This is a grid based algorithm. A grid is laid down on the study region. We expect that small (50m or less) will perform badly, compared to larger grid sizes.
We look at all data before the current time (or perhaps a "sliding window" of the last $n$ months before the current time). For each grid cell independently, we count the number of events which have occurred in that cell. This gives the (non-normalised) risk in that cell.
Notice then that there is no direct consideration of time (unless a sliding window is used). There is no consideration of space, so this algorithm will suffer from the MAUP as well as taking no account of likely movement of offenders.
As usual, we can look at the top 1%, 5%, 10% of cells by risk, and so forth.
This algorithm is in some sense the most naive answer to the problem that the "counting grid" algorithm suffers from. The output prediction is in the form of a grid, but this is computed only at the very end, so really the algorith is "continuous".
We take an out the box kernel density estimation algorithm, feed in the spatial locations of past crime events (so again, we use all crimes before the current time, and ignore timestamps) and then sample the resulting kernel to a grid.
A KDE is an estimate of a probability density of the form [ f(x) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n K(x - x_i) ] where $(x_i)$ are the (two dimensional vector) locations of the events. Here $K$ is the kernel, which is generality can be any two-dimensional function which is positive, and has $\int_{\mathbb R^2} K = 1$.
We use the scipy
Gaussian KDE. This first computes the sample covariance of the input data, and then transforms the data using this to have unit covariance. Then a "plug in bandwidth rule" is used to choose a value of $h>0$. Finally $K$ is equal to
[ K(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi h^2} \exp(- |x|^2 / 2h^2). ]
For more details, see the kernel_estimation.ipynb
notebook under notebooks
A more sophisticated KDE would take account of edge effects (we typically only look at a finite area, while the KDE $f$ will have infinite support, so "predicting" some events outside of the study area).
This tends to give a very (over) smoothly varying kernel.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import open_cp
import open_cp.naive as naive
In [2]:
# Generate some random data
import datetime
size = 30
times = [datetime.datetime(2017,3,10) + datetime.timedelta(days=np.random.randint(0,10)) for _ in range(size)]
xc = np.random.random(size=size) * 500
yc = np.random.random(size=size) * 500
points = open_cp.TimedPoints.from_coords(times, xc, yc)
In [3]:
region = open_cp.RectangularRegion(0,500, 0,500)
predictor = naive.CountingGridKernel(50, region=region) = points
prediction = predictor.predict()
The following is the "counting grid" predictor. Grid cells which contain 2 past events are ranked higher in risk than those which contain only 1 past event.
In [4]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
m = ax.pcolor(*prediction.mesh_data(), prediction.intensity_matrix)
ax.scatter(points.xcoords, points.ycoords, marker="+", color="black")
ax.set(xlim=[0, 500], ylim=[0, 500])
cb = plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax)
cb.set_label("Relative risk")
We now use the scipy
Gaussian KDE. We produce a "continuous" prediction, and then sample to a grid of the same size and location as that used before. Notice that the result is a lot "smoother".
In [5]:
predictor = naive.ScipyKDE() = points
prediction = predictor.predict()
In [6]:
gridpred = open_cp.predictors.GridPredictionArray.from_continuous_prediction_region(prediction, region, 50)
In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
m = ax.pcolor(*gridpred.mesh_data(), gridpred.intensity_matrix)
ax.scatter(points.xcoords, points.ycoords, marker="+", color="black")
ax.set(xlim=[0, 500], ylim=[0, 500])
cb = plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax)
cb.set_label("Relative risk")
In [ ]: