The questions and explanation of the assignement goes here.
I expect you to return the assignment notebook, well documented by yourself. I don't want to read my own words, except of the text of the assignment explanation.
The returned notebook should contain the essentials, but not all the intermezzo's that serve only as tutorial for you. But I do want to see a step by step build-up.
I want you to convince me that you understand the notebook that you return. This is what brings the points.
@T.N. Olsthoorn
In [404]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy.special import exp1 as W
In [405]:
def newfig(title='?', xlabel='?', ylabel='?', xlim=None, ylim=None,
xscale='linear', yscale='linear', size_inches=(14, 7)):
'''Return axis of a new figure, set up according to the arguents and or defaults'''
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if not xlim is None: ax.set_xlim(xlim)
if not ylim is None: ax.set_ylim(ylim)
return ax
The assignment is solved step by step. First steady state, one point. Then more points. Then points a long the river bank. Then integrate along the river. Then make it transient. And finally compute for all river-bank points and all times, and integrate along the river. As very larst, show it for a few well distances and conclude what a proper distance is so that now water is flows into the ground (is extracted from the river) during the summer.
In [363]:
kD = 900. # m2/d
S = 0.2 # [-]
xw = -500.
x1, y1 = xw, 0 # pumping station, the well
x2, y2 = -xw, y1 # mirror well
Q1 = -1500 # extraction by PS
Q2 = -Q1 # extraction by mirror well
In [365]:
times = [0.1, 1, 10]
x = np.linspace(2 * xw, -2 * xw, 1000)
y = np.zeros_like(x)
ax = newfig('Drawdown along x-axis', 'x', 's(t, x)')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
for t in times:
u1 = r1 ** 2 * S /(4 * kD * t)
u2 = r2 ** 2 * S /(4 * kD * t)
s = Q1 / (4 * np.pi * kD) * W(u1) + Q2 / (4 * np.pi * kD) * W(u2)
ax.plot(x, s, label=f't = {t:.4g} d')
In [366]:
x, y = 0., 100 # any point
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
q1 = Q1 / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 / (2 * np.pi * r2)
qx1 = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 # x-component of the specific discharge due to the well
qx2 = q2 * (x - x2) / r2 # same due to the mirror well
qy1 = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 # y-component of the specific discharge due to the well
qy2 = q2 * (y - y2) / r2 # same due to the mirror well
# We can compute the x and y compents due to both well at once, don't need the 4 lines above
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2 # added together, x-component
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2 # same for mirror well
print(qx1, qx2, qy1, qy2, qx1 + qx2, qy1 + qy2)
Th specific discharge is here the discharge over the entire heigh of the aqufier per m perpdendicular to the flow. Its dimension is, therefore, m3/d/m = m2/d. For a point at a distance $r$ from a well and due to only this well, it is, the flow divided by the length of the circle with radius $r$ around the well:
$$q = \frac {Q} {2 \pi r}$$We may illustrate the specific discharge by showing it at some arbitrary points. We just take a set of random points and show the specific discharge as a vector (a small line-piece) from each point into the direction of the vector. It will be scaled by a factor $a$ to make it visible. Scaling is necessary, because the dimension of the specific discharge differs from that of the $x$ and $y$ coordinates. Because we only want to illustrate these vectors, the value of the scale factor does not matter, just try a few values until you like the result.
So, the specific discharge has an $x$ and an $y$ component, which equal $q_x = q \cos(\alpha)$ and $q_y = q \sin(\alpha)$ with $\alpha$ the angle between the specific discharge vector and the $x$-axis:
$$\cos \alpha = \frac {x - x_w}{r}$$$$\sin \alpha = \frac {y - y_w}{r}$$so that
$$q_x = q \frac {x - x_w}{r}$$$$q_y = q \frac {y - y_w}{r}$$The plan is as follows:
1. First we'll compute 200 random point locations
2. Then we'll plot the points as dots and the well and its mirror as thicker circles
3. Compute the specific discharge
4. Compute the x and y components of the specific discharge
5. For each point plot the specific dischrage vector multiplied by a scale vector $#a$
In [367]:
# random points
x = (np.random.rand(200) - 0.5) * 3 * xw
y = (np.random.rand(200) - 0.5) * 3 * xw
# Set up the figure, show the points, the well and its mirror
ax = newfig('Specific discharge points','x', 'y')
ax.plot(x, y, '.')
ax.plot(x1, y1, 'o') # well
ax.plot(x2, y2, 'o') # mirror well
# distances from well to each point and form mirror well to each point
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
# Specific discharge (magnitute only) at all points
q1 = Q1 / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 / (2 * np.pi * r2)
# Super positionn, add well and mirror well
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
a = 100. # scale factor for speciic discharge.
# For each point plot the scaled discharge vector
for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
#print(i, [xi, xi + a * qx[i]],
# [yi, yi + a * qy[i]] )
ax.plot([xi, xi + a * qx[i]],
[yi, yi + a * qy[i]])
Now that we can compute the specific discharge at any point, we can also plot them for points at the river bank. These are the point where the flow is perpendicular to the river bank.
The only thing we need to do to show them, is to plot them not for random points but only for points at the river bank. So just change the coordinates of the points to those at the river bank ($x=0$).
Nothing else is changed!
In [368]:
# New points, along the river bank
y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200) # y values, print them to see what's happening here.
x = np.zeros_like(y) # A of all zeros, the vector is the same size as y.
ax = newfig('Specific discharge points','x', 'y')
ax.plot(x, y, '.')
ax.plot(x1, y1, 'o')
ax.plot(x2, y2, 'o')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
q1 = Q1 / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 / (2 * np.pi * r2)
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
a = 100. # scale factor
for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
#print(i, [xi, xi + a * qx[i]],
# [yi, yi + a * qy[i]] )
ax.plot([xi, xi + a * qx[i]],
[yi, yi + a * qy[i]])
Instead of printing the q vectors along the river bank on the x, y map, we can print them in a figure where the y-values are the y coordinates and where the x-values are the specific discharge. The y-axis then has dimension [m] and the x-axis has dimension [m2/d]. We can then do away with the scale factor $a$.
But we can now also do away with the loop over the points, and, instead, plot y versus qx directly. This gives a graph showing the specific discharge at the river bank.
The rest is unaltered.
In [369]:
y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200)
x = np.zeros_like(y)
ax = newfig('Specific discharge points','specific discharge [m2/d]', 'y')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
q1 = Q1 / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 / (2 * np.pi * r2)
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
# Plot the individual vectors
for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(x, y)):
ax.plot([0, qx[i]],
[yi, yi])
# Plot as one (thick) line linewidth = 5.
ax.plot(qx, y, lw=5) # thick line
The total inflow from the river is obtained by integrating the inflow along the $y$-axis.
We have an inflow value at every $y$-value. Integrating is equal to multiplying the inflow value with the length it represents along the $y$-axis and then summing it all. Using a simple trapezium rule would be
$$ Q_{intot} = \intop_{-\infty}^{+\infty} q_x(y) dy \approx \sum_{all\, y} q_x(y) * \Delta y $$In the code below, we compute $\Delta y = diff(y) = y[1:] - y[:-1]$. The number of $\Delta y$ values is one less than the number of $q_x$-values. So we compute the sum as follows
$$ Q_{totin} = \sum_{\Delta y} \frac {q_x[:-1] + q_x[1:]}{0.5} \times \Delta y $$The rest is the same as before.
In [370]:
y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200)
x = np.zeros_like(y)
ax = newfig('Specific discharge points','specific discharge [m2/d]', 'y')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
q1 = Q1 / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 / (2 * np.pi * r2)
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
ax.plot(qx, y, lw=5)
dy = np.diff(y)
# Here is the integration:
Qintot = np.sum((qx[:-1] + qx[1:]) / 2 * dy)
# Here is the result
print(f'The total extraction from the river over {y[0]:.0f}<y<{y[-1]:.0f} is {Qintot:.0f} m3/d')
print(f'The total extraction from the river over the full y-axis would be Qw={Q1:.0f} m3/d')
The transtion total flow towards a well, and due to only that well, on a distance $r$ from the well is
$$ Q_r = Q_w \exp(-u),\,\,\,\,u = \frac{r^2 S}{4 kD t}$$Therefore, the only thing to change is multiplying the Q1 and Q2 below by $e^{-u}$
Of course we have to define some times too. This way, we can iterate over these times and show the extraction from the river for different times.
In [371]:
y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200)
x = np.zeros_like(y)
ax = newfig(f'Total extraction from river at specific times over {y[0]:.0f}<y<{y[-1]:.0f}','Total extraction from the river [m3/d]}', 'y')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
# Define some times
times = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50]
# Then iterate over these times
for t in times: # inside the loop the current time is t
u1 = r1 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * t) # <-- t used
u2 = r2 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * t) # <-- t used
q1 = Q1 * np.exp(-u1) / (2 * np.pi * r1) # <-- Q1 multiplied by exp(-u1)
q2 = Q2 * np.exp(-u2) / (2 * np.pi * r2) # <-- Q2 multipleid by exp(-u2)
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
ax.plot(qx, y, label=f't = {t:.1f} d')
dy = np.diff(y)
Qintot = np.sum(0.5 * dy * qx[:-1] + 0.5 * dy * qx[1:])
# Here we print the total extraction from the river for each of the defined times
print(f'At time = {t:2.1f} d, Qintot = {Qintot:5.0f} m3/d over {y[0]:.0f}<y<{y[-1]:.0f}')
In [372]:
y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200)
x = np.zeros_like(y)
ax = newfig(f'Total extraction from the river versus time over {y[0]:.0f}<y<{y[-1]:.0f}',
'time [d]', 'Qintot m3/d')
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
# We will now use a large number of times to compute the total inflow for.
times = np.linspace(0, 1000, 1001)
times[0] = 0.001 # prevent division by zero in computing u
# Initialize the Qintot array by zeros so that we can fill in the values in the loop below
Qintot = np.zeros_like(times)
for i, t in enumerate(times):
u1 = r1 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * t)
u2 = r2 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * t)
q1 = Q1 * np.exp(-u1) / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = Q2 * np.exp(-u2) / (2 * np.pi * r2)
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2
dy = np.diff(y)
# Here we store the values for t=times[i] in Qintot[i]
Qintot[i] = np.sum(0.5 * dy * qx[:-1] + 0.5 * dy * qx[1:])
# Afterwards, we just have to make a graph of Qintot versus time
# However, the sign of extraction is negative, the same as that of the well extraction.
# This is fine. You could call it "infiltration into the river instead", then it makes sense that
# extraction is negative. It has the same sign as the extraction from the well, which too is negative
# as in infiltration would be positive. So the curve below will just be negative (=extraction from the river).
# You can just think of Qinto = the total inflow into the river. Then the sign makes sense.
ax.plot(times, Qintot) # change sign because it's inflow
Till now, the well rates were constant. However, in the assignment it varies over time as defined in the accompanying workbook "PumpingStationQ.xlsx". So we have to use superposition in time using the data in the Excel workbook.
En Excel workbook is clearly excellent to prepare the data so that you will have table that contains exactly the data that you'll need in Python. This prevents a lot of clutter in Python, and utilizes the power of Excel to prepare and order all kind of information to your needs. The only point is that you have to read in the data in Python.
The most convenient way to read data from a .csv file or an Excel workbook into Python is by using Pandas. The whole world uses Pandas to work with tabled informatin, even if you'd have to deal with a million lines, Pandas will do this efficiently.
Pandas has an enormous amount of functionality, which you can find int the book on Pandas on the Internet or look at the documentation for Pandas on the Internet or even under the help menu of Jupyter. Pressing the pandas menu item under the help dropdown menu above, brings you immedately to the page that says:
pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit
I'd say have a look, it's powerful for any data analyse you'd ever need to do.
Reading in the spreadsheet from the Exccel workbook in pandas can be as simple as running the line
welldata = pd.read_excel('PumpingStationQ.xlsx')
Just try it.
But there is a large number of optioinal arguments to this function to fine-tune reading in your data if things are more difficult. To see, them make a fresh cell, type pd.read_excel() and then with the cursor between the parentheses press shift-tab to see them.
What we'll do extra, is tell which column will be used as our index, which will be the data column, and make sure the values are not just strings but datenums, so we can use them in our computation.
