Whoosh: a fast pure-Python search engine library

Pydata Madrid


Who am I?

Claudia Guirao Fernández


Background: Double degree in Law and Business Administration

Data Scientist at PcComponentes.com

Professional learning enthusiast

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image


In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image


Means the sound made by something that is moving quickly

Whoosh, so fast and easy that even a lawyer could manage it

What is Whoosh?

Whoosh is a library of classes and functions for indexing text and then searching the index. It allows you to develop custom search engines for your content.

  • Whoosh is fast, but uses only pure Python, so it will run anywhere Python runs, without requiring a compiler.
  • It’s a programmer library for creating a search engine
  • Allows indexing, choose the level of information stored for each term in each field, parsing search queries, choose scoring algorithms, etc.


  • All indexed text in Whoosh must be unicode.
  • Only runs in 2.7 NOT in python 3

Why Whoosh instead Elastic Search?

Why I personally choose whoosh instead other high performance solutions:

  • I was mainly focused on index / search definition
  • 12k documents aprox, mb instead gb, "small data"
  • Fast development
  • No compilers, no java

If your are a begginer, you have no team, you need a fast solution, you need to work isolated or you have a small project this is your solution otherwise Elastic Search might be your tech.

Development stages

  1. Data treatment
  2. Schema
  3. Index
  4. Search
  5. Other stuff

Data Treatment

  • Data set is available in csv format at www.pccomponentes.com > mi panel de cliente > descargar tarifa
  • It is in latin, it has special characters and missing values
  • No tags, emphasis and laboured phrasing, lots of irrelevant information mixed with the relevant information.


In [3]:
import csv   

catalog = csv.DictReader(open('files/catalogo_head.csv'))
print list(catalog)[0].keys()

['Categoria', 'PVP', 'Plazo', 'Ean', 'Marca/Fabricante', 'Peso', 'P/N', 'Articulo', 'Codigo', 'PVP SIN IVA', 'Stock']

In [4]:
catalog = csv.DictReader(open('files/catalogo_head.csv'))
for product in catalog:
    print product["Codigo"] + ' - ' + product["Articulo"] + ' - ' +  product["Categoria"]

76880 - Taurus Grill&Co Sandwichera Grill 1500W Reacondicionado - Sandwicheras
89478 - Aspirador de Automovil con Luz LED - Accesorios Automóvil
90722 - Kit Manos Libres Bluetooth LCD Transmisor FM - Accesorios Automóvil
67329 - Llavero con Alcoholímetro y Linterna - Accesorios Automóvil
63847 - Unotec Antideslizante Plus Para Coche - Accesorios Automóvil
86242 - Tronsmart TS-CC4PC Quick Charge 2.0 Cargador de Coche 4 USB - Accesorios Automóvil
73184 - Unotec OBDII Diagnóstico Para Coche Bluetooth PC/Android - Accesorios Automóvil


  • Document: each product
  • Corpus: catalog


term frequency–inverse document frequency, reflects how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus

In [5]:


In [6]:


In [7]:


In [8]:
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import csv

stop_words_spa = stopwords.words("spanish")
stop_words_eng = stopwords.words("english")
with open('files/adjetivos.csv', 'rb') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
        for word in row:

In [9]:
import math
#tf-idf functions:

def tf(word, blob):
    return float(blob.words.count(word))/float(len(blob.words))

def idf(word, bloblist):
    return (float(math.log(len(bloblist)))/float(1 + n_containing(word, bloblist)))

def n_containing(word, bloblist):
    return float(sum(1 for blob in bloblist if word in blob))

def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist):
    return float(tf(word, blob)) * float(idf(word, bloblist))

