Hannu Parviainen, University of Oxford, 2016
This notebook outlines the outlier and periodicity detection in K2SC. The notebook uses a test set of eight light curves in data_op
with varying characteristics.
How to run: evaluate the two first code cells, set the star index (sid
), and select Run all below
from the Cell
In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [5]:
import math as mt
import pyfits as pf
rc('figure', figsize=(14,6))
from glob import glob
from k2sc.k2io import MASTReader
from k2sc.ls import fasper
from k2sc.kernels import BasicKernel, BasicKernelEP, QuasiPeriodicKernel, QuasiPeriodicKernelEP
from k2sc.detrender import Detrender
from k2sc.ls import fasper
from k2sc.cdpp import cdpp
N = lambda a,b: a/nanmedian(b)
splits = [2344]
dfiles = sorted(glob('data_op/ktwo*.fits'))
In [149]:
sid = 1
We first do an initial detrending using a default GP hyparparameter vector. The default values have been chosen to reflect the median values of the fitted parameter vector population from campaign 4, where the fits were carried out with very loosely constraining priors.
Note: Here BasicKernelEP
yields consistently a lower CDPP, and it thus is probably a better choise for the initial detrending.
In [150]:
d = MASTReader.read(dfiles[sid], 0)
time, flux = d.time, d.fluxes[0]
mask = isfinite(flux)
dtg = Detrender(flux, transpose([d.time,d.x,d.y]), mask=mask, splits=splits, kernel=BasicKernel())
dte = Detrender(flux, transpose([d.time,d.x,d.y]), mask=mask, splits=splits, kernel=BasicKernelEP())
ttg,tpg = dtg.predict(dtg.kernel.pv0+1e-5, components=True)
tte,tpe = dte.predict(dte.kernel.pv0+1e-5, components=True)
fig,ax = subplots(2,1, figsize=(14,8), sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(time, N(flux, flux))
ax[1].plot(time, N(flux-tpg+tpg.mean(), flux))
ax[1].plot(time, N(flux-tpe+tpe.mean()-tte.ptp(), flux))
setp(ax, xlim=time[[0,-1]])
print cdpp(time, flux-tpg+tpg.mean())
print cdpp(time, flux-tpe+tpe.mean())
In [161]:
map(lambda a: (nanmedian(a), a-nanmedian(a)), [[0,1,2]])
In [151]:
tp, tt = tpe, tte
cflux = flux-tp+median(tp)-tt+median(tt)
cflux /= nanmedian(cflux)
minf = isfinite(cflux)
mask = minf.copy()
nm = None
i = 0
while nm != mask.sum() and i<10:
print i
nm = mask.sum()
mad = nanmedian(abs(cflux[mask]-nanmean(cflux[mask])))
sigma = 1.4826*mad
mhigh = zeros_like(minf)
mlow = zeros_like(minf)
mhigh[minf] = cflux[minf] > 1+5*sigma
mlow[minf] = cflux[minf] < 1-5*sigma
mask &= minf & (~mlow) & (~mhigh)
i += 1
In [152]:
fig,ax = subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(time, (cflux-1)/sigma)
ax[1].plot(time[mask], N(flux[mask] - tp[mask], flux))
ax[1].plot(time[~mask], N(flux[~mask] - tp[~mask], flux), '.')
setp(ax[0], ylabel='Normalised flux [$\sigma$]')
setp(ax[1], ylabel='Normalised flux', xlabel='Time [BJD]')
setp(ax, xlim=time[[0,-1]])
We remove long time-scale trends using a 9th order polynomial fit, after which we do a Lomb-Scargle period search. The order of the polynomial was chosen to compromise between removing real long-period stellar variability and getting rid of the systematic trends, and works for all the test cases considered here.
We switch to use a quasiperiodic kernel if the false alarm probability (FAP) of the found period is lower than $10^{-50}$ (by default). However, this value can also be set as a command line argumen --ps-min-fap
In [155]:
def psearch(time, flux):
freq,power,nout,jmax,prob = fasper(time, flux, 6, 0.5)
period = 1./freq
m = (period > 0.05) & (period < 25)
period, freq, power = period[m], freq[m], power[m]
j = argmax(power)
expy = exp(-power)
effm = 2.*nout/6
fap = expy*effm
mfap = fap > 0.01
fap[mfap] = 1.0-(1.0-expy[mfap])**effm
return period, power, fap, j
In [153]:
nflux = flux - tp + nanmedian(tp)
ntime = time - time.mean()
p = poly1d(polyfit(ntime[mask], nflux[mask], 9))
In [154]:
fig,ax = subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(time[mask], nflux[mask])
ax[0].plot(time, tt)
ax[0].plot(time, p(ntime), 'k', lw=2)
ax[1].plot(time[mask], nflux[mask]-tt[mask])
setp(ax, xlim=time[[0,-1]])
In [156]:
periodo, powero, fapo, jo = psearch(time[mask], nflux[mask])
periodp, powerp, fapp, jp = psearch(time[mask], nflux[mask]-p(ntime[mask]))
fig,ax = subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(periodp,powerp, 'k')
ax[1].semilogy(periodp,fapp, 'k')
setp(ax, xlim=(0,25))
setp(ax[1], xlabel='Period [d]')
We could also do two separate searches from the detrended data and the time component. this, however, doesn't seem to be a better solution.
In [157]:
periods, powers, faps, js = psearch(time[mask], (nflux-tt)[mask])
periodl, powerl, fapl, jl = psearch(time[mask], tt[mask])
fig,ax = subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
setp(ax, xlim=(0,25))
setp(ax[1], xlabel='Period [d]')
print periods[js], periodl[jl]