Microbiome data normalization tutorial

This is a jupyter notebook example of the different ways to normalize the reads (i.e. TSS, rarefaction, compositionality correction, etc).


In [1]:
import calour as ca
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook

/Users/amnon/miniconda3/envs/calour/lib/python3.5/site-packages/h5py/__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters

Load the data

we use the chronic fatigue syndrome data from:

Giloteaux, L., Goodrich, J.K., Walters, W.A., Levine, S.M., Ley, R.E. and Hanson, M.R., 2016.

Reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

Microbiome, 4(1), p.30.

Standard load with TSS normalization

for each sample we normalize to 10000 reads/sample.

This is done by dividing the number of reads of each feature in a sample by the total sum of reads (of all features) in the sample, and then multiplying by the desired number of reads (i.e. 10000).

After this normalization, the sum of (normalized) reads in each sample will be 10000.

This is different from rarefaction, since each feature can have a non-integer number of reads, and less information is thrown away. However, you need to be careful not to have a bias by the original number of reads (mostly in binary methods). dsFDR works fine with this normalization.

Note that we also throw away samples with less than min_reads=1000 reads total (before normalization). This is in order to reduce the discretization effect in samples with low number of reads.

In [2]:

2018-03-04 12:39:25 INFO loaded 87 samples, 2129 features
2018-03-04 12:39:25 WARNING These have metadata but do not have data - dropped: {'ERR1331814'}
2018-03-04 12:39:25 INFO After filtering, 87 remaining

In [3]:

AmpliconExperiment ("chronic-fatigue-syndrome.biom") with 87 samples, 2129 features

The sum of reads per sample should be 10000

In [4]:

array([10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.,
       10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.])

The original number of reads per sample (before normalization) is stored in the sample_metadata table in the field "_calour_original_abundance"

In [5]:
plt.xlabel('original number of reads')
plt.ylabel('number of samples')

Text(0,0.5,'number of samples')

load with no normalization

we can load the data without normalizing the reads per sample by setting the parameter normalize=None

This is not recommended for typical microbiome experiments since the number of reads per sample is arbitrary and does not reflect the number of bacteria in the sample.

We still chose to remove all samples with less than 1000 reads total.

In [6]:

2018-03-04 12:39:29 INFO loaded 87 samples, 2129 features
2018-03-04 12:39:29 WARNING These have metadata but do not have data - dropped: {'ERR1331814'}
2018-03-04 12:39:29 INFO After filtering, 87 remaining

In [7]:

array([ 62629.,  96404., 105470.,  50560.,  66414.,  97011.,  77673.,
        59655., 100206.,  34044.,  74744., 106959.,  75014.,  64515.,
        52549.,  54079.,  41310.,  66931.,  69574.,  70387.,  93480.,
        84020.,  40701.,  61849., 119409.,  51815.,  59722.,  47760.,
       101434.,  85726.,  72033.,  71608.,  36721., 121576.,  62482.,
        68390.,  70886.,  76899.,  47124., 102348., 101551.,  61425.,
        68260.,  79580.,  60183.,  78305., 107605., 134027.,  81385.,
        79597.,  64939.,  56027.,  64103.,  90476.,  70982., 105850.,
        90525.,  92925.,  22203.,  63500.,  64368.,  73568.,  69072.,
        89176.,  64426.,  59181., 100251.,  76190.,  84987.,  68514.,
        84449.,  80196.,  48256.,  47898.,  55874., 107258., 110218.,
        63968.,  94907.,  49032.,  77150.,  89870.,  71017.,  41598.,
        89919.,  72977.,  80308.])

TSS normalization (normalize)

We can always normalize to constant sum per sample (similar to the read_amplicon normaliztion)

In [8]:
tt = cfs_not_normalized.normalize(5000)

In [9]:

array([5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.,
       5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000.])

Compositional normalization (normalize_compositional)

In some cases, a plausible biological scenario is that a few bacteria have a very large number of reads. Increase in the frequency of such a bacteria will cause a decrease in the frequencies of all other bacteria (even if in reality their total number remains constant in the sample) since data is normalized to constant sum per sample.

Under the assumption that most bacteria do not change in total number between the samples, we can normalize to constant sum when ignoring the set of high frequency bacteria.

We will demonstrate using a synthetic example:

In the original dataset we have a few tens of bacteria separating between healthy and sick

In [10]:
dd=cfs_normalized.diff_abundance('Subject','Control','Patient', random_seed=2018)

2018-03-04 12:39:36 INFO 87 samples with both values
2018-03-04 12:39:36 INFO After filtering, 2129 remaining
2018-03-04 12:39:36 INFO 39 samples with value 1 (['Control'])
2018-03-04 12:39:38 INFO method meandiff. number of higher in ['Control'] : 34. number of higher in ['Patient'] : 18. total 52

Effect of a high frequency artificial bacteria

let's make the first bactertia high frequency only in the Healthy (Control) and not in the Sick (Patient).

And renormalize to 10000 reads/sample

In [11]:

tt.data[tt.sample_metadata['Subject']=='Control',0] = 50000

In [12]:
dd=tt.diff_abundance('Subject','Control','Patient', random_seed=2018)

2018-03-04 12:39:38 INFO 87 samples with both values
2018-03-04 12:39:38 INFO After filtering, 2129 remaining
2018-03-04 12:39:38 INFO 39 samples with value 1 (['Control'])
2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO method meandiff. number of higher in ['Control'] : 27. number of higher in ['Patient'] : 68. total 95

We get more bacteria which are higher in 'Patient' since bacteria 0 is now very high in controls, and data is TSS normalized

Let's fix by doing the compositional normalization

In [13]:

2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO After filtering, 2 remaining
2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO ignoring 2 features

In [14]:
dd=yy.diff_abundance('Subject','Control','Patient', random_seed=2018)

2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO 87 samples with both values
2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO After filtering, 2129 remaining
2018-03-04 12:39:39 INFO 39 samples with value 1 (['Control'])
2018-03-04 12:39:41 INFO method meandiff. number of higher in ['Control'] : 35. number of higher in ['Patient'] : 19. total 54

so we reduced the inflation of false differentially abundant bacteria due to data compositionallity

Normalization on part of the features (normalize_by_subset_features)

Sometimes we want to normalize while ignoring some features (say ignoring all mitochondrial sequences), but we still want to keep these features - just not use them in the normalization.

Note the sum of reads per sample will not be constant (since samples also contain the ignored features).

Lets ignore the bacteria that don't have a good taxonomy assignment

In [15]:
bad_seqs=[cseq for cseq,ctax in cfs_not_normalized.feature_metadata['taxonomy'].iteritems() if len(ctax)<13]

In [16]:
tt = cfs_not_normalized.normalize_by_subset_features(bad_seqs, total=10000)

In [17]:

array([10000.        , 10000.62241955, 10000.18963098, 10000.39558527,
       10000.        , 10004.33128113, 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10001.7395726 , 10001.30908411,
       10000.26662401, 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10002.17912399, 10000.        , 10000.        , 10002.55794455,
       10000.53490238, 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10001.00475584, 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10027.30009485, 10013.7829348 , 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10001.48566335, 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.25132574,
       10000.        , 10000.25541806, 10000.18586842, 10000.44769103,
       10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.35698349,
       10000.        , 10001.32649452, 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10000.22093833, 10000.64572369, 10002.25245518, 10000.78746358,
       10000.        , 10002.58331181, 10000.43434826, 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10001.69001707, 10002.69396552, 10000.26250853,
       10003.1779661 , 10000.        , 10000.47368109, 10000.37409749,
       10002.28002902, 10000.        , 10000.        , 10000.        ,
       10000.27219525, 10000.        , 10040.20015445, 10000.        ,
       10000.        , 10000.33382665, 10000.        , 10000.96167716,
       10000.        , 10000.95929834, 10000.        ])

In [ ]: