Autoencoding Prufer ==> Parent sequences

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy

# sklearn
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

# Keras
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Reshape, Dropout, Activation, RepeatVector, Flatten, Permute
from keras.layers import Input, merge, Lambda
from keras.layers.convolutional import Convolution1D
from keras.models import Model
from keras import objectives
from keras.layers.wrappers import TimeDistributed, Bidirectional
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM, GRU
from keras.optimizers import Adagrad, Adam
import keras.backend as K

# Other
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy
import os
import pickle
import pprint
from __future__ import print_function

%matplotlib inline

# Local
import McNeuron
import models_cmc as models
import train_one_by_one as train
import batch_utils
import data_transforms

Using Theano backend.



In [38]:
def encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim):
    h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv1')(prufer_input)
    #h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv2')(h)
    #h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv3')(h)
    h = Flatten(name='flatten')(h)
    return Dense(encoding_dim, activation = 'relu', name='dense1')(h)


In [39]:
def sampler(encoding_dim):
    batch_size = K.shape(encoded_mean)[0]
    epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, encoding_dim), mean=0., std=0.01)
    return encoded_mean + K.exp(encoded_log_var / 2) * epsilon

Variational Encoder

In [61]:
def variational_encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim):
    def sampler(args):
        z_mean, z_log_var = args
        batch_size = K.shape(z_mean)[0]
        epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, encoding_dim), mean=0., std=0.01)
        return z_mean + K.exp(z_log_var / 2) * epsilon

    h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv1')(prufer_input)
    #h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv2')(h)
    #h = Convolution1D(hidden_dim, 5, activation='relu', name='conv3')(h)
    h = Flatten(name='flatten')(h)
    encoded_mean = Dense(encoding_dim, activation = 'linear', name='encoded_mean')(h)
    encoded_log_var = Dense(encoding_dim, activation = 'linear', name='encoded_log_var')(h)
    encoder_output = Lambda(sampler,
                            name='encoder_output')([encoded_mean, encoded_log_var])
    def vae_loss(y, y_pred):
        y = K.flatten(y)
        y_pred = K.flatten(y_pred)
        xent_loss = max_length * objectives.binary_crossentropy(y, y_pred)
        kl_loss = - 0.5 * K.mean(1 + encoded_log_var - K.square(encoded_mean) - K.exp(encoded_log_var), axis=-1)
        return xent_loss + kl_loss

    return encoded_output, vae_loss


In [62]:
def decoder(decoder_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, latent_dim):
    h = Dense(latent_dim, name='latent_input', activation = 'relu')(decoder_input)
    h = RepeatVector(n_nodes-1, name='repeat_vector')(h)
    #h = Bidirectional(LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm1'), merge_mode='sum')(h)
    #h = Bidirectional(LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm2'), merge_mode='sum')(h)
    #h = Bidirectional(LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm3'), merge_mode='sum')(h)
    h = GRU(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm1')(h)
    #h = GRU(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm2')(h)
    #h = GRU(hidden_dim, return_sequences = True, name='lstm3')(h)
    return TimeDistributed(Dense(n_nodes, activation='softmax'), name='decoded_softmax')(h)


In [73]:
def autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim):
    enc = encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim)
    dec = decoder(enc, n_nodes, hidden_dim, latent_dim)
    return dec

Variational autoencoder

In [74]:
def variational_autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim):
    enc, vae_loss = variational_encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim)
    dec = decoder(enc, n_nodes, hidden_dim, latent_dim)
    return dec

Test API

In [64]:
hidden_dim = 50
encoding_dim = 200
latent_dim = 100
n_nodes = 20

In [67]:
prufer_input = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
#encoded_output = encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim)
encoded_output, vae_loss = variational_encoder(prufer_input, hidden_dim, encoding_dim)

decoder_input = Input(shape=(encoding_dim,))
parent_output = decoder(decoder_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, latent_dim)

#encoding_model = Model(input=prufer_input, output=encoded_output)
#decoding_model = Model(input=decoder_input, output=parent_output)

In [75]:
prufer_input = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
parent_output = autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim)
autoencoder_model = Model(input=prufer_input, output=parent_output)

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
input_28 (InputLayer)            (None, 18, 20)        0                                            
conv1 (Convolution1D)            (None, 14, 50)        5050        input_28[0][0]                   
flatten (Flatten)                (None, 700)           0           conv1[0][0]                      
dense1 (Dense)                   (None, 200)           140200      flatten[0][0]                    
latent_input (Dense)             (None, 100)           20100       dense1[0][0]                     
repeat_vector (RepeatVector)     (None, 19, 100)       0           latent_input[0][0]               
lstm1 (GRU)                      (None, 19, 50)        22650       repeat_vector[0][0]              
decoded_softmax (TimeDistributed (None, 19, 20)        1020        lstm1[0][0]                      
Total params: 189,020
Trainable params: 189,020
Non-trainable params: 0

In [77]:
prufer_input = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
parent_output = variational_autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim)
variational_autoencoder_model = Model(input=prufer_input, output=parent_output)

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-77-b2241fc32ab3> in <module>()
      1 prufer_input = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
      2 parent_output = variational_autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim)
----> 3 variational_autoencoder_model = Model(input=prufer_input, output=parent_output)
      4 variational_autoencoder_model.summary()

/Users/pavanramkumar/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/engine/topology.pyc in __init__(self, input, output, name)
   1992                                 'The following previous layers '
   1993                                 'were accessed without issue: ' +
-> 1994                                 str(layers_with_complete_input))
   1995                     for x in node.output_tensors:
   1996                         computable_tensors.append(x)

RuntimeError: Graph disconnected: cannot obtain value for tensor input_7 at layer "input_7". The following previous layers were accessed without issue: []


In [30]:
def reorder(parents):
    length = len(parents)

    # Construct the adjacency matrix
    adjacency = np.zeros([length, length])
    adjacency[parents[1:], range(1, length)] = 1

    # Discover the permutation with Schur decomposition
    full_adjacency = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(length) - adjacency)
    full_adjacency_permuted, permutation_matrix = \

    # Reorder the parents
    parents_reordered = \
        np.argmax(np.eye(length) - np.linalg.inv(full_adjacency_permuted),
    parents_reordered[0] = -1

    return list(parents_reordered)

In [31]:
def generate_training_batch(batch_size, n_nodes):
    Generate training examples.
    batch_size: int
        number of examples to generate
    n_nodes: int
        number of nodes in the tree
    X: 3d array (samples, n_nodes - 2, n_nodes)
        softmax representation of prufer sequence
    y: 3d array (samples, n_nodes - 1, n_nodes)
        softmax representation of parent sequence
    X = np.zeros((batch_size, n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
    y = np.zeros((batch_size, n_nodes - 1, n_nodes))
    # One-hot encoder
    prufer_example = np.random.randint(0, n_nodes-1, (n_nodes-2, 1))
    one_hot = OneHotEncoder(n_values=n_nodes)
    one_hot =
    for example in range(batch_size):
        # Input: prufer sequence softmax
        prufer_array = np.random.randint(0, n_nodes-1, (n_nodes-2, 1))
        X[example, :, :] = one_hot.transform(prufer_array).todense()
        # Output: parent sequence softmax
        parents_ = data_transforms.decode_prufer(list(np.squeeze(prufer_array)))
        parents_ = reorder(parents_)[1:]
        parents_softmax = one_hot.transform(np.expand_dims(np.array(parents_), axis=1)).todense()
        y[example, :, :] = parents_softmax
    return X, y

In [32]:
X, y = generate_training_batch(64, n_nodes)

plt.imshow(X[6, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')
plt.imshow(y[6, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')



In [4]:
# Model parameters
n_nodes = 20
hidden_dim = 50
encoding_dim = 100
latent_dim = 25

# Training parameters
n_epochs = 20
batch_size = 1
n_batch_per_epoch = 1000# np.floor(training_data['morphology']['n20'].shape[0]/batch_size).astype(int)


In [34]:
prufer_input = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 2, n_nodes))
parent_output = autoencoder(prufer_input, n_nodes, hidden_dim, encoding_dim, latent_dim)
autoencoder_model = Model(input=prufer_input, output=parent_output)
autoencoder_model.compile(loss='cosine_proximity', optimizer=Adam())

