time, total number of accelerations+brakes (hard maneuvers), hwy points and city points.
    Already without additional information about the actual meaning of the last two variables it is possible to conclude that:
          - trips with high number of hard meneuvers have higher average and top speed 
          - trips with non-null highway counts show a top speed peak around highway or non-urban speed limit    
          - trips with null highway counts show a top speed peak around the city (urban areas) speed limit  
          - shorter trips are usually urban area trips  

In [84]:
# features to plot
vars = ['ave_speed','top_speed','obd_distance']

# prepare data selections

data_1_1 = pdf[ pdf.hard_manv_count>3 ][vars]
data_1_2 = pdf[ pdf.hard_manv_count==0 ][vars]

data_2 = pdf[ ((pdf.drive_time>15) | (pdf.points_hwy_count>0)) ][vars]

data_3 = pdf[ ((pdf.drive_time<15) | (pdf.points_hwy_count==0)) ][vars]

# setup graphics
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(20,5),sharey=True);

# first panel
sns.kdeplot(data_1_1.top_speed, data_1_1.ave_speed, shade=True, shade_lowest=False, cmap='Blues',alpha=0.7, ax=ax[0])
sns.kdeplot(data_1_2.top_speed, data_1_2.ave_speed, shade=True, shade_lowest=False, cmap='Reds',alpha=0.7, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_xlabel('top speed [mph]')
ax[0].set_ylabel('ave speed [mph]')
ax[0].text(30,60,'hard accel+brake\'s >3 ',color='b', fontsize=20)
ax[0].text(10,5,'hard accel+brake\'s =0 ',color='r', fontsize=20)
ax[0].axvline(x=30, linewidth=1, linestyle='--')
ax[0].axvline(x=70, linewidth=1, linestyle='--')
ax[0].text(60,80,'UK highway \n speed limit',multialignment='center',color='b',fontsize=15)
ax[0].text(20,80,'UK city \n speed limit',multialignment='center',color='b',fontsize=15)

# second panel
sns.kdeplot(data_2.top_speed, data_2.ave_speed, shade=True, shade_lowest=False, cmap='Greens',alpha=1, ax=ax[1])

ax[1].set_xlabel('top speed [mph]')
ax[1].set_ylabel('ave speed [mph]')
ax[1].text(10,50,'points hwy count > 0 \n OR \n drive time > 15 min',multialignment='center',color='g',fontsize=20)
ax[1].axvline(x=70, linewidth=1, linestyle='--')
ax[1].text(60,80,'UK highway \n speed limit',multialignment='center',color='b',fontsize=15)

# third panel
sns.kdeplot(data_3.top_speed, data_3.ave_speed, shade=True, shade_lowest=False, cmap='Purples', alpha=1, ax=ax[2])

ax[2].set_xlabel('top speed [mph]')
ax[2].set_ylabel('ave speed [mph]')
ax[2].axvline(x=30, linewidth=1, linestyle='--')
ax[2].text(10,50,'points hwy count = 0 \n OR \n drive time < 15 min', multialignment='center',color='Purple',fontsize=20)
ax[2].text(20,80,'UK city \n speed limit',multialignment='center',color='b',fontsize=15)

Comments to the plots above:

  • First panel: densities are not to scale, indeed the fraction of trips with both zero hard accel and brakes is much larger (see plot)
  • Second panel: cluster at around 50 mph is related to the increase of the mean top speed for longer trips which are a mixture of both city and non city rides.

Feature Engineering

  • Prepare features for ML algos, in particular the day of the week and the hour of the day
Categorical Features breakdown:

In [85]:
# define func to show categorical fields and the number of levels
def dump_categories(df):
    for col_name in df.columns:
        if df[col_name].dtypes == 'object':
            unique_cat = len(df[col_name].unique())
            print("Feature '{col_name}' has {unique_cat} unique categories".format(col_name=col_name, unique_cat=unique_cat))

In [86]:

Feature 'vehicle_nickname' has 55 unique categories
Feature 'start_point_city' has 352 unique categories
Feature 'start_point_state' has 4 unique categories
Feature 'start_point_zipcode' has 1305 unique categories
Feature 'end_point_city' has 363 unique categories
Feature 'end_point_state' has 4 unique categories
Feature 'end_point_zipcode' has 1361 unique categories


  • There are ~1.3k different zip codes out of ~4k trips.
  • A query to the UK postcodes web API shows that this is a 'very fine granularity' post code
    and that the first part is the 'Area Code'
  • For this dataset it is necessary to extract only the Area Code in order to have a usable feature.
    There are 89 different area codes.
  • New features created: start_area_zip and end_area_zip.

In [87]:
pdf[ ['start_point_zipcode','end_point_zipcode']].head(3)

start_point_zipcode end_point_zipcode
0 SE22 0NN SE20 8SH
1 SE20 8SJ SE6 4RS
2 SE6 4RS SE20 8SH

In [88]:
print( 'toal number of trips: {}'.format(pdf.shape[0]))
print( 'num. of unique starting point zip codes: {}'.format(pdf['start_point_zipcode'].unique().shape[0]))

toal number of trips: 3735
num. of unique starting point zip codes: 1305

In [89]:
# query UK postcode web API
# use the first zipcode in the dataset
import urllib
code = pdf['start_point_zipcode'].values[0]
url = ''+str(code)
res = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

#print results

'{"status":200,"result":{"postcode":"SE22 0NN","quality":1,"eastings":535064,"northings":174592,"country":"England","nhs_ha":"London","longitude":-0.0575022174614355,"latitude":51.4542065140995,"parliamentary_constituency":"Camberwell and Peckham","european_electoral_region":"London","primary_care_trust":"Southwark","region":"London","lsoa":"Southwark 029C","msoa":"Southwark 029","incode":"0NN","outcode":"SE22","admin_district":"Southwark","parish":"Southwark, unparished area","admin_county":null,"admin_ward":"Peckham Rye","ccg":"NHS Southwark","nuts":"Lewisham and Southwark","codes":{"admin_district":"E09000028","admin_county":"E99999999","admin_ward":"E05000547","parish":"E43000218","ccg":"E38000171","nuts":"UKI44"}}}'

In [90]:
# keep only literal characther of the first part of the code
from string import digits

pdf['start_area_zip']=pdf['start_point_zipcode'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(' ')[0].translate(None,digits))
pdf['end_area_zip']=pdf['end_point_zipcode'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(' ')[0].translate(None,digits))

# show some data

start_point_zipcode start_area_zip
0 SE22 0NN SE
1 SE20 8SJ SE
2 SE6 4RS SE

In [91]:
# find list of unique Area Codes
area_code_list = pdf['start_area_zip'].unique().tolist()
second_list    = pdf['end_area_zip'].unique().tolist()
area_code_list.extend(x for x in second_list if x not in area_code_list)

print( 'num. of unique area zip codes: {}'.format(len(area_code_list)) )

num. of unique area zip codes: 89
  • Number of Area Codes is still too high.
    Considering that 17$\%$ of the trips start in the 'RG' area and the second most frequent code is present ~6$\%$ of the times, it is advisable to group codes in just two categories (to begin with): 'RG' and 'Other'

In [92]:
# define a handy function
def get_fractional_series(s):
    """get a pd series and return a series 
    of unique values sorted by relative frequency"""
    if s.shape[0]==0:
        return s
    f = s.value_counts()
    if f.sum():
        f /= f.sum()
    return f

In [93]:
# compute relative fractions of starting area codes
fracs = get_fractional_series(pdf['start_area_zip'])

RG   0.17323
EH   0.05944
GU   0.04123
DN   0.04070
HX   0.03829
Name: start_area_zip, dtype: float64

In [94]:
# plot first n entries 
ax = fracs[:40].plot(kind='bar',figsize=(20,5))
ax.set_xlabel('Area Code',fontsize=24)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1164d7ed0>

In [95]:
# select only the first item and group the other in the 'Other' category
code_list = fracs.index[0]

pdf['start_area_zip'] = pdf['start_area_zip'].apply(lambda x: x if x in code_list else 'Other')
pdf['end_area_zip']   = pdf['end_area_zip'].apply(lambda x: x if x in code_list else 'Other')

# cross check
print(' area code categories (levels={}): '.format(pdf['start_area_zip'].unique().shape[0]))

 area code categories (levels=2): 
array(['Other', 'RG'], dtype=object)


  • There are more than 300 different start/end point cities.
  • Distribution of cities is quite even. In order to reduce number of categories cities contributing for less then 3$\%$ are binned into the category 'Other'

In [96]:
print( 'toal number of trips: {}'.format(pdf.shape[0]))
print( 'num. of unique starting point cities: {}'.format(pdf['start_point_city'].unique().shape[0]))

toal number of trips: 3735
num. of unique starting point cities: 352

In [97]:
fracs = get_fractional_series(pdf['start_point_city'])

Scunthorpe   0.04043
London       0.03748
Bracknell    0.03347
Reading      0.03266
Sutton       0.02865
Name: start_point_city, dtype: float64

In [98]:
# plot first n entries 
ax = fracs[:40].plot(kind='bar',figsize=(20,5))
ax.set_xlabel('Starting Point City',fontsize=24)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11add49d0>

In [99]:
def cut_fraction(series,f,opt=None):
     takes a series and returns a list of UNIQUE items for which
     the occurrence frquency higher than f
     if option='cumulative' if specified returns items contributing
     up to a fraction f of the total 
    if series.shape[0]==0:
        return series
    s = series
    s.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)

    if str(opt).lower()=='cumulative':
        return s[s<f].index.tolist()
        return s[s>f].index.tolist()

In [100]:
city_list = cut_fraction(fracs, 0.03)

pdf['start_point_city'] = pdf['start_point_city'].apply(lambda x: x if x in city_list else 'Other')
pdf['end_point_city'] = pdf['end_point_city'].apply(lambda x: x if x in city_list else 'Other')

# cross check
print(' city categories (counts={}): '.format(pdf['start_point_city'].unique().shape[0]))

 city categories (counts=5): 
array([u'London', 'Other', u'Reading', u'Scunthorpe', u'Bracknell'], dtype=object)

(Timeseries) Date Time Features:

  • Inspect distribution of relevant quantities over time
  • Index rows with the timestamp in order to use timeseries realted utilities

In [101]:
pdf.set_index('start_point_timestamp', inplace=True)
  • Data time interval is from 2016-08-10 to 2016-12-13

In [102]:
# first two trips

index device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp duration idle drive_time gps_distance obd_distance geo_distance top_speed ave_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count hard_manv_count hard_manv_pm points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_area_zip end_area_zip
2016-08-10 17:33:52 0 37 bens London England SE22 0NN 51.45408 -0.05773 London England SE20 8SH 51.40580 -0.06562 2016-08-10 17:55:50 21.96667 6.00000 15.96667 4.56465 4.49189 3.35521 41.60000 16.87976 0 3 3 0.66787 47 0 0 1 0 0 Other Other
2016-08-13 09:00:25 1 37 bens London England SE20 8SJ 51.40570 -0.06566 London England SE6 4RS 51.43126 -0.03489 2016-08-13 09:13:16 12.85000 3.15000 9.70000 2.26938 2.81295 2.21154 32.30000 17.39967 0 0 0 0.00000 5 0 0 0 0 0 Other Other

In [103]:
# last two trips

index device_id vehicle_nickname start_point_city start_point_state start_point_zipcode start_point_lat start_point_lon end_point_city end_point_state end_point_zipcode end_point_lat end_point_lon end_point_timestamp duration idle drive_time gps_distance obd_distance geo_distance top_speed ave_speed hard_accel_count hard_brake_count hard_manv_count hard_manv_pm points_city_count points_hwy_count speeding_city_major_count speeding_city_minor_count speeding_hwy_major_count speeding_hwy_minor_count start_area_zip end_area_zip
2016-12-13 18:16:32 3877 37 bens London England SE6 4PU 51.44081 -0.02927 London England SE20 8SJ 51.40582 -0.06575 2016-12-13 18:34:25 17.88333 6.78333 11.10000 1.99922 3.42438 2.88743 37.30000 18.51014 0 0 0 0.00000 2 0 0 0 0 0 Other Other
2016-12-13 19:11:44 3878 48 D4EHH Other England GU16 6PX 51.30424 -0.72358 Other England GU14 6EN 51.27596 -0.74820 2016-12-13 19:21:25 9.68333 1.05000 8.63333 3.29158 3.45482 2.22731 38.50000 24.01036 0 1 1 0.28945 28 0 0 1 0 0 Other Other
  • Plot number of trips with a sampling of 1 week and 1 day.
    • Most of the data refers to November 2016, besides a spike in mid Sep
    • Day rate shows some pattern, days with higher activity are not always correlated with weekday or weekends
    • Sample is likely too limited to perform timeseries forecasting

In [104]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import seaborn as sns

In [105]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(18,5))

# first panel

# resampling a 1W, count number of trips
pdf['device_id'].resample('w', how='count')\
                 .plot(kind='line',style='-o',use_index=True, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_ylabel('num. of trips', fontsize=24)

# second panel

# reamplig ad 1 day, count number of trips
pdf['device_id'].resample('1D', how='count')\
                 .plot(kind='line',style='-o',use_index=True, ax=ax[1], label='all')

# select only Saturaday and Sundays
d = pdf[pdf.index.dayofweek>=5]['device_id'].resample('1D', how='count')
d[d!=0].plot(kind='line',style='o',use_index=True, ax=ax[1], label='weekends (Sat/Sun)')

ax[1].set_ylabel('num. of trips', fontsize=24)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11752e610>
  • More interesting could be to use the information on the day of the week and on the hour of the day
    • Produce distribution of number of trips by day of the week and by hour of the day
      • In order to reduce the number of categories, hours are grouped into three categories (shown on the plot)
      • A field is added for the day of the week

In [106]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(18,5))

# a little bit convolute way to show bar labels in the right order
d = pdf.groupby( [pdf.index.to_datetime().strftime('%a'), pdf.index.weekday] )\
ax[0].set_ylabel('number of trips',color='g',fontsize=28)

# bar plot grouping by hour
d = pdf.groupby(pdf.index.hour )\

ax[1].set_xlabel('hour', color='g', fontsize=24)
ax[1].set_ylabel('number of trips',color='g',fontsize=28)

# based on the hour-barplot, let's divide the 24h into three categories
# draw the sepration lines
day_zones = [-0.1,6,13,19,23]

for h in day_zones[1:-1]:
    ax[1].axvline(x=h+0.5, linewidth=3, color='r', linestyle='--')

fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.05, wspace=.2);

  • cut the datatime.hour info by the hour bins and add a categorical feature day_zone
    (for both start and end point time)

In [107]:
# cut data
pdf['start_day_zone'] = pd.cut(pdf.index.hour, day_zones,labels=['Early','Morning','Afternoon','Night'])
# workaround as two categories wih the same name are not possible in pd.cut
pdf['start_day_zone'] = pdf['start_day_zone'].apply(lambda x: x if 'Early' not in x else 'Night')

In [108]:
# set datetime index to end_point
pdf.set_index('end_point_timestamp', inplace=True)

# apply categorization
pdf['end_day_zone'] = pd.cut(pdf.index.hour, day_zones,labels=['Early','Morning','Afternoon','Night'])
pdf['end_day_zone'] = pdf['end_day_zone'].apply(lambda x: x if 'Early' not in x else 'Night')

# reset index to start_point
pdf.set_index('start_point_timestamp', inplace=True)

In [109]:
# check results

start_day_zone end_point_timestamp end_day_zone
2016-08-10 17:33:52 Afternoon 2016-08-10 17:55:50 Afternoon
2016-08-13 09:00:25 Morning 2016-08-13 09:13:16 Morning
2016-08-13 10:41:20 Morning 2016-08-13 10:54:48 Morning
2016-08-14 00:53:25 Night 2016-08-14 01:01:18 Night
2016-08-17 19:27:08 Afternoon 2016-08-17 20:00:46 Night

In [110]:
#reset index to ordinal

#add weekday feature
pdf['start_weekday'] = pdf['start_point_timestamp'].apply(lambda x : x.to_datetime().strftime('%a') )
pdf['end_weekday'] = pdf['end_point_timestamp'].apply(lambda x : x.to_datetime().strftime('%a') )

(Longitudinal Data) vehicle based data: :

  • There are about 55 unique vehicles
  • Produce plots, for each vehicle (over the entire time interval) of:
    • accumulated drive time
    • total number of trips
  • To help removing noise/outliers only vehicles with:
    • at least 10 trips and at least 1h of accumulated drive time
      Such selection will remove about 70 records and 10 vehicles

In [111]:
plt = pdf.groupby(['vehicle_nickname'],as_index=True)['drive_time']\
                .apply(lambda x: x/60.)\
plt.set_xlabel('vehicle name', fontsize=28)
plt.set_ylabel('accumualted drive time [h]', fontsize=28)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11b972b50>

In [112]:
# to apply the selection it's necessary to add for each row the information about the acculated drive time
# over the entire period for the vehicle of the row
pdf['drive_time_sum'] = pdf.groupby(['vehicle_nickname'],as_index=False)['drive_time'].transform('sum')

In [113]:
print(' number of vehicles: {}'.format(pdf['vehicle_nickname'].unique().shape[0]))

 number of vehicles: 55

In [114]:
print( ' num of rows after removing vehicle with less then 2h accumulated drive time/total rows: {}/{} '.
    format(pdf[pdf['drive_time_sum']>120].shape[0], pdf.shape[0])

 num of rows after removing vehicle with less then 2h accumulated drive time/total rows: 3709/3735 

In [115]:
pdf = pdf[ pdf['drive_time_sum']>120 ]


In [116]:
size = pdf.groupby(['vehicle_nickname'],as_index=False).size().sort_values(ascending=False)

plt = size.plot(kind='bar',figsize=(20,6))
plt.set_xlabel('vehicle name', fontsize=28)
plt.set_ylabel('number of trips', fontsize=28)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x118b6fdd0>

In [117]:
print(' bin values: ')

 bin values: 
array([  5,  10,  16,  17,  22,  24,  24,  25,  29,  30,  32,  32,  32,
        33,  33,  34,  37,  39,  39,  40,  42,  43,  49,  52,  59,  61,
        63,  63,  69,  70,  72,  75,  76,  78,  82,  95, 100, 106, 107,
       108, 108, 119, 121, 126, 127, 136, 151, 178, 193, 212, 215])

In [118]:
# select names of the last four
names = size.index[-4:].tolist()

[u'California', u'SG63XMW', u'RK58SRO', u'FY64AZT']

In [119]:
# select DF rows
n = pdf.shape[0]
pdf = pdf[ ~pdf.vehicle_nickname.isin(names) ]

print( ' num of rows after removing vehicle with less then 10 trips/total rows: {}/{} '.

 num of rows after removing vehicle with less then 10 trips/total rows: 3661/3709 

In [120]:
print(' number of vehicles: {}'.format(pdf['vehicle_nickname'].unique().shape[0]))

 number of vehicles: 47

Final Feature Selection. Data Structure

In [121]:

start_point_timestamp        datetime64[ns]
end_point_timestamp          datetime64[ns]
index                        int64         
device_id                    int64         
vehicle_nickname             object        
start_point_city             object        
start_point_state            object        
start_point_zipcode          object        
start_point_lat              float64       
start_point_lon              float64       
end_point_city               object        
end_point_state              object        
end_point_zipcode            object        
end_point_lat                float64       
end_point_lon                float64       
duration                     float64       
idle                         float64       
drive_time                   float64       
gps_distance                 float64       
obd_distance                 float64       
geo_distance                 float64       
top_speed                    float64       
ave_speed                    float64       
hard_accel_count             int64         
hard_brake_count             int64         
hard_manv_count              int64         
hard_manv_pm                 float64       
points_city_count            int64         
points_hwy_count             int64         
speeding_city_major_count    int64         
speeding_city_minor_count    int64         
speeding_hwy_major_count     int64         
speeding_hwy_minor_count     int64         
start_area_zip               object        
end_area_zip                 object        
start_day_zone               object        
end_day_zone                 object        
start_weekday                object        
end_weekday                  object        
dtype: object

In [122]:
# list of colums with ordering
columns = [ 'vehicle_nickname'\

#            #
#            ,'points_city_count','points_hwy_count'\
#            ,'speeding_city_major_count','speeding_city_minor_count'\
#            ,'speeding_hwy_major_count','speeding_hwy_minor_count'

In [123]:
# extract columns
pdf = pdf[ columns ]

In [124]:
# final Data Frame shape
print(' Number of rows, features:')

 Number of rows, features:
(3661, 22)
  • Numeric and Categorical Features

In [125]:
numeric_features = list(pdf.dtypes[(pdf.dtypes == 'int64') | (pdf.dtypes == 'float64') ].index)
categorical_features = list(pdf.dtypes[(pdf.dtypes == 'object') ].index)

In [126]:


In [127]:


Random Forest Regression

  • An interesting quantity to predict can be the number of hard accelerations and brakes a driver perform per trip. Such quantity can give indication about the driving habit of the user and the usage of its vehicle.
  • This quantity should be predicted using information that can be retrived from any vehicle equipped with a gps system: like basically the speed, the distance. That means info that can be recorded even without having installed a special device on the car.
  • The present dataset, has (among the others) the additional information about specific maneuvers (like hard accelerations and brake) which provide the necessary set of labels for the prediction task.
  • A Random Forest Regression model will be used for the prediction.

    • Automatically model non-linear relations and interactions between variables. No need to add 'expensive' interaction terms. (and perfect collinearity it's not harmful)
    • Easy to tune
    • Is useful as a step in exploratory data analysis
    • Can handle high dimensional data
    • In general, perfoms in the top among models at most prediction tasks

Target and Feature Set

  • The target array will be the column hard_manv_count (hard maneuvers count) dervived has the sum of hard acceleration and hard brakes.
    • The sample size is not large enough to allow a prediction for each value of the variable therefore the target will be a binary label where 1 indicates trips with hard_manv_count=0 (i.e. no hard accelrations or brake during the whole trip) and 0 the rest. This will also ensure a more balanced target labels distrinution.
  • Features definition can be revised here
  • Create feature set X and target set y from the pdf data frame

In [128]:
X = pdf
y = X.pop('hard_manv_count')
  • target encoding
    target =0 as 1
    target >0 as 0

In [129]:
y = (y==0).astype(int)

Feature Engineering: Encoding

  • Summary of categorical features and levels

In [130]:

Feature 'vehicle_nickname' has 47 unique categories
Feature 'start_point_state' has 4 unique categories
Feature 'start_point_city' has 5 unique categories
Feature 'start_area_zip' has 2 unique categories
Feature 'start_day_zone' has 3 unique categories
Feature 'start_weekday' has 7 unique categories
Feature 'end_point_state' has 4 unique categories
Feature 'end_point_city' has 5 unique categories
Feature 'end_area_zip' has 2 unique categories
Feature 'end_day_zone' has 3 unique categories
Feature 'end_weekday' has 7 unique categories
  • For the regression models to work fetures with categorical values need to be converted into features with integer values. There tipically two ways to do accomplish that:

    • OneHotEncoder: to transofrm a features with n categories into n fetures with 0/1 possible states
    • LabelEncoder: each category of the feature is mapped to an integer

    • OneHotEncoding is preferred when a numerical ordering among the category has no real meaning. Such encoding implies the creation of a very large number of features that should be than reduce via dimensionality reduction techniques. It also make the model more prone to overfitting and can be computationally intensive.

      RandomForest regression can handle LabelEncoding therefore this is the chosen encoding. A test was perfomed also with the OneHotEncoding and no differences in terms of performances have been observed

In [131]:
def onehot_encoder(df, col_list):
    if col_list:
        feat_list = col_list
        feat_list = list(df.dtypes[(df.dtypes == 'object') ].index)
    for x in col_list:
        dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[x], prefix=x, dummy_na=False)
        df = df.drop(x, 1)
        df = pd.concat([df, dummies], axis=1)
    return df

In [132]:
def label_encoder(df, col_list=None):
    if col_list:
        feat_list = col_list
        feat_list = list(df.dtypes[(df.dtypes == 'object') ].index)
    for feat in feat_list:
        unique_cat = df[feat].unique().tolist()
        df[feat] = df[feat].apply(lambda x: unique_cat.index(x))
    return df

In [133]:
# example of OneHotEncoding of the feature 'start_weekday' 
#dm = pd.get_dummies(X['start_weekday'],prefix='start_weekday', dummy_na=False)
  • transform categorical features into integers array

In [134]:
X = label_encoder(X)

In [135]:

vehicle_nickname start_point_state start_point_city start_area_zip start_point_lat start_point_lon start_day_zone start_weekday end_point_state end_point_city end_area_zip end_point_lat end_point_lon end_day_zone end_weekday top_speed ave_speed obd_distance geo_distance drive_time idle
0 0 0 0 0 51.45408 -0.05773 0 0 0 0 0 51.40580 -0.06562 0 0 41.60000 16.87976 4.49189 3.35521 15.96667 6.00000
1 0 0 0 0 51.40570 -0.06566 1 1 0 0 0 51.43126 -0.03489 1 1 32.30000 17.39967 2.81295 2.21154 9.70000 3.15000
2 0 0 0 0 51.43126 -0.03489 1 1 0 0 0 51.40581 -0.06558 1 1 29.80000 16.49835 2.72223 2.20356 9.90000 3.56667
3 0 0 0 0 51.40616 -0.06565 2 2 0 0 0 51.40634 -0.06818 2 2 28.00000 13.70654 1.40492 0.10999 6.15000 1.73333
4 0 0 0 0 51.40576 -0.06559 0 0 0 1 0 51.37328 0.09562 2 0 39.10000 23.06910 9.05462 7.32516 23.55000 10.08333

Model Execution and performances

  • Combine a bunch of decision trees into one predictive model
    For each tree in the forest:
    Take a bootstrap sample of the data Randomly select some variables.
    For each variable selected, find the split point which minimizes MSE (or Gini Impurity or Information Gain if classification).
    Split the data using the variable with the lowest MSE.
    Repeat step 2 through 4 (randomly selecting new sets of variables at each split) until some stopping condition is satisfied or all the data is exhausted.
    Repeat this process to build several trees.
    To make a prediction, run an observation down several trees and average the predicted values from all the trees (for regression)
  • Out of Bag (OOB) Error estimate is is activated. This removes the need for a set aside test set.

In [136]:
# import module
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# The error metric. In this case, we will use c-stat (aka ROC/AUC)
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

In [137]:
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=None, oob_score=True, random_state=42)

#, y)

RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
           max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
           min_impurity_split=1e-07, min_samples_leaf=1,
           min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
           n_estimators=100, n_jobs=1, oob_score=True, random_state=42,
           verbose=0, warm_start=False)

In [138]:
y_oob = model.oob_prediction_
print(' ROC AUC score: {0:2.5f}'.format(roc_auc_score(y, y_oob )) )

 ROC AUC score: 0.78369

Features importance, visualization

In [139]:
#just as cross check
print(' sum of fractional feature importances: {0:0.2f}'.format(sum(model.feature_importances_)))

 sum of fractional feature importances: 1.00

In [140]:
# First prepare a plotting function to able to handle also OneHotEncoded features if any
# If features are exploded via OneHotEncoding they have to be summed up before visualization

def graph_feature_importances(model, feature_names, autoscale=True, headroom=0.05, width=10, summarized_columns=None):
    Graphs the feature importances of on using a horizontal bar chart.
    feature_names = A list of the names of those featurs, displayed on the Y axis.
    autoscale = True (Automatically adjust the X axis size to the largest feature +.headroom) / False = scale from 0 to 1
    headroom = used with autoscale, .05 default
    width=figure width in inches
    summarized_columns = a list of column prefixes to summarize on, for dummy variables (e.g. ["day_"] would summarize all day_ vars
    if autoscale:
        x_scale = model.feature_importances_.max()+ headroom
        x_scale = 1
    feature_dict=dict(zip(feature_names, model.feature_importances_))
    if summarized_columns: 
        #some dummy columns need to be summarized
        for col_name in summarized_columns: 
            #sum all the features that contain col_name, store in temp sum_value
            sum_value = sum(x for i, x in feature_dict.items() if col_name in i )  
            #now remove all keys that are part of col_name
            keys_to_remove = [i for i in feature_dict.keys() if col_name in i ]
            for i in keys_to_remove:
            #lastly, read the summarized field
            feature_dict[col_name] = sum_value
    results = pd.Series(feature_dict)
    results.plot(kind="barh", figsize=(width,len(results)/2), xlim=(0,x_scale))

In [141]:
graph_feature_importances(model, X.columns, summarized_columns=categorical_features)

Hyperparameters Optimization

  • Parameters to test in order to improve th model:
    • n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest. Choose as high of a number as your computer can handle.
    • max_features: The number of features to consider when looking for the best split.
      Try ["auto", "None", "sqrt", "log2", 0.9, and 0.2]
    • min_samples_leaf: The minimum number of samples in newly created leaves. Try [1-10]
  • Other params
    • n_jobs: Determines if multiple processors should be used to train and test the model. Always set this to -1 and %%timeit vs. if it is set to 1.
      It should be much faster (especially when many trees are trained).
    • random_state: seed for random num generator, using the same value makes the results reproducible
    • oob_score: Random Forest's custom validation method: out-of-bag predictions.
  • Single Hyperparameter optimization
    • in the following params a scanned one by one. This gives a direct idea about the impact of the parameter with varying values.
    • best way is to perform a grid scan so as to exploit also the correlation between the hyperparameters. This test has been performed as well (see below) but without any noticeble improvement

In [142]:
# turn this off for this section
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'none'

In [143]:
# init values to default values
n_trees_best = 100
features_type_best = 'auto'
samples_leaf_best = 1
max_depth_best = None

In [144]:
roc_scores = []
n_trees = [30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000]

for trees in n_trees:
    model = RandomForestRegressor( n_estimators = trees, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42 );, y);
    score = roc_auc_score(y, model.oob_prediction_)
    print(' num of trees: {0:3d} -> roc score: {1:0.5f}'.format(trees,score))
n_trees_best = n_trees[ np.argmax(roc_scores) ]
print('\n num of trees best option: {}'.format(n_trees_best))

ax = pd.Series(roc_scores, n_trees).plot(fontsize=15, ylim=(0.7,0.9));
ax.set_ylabel('ROC AUC score',**axis_font)
ax.set_xlabel('num of trees',**axis_font)

 num of trees:  30 -> roc score: 0.76968
 num of trees:  50 -> roc score: 0.77386
 num of trees: 100 -> roc score: 0.78369
 num of trees: 200 -> roc score: 0.78744
 num of trees: 500 -> roc score: 0.79091
 num of trees: 1000 -> roc score: 0.79040
 num of trees: 2000 -> roc score: 0.79105

 num of trees best option: 2000

In [145]:
roc_scores = []
tree_deps = [4, 6, 10, 15]

for dep in tree_deps:
    model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_trees_best, max_depth=dep, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42 );, y);
    score = roc_auc_score(y, model.oob_prediction_)
    print(' trees max depth: {0:s} -> roc score: {1:0.5f}'.format(str(dep),score))
tree_depth_best = tree_deps[ np.argmax(roc_scores) ]
print('\n tree max depth best option: {}'.format(tree_depth_best))

#ax = pd.Series(roc_scores, tree_deps).plot(kind='barh',fontsize=15, ylim=(0.7,0.9));
#ax.set_ylabel('ROC AUC score',**axis_font)
#ax.set_xlabel('num of trees',**axis_font)

 trees max depth: 4 -> roc score: 0.79059
 trees max depth: 6 -> roc score: 0.79945
 trees max depth: 10 -> roc score: 0.79858
 trees max depth: 15 -> roc score: 0.79301

 tree max depth best option: 6

In [146]:
roc_scores = []
max_features_type = ['auto', None, 'sqrt', 'log2', 0.9, 0.2]

for max_features in max_features_type:
    model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = n_trees_best, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, max_depth=tree_depth_best,random_state=42,max_features=max_features ), y)
    score = roc_auc_score(y, model.oob_prediction_)
    print(' max features option: {0:s} -> roc score: {1:0.5f}'.format(str(max_features),score))
features_type_best = max_features_type[ np.argmax(roc_scores) ]
print('\n max_feature_type best option: {}'.format(features_type_best))

#ax = pd.Series(roc_scores, max_features_type).plot(kind="barh", fontsize=20, xlim=(.6,.9));
#ax.set_xlabel('ROC AUC score',**axis_font)
#ax.set_ylabel('max feature type',**axis_font)

 max features option: auto -> roc score: 0.79945
 max features option: None -> roc score: 0.79945
 max features option: sqrt -> roc score: 0.80136
 max features option: log2 -> roc score: 0.80136
 max features option: 0.9 -> roc score: 0.80052
 max features option: 0.2 -> roc score: 0.80136

 max_feature_type best option: sqrt

In [147]:
roc_scores = []
min_samples_leaf_num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

for min_samples in min_samples_leaf_num:
    model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_trees_best, 
                                  max_features = features_type_best, 
                                  min_samples_leaf=min_samples), y)
    score = roc_auc_score(y, model.oob_prediction_)
    print(' num of min_samples_leaf: {0:2d} -> roc score: {1:0.5f}'.format(min_samples,score))

samples_leaf_best = min_samples_leaf_num[ np.argmax(roc_scores) ]
print('\n min_samples_leaf_num best option: {}'.format(samples_leaf_best))

#ax = pd.Series(roc_scores, min_samples_leaf_num).plot(fontsize=20, ylim=(0.7,0.9));
#ax.set_ylabel('ROC AUC score',**axis_font)
#ax.set_xlabel('min samples leaf',**axis_font)

 num of min_samples_leaf:  1 -> roc score: 0.80136
 num of min_samples_leaf:  2 -> roc score: 0.80123
 num of min_samples_leaf:  3 -> roc score: 0.80139
 num of min_samples_leaf:  4 -> roc score: 0.80165
 num of min_samples_leaf:  5 -> roc score: 0.80141
 num of min_samples_leaf:  6 -> roc score: 0.80097
 num of min_samples_leaf:  7 -> roc score: 0.80104
 num of min_samples_leaf:  8 -> roc score: 0.80101
 num of min_samples_leaf:  9 -> roc score: 0.80065
 num of min_samples_leaf: 10 -> roc score: 0.80058

 min_samples_leaf_num best option: 4

example of grid search

from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV

model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, n_estimators=2000) param_grid = { "max_features" : [3, 5], "max_depth" : [4, 10, 20], "min_samples_split" : [2, 4, 10] }

grid_search = GridSearchCV(model, param_grid, n_jobs=-1, cv=2), y) print grid_search.bestparams

In [ ]:
# restore full cell output
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'all'


to index

  • Major efforts have been put in the data cleaning/preparation and characterization with the goal of creating a reliable dataset ready to be used for extensive exploration and modelling. The final sample consists of about 4k event out of ~30k of the raw data (many duplicated entries) Almost all fields have been examined and checked for integrity and consistency.
  • Data exploration has been carried out with the aim of making sense of the main features and identify potential room for ML prediction algorithms. In this phase additional features have been introduced.
  • As first prediction study a Random Forest Regression algo is implemented in order to predict the number of hard maneuvers a drive collect during a single trip. This step is preceded by of a phase of feature reduction and engineering. A prediction accuracy of 80% is achieved at this stage.
  • Additional studies that can be performed with the present sample:
    • Improve feature understanding (i.e. the one related to points and speeding) and try to assess the their power as predictors or targets.
    • Implement pipelines with addional models in order to improve accuracy.
    • Look at longitudinal data: predict individual user behaviour (can be habits, churn etc..)
  • Further studies should involve a larger dataset. This will open the possibility to run more sophisticated models especially for longitudinal data modelling.
    It will also make possible to run unsupervised ML algorithms which could undercover hidden data correlations to be used for prediction models.

In [ ]: