A C++ Kernel

Output and error streams

std::cout and std::cerr are correctly redirected

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#include <iostream>

std::cout << "some output" << std::endl;

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std::cerr << "some error" << std::endl;

Omitting the ; in the last statement of a cell gives an output

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int j = 5;

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#include <map>

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std::map<std::string, int> map1;
map1["something"] = 69;
map1["anything"] = 199;
map1["that thing"] = 50;


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#include <string>
#include <fstream>

#include "xtl/xbase64.hpp"
#include "xeus/xjson.hpp"

namespace im
    struct image
        inline image(const std::string& filename)
            std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::binary);   
            m_buffer << fin.rdbuf();
        std::stringstream m_buffer;
    xeus::xjson mime_bundle_repr(const image& i)
        auto bundle = xeus::xjson::object();
        bundle["image/png"] = xtl::base64encode(i.m_buffer.str());
        return bundle;

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im::image marie("marie.png");

... and also lambda, universal references, decltype, etc ...

Documentation and completion

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