In [35]:
for e in range(n_epochs * n_batch_per_epoch):
    # Generate training data
    X, y = generate_training_batch(batch_size, n_nodes)
    # Train
    ae_loss = autoencoder_model.train_on_batch(X, y)
    # Print
    if e % 100 == 0:
        print("Epoch #{0}".format(e))
        print("    Loss: {0}".format(ae_loss))
    # Display
    if e % 100 == 0:
        y_pred = autoencoder_model.predict(X)
        plt.imshow(y[0, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')
        plt.imshow(y_pred[0, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')

Epoch #0
    Loss: -0.0111576588824
Epoch #100
    Loss: -0.0174003988504
Epoch #200
    Loss: -0.0219563096762
Epoch #300
    Loss: -0.0278030689806
Epoch #400
    Loss: -0.0261379890144
Epoch #500
    Loss: -0.0243284944445
Epoch #600
    Loss: -0.0286942664534
Epoch #700
    Loss: -0.0331403762102
Epoch #800
    Loss: -0.028619909659
Epoch #900
    Loss: -0.0283173192292
Epoch #1000
    Loss: -0.0269559379667
Epoch #1100
    Loss: -0.0256410688162
Epoch #1200
    Loss: -0.0375743620098
Epoch #1300
    Loss: -0.0265736673027
Epoch #1400
    Loss: -0.034393619746
Epoch #1500
    Loss: -0.0270425453782
Epoch #1600
    Loss: -0.0221952255815
Epoch #1700
    Loss: -0.0246835593134
Epoch #1800
    Loss: -0.0246314760298
Epoch #1900
    Loss: -0.0271123275161
Epoch #2000
    Loss: -0.0367195084691
Epoch #2100
    Loss: -0.0331771671772
Epoch #2200
    Loss: -0.0211504586041
Epoch #2300
    Loss: -0.0328056514263
Epoch #2400
    Loss: -0.0263980720192
Epoch #2500
    Loss: -0.0280192438513
Epoch #2600
    Loss: -0.0258223842829
Epoch #2700
    Loss: -0.0380601771176
Epoch #2800
    Loss: -0.028580904007
Epoch #2900
    Loss: -0.0286215860397
Epoch #3000
    Loss: -0.0282904040068
Epoch #3100
    Loss: -0.0318909883499
Epoch #3200
    Loss: -0.0283696465194
Epoch #3300
    Loss: -0.0285881385207
Epoch #3400
    Loss: -0.0294495820999
Epoch #3500
    Loss: -0.0322829186916
Epoch #3600
    Loss: -0.0260184537619
Epoch #3700
    Loss: -0.0288985092193
Epoch #3800
    Loss: -0.0261806342751
Epoch #3900
    Loss: -0.0288942586631
Epoch #4000
    Loss: -0.022623186931
Epoch #4100
    Loss: -0.0289185959846
Epoch #4200
    Loss: -0.0289940331131
Epoch #4300
    Loss: -0.0280410926789
Epoch #4400
    Loss: -0.0230196323246
Epoch #4500
    Loss: -0.0349487364292
Epoch #4600
    Loss: -0.028701769188
Epoch #4700
    Loss: -0.0298865493387
Epoch #4800
    Loss: -0.0345795042813
Epoch #4900
    Loss: -0.0326331816614
Epoch #5000
    Loss: -0.0326616503298
Epoch #5100
    Loss: -0.02531404607
Epoch #5200
    Loss: -0.0216269064695
Epoch #5300
    Loss: -0.0281154923141
Epoch #5400
    Loss: -0.0256173890084
Epoch #5500
    Loss: -0.0268831346184
Epoch #5600
    Loss: -0.0291688982397
Epoch #5700
    Loss: -0.030394397676
