Read juicebox dump output and reformat to 7 column format

Juicebox dump output format - Input of the program

chr1:start chr2:start Normalized_interactions
10000   10000   311.05484
10000   20000   92.60087
20000   20000   296.0056
10000   30000   47.701942

7 column format - Output of the program

chr1    start1  end1    chr2    start2  end2    Normalized_interactions
1   10000   20000   1   10000   20000   311.05484
1   10000   20000   1   20000   30000   92.60087
1   20000   30000   1   20000   30000   296.0056
1   10000   20000   1   30000   40000   47.701942

runDump.bash: script that runs juicebox dump command

Jucebox dump parameters:

  • Resolution: 10K
  • Normalization method: KR (normalization method used in the rao paper)
  • Output: observed notmalized values (in a sparce matrix)

Bash script

## $1 ==  chr1
## $2 ==  chr2
## $3 ==  output_file
echo -e "run juicebox dump\n\t resolution: 10000\n\t normalization method: KR\n\t output: observed notmalized sparce matrix"
touch $3

java -jar /Users/pubudu/Downloads/MacTools/juicebox_tools.7.5.jar dump observed KR /Users/pubudu/Documents/RefData/raoPaper/copy_GSE63525_HMEC_combined.hic $1 $2 BP 10000 $3
echo -e "\#\#\#\#juicebox dump observed KR copy_GSE63525_HMEC_combined.hic $1 $2 BP 10000 $3\n$(cat $3)" > $3 

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
from itertools import combinations

In [ ]:
chr_list=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','X','Y'] # List of chromosomes
f_counter = 0 # Counter for the number of files created
set_path = "/Users/pubudu/Documents/RefData/raoPaper/" # path of the .hic file and dump files
file_list = [] # list of all the dump files created

In [ ]:
# Run juicebox dump to 
for chroms in chr_list:
    print 'Juicebox dump run - chromosome: {}'.format(chroms)
    f_name = '{}.{}_{}.dumpOut.txt'.format(f_counter, chroms, chroms)
    arg_list = [chroms, chroms, f_name]
    file_list.append(f_name)['/Users/pubudu/Documents/RefData/raoPaper/runDump.bash', str(arg_list[0]), str(arg_list[1]), ''.join([set_path, str(arg_list[2])]) ])
    f_counter += 1

In [ ]:
# itertools.combinations(iterable, r)
### Return r length subsequences of elements from the input iterable.
### Combinations are emitted in lexicographic sort order. So, if the input iterable is sorted, the combination tuples will be produced in sorted order.
### Elements are treated as unique based on their position, not on their value. So if the input elements are unique, there will be no repeat values in each combination.

for combo in combinations(chr_list, 2):
    print 'Juicebox dump run - chromosomes: {} and {}'.format(combo[0], combo[1])
    f_name = '{}.{}_{}.dumpOut.txt'.format(f_counter, combo[0], combo[1])
    arg_list = [combo[0], combo[1], f_name]['/Users/pubudu/Documents/RefData/raoPaper/runDump.bash', str(arg_list[0]), str(arg_list[1]), ''.join([set_path, str(arg_list[2])]) ])    
    f_counter += 1

In [ ]:
#print file_list
print len(file_list)

In [ ]:
### Fill start and end postions in juicebox dump file
res = 10000 # Resolution used to run juicebox dump command
lambdafunc = lambda x: pd.Series([x['start1'],

In [ ]:
#### format juicebox dump file to 7 column hibrowse input format

for f in file_list:
    print 'Reformatting to 7 columns: {}'.format(f)
    int_chrs = f.split('.')[1].split('_')
    print int_chrs
    dump_out = pd.read_table(''.join([set_path,f]), sep='\t', skiprows=1, names=['start1', 'start2', 'normC'], na_values='')
    dump_out = dump_out.fillna(0) 
    hibrowsein = pd.DataFrame()
    hibrowsein = dump_out.apply(lambdafunc, axis=1)
    hibrowsein.columns = ['start1', 'end1', 'start2', 'end2', 'intCount']
    hibrowsein['chr1'] = str(int_chrs[0])
    hibrowsein['chr2'] = str(int_chrs[1])
    hibrowsein = hibrowsein[['chr1', 'start1', 'end1', 'chr2', 'start2', 'end2', 'intCount']]
    hibrowsein = hibrowsein.astype({'chr1':str,
    print 'Writing {}.hibrowse.txt file...'.format(''.join([set_path,f]))

In [ ]: