Sympy is a Python package used for solving equations using symbolic math.

Let's solve the following problem with SymPy.


The density of two different polymer samples $\rho_1$ and $\rho_2$ are measured.

$$ \rho_1 = 0.904 \ g/cm^3 $$$$ \rho_2 = 0.895 \ g/cm^3 $$

The percent crystalinity of the two samples ($\%c_1 $ and $\%c_2$) is known.

$$ \%c_1 = 62.8 \% $$$$ \%c_2 = 54.4 \% $$

The percent crystalinity of a polymer sample is related to the density of 100% amorphus regions ($\rho_a$) and 100% crystaline regions ($\rho_c$) according to:

$$ \%crystallinity = \frac{ \rho_c(\rho_s - \rho_a) }{\rho_s(\rho_c - \rho_a) } \times 100 \% $$


Find the density of 100% amorphus regions ($\rho_a$) and the density of 100% crystaline regions ($\rho_c$) for this polymer.


There are a couple functions we need from Sympy. We'll need the symbols function to create our symbolic math variables and we need the nonlinsolve function to solve a system of non-linear equations.

In [1]:
from sympy import symbols, nonlinsolve

We need to define six different symbols: $$\rho_c, \rho_a, \rho_1, \rho_2, c_1, c_2$$

In [2]:
pc, pa, p1, p2, c1, c2 = symbols('pc pa p1 p2 c1 c2')

Next we'll create two expressions for our two equations. We can subtract the %crystallinity from the left side of the equation to set the equation to zero.

$$ \%crystallinity = \frac{ \rho_c(\rho_s - \rho_a) }{\rho_s(\rho_c - \rho_a) } \times 100 \% $$$$ \frac{ \rho_c(\rho_s - \rho_a) }{\rho_s(\rho_c - \rho_a) } \times 100 \% - \%crystallinity = 0 $$

Sub in $\rho_s = \rho_1$ and $\rho_s = \rho_2$ to each of the expressions.

In [3]:
expr1 = ( (pc*(p1-pa)   ) / (p1*(pc-pa)) - c1)
expr2 = ( (pc*(p2-pa)   ) / (p2*(pc-pa)) - c2)

Now we'll substitue in the values of $\rho_1 = 0.904$ and $c_1 = 0.628$ into our first expression.

In [4]:
expr1 = expr1.subs(p1, 0.904)

In [5]:
expr1 = expr1.subs(c1, 0.628)

In [6]:

$\displaystyle \frac{1.10619469026549 pc \left(0.904 - pa\right)}{- pa + pc} - 0.628$

Now we'll substitue our the values of $\rho_2 = 0.895$ and $c_2 = 0.544$ into our second expression.

In [7]:
expr2 = expr2.subs(p2, 0.895)

In [8]:
expr2 = expr2.subs(c2, 0.544)

In [9]:

$\displaystyle \frac{1.11731843575419 pc \left(0.895 - pa\right)}{- pa + pc} - 0.544$

To solve the two equations for the to unknows $\rho_a$ and $\rho_b$, use SymPy's nonlinsolve() function. Pass in a list of the two expressions and followed by a list of the two variables to solve for.

In [10]:

$\displaystyle \left\{\left( 0.840789786223278, \ 0.946134313397929\right)\right\}$

We see that the value of $\rho_a = 0.840789$ and $\rho_c = 0.94613431$.

The solution is a SymPy FiniteSet object. To pull the values of $\rho_a$ and $\rho_c$ out of the FiniteSet, use the syntax sol.args[0][<var num>].

In [11]:
sol = nonlinsolve([expr1,expr2],[pa,pc])

In [12]:


In [13]:

((0.840789786223278, 0.946134313397929),)

In [14]:

$\displaystyle \left( 0.840789786223278, \ 0.946134313397929\right)$

In [15]:

$\displaystyle 0.840789786223278$

In [16]:
pa = sol.args[0][0]
pc = sol.args[0][1]
print(f' Density of 100% amorphous polymer, pa = {round(pa,2)} g/cm3')
print(f' Density of 100% crystaline polymer, pc = {round(pc,2)} g/cm3')

 Density of 100% amorphous polymer, pa = 0.84 g/cm3
 Density of 100% crystaline polymer, pc = 0.95 g/cm3

In [ ]: