Example: Regenerating Data from

J.T. Gostick et al. / JPS 173 (2007) 277–290

Getting Started

In this tutorial, we will regenerate data from J.T. Gostick's 2007 paper [1]. This will both show that OpenPNM can recreate results accurately, and will also show some more specific uses of OpenPNM. While this paper deals with both SGL and Toray GDLs, we will deal only with SGL.

There will be a general layout to complete this simulation:

  1. Set up network
  2. Set up geometry and geometrical methods
  3. constrict throat's by a constriction factor
  4. Set up phases and methods
  5. Set up phase physics and methods
  6. Run invasion percolation
  7. Run Stokes and Fickian algorithms
  8. generate effective permeability and effective diffusivity values at different saturations
  9. plot generated data

We first import the openpnm code and some other useful modules.

In [148]:
import openpnm as op
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import openpnm.models as mods
## Setting up Network and Geometry To begin our simulation, we must first generate our SGL network and geometry. This includes: 1. creating a cubic network object and an SGL10 geometry object 2. sending our geometry object our internal pores 3. calculating values for throat and pore properties for both internal and boundary pores 4. accounting for pores and throats that are too big (making maximum pore size the lattice parameter)

In [149]:
Lc = 40.5e-6
#1 setting up network
sgl = op.network.Cubic(shape=[26, 26, 10], spacing=Lc, name='SGL10BA')
proj = sgl.project
#2 set up geometries
Ps = sgl.pores('*boundary', mode='not')
Ts = sgl.find_neighbor_throats(pores=Ps, mode='intersection', flatten=True)
geo = op.geometry.GenericGeometry(network=sgl,pores=Ps,throats=Ts,name='geo')
              num_range=[0, 0.8834],
Ps = sgl.pores('*boundary')
Ts = sgl.find_neighbor_throats(pores=Ps,mode='exclusive_or')
boun = op.geometry.Boundary(network=sgl, pores=Ps, throats=Ts,
                            shape='cubes', name='boun')

Before we move on to setting up our fluid and physics objects, we must constrict throats in the z and y direction by a factor (Gostick et al included this tightening of throats in only these two directions to create realistic anisotropy in the model). For his SGL simulation, Gostick uses a constriction factor of .95. Finally, because we have changed values for pore and throat diameters (first by accounting for pores and throats that are too big, and the finally constricting throats in the y and z directions), we must recalculate all pore and throat values relying on these diameters.

In [150]:
throats = geo.throats()
connected_pores = sgl.find_connected_pores(throats)
x1 = [sgl['pore.coords'][pair[0]][0] for pair in connected_pores]
x2 = [sgl['pore.coords'][pair[1]][0] for pair in connected_pores]
same_x = [x - y == 0 for x, y in zip(x1,x2)]
factor = [s*.95 + (not s)*1 for s in same_x]
throat_diameters = sgl['throat.diameter'][throats]*factor

OpenPNM makes it very easy to visualize the network we have generated through the "Visualization" methods. We can create vtk files to be viewed using ParaView (downloadable at http://www.paraview.org/download/ ). If we visualize our pore network model it would appear like this (the pores have been visualized using boxes- darker boxes are larger. Because the network is so big, visualization of the throats has been left out for clarity):

In [151]:
import openpnm.io.VTK as iovtk
iovtk.save(network=sgl, filename='sgl')

An example is seen here:

Setting up the Phases and Physics

Now we are ready to set up our phases (water and air) and the physics corresponding to each of these phases. openpnm has built in air and water phases, so we can use those. However, Gostick specifies using a water pore contact angle of 100, so we will reset this value after regenerating our fluids.

In [152]:
air = op.phases.Air(network = sgl, name = 'air')
water = op.phases.Water(network = sgl, name = 'water')
#reset pore contact angle
water['pore.contact_angle'] = 100

We are now ready to establish physical properties for our fluid objects. To do this, we will: 1) create physics objects associated with our fluids (by using StandardPhyics we don't have to add methods for calculating each property because they are already included) 2) use our regenerate_physics() method to calculate these properties. One physics object is required for each combination of phase and geometry.

In [153]:
phys_water = op.physics.Standard(network=sgl, phase=water, geometry=geo)
phys_air = op.physics.Standard(network=sgl, phase=air, geometry=geo)
phys_water_b = op.physics.Standard(network=sgl, phase=water, geometry=boun)
phys_air_b = op.physics.Standard(network=sgl, phase=air, geometry=boun)

Running Ordinary Percolation, Fickian Diffusion, and Stokes Flow

Gostick uses ordinary percolation to spread water through his GDL before calculating relative permeability and relative diffusivity. This way, a graph showing the relationship between saturation and relative permeability and between saturation and relative diffusivity can be created.

To run our ordinary percolation, we will:

  1. pick inlet pores
  2. create an Ordinary Percolation algorithm object
  3. setup our algorithm object
  4. run our algorithm object
  5. call results() so that occupancy of pores and throats for each fluid will can be set and multiphysics updated

In [154]:
inlets = sgl.pores('bottom_boundary')
used_inlets = [inlets[x] for x in range(0, len(inlets), 2)]

OP_1 = op.algorithms.OrdinaryPercolation(project=proj)
OP_1.setup(phase=water, pore_volume='pore.volume', throat_volume='throat.volume')
This algorithm performed a start to finish simulation, which fully flooded the network. The 'results()' command can be used to update the phase occupancy values throughout the network. To save some computation, we will filter the invasion points so that relative transport properties can be calculated approximately every 5% increment in saturation. The OrdinaryPercolation object has a method to return the intrusion data as a named tuple of Capillary Pressure (Pcap) and Saturation of the non-wetting phase (Snwp).

In [155]:
data = OP_1.get_intrusion_data()
# Filter for evenly spaced sat inc. first and last
filter_pc = [data.Pcap[0]]
sat = [data.Snwp[0]]
for i, pc in enumerate(data.Pcap):
    if  data.Snwp[i] - sat[-1] > 0.05:

We now define a helper function to update the phases and properties with the results of the OP algorithm. The multiphase conduit conductance model looks at the phase occupancy in the conduits made by the 1/2 pore - throat - 1/2 pore neighbor elements. When the mode is 'strict' the phase must occupy all three elements for the conduit to be considered open to flow for that phase. If the phase is not present in at least one of the elements in the conduit then the throat conductance is divided by 6 orders of magnitude. In this way the conductivity is severely reduced by the presence of the other phase and flow must go around, thus decreasing the permeability/diffusivity of the network.

In [156]:
def update_phase_and_phys(results):
    water['pore.occupancy'] = results['pore.occupancy']
    air['pore.occupancy'] = 1-results['pore.occupancy']
    water['throat.occupancy'] = results['throat.occupancy']
    air['throat.occupancy'] = 1-results['throat.occupancy']
    #adding multiphase conductances
The following call will get the pore and throat phase occupancy which is an array of 1s and 0s representing that the phase occupies a particular pore or throat, update the phase objects and and multiphase conductanct models to the physics objects

In [157]:

The next step will be to calculate effective diffusivity and permeability at different saturations. Note that we want to run Fickian diffusion and Stokes flow algorithms at different points within our ordinary percolation process.

The rest of our code will exist within a loop updating our network to different stages of percolation, so that we may view our relative diffusivity and permeability at different points of saturation.

Before we add in the loop aspect, we will walk through the code that will be inside the loop.

Note that we want the algorithms that are single phase (where only the specified fluid exists in the network) to help us make our permeability and diffusivity values relative. Any algorithm that is single phase will use the hydraulic or diffusive conductances before we recalculated based on occupancy. This calls for our conductance parameter to be 'hydraulic_conductance' or 'diffusive_conductance' instead of 'conduit_hydraulic_conductance' or 'conduit_diffusive_conductance'.

The need for all these different algorithms can be made clearer by the equation relating effective permeability to the absolute permeability and relative permeability:

$$K_{eff, p}(s_p) = K*K_{r, p}(s_p)$$
Symbol Description
$$K_{eff, p}(s_p)$$ effective permeability of phase p as a function of saturation
$$K$$ absoulte permeability (or single phase permeability)
$$K_{r, p}(s_p)$$ relative permeability of phase p as a function of saturation

Therefore, relative permeability can be found by dividing the effective permeability by the absolute permeability. Thus the need for a single phase algorithm (absolute permeability) for every multi phase algorithm (effective permeability).

The same goes for relative diffusivity, which has an very similar equation that looks like this: $$D_{eff, p}(s_p) = D*D_{r, p}(s_p)$$

In [158]:
perm_air = {'0': [], '1': [], '2': []}
diff_air = {'0': [], '1': [], '2': []}
perm_water = {'0': [], '1': [], '2': []}
diff_water = {'0': [], '1': [], '2': []}

max_Pc = max(OP_1['throat.invasion_pressure'])

num_seq = 20
pore_volumes = sgl['pore.volume']
throat_volumes = sgl['throat.volume']
totV = np.sum(pore_volumes) + np.sum(throat_volumes)

single_perms_air = [None, None, None]
single_diffs_air = [None, None, None]
single_perms_water = [None, None, None]
single_diffs_water = [None, None, None]
bounds = [['front', 'back'], ['left', 'right'], ['top', 'bottom']]

for bound_increment in range(len(bounds)):
    # Run Single phase algs effective properties
    BC1_pores = sgl.pores(labels=bounds[bound_increment][0]+'_boundary')
    BC2_pores = sgl.pores(labels=bounds[bound_increment][1]+'_boundary')
    # Ka
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_air = op.algorithms.StokesFlow(network=sgl, phase=air)
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
    single_perms_air[bound_increment] = Stokes_alg_single_phase_air.calc_eff_permeability()
    # Da
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_air = op.algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=sgl,phase=air)
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
    single_diffs_air[bound_increment] = Fickian_alg_single_phase_air.calc_eff_diffusivity()
    # Kw
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_water = op.algorithms.StokesFlow(network=sgl, phase=water)
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
    Stokes_alg_single_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
    single_perms_water[bound_increment] = Stokes_alg_single_phase_water.calc_eff_permeability()
    # Dw
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_water = op.algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=sgl,phase=water)
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
    Fickian_alg_single_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
    single_diffs_water[bound_increment] = Fickian_alg_single_phase_water.calc_eff_diffusivity()

Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.8525915818882
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.3072535173476
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.852591581884
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.3072535173474
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.851999877213
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.85947485025
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.8519998772135
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.8594748502476
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.1913150524185
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.0985808117978
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.1913150524192
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.098580811797
Solution converged: 0.0

Now we can repeat the algorithms at each filtered pressure. This process takes about 1 minute.

In [159]:
for Pc in filter_pc:
    print('Pc', Pc)
    for bound_increment in range(len(bounds)):
        BC1_pores = sgl.pores(labels=bounds[bound_increment][0]+'_boundary')
        BC2_pores = sgl.pores(labels=bounds[bound_increment][1]+'_boundary')

        # Multiphase
        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_air = op.algorithms.StokesFlow(network=sgl,phase=air)
        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_water = op.algorithms.StokesFlow(network=sgl,phase=water)

        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_air = op.algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=sgl,phase=air)
        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_water = op.algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=sgl,phase=water)

        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)
        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.6, pores=BC1_pores)

        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
        Stokes_alg_multi_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_air.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)
        Fickian_alg_multi_phase_water.set_value_BC(values=0.2, pores=BC2_pores)

        # Run Multiphase algs

        effective_permeability_air_multi = Stokes_alg_multi_phase_air.calc_eff_permeability()
        effective_diffusivity_air_multi = Fickian_alg_multi_phase_air.calc_eff_diffusivity()
        effective_permeability_water_multi = Stokes_alg_multi_phase_water.calc_eff_permeability()
        effective_diffusivity_water_multi = Fickian_alg_multi_phase_water.calc_eff_diffusivity()

        relative_eff_perm_air = effective_permeability_air_multi/single_perms_air[bound_increment]
        relative_eff_perm_water = effective_permeability_water_multi/single_perms_water[bound_increment]
        relative_eff_diff_air = effective_diffusivity_air_multi/single_diffs_air[bound_increment]
        relative_eff_diff_water = effective_diffusivity_water_multi/single_diffs_water[bound_increment]


Pc 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.8525915818889
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.8525915818896
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.3072535173483
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.307253517344
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.8519998772144
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.8519998772128
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.8594748502505
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.859474850253
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1698.0401660487548
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.1913150524192
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1695.1795644458484
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.0985808117978
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1446.9594261686948
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1572.9067791542975
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 2339.50736607225
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1577.1007523635221
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 2347.406125821866
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1596.1949748058846
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1498.7351738244938
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1595.3285178911456
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1499.5638093514788
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1791.0022805110693
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1474.9012794672515
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1785.0480172924658
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1474.1040728429223
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1471.4198426229661
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1596.191391399138
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1681.9132461563565
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.8575824834113
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1666.8601394949471
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1635.3657967991512
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 880.5195897251124
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1633.9082018994754
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 881.4909315252073
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1860.2920705906768
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1343.9221490388843
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1852.4163088269777
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1340.9318347003443
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1483.804677729639
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1549.7080554006648
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1667.098527755262
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1555.3080090506185
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1652.91393806759
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1652.3006657757232
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1598.7698327969056
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1651.4938102529436
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1591.7288471169613
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1844.4119896708073
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1388.1202908070316
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1836.4001737125936
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1385.8756858137433
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1496.2937551036625
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1540.7977601008606
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1739.7346368836602
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1543.286791060605
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1743.2063763051
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1659.0557505471943
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1709.8845332289552
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1659.7081522640274
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1699.3383487379715
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1758.5031668918132
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1550.8736026242927
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1751.2800291166398
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1553.4264761975057
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1508.8879521447116
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1526.283403887449
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1684.2177325903688
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1526.4570572257885
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1691.8590351587718
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.2811879784304
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1689.4549573168313
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.354345286461
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1681.0695312158864
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1694.3550530023126
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1580.1564562341007
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1689.5810970364776
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1581.8448320784278
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1521.588153637472
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1555.7754066278633
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1632.7759433243154
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1554.9952519554242
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1642.5324384858434
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1620.364565859443
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1656.2502982342394
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1622.8734895316989
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1646.1489176290909
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1619.8009695583194
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1664.8865620435397
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1616.8676621524526
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1666.066764633466
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1547.3101464153965
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1503.2518448333358
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1657.4390492249686
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1504.1300860898323
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1666.6066204281815
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1638.5400929779362
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1627.8964566501081
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1639.5169800704055
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1618.3957314375964
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.114854694851
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1663.9110320450382
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1596.9385339711803
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1661.4595567738068
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1573.4669617902805
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1465.9355062942948
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1624.3779233608564
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1460.8574615688833
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1635.5319993297958
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1710.1559964493958
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1616.4864251040133
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1719.7612765422487
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1613.6535374865034
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.1050482062954
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1648.9377368621463
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1590.892256428023
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1646.1001472898165
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1600.0659503081126
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1416.8000108126164
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1605.9247295549512
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1429.3268648210494
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1615.3970615681985
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1546.1342432877307
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1605.849069154094
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1553.7085898769299
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1602.4581027451486
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1580.236342426209
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1651.3949243528896
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1576.9940737598076
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1647.7244080165563
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1627.114586773663
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1803.9582773328452
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1575.4137936338936
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1808.7824859387
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1584.466323400358
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1740.908069030017
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.5106849792676
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1742.43532788729
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1598.7211868757593
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1518.0533226728937
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1651.0882249021345
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1516.8127105675705
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1647.3475167244937
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1668.5472939967667
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1551.4273333897736
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1573.424860925725
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1552.3811660216425
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1580.4074338820824
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1630.5286843096019
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1610.4489028273229
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1626.9458594894168
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1611.0386533839137
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1648.0502449620774
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1641.1173533462847
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1648.8177989274664
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1638.6721379310975
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1711.0350401469334
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.5252954370242
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1564.7598904505837
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1629.0131999669227
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1570.8427500954017
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1612.016690319704
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.0573477787802
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1607.2138520309531
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.7502268206485
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1659.151013496374
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1633.9618340395155
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1658.763266366847
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1630.9775723941484
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1754.6046906455208
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.0951506211911
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1570.1952086888748
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1602.7985000038273
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1574.29341649207
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.709911457715
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.980017974373
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1600.5873765848069
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1602.3868710053036
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1653.283188005763
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1638.7882623771218
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1652.2352335814342
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1635.3641079752133
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1814.428237452461
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1604.0928887888433
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1581.7983218016905
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1608.4719416784292
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1586.4079843351035
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.4347014022078
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1609.8144769828436
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1598.746330081874
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1609.0842164162957
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1649.310139910947
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1634.6803649894719
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1648.278710667172
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1630.9305935769005
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 1908.00962473644
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1589.7065321109603
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1589.6558309946397
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1593.3518328418945
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1593.9484528964426
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1598.2867130343277
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1605.0282269372387
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1596.1333177982083
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1604.0904780873711
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1639.9938133236042
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1632.3503232774374
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1637.7170090542472
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1629.0753980393229
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 2092.2904063514984
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.5266774611262
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1593.70036978088
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1596.5471721906845
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1599.1529066294372
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.3414392673142
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1607.1392230012416
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.2854942532579
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1605.3266211528048
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1631.07159589322
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1627.1396026798004
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.4887497397845
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1623.6967398075774
Solution converged: 0.0
Pc 2453.4905319595
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.8525915818882
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1592.852591581884
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.3072535173483
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1597.3072535173474
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.851999877216
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1603.8519998772135
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.8594748502464
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1601.8594748502476
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.191315052418
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1628.1913150524192
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.0985808117978
Solution converged: 0.0
Running ReactiveTransport
Tolerance not met: 1625.098580811797
Solution converged: 0.0

Now we can plot the results including those from the paper

In [162]:
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
%matplotlib inline

#Data points taken directly from Gostick's graphs using GraphClick
gostick_saturation_1 = [0.008, 0.04, 0.093, 0.14, 0.193, 0.246, 0.293, 0.337, 0.395, 0.442, 0.496,
                        0.542, 0.59, 0.641, 0.687, 0.748, 0.793, 0.838, 0.894, 0.945, 0.986]
gostick_perm_air_case1 = [0.917, 0.821, 0.68, 0.568, 0.466, 0.366, 0.286, 0.204, 0.144, 0.096, 0.051, 0.024,
                          0.003, -1.08E-04, -1.96E-04, -3.12E-04, -3.97E-04, -4.84E-04, -5.90E-04, 0.002, 0.002]
gostick_saturation_2 = [0.99, 0.899, 0.847, 0.802, 0.75, 0.701, 0.645, 0.594, 0.546, 0.497, 0.449,
                        0.398, 0.348, 0.298, 0.245, 0.196, 0.147, 0.094, 0.044, 0.003]
gostick_perm_water = [0.935, 0.774, 0.709, 0.664, 0.618, 0.572, 0.514, 0.461, 0.401, 0.347,
                        0.284, 0.211, 0.145, 0.084, 0.044, 0.024, 0.012, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001]

gostick_saturation_3 =[0.006, 0.05, 0.102, 0.151, 0.199, 0.247, 0.297, 0.348, 0.399, 0.447, 0.496,
                    0.546, 0.597, 0.645, 0.699, 0.75, 0.798, 0.846, 0.899, 0.949, 0.983]
gostick_diff_air_case1 = [0.939, 0.836, 0.725, 0.626, 0.531, 0.442, 0.353, 0.27, 0.203, 0.14, 0.085, 0.048,
                          0.008, 5.49E-04, 4.48E-04, 3.50E-04, 2.59E-04, 1.67E-04, 0.003, 0.003, 0.003]
gostick_saturation_4 = [0.985, 0.946, 0.898, 0.846, 0.795, 0.749, 0.695, 0.643, 0.596, 0.545, 0.496, 0.448,
                        0.396, 0.346, 0.298, 0.251, 0.196, 0.146, 0.094]
gostick_diff_water = [0.941, 0.901, 0.853, 0.809, 0.756, 0.7, 0.638, 0.569, 0.503, 0.428, 0.36, 0.291, 0.214, 1.48E-01,
                      8.00E-02, 4.50E-02, 2.30E-02, 1.60E-02, 0.005]

fontP = FontProperties()
#setting up subplots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)   #top
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)   #bottom

x_values1 = [x/20 for x in range(21)]
z = '.75'

#plots for subplot1 - strict permeability
p1, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_water['0'], color = 'k', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p2, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_water['1'], color = z, linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p3, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_water['2'], color = 'b', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p4, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_air['0'], color = 'k', linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p5, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_air['1'], color = z, linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p6, = ax1.plot(sat, perm_air['2'], color = 'b', linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p10, = ax1.plot(x_values1, [x**(3) for x in x_values1], 'k--')
ax1.plot(x_values1, [(1-x)**(3) for x in x_values1], 'k--')
gs1, = ax1.plot(gostick_saturation_1, gostick_perm_air_case1, color = 'r', linestyle = '-', marker = 'D')
gs2, = ax1.plot(gostick_saturation_2, gostick_perm_water, color = 'r', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')

#need to work on legend to match up with the right things
lgd1 = ax1.legend([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p10, gs1, gs2],
           ["KrWater,x", "KrWater,y", "KrWater,z",
           "KrAir,x","KrAir,y","KrAir,z", "a = 3", "Gostick et al \n KrAir,x (case 1)", "Gostick et al \n KrWater,x"], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), prop = fontP)

#plots for subplot4 - diffusivity
p11, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_water['0'], color = 'k', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p12, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_water['1'], color = z, linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p13, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_water['2'], color = 'b', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')
p14, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_air['0'], color = 'k', linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p15, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_air['1'], color = z, linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p16, = ax2.plot(sat, diff_air['2'], color = 'b', linestyle = '-', marker = '^')
p20, = ax2.plot(x_values1, [x**(2) for x in x_values1], 'k--')
ax2.plot(x_values1, [(1-x)**(2) for x in x_values1], 'k--')
gs3, = ax2.plot(gostick_saturation_3, gostick_diff_air_case1, color = 'r', linestyle = '-', marker = 'D')
gs4, = ax2.plot(gostick_saturation_4, gostick_diff_water, color = 'r', linestyle = '-', marker = 'o')

lgd2 = ax2.legend([p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p20, gs3, gs4],
           ["DrWater,x", "DrWater,y", "DrWater,z",
           "DrAir,x","DrAir,y","DrAir,z", "a = 2", "Gostick et al \n DrAir,x (case 1)", "Gostick et al \n DrWater,x"], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), prop = fontP)

fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, right=.7, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)


Discrepancies with Gostick's simulation

Several things contribute to slight differences between this simulation and that produced by Gostick et al in their 2007 paper. These include:

  1. lack of pore size correlation
  2. lack of late pore filling


The OpenPNM team would like to thank Jackie Lunger (Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, 1T7) for her excellent work in developing this example.