Hantush (1956) considered the transient flow due to a well with a constant extraction since $t=0$ placed in a uniform confined aquifer of infinite extent covered by a layer with constant vertical resistance $c$ above which a constant head is maintained.
The partial differential equation now contains the leakage between the aquifer and the layer with maintained head.
The solution may be opbtained by straighforward Lapace transformation and looking up de result from the Laplace inversions table. It reads with $$ \lambda = \sqrt{ kD c} $$
where $W_h(..)$ is the so-called Hantush well function, which, obviously differs from the Theis well function
$$ W(z) = \mathtt{exp1}(z) = \intop _z ^\infty \frac {e^{-y}} {y} dy $$Hantush:
$$ W_h(z, \rho) = \intop_u ^\infty \frac {e^{-y-\left(\frac \rho 2 \right)^2}} y dy $$with $\rho = \frac r \lambda $ and $u = \frac {r^2 S} {4 kD t} $
An alternative expression is
$$ W_h(u,\rho) = \sum _{n=0} ^\infty \frac {(-1)^n} {n!} \left( \frac {\rho ^2} {4u}\right) ^{n} E_{n+1} \left( u \right) $$$$ E_{n+1} = \frac 1 n \left\{e^{-u} - u E_n(u) \right\}, \,\,\, (n = 1, 1, 3 ...) $$The exponential integral lives in scipy special as the function $\mathtt{exp1}(z)$ and can readily be imported. The Hantush well function is not available in the scipy.special
libary, so we have to implement it.
In [1]:
from scipy.special import exp1
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [71]:
def WH(U, rho):
'''Collect results of individual values of u'''
W = np.zeros_like(U)
for i, u in enumerate(U):
W[i] = Wh(u, rho)
return W
def Wh(u, rho):
'''Hantush well function implemented as integral'''
uMax = 30.
y = np.logspace(np.log10(u), np.log10(uMax), 1000)
dy = np.diff(y)
ym = 0.5 * (y[:-1] + y[1:])
return np.sum(np.exp(-ym - rho**2 / 4 /ym) / ym * dy)
def WH2(U, rho):
'''return resutls for all values of u'''
W = np.zeros_like(U)
for i, u in enumerate(U):
W[i] = Wh2(u, rho)
return W
def Wh2(u, rho, tol=1e-14):
'''Hantush well function implemented as power series
This implementation works but has a limited reach; for very small
values of u (u<0.001) the solution will deteriorate into nonsense,
#import pdb
tau = (rho/2)**2 / u
f0 = 1
E = exp1(u)
w0= f0 * E
W = w0
for n in range(1, 500):
E = (1/n) * (np.exp(-u) - u * E)
f0 = -f0 / n * tau
w1 = f0 * E
if abs(w0 + w1) < tol: # use w0 + w1 because terms alternate sign
W += w1
w0 = w1 # remember previous value
return W
How does the drawdown behave for diffent distances from the well?
For this assume a real situation.
In [3]:
u = np.logspace(-6, 1)
rhos = [0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1]
plt.title('Hantush type curves (integral implementation)')
plt.ylim((0.1, 100))
plt.plot(1/u, exp1(u), label='Theis')
for rho in rhos:
plt.plot(1/u, WH(u, rho), label='rho={:.2f}'.format(rho))
In [66]:
Wh2(1e-2, 0.001)
In [67]:
Wh(1e-2, 0.001)
In [75]:
u = np.logspace(-2, 2, 41)
rhos = [0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1]
plt.title('Hantush type curves (power series implementation)')
plt.ylim((0.1, 100))
plt.xlim((0.1, 100))
plt.plot(1/u, exp1(u), label='Theis')
for rho in rhos:
plt.plot(1/u, WH2(u, rho), label='rho={:.2f}'.format(rho))
The series does not work for $u<10^{-2}$