In [10]:
import csv
from textblob import TextBlob as tb

catalog = csv.DictReader(open('files/catalogo_head.csv'))

bloblist = []

for product in catalog:
    text =unicode(product["Articulo"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore").lower()
    text = ' '.join([word for word in text.split() if word not in stop_words_spa])  # remove Spanish stopwords
    text = ' '.join([word for word in text.split() if word not in stop_words_eng])  #remove English stopwords
    text = ' '.join([word for word in text.split() if word not in adjetivos])  # remove meaningless adjectives
    value = tb(text) # bag of words

tags = []

for blob in bloblist:
    scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words}
    sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    terms = ''
    for word, score in sorted_words[:3]:
        terms = terms+word+' '
for t in tags:
    print unicode(t)

grill 1500w taurus 
aspirador luz led 
libres transmisor manos 
linterna llavero alcoholímetro 
antideslizante plus unotec 
ts-cc4pc usb tronsmart 
diagnóstico pc/android obdii 

Other ideas

Use the search engine as tagger

e.g. all products with the word "kids" will be tagged as "child" ("niños" o "infantil")

Use the database as tagger

e.g. all smartphones below 150€ tagged as "cheap"

Teamwork is always better

I had to collaborate with other departments, SEO and Cataloging


  1. Types of fields:

    • TEXT : for body text, allows phrase searching.
    • KEYWORD: space- or comma-separated keywords, tags
    • ID: single unit, e.g. prod
    • NUMERIC: int, long, or float, sortable format
    • DATETIME: sortable
    • BOOLEAN: users to search for yes, no, true, false, 1, 0, t or f.
  2. Field boosting. Is a multiplier applied to the score of any term found in the field.

Form diversity

  • Stemming (great if you are working English)

      Removes suffixes
  • Variation (great if you are working English)

      Encodes the words in the index in a base form

In [11]:
from whoosh.lang.porter import stem
print "stemming: "+stem("analyse")

from whoosh.lang.morph_en import variations
print "variations: "
print list(variations("analyse"))[0:5]

stemming: analys
['analysers', 'analyseful', 'analysest', 'analyse', 'analysed']

In [12]:
import csv   

catalog = csv.DictReader(open('files/catalogo_contags.csv'))
print list(catalog)[0].keys()

['Categoria', 'PVP', 'indice', 'Plazo', 'Ean', 'Marca/Fabricante', 'tags', 'Peso', 'P/N', 'Articulo', 'Codigo', 'PVP SIN IVA', 'Stock']

In [13]:
from whoosh.index import create_in
from whoosh.analysis import StemmingAnalyzer
from whoosh.fields import *

catalog = csv.DictReader(open('files/catalogo_contags.csv'))

data_set = []
for row in catalog:
    row["Categoria"] = unicode(row["Categoria"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore").lower()
    row["Articulo"] =unicode(row["Articulo"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore").lower()
    row["Articulo"] = ' '.join([word for word in row["Articulo"].split() if word not in stop_words_spa])
    row["Articulo"] = ' '.join([word for word in row["Articulo"].split() if word not in stop_words_eng])
    row["Articulo"] = ' '.join([word for word in row["Articulo"].split() if word not in adjetivos])
    row["tags"] = unicode(row["tags"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")
    row["Ean"] = unicode(row["Ean"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")
    row["Codigo"] = unicode(row["Codigo"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")
    row["PVP"] = float(row["PVP"])
    row["Plazo"] =  unicode(row["Plazo"], encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")
print str(len(data_set)) + ' products'

11901 products

In [14]:
schema = Schema(Codigo=ID(stored=True), 
                              field_boost=2.0, stored=True), 
                Tags=KEYWORD(field_boost=1.0, stored=True), 
                PVP=NUMERIC(sortable = True),
                Plazo = TEXT(stored=True))


Whoosh allows you to:

  • Create an index object in accordance with the schema
  • Merge segments: an efficient way to add documents
  • Delete documents in index: writer.delete_document(docnum)
  • Update documents: writer.update_document
  • Incremental index

In [15]:
from whoosh import index
from datetime import datetime
start = datetime.now()
ix = create_in("indexdir", schema)  #clears the index

#on a directory with an existing index will clear the current contents of the index

writer = ix.writer()

for product in data_set:


finish = datetime.now()
time = finish-start
print time


12k documents aprox stored in 10mb, index created in less than 15 seconds, depending on the computer

In [16]:

  • Parsing
  • Scoring: The default is BM25F, but you can change it. myindex.searcher(weighting=scoring.TF_IDF())
  • Sorting: by scoring, by relevance, custom metrics
  • Filtering: e.g. by category
  • Paging: let you set up number of articles by page and ask for a specific page number


Convert a query string submitted by a user into query objects

  • Default parser: QueryParser("content", schema=myindex.schema)

  • MultifieldParser: Returns a QueryParser configured to search in multiple fields

  • Whoosh also allows you to customize your parser.

