In [9]:
import clarityviz as cl

In [ ]:
# inImg = cl.get_raw_brain('Fear199')

In [8]:
# cl.run_pipeline('Fear199', 'RSA', resolution=5)

After registration, downsampling, and getting a csv with the coordinates and brightess of the brightest points

Mapping the points to its appropriate region

In [11]:
# get_regions(points_path, anno_path, output_path)
# rp = cl.get_regions('../Fear199_points.csv', '../img/Fear199_anno.nii', 'Fear199_regions.csv')

Generating the networkx graph object of the brain

In [15]:
# create_graph(points_path, radius=20, output_filename=None)
g = cl.create_graph('../Fear199_regions.csv', 20, 'test.graphml')

finished creating graph, now about to save to graphml.

Generating the brain graph colored by region

In [ ]:
figure = generate_region_graph('Fear199', 'Fear199_regions.csv', 'Fear199_region.html')