In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import sys
from ppmpy import ppm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib nbagg
from nugridpy import utils
from nugridpy import astronomy as ast
cb = utils.colourblind
In [2]:
yprof_paths = {'F4':'/data/ppm_rpod2/YProfiles/AGBTP_M2.0Z1.e-5/F4/', \
yprofs = {rid:ppm.yprofile(path) for rid, path in yprof_paths.items()}
rprof_paths = {'N3':'/user/niagara_projects/PPM2.0/N_LowZRARD/N3-LowZRAWD-1152-10x/prfs/'}
rp_sets = {rid:ppm.RprofSet(path) for rid, path in rprof_paths.items()}
run_data = {**yprofs, **rp_sets}
.rprof files contain all parameters specifying the properties of the two fluids and concentrations of reactants in the two fluids. There is no need to enter these values, although the user can still replace the values read from the .rprof files in the same way as they would enter them for .yprof data, see below. A temperature correction function was used in run N3 shown here, which is entered via the optional argument extra_args. The resulting energy generation rate per unit volume (enuc) is compared with the same quantity read from the .rprof file (enuc/(dt/3.)). The disagreement between the two profiles above 23 Mm is caused by a bug in the temperature calculation in the code.
In [7]:
rid = 'N3'
dmp = 100
dt = 1.73431877E-02
r = run_data[rid].get('R', dmp)
enuc = run_data[rid].get('Enuc', dmp)
T9corr_params = {'kind':1, 'params':{'a':0.46, 'b':0.77}}
extra_args = {'T9corr_params':T9corr_params}
enuc_comp = run_data[rid].compute('enuc_C12pg', dmp, extra_args=extra_args)
ifig=1; plt.close(ifig); plt.figure(ifig, dpi=100)
plt.semilogy(r, enuc/(dt/3.), '-', label='enuc/(dt/3.)')
plt.semilogy(r, enuc_comp, '--', label='enuc_comp')
plt.xlim((5., 35.))
plt.ylim((1e-14, 1e-6))
plt.xlabel('r [Mm]')
plt.title(rid + ', dump ' + str(dmp))
dr = ppm.cdiff(r)
dV = 4.*np.pi*r**2*dr
L_H = np.sum(enuc_comp*dV)
L_He = run_data[rid].get('totallum', dmp)
print('L_H = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_H))
print('L_He = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_He))
print('L_H/L_He = {:.4f}'.format(L_H/L_He))
In [4]:
rid = 'F4'
dmp = 1000
r = run_data[rid].get('Y', dmp, resolution='l')
extra_args = {'airmu':1.39165, \
'cldmu':0.725, \
'fkair':0.203606102635, \
'fkcld':0.885906040268, \
'atomicnoair':6.65742024965, \
enuc_comp = run_data[rid].compute('enuc_C12pg', dmp, extra_args=extra_args)
# This factor accounts for the heating bug.
enuc_comp *= 1.5
ifig=2; plt.close(ifig); plt.figure(ifig, dpi=100)
plt.semilogy(r, enuc_comp, '-', label='enuc_comp')
plt.xlim((15., 30.))
plt.ylim((1e-14, 1e-6))
plt.xlabel('r [Mm]')
plt.title(rid + ', dump ' + str(dmp))
dr = -ppm.cdiff(r)
dV = 4.*np.pi*r**2*dr
L_H = np.sum(enuc_comp*dV)
L_He = 2.25*2.98384e-03
print('L_H = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_H))
print('L_He = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_He))
print('L_H/L_He = {:.4f}'.format(L_H/L_He))
In [5]:
rid = 'E10'
dmp = 200
r = run_data[rid].get('Y', dmp, resolution='l')
T9corr_params = {'kind':1, 'params':{'a':0.6, 'b':0.85}}
extra_args = {'T9corr_params':T9corr_params, \
'airmu':1.4, \
'cldmu':0.3, \
'fkair':0.203606102635, \
'fkcld':0.885906040268, \
'atomicnoair':6.65742024965, \
enuc_comp = run_data[rid].compute('enuc_C12pg', dmp, extra_args=extra_args)
# This factor accounts for the heating bug.
enuc_comp *= 1.5
ifig=3; plt.close(ifig); plt.figure(ifig, dpi=100)
plt.semilogy(r, enuc_comp, '-', label='enuc_comp')
plt.xlim((10., 50.))
plt.ylim((1e-14, 1e-4))
plt.xlabel('r [Mm]')
plt.title(rid + ', dump ' + str(dmp))
dr = -ppm.cdiff(r)
dV = 4.*np.pi*r**2*dr
L_H = np.sum(enuc_comp*dV)
L_He = 2.25*1.5283
print('L_H = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_H))
print('L_He = {:.3e} L_Sun'.format((1e43/ast.lsun_erg_s)*L_He))
print('L_H/L_He = {:.4f}'.format(L_H/L_He))
In [ ]: