In [1]:
using Dates, Roots
In [2]:
using Plots
default(fmt = :svg)
Recall: the bond price (for maturity $m$) is a function of the effective interest rate
$B(m) = [1+Y(m)]^{-m}$
and the inverse is $Y(m) = B(m)^{-1/m} - 1$.
Instead, with a continuously compounded interest rate we have
$B(m) = e^{-m y(m)}$
and $y(m) = -\ln B(m)/m$.
In [3]:
BillPrice(Y,m) = (1+Y)^(-m) #B as fn of Y
EffRate(B,m) = B^(-1/m) - 1 #Y as fn of B
BillPrice2(y,m) = exp(-m*y) #B as fn of y
ContCompRate(B,m) = -log(B)/m #y as fn of B
In [4]:
Y_range = 0:0.01:0.07 #different interest rates
B1 = BillPrice.(Y_range,1) #prices, 1-year zero coupon bond
B10 = BillPrice.(Y_range,10) #10-year bond
plot( Y_range,[B1 B10],
linecolor = [:red :green],
linestyle = [:solid :dash],
linewidth = 2,
label = ["1y" "10y"],
legend = :right,
title = "Bond prices and rates",
xlabel = "Interest rate",
ylabel = "Bond price" )
In [5]:
m = 0.5 #maturity
B = 0.95 #bond price
Y = EffRate(B,m) #effective interest rate
y = ContCompRate(B,m) #continuously compounded interest rate
printblue("Interest rates ($m-year bond with price $B):")
printlnPs("Effective and continuously compounded: ",Y,y)
Let $B_0$ denote the price of a bond in period $0$ and $B_1$ the price of the same bond one period later. (For simplicity, we skip the notation for maturity.)
The log return of holding this bond is $\ln (B_1/B_0)$.
The cell below works with continuously compounded interest rates.
In the computations, the time to maturity is assumed to be the same in $t=0$ and $t=1$. This is a reasonable approximation if $t$ refers to days or perhaps weeks.
In [6]:
y₀ = 0.005 #(continuously compounded) interest rate before
y₁ = 0.015 #interest rate after
B₀ = BillPrice2.(y₀,[1 10]) #bond prices (1-year and 10 year) before
B₁ = BillPrice2.(y₁,[1 10]) #bond prices (1-year and 10 year) after
R₁ = log.(B₁./B₀) #return
xy = vcat([y₀ y₀],B₀,[y₁ y₁],B₁,R₁) #to table
rowNames = ["Rate, t=0";"Bond price, t=0";"Rate, t=1";"Bond price, t=1";"Return"]
printblue("Analysis of two bonds: 1y and 10y maturities")
From the forward-spot parity, the forward price of a bond (delivered in $m$ and maturing in $n$) is
$F=\left[ 1+Y(m)\right] ^{m}B(n)=B(n)/B(m)$.
A forward interest rate can then be defined as
$\Gamma(m,n) = F^{-1/(n-m)} - 1$.
This is a way to lock in (today) the rate for an investment between two future periods ($m$ and $n$).
In [7]:
function ForwardRate(Ym,m,Yn,n) #forward rate, assuming n > m
Bm = (1+Ym)^(-m)
Bn = (1+Yn)^(-n)
F = Bn/Bm
Γ = F^(-1/(n-m)) - 1
return Γ
In [8]:
m = 0.5
n = 0.75
Ym = 0.04
Yn = 0.05
Γ = ForwardRate(Ym,m,Yn,n)
printlnPs("\nImplied forward rate (from $m to $n years ahead): ",Γ)
Recall that a coupon bond price $P$ is the portfolio value
$P = \sum_{k=1}^{K} B(m_k)cf_k$,
where $cf_k$ is the cash flow in period $m_k$ and $B(m_k)$ is the price of a zero-coupon bond maturing in $m_k$.
In [9]:
B = [0.95,0.9] #B(1),B(2)
c = 0.06
cf = [c,1+c] #cash flows in m=1 and 2
P = sum(B.*cf)
printlnPs("2y bond with $c coupon, zero-coupon prices are ",B')
printlnPs("Coupon bond price ",P)
The bond price can also be written
$P = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac{cf_{k}}{\left[ 1+Y(m_{k})\right] ^{m_{k}}}$.
The BondPrice3()
function below can handle both the case when $Y$ is a vector with different values for different maturities and when Y is a scalar (same interest rate for all maturities).
In [10]:
Y: scalar or K vector of interest rates
cf: scalar or K vector of cash flows
m: K vector of times for the cash flows
function BondPrice3(Y,cf,m) #cf is a vector of all cash flows at times m
cdisc = cf./((1.0.+Y).^m) #c/(1+Y1)^m1, c/(1+Y2)^m2 + ...
P = sum(cdisc) #price
return P
In [11]:
Y = [0.053;0.054]
c = 0.06
P = BondPrice3(Y,[c;c+1],[1;2])
printblue("\n2y bond with $c coupon:")
printTable([Y;P],[""],["1y spot rate","2y spot rate","coupon bond price"])
Y = [0.06;0.091]
c = 0.09
P = BondPrice3(Y,[c;c+1],[1;2])
printblue("\n2y bond with $c coupon (in a case with different spot rates):")
printTable([Y;P],[""],["1y spot rate","2y spot rate","coupon bond price"])
The yield to maturity is the $\theta$ that solves
$P = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac{cf_{k}}{(1+\theta) ^{m_{k}}}$.
We typically have to find $\theta$ by a numerical method.
In [12]:
c = 0.04 #simple case
Y = 0.03 #all spot rates are 3%
P = BondPrice3(Y,[c;c+1],[1;2])
ytm = find_zero(y->BondPrice3(y,[c;c+1],[1;2])-P,(-0.1,0.1)) #solving for ytm
printblue("Price and ytm of 2-year $c coupon bond when all spot rates are $Y:")
In [13]:
m = [1;3] #more advanced case, cash flow in year 1 and 3
Y = [0.07;0.10] #spot interest rates differ across maturities
cf = [1;1]
P = BondPrice3(Y,c,m)
ytm = find_zero(y->BondPrice3(y,c,m)-P,(-0.2,0.2))
printblue("""A "bond" paying 1 in both t=1 and in t=2""")
printTable([Y;ytm],[""],["1y spot rate","2y spot rate","ytm"])
Recall: with information about coupons $c(k)$ and coupon bond price $P(m)$, we solve for the implied zero coupon bond prices $B(s)$ from
$ \begin{bmatrix} P(1)\\ P(2) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} c(1)+1 & 0 \\ c(2) & c(2)+1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} B(1)\\ B(2) \end{bmatrix} $
In [14]:
c = [0;0.06]
P = [0.95;1.01] #coupon bond prices
m = [1;2] #time of coupon payments
cfMat = [1 0 ; #cash flow matrix
c[2] 1+c[2]]
println("The cash flow matrix")
printTable(cfMat,["mk=1";"mk=2"],["Bond 1";"Bond 2"])
println("B from solving P = cfMat*B (implied zero-coupon bond prices):")
B = cfMat\P
Y = EffRate.(B,m) #solve for the implied spot rates
println("Implied spot interest rates:")
Recall: with a quadratic discount function
we can write the coupon bond price
$P(m_{K}) =\sum_{k=1}^{K}B(m_{k})c+B(m_{K})$ as
$P(m_{K}) =\sum_{k=1}^{K}(a_{0}+a_{1}m_{k}+a_{2}m_{k}^{2})c + (a_{0}+a_{1}m_{K}+a_{2}m_{K}^{2})$
Collect terms as
$ P(m_{K}) =a_{0} (Kc+1) + a_{1}(c \sum_{k=1}^{K} m_{k}+m_{K}) + a_{2}(c \sum_{k=1}^{K} m_{k}^{2}+m_{K}^{2})$
We estimate $(a_0,a_1,a_2)$ by using the terms (within parentheses) as regressors.
In [15]:
n = length(P)
x = zeros(n,3) #create regressors for quadratic model: 3 columns
for i = 1:n #x[i,j] is for bond i, regressor j
x[i,1] = m[i]*c[i] + 1
x[i,2] = c[i]*sum(m[1]:m[i]) + m[i]
x[i,3] = c[i]*sum((m[1]:m[i]).^2) + m[i]^2
printTable(x,["term 0";"term 1";"term 2"],["Bond 1";"Bond 2"])
a = x\P #regress P on x
println("regression coefficients")
m = 1:5
B = a[1] .+ a[2]*m + a[3]*m.^2 #fitted discount function
println("maturities fitted B")
printmat([m B])
Y = EffRate.(B[1:2],m[1:2]) #solve for the implied spot rates
println("maturities fitted Y")
printmat([m[1:2] Y])
println("Btw. do B[4:5] make sense? If not, what does that teach us?")
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