Epoch #5800
    Loss: -0.0328926630318
Epoch #5900
    Loss: -0.0327637754381
Epoch #6000
    Loss: -0.0311195813119
Epoch #6100
    Loss: -0.0234624259174
Epoch #6200
    Loss: -0.0231617148966
Epoch #6300
    Loss: -0.0325139649212
Epoch #6400
    Loss: -0.0340269617736
Epoch #6500
    Loss: -0.0286622233689
Epoch #6600
    Loss: -0.0297026094049
Epoch #6700
    Loss: -0.0290620867163
Epoch #6800
    Loss: -0.0212637335062
Epoch #6900
    Loss: -0.0311938021332
Epoch #7000
    Loss: -0.0270351227373
Epoch #7100
    Loss: -0.0292471647263
Epoch #7200
    Loss: -0.0260645002127
Epoch #7300
    Loss: -0.0313413366675
Epoch #7400
    Loss: -0.0202753897756
Epoch #7500
    Loss: -0.0333586893976
Epoch #7600
    Loss: -0.0320826992393
Epoch #7700
    Loss: -0.0264127478004
Epoch #7800
    Loss: -0.0382981337607
Epoch #7900
    Loss: -0.0291480571032
Epoch #8000
    Loss: -0.0209607407451
Epoch #8100
    Loss: -0.0262831803411
Epoch #8200
    Loss: -0.0330789275467
Epoch #8300
    Loss: -0.0235070101917
Epoch #8400
    Loss: -0.0258781369776
Epoch #8500
    Loss: -0.0245763156563
Epoch #8600
    Loss: -0.0324430167675
Epoch #8700
    Loss: -0.0299633648247
Epoch #8800
    Loss: -0.0282398462296
Epoch #8900
    Loss: -0.0322983562946
Epoch #9000
    Loss: -0.026647599414
Epoch #9100
    Loss: -0.0279546882957
Epoch #9200
    Loss: -0.0327738858759
Epoch #9300
    Loss: -0.0254317056388
Epoch #9400
    Loss: -0.0269438065588
Epoch #9500
    Loss: -0.0296608023345
Epoch #9600
    Loss: -0.0301820989698
Epoch #9700
    Loss: -0.029756564647
Epoch #9800
    Loss: -0.0315627865493
Epoch #9900
    Loss: -0.0331822745502
Epoch #10000
    Loss: -0.0243003237993
Epoch #10100
    Loss: -0.0218425970525
Epoch #10200
    Loss: -0.0313162319362
Epoch #10300
    Loss: -0.0285546965897
Epoch #10400
    Loss: -0.0311459302902
Epoch #10500
    Loss: -0.0278900638223
Epoch #10600
    Loss: -0.0262754671276
Epoch #10700
    Loss: -0.0355949252844
Epoch #10800
    Loss: -0.0205683168024
Epoch #10900
    Loss: -0.0316186919808
Epoch #11000
    Loss: -0.0245911031961
Epoch #11100
    Loss: -0.0290468689054
Epoch #11200
    Loss: -0.0316999405622
Epoch #11300
    Loss: -0.0224900525063
Epoch #11400
    Loss: -0.030501389876
Epoch #11500
    Loss: -0.0290835052729
Epoch #11600
    Loss: -0.028824724257
Epoch #11700
    Loss: -0.0357545912266
Epoch #11800
    Loss: -0.0287431720644
Epoch #11900
    Loss: -0.0217007342726
Epoch #12000
    Loss: -0.0262914858758
Epoch #12100
    Loss: -0.029001602903
Epoch #12200
    Loss: -0.0316213741899
Epoch #12300
    Loss: -0.0330987051129
Epoch #12400
    Loss: -0.0318503007293
Epoch #12500
    Loss: -0.0261912103742
Epoch #12600
    Loss: -0.0398330241442
Epoch #12700
    Loss: -0.0255824681371
Epoch #12800
    Loss: -0.0307972840965
Epoch #12900
    Loss: -0.0283774100244
Epoch #13000
    Loss: -0.0297810491174
Epoch #13100
    Loss: -0.0234390180558
Epoch #13200
    Loss: -0.0234919004142
Epoch #13300
    Loss: -0.0363692045212
Epoch #13400
    Loss: -0.0264336708933
Epoch #13500
    Loss: -0.0285840090364
Epoch #13600
    Loss: -0.032103151083
Epoch #13700
    Loss: -0.0292512997985
Epoch #13800
    Loss: -0.0210669096559
Epoch #13900
    Loss: -0.0234427955002
Epoch #14000
    Loss: -0.0235466081649
Epoch #14100
    Loss: -0.0240888800472
Epoch #14200
    Loss: -0.0250092893839
Epoch #14300
    Loss: -0.0304328426719
Epoch #14400
    Loss: -0.0349595732987
Epoch #14500
    Loss: -0.0291030760854
Epoch #14600
    Loss: -0.031510066241
Epoch #14700
    Loss: -0.023684149608
Epoch #14800
    Loss: -0.0251926630735
Epoch #14900
    Loss: -0.028918499127
Epoch #15000
    Loss: -0.0286128073931
Epoch #15100
    Loss: -0.0203808341175
Epoch #15200
    Loss: -0.0356257222593
Epoch #15300
    Loss: -0.020722432062
Epoch #15400
    Loss: -0.0216438546777
Epoch #15500
    Loss: -0.0312958396971
Epoch #15600
    Loss: -0.0274419225752
Epoch #15700
    Loss: -0.0288382638246
Epoch #15800
    Loss: -0.0302060097456
Epoch #15900
    Loss: -0.0272705107927
Epoch #16000
    Loss: -0.0309022199363
Epoch #16100
    Loss: -0.0245123282075
Epoch #16200
    Loss: -0.0275575425476
Epoch #16300
    Loss: -0.0281340032816
Epoch #16400
    Loss: -0.0329512692988
Epoch #16500
    Loss: -0.029235413298
Epoch #16600
    Loss: -0.0321371555328
Epoch #16700
    Loss: -0.0266688968986
Epoch #16800
    Loss: -0.0288997292519
Epoch #16900
    Loss: -0.026684705168
Epoch #17000
    Loss: -0.0333354286849
Epoch #17100
    Loss: -0.0278295036405
Epoch #17200
    Loss: -0.0243803169578
Epoch #17300
    Loss: -0.0287108048797
Epoch #17400
    Loss: -0.0270339995623
Epoch #17500
    Loss: -0.0283313486725
Epoch #17600
    Loss: -0.0263024885207
Epoch #17700
    Loss: -0.0258244462311
Epoch #17800
    Loss: -0.0249116010964
Epoch #17900
    Loss: -0.0239945668727
Epoch #18000
    Loss: -0.0242426935583
Epoch #18100
    Loss: -0.028355255723
Epoch #18200
    Loss: -0.0263391323388
Epoch #18300
    Loss: -0.033009454608
Epoch #18400
    Loss: -0.0280372146517
Epoch #18500
    Loss: -0.0312110558152
Epoch #18600
    Loss: -0.0230487622321
Epoch #18700
    Loss: -0.0304771102965
Epoch #18800
    Loss: -0.0284570362419
Epoch #18900
    Loss: -0.0356152914464
Epoch #19000
    Loss: -0.0241835024208
Epoch #19100
    Loss: -0.0253257509321
Epoch #19200
    Loss: -0.0247729234397
Epoch #19300
    Loss: -0.0284156166017
Epoch #19400
    Loss: -0.0290658511221
Epoch #19500
    Loss: -0.0259420517832
Epoch #19600
    Loss: -0.026966933161
Epoch #19700
    Loss: -0.0233171023428
Epoch #19800
    Loss: -0.0213912371546
Epoch #19900
    Loss: -0.0334564745426