In [17]:
from whoosh.qparser import MultifieldParser, OrGroup

qp = MultifieldParser(["Categoria", 
                       "Tags"],  # all selected fields
                        schema=ix.schema, # with my schema
                        group=OrGroup) # OR instead AND

user_query = 'Cargador de coche USB'
user_query = unicode(user_query, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore")
user_query = user_query.lower()
user_query = ' '.join([word for word in user_query.split() if word not in stop_words_spa])
user_query = ' '.join([word for word in user_query.split() if word not in stop_words_eng])
print "this is our query: " + user_query

q = qp.parse(user_query)

print "this is our parsed query: " + str(q)

this is our query: cargador coche usb
this is our parsed query: (Categoria:cargador OR Articulo:cargador OR Tags:cargador OR Ean:cargador OR Codigo:cargador OR Categoria:coch OR Articulo:coch OR Tags:coche OR Ean:coche OR Codigo:coche OR Categoria:usb OR Articulo:usb OR Tags:usb OR Ean:usb OR Codigo:usb)

In [18]:
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
    results = searcher.search(q)
    print str(len(results))+' hits'
    print results[0]["Codigo"]+' - '+results[0]["Articulo"]+' - '+results[0]["Categoria"]

942 hits
88154 - tomtom cargador usb coche - accesorios automóvil


We can sort by any field that is previously marked as sortable in the schema.


In [19]:
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
    print '''
    ----------- word-scoring sorting ------------
    results = searcher.search(q)
    for hit in results:
        print hit["Articulo"]+' - '+str(hit["PVP"])+' eur'
    print '''
    --------------- PVP sorting -----------------    
    results = searcher.search(q, sortedby="PVP")
    for hit in results:
        print hit["Articulo"]+' - '+str(hit["PVP"])+' eur'

    ----------- word-scoring sorting ------------
tomtom cargador usb coche - 15 eur
cargador doble usb coche - 9 eur
cargador coche usb negro - 3 eur
cargador coche micro usb - 5 eur
cargador coche usb blanco - 3 eur
conceptronic cargador coche usb - 6 eur
cargador 3 1 coche/red/usb iphone - 8 eur
aukey cc-01 cargador coche 4 puertos usb - 15 eur
conceptronic cargador coche universal micro usb - 8 eur
aukey cc-y3 quick charge cargador coche usb/usb-c - 15 eur

    --------------- PVP sorting -----------------    
adaptador enchufe americano europeo - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 am/ah alargador macho/hembra 1.8m - 1 eur
adaptador usb macho usb macho - 1 eur
adaptador mini usb hembra micro usb macho - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 mini usb 1m m/m - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 mini usb 1.8m m/m - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 microusb 1m m/m - 1 eur
cable adaptador micro usb otg - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 am/am 1.8m - 1 eur
cable usb 2.0 mini usb 0.8m m/m - 1 eur


Whoosh allows you to filter, in positive and negative, also by multiple fields.

allow_q = query.Term("Stock","Si")
restrict_q = query.Term("Stock", "No")

And the search function will looks like this:

results = searcher.search(q, filter=allow_q, mask=restrict_q)

Other stuff

  • It is running with Flask with wsgi tornado

  • Flask-WhooshAlchemy

  • Mongodb: for user navigation and search events storage

Future developments:

  • Did you mean...?: Levenshtein_distance

  • Related search: Association Algorithms

  • Search-as-you-type

Main conclusions

  • It was a success: it has duplicated the number of sessions and bounce rate it is almont zero now.
  • It is always better to collaborate & team working
  • Whoosh is easy and fast
  • Whoosh is customizable what is great!

You should give it a try!


Thank you for your attention!

Slides at PydataMad Github
