In recent years, deep learning has led to significant progress in AI. Particularly, in the field of computer vision, we have seen improvements in image classification, object detection, image segmentation, etc, which may suggest that neural networks "see" and "understand" images the way humans do. In fact, the input-output mapping that deep neural networks learn is profoundly different from human perception. In this notebook, we will present an experience that supports this point.
We will use the PyTorch library and some well known ImageNet classification models to show that even a powerful neural network can easily be trapped. We will build an image that appears to us to be definitely of some class, but that the model wrongly classifies as belonging to a class very far from the actual one.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torchvision import transforms, models
import torch.nn.functional as F
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
First, let's define a function to download an image from the Internet and convert it to a PyTorch tensor that can be fed to our models.
In [2]:
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import requests
def load_image(img_path, max_size=224):
# Download the image
response = requests.get(img_path)
image =
# Resize and normalize the image
size = min(max_size, max(image.size))
img_transforms = transforms.Compose(
(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
# Don't forget to add the batch dimension
return img_transforms(image).unsqueeze(0)
Let's also define a function to plot tensor images.
In [3]:
def plot_image(image, title=""):
image ="cpu").detach().numpy()
image = image.squeeze().transpose(1, 2, 0)
# Denormalize the image
image = image * np.array(
(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
) + np.array((0.485, 0.456, 0.406))
image = image.clip(0, 1)
In [4]:
img_path = ""
image = load_image(img_path)
plot_image(image, "A beautiful cat")
For us to understand the predictions of the models, we will need the mapping between class IDs and class names of the ImageNet dataset. The method used to get the mapping can be found here :
In [5]:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import json
classes_url = ""
classes_path = "imagenet_class_index.json"
urlretrieve(classes_url, classes_path)
class_idx = json.load(open(classes_path))
idx2label = [
class_idx[str(k)][1] for k in range(len(class_idx))
In [6]:
Gradient ascent is the same as gradient descent, but instead of minimizing a function, we maximize it. Recall that we want to build an image that a given model will totally fail to classify. One method to do that is to take an initial image that the model classifies well, freeze the weights of the model and maximize the output score of some class. In other words, we do classical gradient descent optimization with some differences :
For example, if we take the image of a cat and we want to make the model predict that it's a dog, we do gradient ascient to maximize the score of the class dog given the initial image of the cat.
The following function is an implementation of this procedure. It takes as input a model, an initial image, the class to maximize, a configured optimizer and the number of iterations. At each iteration, it executes a forward pass through the network, and updates the initial image according to the calculated loss. The loss here is negative the score of the given class, in order to the maximization instead of minimization.
In [7]:
def gradient_ascent(
model, new_img, new_class, opt, n_epochs, print_every
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
output = F.softmax(model(new_img), dim=1)
loss = -output[0, new_class]
if epoch % print_every == 0:
"Epoch :", epoch + 1, "Loss :", -loss.item()
So, this is what you came here for. In this section, we will trap three well known ImageNet models : VGG, ResNet and Inception v3. In all cases, we will use gradient ascent to slightly modify an image to make it look (at least for the model) totally different.
In [8]:
# A helper function to make predictions
def make_predictions(model, img, topk=5):
preds = F.softmax(model(img), dim=1)
probs, classes = preds.topk(topk, dim=1)
probs, classes ="cpu"),"cpu")
for i, c in enumerate(classes[0]):
"with probability",
probs[0, i].item(),
Let's download an image, load the model, freeze all its parameters and turn it to evaluation mode.
In [9]:
img_path = ""
cat_img = load_image(img_path).to(device)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(cat_img, "The original image")
Image source :
In [10]:
model = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).to(device)
for param in model.parameters():
model.requires_grad = False
model = model.eval()
In [11]:
make_predictions(model, cat_img)
Well, I don't know if it's actually a tiger cat, but the model correctly classified the image as being of a cat.
Let's do some gradient ascent. We will try to modify the image to make the network predict that it's a computer keyboard. So we will get the ID associated to the class "computer keyboard", define an optimizer and call our gradient ascent routine.
In [12]:
new_class = idx2label.index("computer_keyboard")
new_img = cat_img.clone()
new_img.requires_grad = True
# The optimizer parameters are the pixels of the initial image
opt = optim.Adam([new_img], lr=0.01)
n_epochs = 5
print_every = 1
model, new_img, new_class, opt, n_epochs, print_every
Few iterations suffice to achieve a huge score on the new class. But how does the image look like now ?
In [13]:
make_predictions(model, new_img)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(new_img, "This cat is a keyboard")
As you see, the model now predicts that the image is a keyboard with high probability, so the model is very confident. Looking at the new image, a human sees no difference with the original and sees no keyboard on it. But the model is highly confident that the image represents a keyboard. I think that this shows a significant and profound difference between how a human process images and how a neural network does.
The same method is used here for a ResNet model, although we use an image of a panda. I know that I should have written functions to avoid redundant code, but I think it's easier to follow the different steps like this.
In [14]:
img_path = ""
pd_img = load_image(img_path).to(device)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(pd_img, "The original image")
In [15]:
model = models.resnet152(pretrained=True).to(device)
for param in model.parameters():
model.requires_grad = False
model = model.eval()
In [16]:
make_predictions(model, pd_img)
In [17]:
new_class = idx2label.index("banana")
new_img = pd_img.clone()
new_img.requires_grad = True
opt = optim.Adam([new_img], lr=0.01)
n_epochs = 6
print_every = 1
model, new_img, new_class, opt, n_epochs, print_every
In [18]:
make_predictions(model, new_img)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(new_img, "This panda is a banana")
Time for inception, with apples this time.
In [19]:
img_path = ""
apple_img = load_image(img_path).to(device)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(apple_img, "The original image")
Image source :
In [20]:
model = models.inception_v3(pretrained=True).to(device)
for param in model.parameters():
model.requires_grad = False
model = model.eval()
In [21]:
make_predictions(model, apple_img)
In [22]:
new_class = idx2label.index("lion")
new_img = apple_img.clone()
new_img.requires_grad = True
opt = optim.Adam([new_img], lr=0.01)
n_epochs = 51
print_every = 5
model, new_img, new_class, opt, n_epochs, print_every
Well, here we need more iterations to make the apples look like lions, but nothing impossible.
In [23]:
make_predictions(model, new_img)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plot_image(new_img, "Those apples are lions")
As we have seen, neural networks can easily be trapped to misclassify images. The way that this was achieved shows that even though neural networks are powerful models that achieve state-of-the-art performances in different perception tasks, it's important to think twice about the predictions they make, and to avoid misinterpreting or overinterpreting the way they work.
If you are interested in the limitations of deep learning, you can find an interesting discussion in the last chapter of the book : Deep Learning with Python by François Cholet.
This is my first public kernel, so please let me know if you have some remarks or found some mistakes.