In [18]:
y_pred = autoencoder_model.predict(X)

(1, 19, 20)

In [19]:
for ex in range(batch_size):
    plt.imshow(y[ex, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')
    plt.imshow(y_pred[ex, :, :], cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')

In [22]:
y_pred[ex, :, :].argmax(axis=1)

array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17,  5])

In [23]:

array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5, 13,  7,  8,  9, 14, 12, 15, 16, 18,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  0]])

Masked softmax

In [35]:
def masked_softmax(input_layer, n_nodes, batch_size):
    A Lambda layer to mask a matrix of outputs to be lower-triangular.
    Each row must sum up to one. We apply a lower triangular mask of ones
    and then add an upper triangular mask of a large negative number.

    input_layer: keras layer object
        (n x 1, n) matrix
    output_layer: keras layer object
        (n x 1, n) matrix
    mask_lower = K.theano.tensor.tril(K.ones((n_nodes - 1, n_nodes)))
    mask_upper = K.theano.tensor.triu(-100. * K.ones((n_nodes - 1, n_nodes)), 1)
    mask_layer = mask_lower * input_layer + mask_upper
    mask_layer = K.reshape(mask_layer, (batch_size * (n_nodes -1), n_nodes))
    softmax_layer = K.softmax(mask_layer)
    output_layer = K.reshape(softmax_layer, (batch_size, n_nodes -1, n_nodes))
    return output_layer

In [36]:
input_layer = Input(shape=(n_nodes - 1, n_nodes))
dense_layer = TimeDistributed(Dense(20))(input_layer)

In [55]:
lambda_args = {'n_nodes': n_nodes, 'batch_size': 2}
#lambda_args = {'n_nodes': n_nodes}
next_layer = Lambda(masked_softmax,
                    output_shape=(n_nodes - 1, n_nodes),

In [56]:
test_model = Model(input=input_layer, output=next_layer)

In [57]:

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
input_4 (InputLayer)             (None, 19, 20)        0                                            
timedistributed_4 (TimeDistribut (None, 19, 20)        420         input_4[0][0]                    
lambda_9 (Lambda)                (None, 19, 20)        0           timedistributed_4[0][0]          
Total params: 420
Trainable params: 420
Non-trainable params: 0

In [68]:
l = test_model.layers[2]


In [58]:
example_input = np.random.randn(2, 19, 20)
#example_input = example_input * np_mask
#plt.imshow(example_input[0], interpolation='none', cmap='Greys')

In [59]:
tmp = test_model.predict(example_input)
plt.imshow(tmp[0,:,:], interpolation='none', cmap='Greys')

In [312]:

(10, 19, 20)

In [298]:

array([ 1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,
        1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        ,  0.99999994], dtype=float32)

In [278]:
np_mask = np.tril(np.ones((n_nodes - 1, n_nodes))) + \
       np.triu(-100. * np.ones((n_nodes - 1, n_nodes)), 1)

In [279]:


In [280]:
plt.imshow(np_mask, cmap='Greys', interpolation='none')

In [257]:
tmp = np.zeros((2,3,4))
tmp[0, :, :] = [[1., 2., 3., 4.], [4., 2., 7., 8.], [0., 1., 4., 2.]]
tmp[1, :, :] = [[-1., -2., -3., -4.], [-4., -2., -7., -8.], [-0., -1., -4., -2.]]

In [258]:

(2, 3, 4)

In [269]:

array([[[ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
        [ 4.,  2.,  7.,  8.],
        [ 0.,  1.,  4.,  2.]],

       [[-1., -2., -3., -4.],
        [-4., -2., -7., -8.],
        [-0., -1., -4., -2.]]])

In [260]:
tmp2 = tmp.reshape((6, 4))

(6, 4)

In [268]:

array([[  2.,   4.,   6.,   8.],
       [  8.,   4.,  14.,  16.],
       [  0.,   2.,   8.,   4.],
       [ -2.,  -4.,  -6.,  -8.],
       [ -8.,  -4., -14., -16.],
       [ -0.,  -2.,  -8.,  -4.]])

In [265]:
tmp2 = np

In [266]:
tmp3 = tmp2.reshape((2,3,4))

(2, 3, 4)

In [267]:

array([[[  2.,   4.,   6.,   8.],
        [  8.,   4.,  14.,  16.],
        [  0.,   2.,   8.,   4.]],

       [[ -2.,  -4.,  -6.,  -8.],
        [ -8.,  -4., -14., -16.],
        [ -0.,  -2.,  -8.,  -4.]]])

In [60]:
def invert_full_matrix_np(full_adjacency):
    full_adjacency = np.squeeze(full_adjacency)
    n_nodes = full_adjacency.shape[1]
    full_adjacency = np.append(np.zeros([1, n_nodes]), full_adjacency)
    full_adjacency[0, 0] = 1
    adjacency = np.eye(n_nodes) - np.linalg.inv(full_adjacency)
    return adjacency[1:, :]

In [69]:
'dense' in 'dense_4'


In [ ]: