Using Neutron Star Mergers

Prepared by: Benoit Côté

This notebook describes how to use neutron star mergers with NuPyCEE. Here we focus on SYGMA, the simple stellar population code, but the same parameters can be used in OMEGA, the galactic chemical evolution code. As shown below, there are several implementation options for including neutron star mergers.

In [1]:
# Import python modules
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Import the NuPyCEE codes
import sygma
import omega

# Select the r-process yield table used for neutron star mergers.
# This yield table is normalized to 1 Msun.
nsmerger_table = 'yield_tables/r_process_arnould_2007.txt'

1. Constant Coalescence Time

This is the simplest implementation. It assumes that all neutron star mergers in a stellar population occur after a constant delay time (coalescence time) following the formation of the progenitor stars. There is no delay-time distribution function.

In [2]:
# Define the number of neutron star mergers per units of stellar mass formed.
# As a guideline, it is ~1e-2 for core-collapse SNe, and ~1e-3 for Type Ia SNe.
nb_nsm_per_m = 2.0e-5

# Define the total mass ejected per neutron star merger
m_ej_nsm = 1.0e-2

In [3]:
# Run simple stellar populations with different coalescence time using "t_nsm_coal".
# The mass of the population (mgal) is 1 Msun for simplicity
kwargs = {"ns_merger_on":True, "mgal":1.0, "iniZ":0.001,
          "nb_nsm_per_m":nb_nsm_per_m, "m_ej_nsm":m_ej_nsm}
s1_1e7 = sygma.sygma(t_nsm_coal=1e7, **kwargs)
s1_1e8 = sygma.sygma(t_nsm_coal=1e8, **kwargs)
s1_1e9 = sygma.sygma(t_nsm_coal=1e9, **kwargs)

SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.52s
SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.5s
SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.49s

In [4]:
# Plot the cumulated mass of Eu ejected by neutron star mergers
%matplotlib nbagg
specie = 'Eu'
s1_1e7.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='t_nsm_coal = 1e7 yr')
s1_1e8.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='t_nsm_coal = 1e8 yr', color='g')
s1_1e9.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='t_nsm_coal = 1e9 yr', color='r', shape='--')

(1e-11, 1e-09)

2. Power-Law Delay-Time Distribution

This option assumes a power law in the form of $t^{-\alpha}$ for the delay-time distrubution function of neutron star mergers. Such a function can be seen as the probability of a neutron star merger to occur at a given time following the formation of the progenitor stars.

Important note: This implementation should not be used with systems that only have a few neutron star mergers (e.g., ultra faint galaxies). For example, if only one merger event occurs in the system, using a long-lasting delay-time distribution will distribute the ejecta of one event over several Gyr, which is un-physical.

In [5]:
# Define the number of neutron star mergers per units of stellar mass formed.
# As a guideline, it is ~1e-2 for core-collapse SNe, and ~1e-3 for Type Ia SNe.
nb_nsm_per_m = 2.0e-5

# Define the total mass ejected per neutron star merger
m_ej_nsm = 1.0e-2

In [6]:
# Run simple stellar populations with different power laws using "nsm_dtd_power"
# nsm_dtd_power = [t_min, t_max, index]
#   t_min: minimum coalescence time [yr]
#   t_max: maximum coalescence time [yr]
#   index: power-law index alpha
# The mass of the population (mgal) is 1 Msun for simplicity.
kwargs = {"ns_merger_on":True, "mgal":1.0, "iniZ":0.001,
          "nb_nsm_per_m":nb_nsm_per_m, "m_ej_nsm":m_ej_nsm}
s2_long  = sygma.sygma(nsm_dtd_power=[1e7, 10e9, -1], **kwargs)
s2_steep = sygma.sygma(nsm_dtd_power=[1e7, 10e9, -2], **kwargs)
s2_short = sygma.sygma(nsm_dtd_power=[1e8, 1e9,  -1], **kwargs)

SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.53s
SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.5s
SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.5s

In [7]:
# Plot the delay-time distributions
%matplotlib nbagg
plt.plot(s2_long.history.age[1:], s2_long.nsm_numbers/s2_long.history.timesteps,\
         label='dtd_power = [1e7, 10e9, -1]')
plt.plot(s2_steep.history.age[1:], s2_steep.nsm_numbers/s2_steep.history.timesteps,\
         label='dtd_power = [1e7, 10e9, -2]', color='g')
plt.plot(s2_short.history.age[1:], s2_short.nsm_numbers/s2_short.history.timesteps,\
         label='dtd_power = [1e8, 1e9, -1]',  color='r', linestyle='--')
plt.legend(fontsize=13, frameon=False)

# Visual
plt.xlabel('Time [yr]', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Rate [yr$^{-1}$]', fontsize=15)
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14.0})

In [8]:
# Plot the cumulated mass of Eu ejected by neutron star mergers
%matplotlib nbagg
specie = 'Eu'
s2_long.plot_mass( specie=specie, label='dtd_power = [1e7, 10e9, -1]')
s2_steep.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='dtd_power = [1e7, 10e9, -2]', color='g')
s2_short.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='dtd_power = [1e8, 1e9, -1]',  color='r', shape='--')

(1e-11, 1e-09)

3. Arbitrary Delay-Time Distribution

It is possible to define an arbitrary shape for the delay-time distribution of neutron star mergers using the Delayed Extra Source option. This allows to include results from population synthesis models and to include metallicity-dependent distributions. For more information on this option, click here.

Note: This option can be used for black hole neutron star mergers as well.

In [9]:
# Define the number of neutron star mergers per units of stellar mass formed.
# As a guideline, it is ~1e-2 for core-collapse SNe, and ~1e-3 for Type Ia SNe.
nb_nsm_per_m = 2.0e-5

# Define the total mass ejected per neutron star merger
m_ej_nsm = 1.0e-2

In [10]:
# Event rate [yr^-1] as a function of time [yr].
# Times need to be in order. No event will occurs before the lowest time and after the largest time.
# The code will interpolate the data point provided (in linear or in log-log space).
t = [1e7, 1e8,  1e9]   # Can be any length.
R = [5.0, 1e-4, 1.0] # This is only the shape of the DTD, as it will be re-normalized.

# Build the input DTD array
dtd = []
for i in range(0,len(t)):
    dtd.append([t[i], R[i]])
# Add the DTD array in the delayed_extra_dtd array.
delayed_extra_dtd = [[dtd]]
# [[ ]] for the indexes for the number of sources (here 1) and metallicities (here 1)

# Define the total number of event per unit of Msun formed.  This will normalize the DTD.
delayed_extra_dtd_norm = [[nb_nsm_per_m]]
# [[ ]] for the indexes for the number of sources (here 1) and metallicities (here 1)

# Define the yields path for the extra source
delayed_extra_yields = [nsmerger_table]
# [ ] and not [[ ]] because the nb_Z is in the yields table as in SN Ia yields
# See yield_tables/sn1a_ivo12_stable_z.txt for an example of such yields template.

# Define the total mass ejected by an extra source
delayed_extra_yields_norm = [[m_ej_nsm]]

In [11]:
# Run a stellar population with this option
# Important: You need to turn off neutron star mergers, since
#           they are now modeled via the delayed-extra-source option.
s3 = sygma.sygma(mgal=1.0, iniZ=0.001, ns_merger_on=False, \
                 delayed_extra_dtd=delayed_extra_dtd, \
                 delayed_extra_dtd_norm=delayed_extra_dtd_norm, \
                 delayed_extra_yields=delayed_extra_yields, \

SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.55s

In [12]:
# Plot the delay-time distribution
%matplotlib nbagg
plt.plot(s3.history.age[1:], s3.delayed_extra_numbers[0]/s3.history.timesteps,\
         label='Custom distribution')
plt.legend(fontsize=13, frameon=False)

# Visual
plt.xlabel('Time [yr]', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Rate [yr$^{-1}$]', fontsize=15)
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14.0})

In [13]:
# Plot the cumulated mass of Eu ejected by neutron star mergers
%matplotlib nbagg
specie = 'Eu'
s3.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='Custom distribution')

(1e-11, 1e-09)

4. Population Synthesis of Dominik+12

This option uses the delay-time distribution functions predicted by the population synthesis model of Dominik et al. (2012).

In [14]:
# Run a stellar population with this option
s4 = sygma.sygma(mgal=1.0, iniZ=0.01, ns_merger_on=True, \
                 f_binary=1.0, f_merger=0.005, m_ej_nsm=m_ej_nsm)

SYGMA run in progress..
   SYGMA run completed - Run time: 0.52s

In [15]:
# Plot the delay-time distributions
%matplotlib nbagg
plt.plot(s4.history.age[1:], s4.nsm_numbers/s4.history.timesteps,\
         label='dtd = Dominik+12 for Z = 0.01', color='k')
plt.legend(fontsize=13, frameon=False)

# Visual
plt.xlabel('Time [yr]', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Rate [yr$^{-1}$]', fontsize=15)
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14.0})

In [16]:
# Plot the cumulated mass of Eu ejected by neutron star mergers
%matplotlib nbagg
specie = 'Eu'
s4.plot_mass(specie=specie, label='dtd = Dominik+12 for Z = 0.01')

(1e-11, 1e-09)

In [ ]: