In [8]:
import pandas as pd
import re
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import calendar

In [9]:
# First, let's import requisite files
orders      = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/orders.csv')
prior_set   = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/order_products__prior.csv')
train_set   = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/order_products__train.csv')
aisles      = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/aisles.csv')
departments = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/departments.csv')
products    = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/products.csv')


product_id product_name aisle_id department_id
0 1 Chocolate Sandwich Cookies 61 19
1 2 All-Seasons Salt 104 13
2 3 Robust Golden Unsweetened Oolong Tea 94 7
3 4 Smart Ones Classic Favorites Mini Rigatoni Wit... 38 1
4 5 Green Chile Anytime Sauce 5 13

In [10]:
# To avoid confusion down the road, I am changing the names of two aisles
# 'missing' and 'other', which share the same string values as their parent department 

aisles.loc[5,'aisle'] = 'other aisle'
aisles.loc[99,'aisle'] = 'missing aisle'

aisle_id aisle
0 1 prepared soups salads
1 2 specialty cheeses
2 3 energy granola bars
3 4 instant foods
4 5 marinades meat preparation
5 6 other aisle
6 7 packaged meat
7 8 bakery desserts
8 9 pasta sauce
9 10 kitchen supplies

In [11]:
# The aisles.csv and departments.csv files more useful when merged into the products.csv

# Departments appear to represent larger groups, with sub-groups represented by aisle, 
# not unlike a physical store. 

# Personally, I can more easily conceptualize this thusly:
# 'departments' == Categories, and 'aisles' == Sub-Categories.

# Merge Aisle and Department information into Product df

aisle_names              = aisles['aisle']
dept_names               = departments['department']
products['Category']     = dept_names[products
products['Sub_Category'] = dept_names[products
                                     ].values + " >> " + aisle_names[products['aisle_id'

cols = ['product_id',
products = products[cols]

products.sort_values(by=['Category', 'Sub_Category']).head()

product_id product_name Category Sub_Category aisle_id department_id
349 350 Mixed 12 Pack Lion's Share Ale alcohol alcohol >> beers coolers 27 5
378 379 Super Dry Beer alcohol alcohol >> beers coolers 27 5
429 430 Born Yesterday Pale Ale alcohol alcohol >> beers coolers 27 5
469 470 Lite Beer alcohol alcohol >> beers coolers 27 5
735 736 Beer, IPA alcohol alcohol >> beers coolers 27 5

In [12]:
# Example of missing category / aisle 
products[products['product_id'] == 6728]

product_id product_name Category Sub_Category aisle_id department_id
6727 6728 Fun Size Chocolate Candy missing missing >> missing aisle 100 21

Things to note:

  • product_id seems to increase proportionally to with department_id | aisle_id (when sorted, low product_ids first, high product_ids last), which might be useful later

In [13]:
# Let's list the Category and Aisle counts, grouped alphabetically, arranged hierarchically.

data = {'Product_Count'     : products['Category'].value_counts(),
        '_Product_Count' : products['Sub_Category'].value_counts()

counts_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data).fillna(value='--')
counts_df.index.names = ['Category']

Product_Count _Product_Count
alcohol 1054 --
alcohol >> beers coolers -- 385
alcohol >> red wines -- 232
alcohol >> specialty wines champagnes -- 95
alcohol >> spirits -- 195
alcohol >> white wines -- 147
babies 1081 --
babies >> baby accessories -- 44
babies >> baby bath body care -- 132
babies >> baby food formula -- 718
babies >> diapers wipes -- 187
bakery 1516 --
bakery >> bakery desserts -- 297
bakery >> bread -- 557
bakery >> breakfast bakery -- 226
bakery >> buns rolls -- 195
bakery >> tortillas flat bread -- 241
beverages 4365 --
beverages >> cocoa drink mixes -- 223
beverages >> coffee -- 680
beverages >> energy sports drinks -- 294
beverages >> juice nectars -- 792
beverages >> refrigerated -- 675
beverages >> soft drinks -- 463
beverages >> tea -- 894
beverages >> water seltzer sparkling water -- 344
breakfast 1115 --
breakfast >> breakfast bars pastries -- 173
breakfast >> cereal -- 454
breakfast >> granola -- 185
... ... ...
personal care >> first aid -- 240
personal care >> hair care -- 816
personal care >> muscles joints pain relief -- 172
personal care >> oral hygiene -- 565
personal care >> protein meal replacements -- 325
personal care >> shave needs -- 198
personal care >> skin care -- 245
personal care >> soap -- 525
personal care >> vitamins supplements -- 1038
pets 972 --
pets >> cat food care -- 499
pets >> dog food care -- 473
produce 1684 --
produce >> fresh fruits -- 382
produce >> fresh herbs -- 86
produce >> fresh vegetables -- 569
produce >> packaged produce -- 32
produce >> packaged vegetables fruits -- 615
snacks 6264 --
snacks >> candy chocolate -- 1246
snacks >> chips pretzels -- 989
snacks >> cookies cakes -- 874
snacks >> crackers -- 747
snacks >> energy granola bars -- 832
snacks >> fruit vegetable snacks -- 356
snacks >> ice cream toppings -- 85
snacks >> mint gum -- 168
snacks >> nuts seeds dried fruit -- 582
snacks >> popcorn jerky -- 316
snacks >> trail mix snack mix -- 69

155 rows × 2 columns

In [14]:
# products categorized as'missing' or 'other' account for 1,806 products,
# roughly 3.634% of the 49,688 total products. Not exactly negligible.


Product_Count _Product_Count
missing 1258 --
missing >> missing aisle -- 1258
other 548 --
other >> other aisle -- 548

In [15]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,10), ncols=1)

_= ax.set_title('Categories by Total Products', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Count', size=20)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(ha='right', rotation=55);

In [16]:
# Let's plot sub-category (aisle) as a proportion of category (department)

#sns.barplot(x = stacked_bar_data.Group
#products.pivot('','')[].plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)

In [17]:
data1 = {'_Product_Count' : products['Sub_Category'].value_counts()
data2 = {'Product_Count' : products['Category'].value_counts()

d1_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
d2_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data2)


In [18]:
data3 = { 'No. of Sub-Categories'       : {},
          'Products in Sub-Category'    : {},
          'Parent'                      : {},
          'Products in Parent Category' : {}

for i in range(len(d1_counts_df['_Product_Count'])):
    #print counts_df.index[i], counts_df['_Product_Count'][i]
    match = re.findall(r'([\w ]+)( >> )([\w ]+)', d1_counts_df.index[i])
    parent, child = match[0][0], match[0][2]
    if parent in data3['No. of Sub-Categories']:
        data3['No. of Sub-Categories'][parent]       += 1
        data3['Products in Sub-Category'][child]      = d1_counts_df['_Product_Count'][i]
        data3['No. of Sub-Categories'][parent]               = 1
        data3['Products in Parent Category'][parent]  = d2_counts_df['Product_Count'][parent]
        data3['Products in Sub-Category'][child]      = d1_counts_df['_Product_Count'][i]
    if child not in data3['Parent']:
        data3['Parent'][child]                        = parent
        data3['Products in Parent Category'][child]   = d2_counts_df['Product_Count'][parent]

stacked_category_data = pd.DataFrame(data=data3)
                     ] = stacked_category_data['Parent'
stacked_category_data['Products in Sub-Category'
                     ] = stacked_category_data['Products in Sub-Category'

stacked_category_data['No. of Sub-Categories'
                     ] = stacked_category_data['No. of Sub-Categories'

stacked_category_data.sort_values(by=['Parent', 'Products in Parent Category'])[21:40]

No. of Sub-Categories Parent Products in Parent Category Products in Sub-Category
beers coolers None alcohol 1054 385
red wines None alcohol 1054 232
specialty wines champagnes None alcohol 1054 95
spirits None alcohol 1054 195
white wines None alcohol 1054 147
baby accessories None babies 1081 44
baby bath body care None babies 1081 132
baby food formula None babies 1081 718
diapers wipes None babies 1081 187
bakery desserts None bakery 1516 297
bread None bakery 1516 557
breakfast bakery None bakery 1516 226
buns rolls None bakery 1516 195
tortillas flat bread None bakery 1516 241
cocoa drink mixes None beverages 4365 223
coffee None beverages 4365 680
energy sports drinks None beverages 4365 294
juice nectars None beverages 4365 792
refrigerated None beverages 4365 675

In [19]:
# Let's plot Sub_Category product groups (aisle) 
# as a proportion of total products in Parent Category (department)

newstacked = stacked_category_data.groupby(['Parent', 
                                            'Products in Sub-Category'

Parent                                 Products in Sub-Category
alcohol    beers coolers               385.0                       1
           red wines                   232.0                       1
           specialty wines champagnes  95.0                        1
           spirits                     195.0                       1
           white wines                 147.0                       1
babies     baby accessories            44.0                        1
           baby bath body care         132.0                       1
           baby food formula           718.0                       1
           diapers wipes               187.0                       1
bakery     bakery desserts             297.0                       1
           bread                       557.0                       1
           breakfast bakery            226.0                       1
           buns rolls                  195.0                       1
           tortillas flat bread        241.0                       1
beverages  cocoa drink mixes           223.0                       1
           coffee                      680.0                       1
           energy sports drinks        294.0                       1
           juice nectars               792.0                       1
           refrigerated                675.0                       1
dtype: int64

In [20]:
aisles_only = stacked_category_data.sort_values(by=
                                                 'Products in Parent Category'])[21:]
Top15       = aisles_only.sort_values(by='Products in Sub-Category', 
Bottom15    = aisles_only.sort_values(by='Products in Sub-Category', 

In [21]:
# Plotting top and Bottom 15 Sub-Categories by Product Count

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,5))

Top15['Products in Sub-Category'].plot(kind='bar')
_= ax.set_title('Top 15 Sub-Categories by Count', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Count', size=20)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(ha='right', rotation=55);

In [22]:
# Notice that the larger Sub-Categories reflect more vague grouping criteria, 
# e.g. "missing" isn't exactly specific
# which suggest less helpful groupings for making predictions
# as opposed to the smaller sub-categories below

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,5))
Bottom15['Products in Sub-Category'].plot(kind='bar')
_= ax.set_title('Bottom 15 Sub-Categories by Count', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Count', size=20)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(ha='right', rotation=55);

In [93]:
# Now let's try to find some category trends. First, let's check out the alcohol category. 

master_set = pd.merge(pd.merge(prior_set, orders, on='order_id', how='right'), products,

order_id product_id add_to_cart_order reordered user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day days_since_prior_order product_name Category Sub_Category aisle_id department_id
0 2 33120 1.0 1.0 202279 prior 3 5 9 8.0 Organic Egg Whites dairy eggs dairy eggs >> eggs 86.0 16.0
1 2 28985 2.0 1.0 202279 prior 3 5 9 8.0 Michigan Organic Kale produce produce >> fresh vegetables 83.0 4.0
2 2 9327 3.0 0.0 202279 prior 3 5 9 8.0 Garlic Powder pantry pantry >> spices seasonings 104.0 13.0
3 2 45918 4.0 1.0 202279 prior 3 5 9 8.0 Coconut Butter pantry pantry >> oils vinegars 19.0 13.0
4 2 30035 5.0 0.0 202279 prior 3 5 9 8.0 Natural Sweetener pantry pantry >> baking ingredients 17.0 13.0

In [91]:
# Let's plot a heatmap of the count of products ordered in the alcohol category by hour and day

category_five = master_set[master_set['department_id'] == 5.0]
cat_heatmap_data = pd.DataFrame(category_five[['order_dow', 'order_hour_of_day']].groupby(['order_dow', 
cat_heatmap_data = cat_heatmap_data.pivot(index='order_hour_of_day', 

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12))
_= ax.set_title('Alcohol Category:\n Time-Series Trend', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Hour of Day', size=20, labelpad=15)
_= ax.set_xlabel('Day of Week', size=20, labelpad=15)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
sns.heatmap(cat_heatmap_data, ax=ax, annot=True, fmt="d");

In [99]:
bananas = master_set[master_set['product_id'] == 24852]
cat_heatmap_data = pd.DataFrame(bananas[['order_dow', 'order_hour_of_day']].groupby(['order_dow', 
cat_heatmap_data = cat_heatmap_data.pivot(index='order_hour_of_day', 

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12))
_= ax.set_title('Organic Bananas:\n Time-Series Trend', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Hour of Day', size=20, labelpad=15)
_= ax.set_xlabel('Day of Week', size=20, labelpad=15)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
sns.heatmap(cat_heatmap_data, ax=ax, annot=True, fmt="d");