In [373]:
# Readin the first spreadsheet in the workbook, use the first column as its index and parse the
# values which are strings into real date (datenums). All in one line. It's so simple because we
# prepared our data so well in Excel.
welldata = pd.read_excel('PumpingStationQ.xlsx', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
In [374]:
# Show the index
# The dtype, which is the type of the values in the index, shows 'datetime64[ns]', which is numpy's
# datenum objects (which is a 64 bit long integer number telling the date and time in nanoseconds accuracy)
# (In Excel datenums are floating point numbers, but in Python its an integer, but you should not look at it
# as an integer but as a np.datetime64 object), with its own functionality.
In [375]:
# The header of the coliums is also an index, that of the columns, here it is
In [376]:
# To get the so many-th line of the table you use the iloc (i is always a indication that we are dealing with
# a whole number, something we can count)
# The fourth line of our table (remmeber the first line has inedex 0)
In [377]:
# The 7 th line of the table
In [378]:
# A few lines
In [379]:
# Some columns and lines
welldata[['n', 'month', 'dQ']].iloc[4:9]
You can select values from the table using the index, i.e. using the datetimes directly. For that you used the .log
instead of .iloc
In [380]:
In [381]:
# Here is a way to directly select lines from the table using datetimes
dt1 = np.datetime64('2010-07-01')
dt2 = np.datetime64('2011-08-01')
Ok, we've now seen some freatures of pandas. Make sure you get familiar with it, because it's extremely useful for a great many purposes.
What we'll do now is loop over the lines in the table. Each line is a so-called change times, on which the flow from the well changes.
But because we simulate using days, not dates, we need the time in dates. Clearly this requries fixing a starting time of the simulation, which will get the value zero, while the following values are increasing by 1.
A logical starting date would be the first change time, i.e. the first value of the index of the table. But we could taken any value.
The point to know is that the only calculation you can do with datetimes, is subtract two datetimes, to get the time difference between them, this will be a np.timedelta64 object. Lets subtract the two dt's we define above to show this
In [382]:
dt2 - dt1
You see you got a np.timedelta64 object, which specifies the time difference is 296 days. Internally this will be a long integer number, but we don't mind, it's just a time difference.
Now to get the days as a floating point value instead of an object, you may divide the timedelta by the length of one day, hence also a timedelta64 object, which you can generate like this
np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
# A timedelta object with the length of one day
np.timedelta64(1, 'h')
# A timedelta object with the length of one hour
In [383]:
(dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # in days as a floating point number
In [384]:
(dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h') # in hours as a floating point number
In [385]:
In [386]:
print(f'The difference between the datetimes {str(dt2)} and {str(dt1)} is {str(dt2-dt1)}')
print('We can express this differnce between datetimes in a floating point number')
print('by dividing the difference by a timedelta64 object of the desired length.')
print('For this to work, the timedelta84 object must be unique. Year, Month and Week do not work,')
print('but day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond do work.')
#(dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'M') # month does not work, because month has not a fixec length
#(dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'W') # Also incompatible
print('In days : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D'))
print('In hours : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h'))
print('In minutes : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'm'))
print('In seconds : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 's'))
print('In milliseconds: ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'ms'))
print('In microsecons : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'us'))
print('In nanoseconds : ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(1, 'ns'))
print('\nBut if you do want to use a week, you can just use a timedelta of 7 days:')
print('In week ( 7 days): ', (dt2 - dt1) / np.timedelta64(7, 'D'), ' weeks.')
The above should make you familiar with some datetime and timedelta manipulation.
What we'll do next is:
In [387]:
tstart = welldata.index[0] - np.timedelta64(7, 'D') # A week before our first datetime
tend = welldata.index[-1] + np.timedelta64(28, 'D') # 4 weeks after our last datetime
n = (tend - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # the number of days of our simulation
print(f'The simulation will run from {str(tstart)} till {str(tend)}, which lasts {n} days.')
Now let's get the changetimes in welldata in days after tstart as floating point numbers
In [388]:
tchs = welldata.index - tstart
tchs # as timedeltas
In [389]:
# And now as floating point values
tchs = (welldata.index - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
You see it's still an index and not an array. This may be ok, if not you can convert it into an array by passing it the funtion np.asarray()
, like so:
In [390]:
tchs = np.asarray((welldata.index - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D'))
Ok, this should get you familiar, now all together, in practice
In [391]:
welldata = pd.read_excel('PumpingStationQ.xlsx', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
tstart = welldata.index[ 0] - np.timedelta64(7 , 'D')
tend = welldata.index[-1] + np.timedelta64(28, 'D')
tsim = np.arange( (tend - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') )
tchs = np.asarray( (welldata.index - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') )
The easiest way to proceed is the compute the result for each river point separately. This will yield for every point at the river bank the specific discharge for all times. We can store this as a row in an array having a number of columns equal to the length of tsim
. The number of rows in this array will then be equal to the number of y
coordinates. With 200 y-coorcinates and about 2600 simulation times this give a large array, but that's fine in Python (but it has to fit in your computer's memory and the computation time should not become too long. This 200 y points with 2600 times is still fine.
With this array, if we plot a column, we have the specific inflow versus y, and if we plot a row we have the specific inflow at one point as a function of time. Hence the array has all we need.
To integrate along the y-axis, we just have to multip the columns by $\Delta y$ and sum over the rows like before, taking into account that the number of $\Delta y$ values is one less than the numver of $y$ values.
Multiplying the $\Delta y$ with the array works by automatic broadcasting, if we align the $\Delta y$ vector with the columns as will be shown.
In [395]:
# Aquifer parameters
kD = 900 # m2/d, transmissivity
S = 0.2 # [-], storage coefficient
# Get the data from the excel workbook
welldata = pd.read_excel('PumpingStationQ.xlsx', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# Set start and end time of the simulation, using the index from welldata
tstart = welldata.index[ 0] - np.timedelta64(7 , 'D')
tend = welldata.index[-1] + np.timedelta64(28, 'D')
# Get the computation times in days as an array of floating points numbers
tsim = np.arange( (tend - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') )
# Don't need the change times, here, we'll compute each one in the looop over the welldata below.
# The points along the river bank (I use capital letters here to differentiate with the scalars x, and y)
Y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200) # I use capital letter for the vector of coordinates
X = np.zeros_like(Y) # Here too capital X is the vector, x will be a single value
# The coordinates of the well and its mirror
xw = -500
x1, y1 = xw, 0
x2, yw = -xw, y1
# initialize an array of zeros with the correct number of rows and columns
Qintot = np.zeros((len(Y), len(tsim)))
# Here is the outer loop, running over each of the river-bank points
print('This takes some time, so be patient.\nNr of points ready: ', end='')
for ip, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(X, Y)): # ip is the point index (not the time index)
if np.mod(ip, 10) == 0: print(ip, end=' ') # for your patience, shows progress of simulation
# Distance from well and mirror to current point
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
# Loop over all change times
for dt in welldata.index: # dt is the data of the change
# Compute the change time in days since start of simulation using the date from the index
tch = (dt - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
# Look up the change flow in tthe table column 'dQ' using the date from the index
dQ1 = + welldata['dQ'].loc[dt] # well
dQ2 = - welldata['dQ'].loc[dt] # mirror well
if dQ1 == 0. : continue
# Compute the u for all simulation times > tch
u1 = r1 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * (tsim[tsim > tch] - tch)) # only for tsim > current tch
u2 = r2 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * (tsim[tsim > tch] - tch)) # same for mirror well
# The specific discharge at this point due to well and mirror well
q1 = dQ1 * np.exp(-u1) / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = dQ2 * np.exp(-u2) / (2 * np.pi * r2)
# Add the horizontal component of both wells together, do the same for the vertical component
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2 # we don't use the vertical component, just for completeness
# Put the horizontal component due to this dQ in Qinto row for this point, for all tsim > tch
Qintot[ip][tsim > tch] += qx
At this point the Qinto array is filled
Each row has the specific inflow for all times and one point
Each column as the specific inflow at one time and all rows
Now we integrate over the points, along the y-axis just as we did before. The only difference is that we now have an array not just a vector. Anyway if we sum vertically, along the columns we get the total inflow. The only thing we need to do make broadcasting work is to make $\Delta y$ ans array with rows corresponding to the points and one column. You can just ad an axis to the the vector to align the vector
In [396]:
a = np.array([1, 3, 6, 0.2]) # standard vector (has no orientation)
b = a[np.newaxis, :] # turn a in a 2d array with only one row (horizontal orientation)
c = a[:, np.newaxis] # turn a in a 2d array with one column (vertical orientation)
d = a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] # turn it into a plane in a 3d array, with only one planec (advanced)
print('a = ', a, 'note, only single []')
print('b = ', b, ' note, the double [[]]')
print('c = ', c, ' note, the double [[]]')
print('d = ', d, ' note the triple [[[]]]')
In [397]:
dY = np.diff(Y)[:, np.newaxis] # align vertically, to apply broadcasting
Qin = np.sum( (Qintot[:-1] + Qintot[1:]) * dY / 2, axis=0) # That's all
# Now plot the end result
ax = newfig('Total inflow from river versus time','time [d]', 'Qintot m3/d')
ax.plot(tsim, Qin)
Now that everything works, we can iterate over a number of distances xw to and put the result in one graph so easily see at what distance the extraction from the river is delayed sufficiently that it does not take place during summer.
We'll also compute the total well extraction to allow comparing of the extraction from the river with that from the pumping station's well.
In [398]:
# Aquifer parameters
kD = 900. # m2/d, transmissivity
S = 0.2 # [-], storage coefficient
# Get the data from the excel workbook
welldata = pd.read_excel('PumpingStationQ.xlsx', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# Set start and end time of the simulation, using the index from welldata
tstart = welldata.index[ 0] - np.timedelta64(7 , 'D')
tend = welldata.index[-1] + np.timedelta64(28, 'D')
# Get the computation times in days as an array of floating points numbers
tsim = np.arange( (tend - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') )
# Don't need the change times, here, we'll compute each one in the looop over the welldata below.
# The points along the river bank (I use capital letters here to differentiate with the scalars x, and y)
Y = np.linspace(5 * xw, -5 * xw, 200) # I use capital letter for the vector of coordinates
X = np.zeros_like(Y) # Here too capital X is the vector, x will be a single value
dY = np.diff(Y)[:, np.newaxis] # align vertically, to apply broadcasting
# Some values for xw
Xw = [-500, -1000, -1500, -2000]
# Now plot the end result
ax = newfig('Total inflow from river versus time','time [d] for different xw', 'Qintot m3/d')
print(f'Looping over {len(Xw)} xw-values. This takes some time, so be patient!')
# loop over Xw
for xw in Xw:
# The coordinates of the well and its mirror
x1, y1 = xw, 0
x2, yw = -xw, y1
# initialize an array of zeros with the correct number of rows and columns
Qintot = np.zeros((len(Y), len(tsim)))
# Here is the outer loop, running over each of the river-bank points
print(f'xw = {xw:5.0f} m. Nr of points ready: ', end='')
for ip, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(X, Y)): # ip is the point index (not the time index)
if np.mod(ip, 10) == 0: print(ip, end=' ') # for your patience, shows progress of simulation
# Distance from well and mirror to current point
r1 = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((x - x2) ** 2 + (y - y2) ** 2)
# Loop over all change times
for dt in welldata.index: # dt is the data of the change
# Compute the change time in days since start of simulation using the date from the index
tch = (dt - tstart) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
# Look up the change flow in tthe table column 'dQ' using the date from the index
dQ1 = + welldata['dQ'].loc[dt] # well
dQ2 = - welldata['dQ'].loc[dt] # mirror well
if dQ1 == 0. : continue
# Compute the u for all simulation times > tch
u1 = r1 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * (tsim[tsim > tch] - tch)) # only for tsim > current tch
u2 = r2 ** 2 * S / (4 * kD * (tsim[tsim > tch] - tch)) # same for mirror well
# The specific discharge at this point due to well and mirror well
q1 = dQ1 * np.exp(-u1) / (2 * np.pi * r1)
q2 = dQ2 * np.exp(-u2) / (2 * np.pi * r2)
# Add the horizontal component of both wells together, do the same for the vertical component
qx = q1 * (x - x1) / r1 + q2 * (x - x2) / r2
qy = q1 * (y - y1) / r1 + q2 * (y - y2) / r2 # we don't use the vertical component, just for completeness
# Put the horizontal component due to this dQ in Qinto row for this point, for all tsim > tch
Qintot[ip][tsim > tch] += qx
# Compute the extraction from the pumping station, do this only once
if xw == Xw[0] and ip == 0:
if dt == welldata.index[0]:
Qw = np.zeros_like(tsim)
Qw[tsim > tch] += dQ1
# Integrate
Qin = np.sum( (Qintot[:-1] + Qintot[1:]) * dY / 2, axis=0) # That's all there to be done to integrate
ax.plot(tsim, Qin, label=f'xw = {xw:5.0f} m')
print('Completely done!')
ax.plot(tsim, Qw, label='Pumping station')
In [399]:
# So for xw is 1500 m or larger the extraction from the river is essentially zero.
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