This notebook is part of a computational appendix that accompanies the paper.
MATLAB, Python, Julia: What to Choose in Economics?
Coleman, Lyon, Maliar, and Maliar (2017)
In order to run the codes in this notebook you will need to install and configure Matlab and the a jupyter Matlab kernel. We assume you already have Matlab installed and show how to install the jupyter matlab kernel in a few steps:
kernel by doing the following from the command prompt (or terminal prompt for OSX/Linux userse):python -m pip install matlab_kernel
python -m matlab_kernel install
In order to implement our routines, we need a few functions defining numerical tools.
Do to limitations in the Matlab Juptyer kernel, we cannot define functions in the notebook itself. So, we will download the file we need from online, save them to the same directory as this notebook, and then add this directory to the Matlab path.
So that we know what these files are doing, we will print the text of these files here in the notebook.
In [1]:
In [3]:
mon1_txt = fileread(websave('Monomials_1.m', ''));
mon2_txt = fileread(websave('Monomials_2.m', ''));
poly_txt = fileread(websave('Ord_Polynomial_N.m', ''));
In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:
In [8]:
nkacc_txt = fileread(websave('NK_accuracy.m', ''));
nksim_txt = fileread(websave('NK_simulation.m', ''));
In [9]:
In [10]:
In [24]:
% Start counting time
% -------------------
In [25]:
% 1. Parameter values
% -------------------
zlb = 0; % Impose ZLB on nominal interest rate
gam = 1; % Utility-function parameter
betta = 0.99; % Discount factor
vartheta = 2.09; % Utility-function parameter
epsil = 4.45; % Parameter in the Dixit-Stiglitz aggregator
phi_y = 0.07; % Parameter of the Taylor rule
phi_pie = 2.21; % Parameter of the Taylor rule
mu = 0.82; % Parameter of the Taylor rule
theta = 0.83; % Share of non-reoptimizing firms (Calvo's pricing)
piestar = 1.0; % Target (gross) inflation rate
Gbar = 0.23; % Steady-state share of government spending in output
% Autocorrelation coefficients in the processes for shocks
rho_nua = 0.95; % See process (22) in MM (2015)
rho_nuL = 0.25; % See process (16) in MM (2015)
rho_nuR = 0.0; % See process (28) in MM (2015)
rho_nuu = 0.92; % See process (15) in MM (2015)
rho_nuB = 0.0; % See process (17) in MM (2015)
rho_nuG = 0.95; % See process (26) in MM (2015)
% Standard deviations of the innovations in the processes for shocks
sigma_nua = 0.0045; % See process (22) in MM (2015)
sigma_nuL = 0.4054; % See process (16) in MM (2015)
sigma_nuR = 0.0028; % See process (28) in MM (2015)
sigma_nuu = 0.0054; % See process (15) in MM (2015)
sigma_nuB = 0.0010; % See process (17) in MM (2015)
sigma_nuG = 0.0038; % See process (26) in MM (2015)
In [26]:
% 2. Steady state of the model (see page 19 in Supplement to MM (2015))
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
Yn_ss = exp(Gbar)^(gam/(vartheta+gam));
Y_ss = Yn_ss;
pie_ss = 1;
delta_ss = 1;
L_ss = Y_ss/delta_ss;
C_ss = (1-Gbar)*Y_ss;
F_ss = C_ss^(-gam)*Y_ss/(1-betta*theta*pie_ss^(epsil-1));
S_ss = L_ss^vartheta*Y_ss/(1-betta*theta*pie_ss^epsil);
R_ss = pie_ss/betta;
w_ss = (L_ss^vartheta)*(C_ss^gam);
In [27]:
% 3. Construct a grid for computing a solution
% --------------------------------------------
m = 200; % Choose the number of grid points
grid_type = 1; % Choose a grid type; grid_type = 1 corresponds to a uniformely
% distribued random grid, and grid_type = 2 corresponds to
% a quasi Monte Carlo grid
% Random grid
% -----------
if grid_type == 1 % Choose the grid type
nuR0 = (-2*sigma_nuR+4*sigma_nuR*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nuR^2);
nua0 = (-2*sigma_nua+4*sigma_nua*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nua^2);
nuL0 = (-2*sigma_nuL+4*sigma_nuL*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nuL^2);
nuu0 = (-2*sigma_nuu+4*sigma_nuu*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nuu^2);
nuB0 = (-2*sigma_nuB+4*sigma_nuB*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nuB^2);
nuG0 = (-2*sigma_nuG+4*sigma_nuG*rand(m,1))/sqrt(1-rho_nuG^2);
% Values of exogenous state variables are distributed uniformly
% in the interval +/- std/sqrt(1-rho_nu^2)
R0 = 1+0.05*rand(m,1);
delta0 = 0.95+0.05*rand(m,1);
% Values of endogenous state variables are distributed uniformly
% in the intervals [1 1.05] and [0.95 1], respectively
% Quasi Monte-Carlo grid
if grid_type == 2 % Choose the grid type
dimensionality = 8; % The number of state variables (exogenous and endogenous)
Def_sobol = sobolset(dimensionality);
% Constructs a Sobol sequence point set in
% "dimensionality" dimensions
Sob = net(Def_sobol,m);
% Get the first m points
nuR0 = (-2*sigma_nuR+4*(max(Sob(:,1))-Sob(:,1))/(max(Sob(:,1))-min(Sob(:,1)))*sigma_nuR)/sqrt(1-rho_nuR^2);
nua0 = (-2*sigma_nua+4*(max(Sob(:,2))-Sob(:,2))/(max(Sob(:,2))-min(Sob(:,2)))*sigma_nua)/sqrt(1-rho_nua^2);
nuL0 = (-2*sigma_nuL+4*(max(Sob(:,3))-Sob(:,3))/(max(Sob(:,3))-min(Sob(:,3)))*sigma_nuL)/sqrt(1-rho_nuL^2);
nuu0 = (-2*sigma_nuu+4*(max(Sob(:,4))-Sob(:,4))/(max(Sob(:,4))-min(Sob(:,4)))*sigma_nuu)/sqrt(1-rho_nuu^2);
nuB0 = (-2*sigma_nuB+4*(max(Sob(:,5))-Sob(:,5))/(max(Sob(:,5))-min(Sob(:,5)))*sigma_nuB)/sqrt(1-rho_nuB^2);
nuG0 = (-2*sigma_nuG+4*(max(Sob(:,6))-Sob(:,6))/(max(Sob(:,6))-min(Sob(:,6)))*sigma_nuG)/sqrt(1-rho_nuG^2);
% Values of exogenous state variables are in the interval +/- std/sqrt(1-rho^2)
R0 = 1+0.05*(max(Sob(:,7))-Sob(:,7))/(max(Sob(:,7))-min(Sob(:,7)));
delta0 = 0.95+0.05*(max(Sob(:,8))-Sob(:,8))/(max(Sob(:,8))-min(Sob(:,8)));
% Values of endogenous state variables are in the intervals [1 1.05] and
% [0.95 1], respectively
if zlb == 1; R0=max(R0,1); end
% If ZLB is imposed, set R(t)=1 if ZLB binds
Grid = [log(R0(1:m,1)) log(delta0(1:m,1)) nuR0 nua0 nuL0 nuu0 nuB0 nuG0];
% Construct the matrix of grid points; m-by-dimensionality
In [28]:
% 4. Constructing polynomial on the grid
% --------------------------------------
Degree = 2; % Degree of polynomial approximation
X0_Gs{1} = Ord_Polynomial_N(Grid, 1);
X0_Gs{Degree} = Ord_Polynomial_N(Grid, Degree);
% Construct the matrix of explanatory variables X0_Gs
% on the grid of state variables; the columns of X0_Gs
% are given by the basis functions of polynomial of
% degree "Degree"
npol = size(X0_Gs{Degree},2); % Number of coefficients in polynomial of degree
% "Degree"; it must be smaller than the number of grid
% points
In [29]:
% 5. Integration in the solution procedure
% ----------------------------------------
N = 6; % Total number of exogenous shocks
vcv = diag([sigma_nuR^2 sigma_nua^2 sigma_nuL^2 sigma_nuu^2 sigma_nuB^2 sigma_nuG^2]);
% Variance covariance matrix
% Compute the number of integration nodes, their values and weights
[n_nodes,epsi_nodes,weight_nodes] = Monomials_1(N,vcv);
% Monomial integration rule with 2N nodes
%[n_nodes,epsi_nodes,weight_nodes] = Monomials_2(N,vcv);
% Monomial integration rule with 2N^2+1 nodes
nuR1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nuR0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nuR + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,1)';
nua1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nua0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nua + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,2)';
nuL1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nuL0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nuL + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,3)';
nuu1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nuu0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nuu + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,4)';
nuB1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nuB0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nuB + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,5)';
nuG1(:,1:n_nodes) = (nuG0*ones(1,n_nodes)).*rho_nuG + ones(m,1)*epsi_nodes(:,6)';
% Compute future shocks in all grid points and all integration
% nodes; the size of each of these matrices is m-by-n_nodes
In [30]:
% 6. Allocate memory
% TODO: pick up here!!!!
e = zeros(m,3);
% Allocate memory to integrals in the right side of 3 Euler equations
S0_old_G = ones(m,1);
F0_old_G = ones(m,1);
C0_old_G = ones(m,1);
% Allocate memory to S, F and C from the previous iteration (to check
% convergence)
S0_new_G = ones(m,1);
F0_new_G = ones(m,1);
C0_new_G = ones(m,1);
% Allocate memory to S, F, C from the current iteration (to check
% convergence)
In [31]:
% The main iterative cycle
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 7. Algorithm parameters
damp = 0.1; % Damping parameter for (fixed-point) iteration on
% the coefficients of 3 decision functions (for
% S, F and C^(-gam))
In [32]:
% 8. The loop over the polynomial coefficients
% --------------------------------------------
for deg = [1, Degree]
diff = 1e+10;
it = 0;
X0_G = X0_Gs{deg};
% 9. Initial guess for coefficients of the decision functions for the
% variables S and F and marginal utility MU
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
if deg == 1
vk = ones(size(Grid, 2)+1, 3)*1e-5; % Initialize first all the coefficients
% at 1e-5
vk(1,:) = [S_ss F_ss C_ss.^(-gam)]; % Set the initial values of the constant
% terms in the decision rules for S,
% F and MU to values that give the
% deterministic steady state
% For degree > 1, initial guess for coefficients is given by
% regressing final state matrix from degree 1 solution (e) on the
% complete polynomial basis matrix
vk = X0_G\e;
while diff > 1e-7 % The convergence criterion (which is unit free
% because diff is unit free)
% Current choices (at t)
% ------------------------------
S0 = X0_G*vk(:,1); % Compute S(t) using vk
F0 = X0_G*vk(:,2); % Compute F(t) using vk
C0 = (X0_G*vk(:,3)).^(-1/gam); % Compute C(t) using vk
pie0 = ((1-(1-theta)*(S0./F0).^(1-epsil))/theta).^(1/(epsil-1));
% Compute pie(t) from condition (35) in MM (2015)
delta1 = ((1-theta)*((1-theta*pie0.^(epsil-1))/(1-theta)).^(epsil/(epsil-1))+theta*pie0.^epsil./delta0).^(-1);
% Compute delta(t) from condition (36) in MM (2015)
Y0 = C0./(1-Gbar./exp(nuG0));
% Compute Y(t) from condition (38) in MM (2015)
L0 = Y0./exp(nua0)./delta1;
% Compute L(t) from condition (37) in MM (2015)
Yn0 = (exp(nua0).^(1+vartheta).*(1-Gbar./exp(nuG0)).^(-gam)./exp(nuL0)).^(1/(vartheta+gam));
% Compute Yn(t) from condition (31) in MM (2015)
R1 = piestar/betta*(R0*betta./piestar).^mu.*((pie0./piestar).^phi_pie .* (Y0./Yn0).^phi_y).^(1-mu).*exp(nuR0); % Taylor rule
% Compute R(t) from conditions (27), (39) in MM (2015)
if zlb == 1; R1=max(R1,1); end
% If ZLB is imposed, set R(t)=1 if ZLB binds
% Future choices (at t+1)
for u = 1:n_nodes
X1 = Ord_Polynomial_N([log(R1) log(delta1) nuR1(:,u) nua1(:,u) nuL1(:,u) nuu1(:,u) nuB1(:,u) nuG1(:,u)],deg);
% Form complete polynomial of degree "Degree" (at t+1) on future state
% variables; n_nodes-by-npol
S1(:,u) = X1*vk(:,1); % Compute S(t+1) in all nodes using vk
F1(:,u) = X1*vk(:,2); % Compute F(t+1) in all nodes using vk
C1(:,u) = (X1*vk(:,3)).^(-1/gam); % Compute C(t+1) in all nodes using vk
pie1 = ((1-(1-theta)*(S1./F1).^(1-epsil))/theta).^(1/(epsil-1));
% Compute next-period pie using condition
% (35) in MM (2015)
% Evaluate conditional expectations in the Euler equations
e(:,1) = exp(nuu0).*exp(nuL0).*L0.^vartheta.*Y0./exp(nua0) + (betta*theta*pie1.^epsil.*S1)*weight_nodes;
e(:,2) = exp(nuu0).*C0.^(-gam).*Y0 + (betta*theta*pie1.^(epsil-1).*F1)*weight_nodes;
e(:,3) = betta*exp(nuB0)./exp(nuu0).*R1.*((exp(nuu1).*C1.^(-gam)./pie1)*weight_nodes);
% Variables of the current iteration
S0_new_G(:,1) = S0(:,1);
F0_new_G(:,1) = F0(:,1);
C0_new_G(:,1) = C0(:,1);
% Compute and update the coefficients of the decision functions
% -------------------------------------------------------------
vk_hat_2d = X0_G\e; % Compute the new coefficients of the decision
% functions using a backslash operator
vk = damp*vk_hat_2d + (1-damp)*vk;
% Update the coefficients using damping
% Evaluate the percentage (unit-free) difference between the values
% on the grid from the previous and current iterations
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
diff = mean(mean(abs(1-S0_new_G./S0_old_G)))+mean(mean(abs(1-F0_new_G./F0_old_G)))+mean(mean(abs(1-C0_new_G./C0_old_G)));
% The convergence criterion is adjusted to the damping
% parameters
% Store the obtained values for S(t), F(t), C(t) on the grid to
% be used on the subsequent iteration in Section 10.2.6
S0_old_G = S0_new_G;
F0_old_G = F0_new_G;
C0_old_G = C0_new_G;
In [33]:
% 10. Finish counting time
% ------------------------
running_time = toc;
In [34]:
% 11. Simualating a time-series solution
T = 10201; % The length of stochastic simulation
% Initialize the values of 6 exogenous shocks and draw innovations
nuR = zeros(T,1); eps_nuR = randn(T,1)*sigma_nuR;
nua = zeros(T,1); eps_nua = randn(T,1)*sigma_nua;
nuL = zeros(T,1); eps_nuL = randn(T,1)*sigma_nuL;
nuu = zeros(T,1); eps_nuu = randn(T,1)*sigma_nuu;
nuB = zeros(T,1); eps_nuB = randn(T,1)*sigma_nuB;
nuG = zeros(T,1); eps_nuG = randn(T,1)*sigma_nuG;
% Generate the series for shocks
for t = 1:T-1
nuR(t+1,1) = rho_nuR*nuR(t,1) + eps_nuR(t);
nua(t+1,1) = rho_nua*nua(t,1) + eps_nua(t);
nuL(t+1,1) = rho_nuL*nuL(t,1) + eps_nuL(t);
nuu(t+1,1) = rho_nuu*nuu(t,1) + eps_nuu(t);
nuB(t+1,1) = rho_nuB*nuB(t,1) + eps_nuB(t);
nuG(t+1,1) = rho_nuG*nuG(t,1) + eps_nuG(t) ;
% Initial values of two endogenous state variables
R_initial = 1; % Nominal interest rate R
delta_initial = 1; % Price dispersion "delta"
% Simulate the model
[S, F, delta, C, Y, Yn, L, R, pie, w] = NK_simulation(vk,nuR,nua,nuL,nuu,nuB,nuG,R_initial,delta_initial,gam,vartheta,epsil,betta,phi_y,phi_pie,mu,theta,piestar,Gbar,zlb,Degree);
simulation_time = toc;
In [35]:
% 12. Compute unit free Euler equation residuals on simulated points
discard = 200; % The number of observations to discard
time0 = tic;
[Residuals_mean(1), Residuals_max(1), Residuals_max_E(1:9,1), Residuals] = NK_accuracy(nua,nuL,nuR,nuG,nuB,nuu,R,delta,L,Y,Yn,pie,S,F,C,rho_nua,rho_nuL,rho_nuR,rho_nuu,rho_nuB,rho_nuG,gam,vartheta,epsil,betta,phi_y,phi_pie,mu,theta,piestar,vcv,discard,vk,Gbar,zlb,Degree);
accuracy_time = toc;
% Compute the residuals; Residuals_mean, Residuals_max and Residuals_max_E(1:9,5)
% are filled into the 5h columns of the corresponding vectors/matrix, while
% the first 4 columns correspond to PER1, PER2 with and without ZLB
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% disp(' '); disp(' OUTPUT:'); disp(' ');
% disp('RUNNING TIME (in seconds):'); disp('');
% display(running_time);
% disp('SIMULATION TIME (in seconds):'); disp('');
% display(simulation_time);
% disp('ACCURACY TIME (in seconds):'); disp('');
% display(accuracy_time);
% disp('APPROXIMATION ERRORS (log10):'); disp('');
% disp('a) mean error in the model equations');
% disp(Residuals_mean)
% disp('b) max error in the model equations');
% disp(Residuals_max)
% disp('b) max error in by equation');
% disp(Residuals_max_E(1:9,1))
l1 = log10(sum(max(abs(Residuals), [], 1)));
tot_time = running_time + simulation_time + accuracy_time;
fprintf('Solver time: %4.6f seconds\n', running_time);
fprintf('Simulation time: %4.6f seconds\n', simulation_time);
fprintf('Accuracy time: %4.6f seconds\n', accuracy_time);
fprintf('Total time: %4.6f seconds\n', running_time + simulation_time + accuracy_time)
fprintf('pistar: %3.4f sigma_L: %3.4f\n', piestar, sigma_nuL);
fprintf('zlb : %d grid: %d\n', zlb, grid_type);
fprintf('tex line: %0.2f & %0.2f & %0.2f\n', l1, Residuals_max, tot_time);
In [ ]: