In [1]:
# This line configures matplotlib to show figures embedded in the notebook, 
# instead of opening a new window for each figure. More about that later. 
# If you are using an old version of IPython, try using '%pylab inline' instead.
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext snakeviz

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import rosen, differential_evolution
from scipy.special import expit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

import timeit

import pandas as pd

import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
import as tls

In [2]:
# Here are the initial values

# For test use
array12 = np.asarray(np.split(np.random.rand(1,60)[0],12))

In [3]:
# Here is the activation function

def act(x):
    return expit(x)

In [4]:
# Density matrix in the forms that I wrote down on my Neutrino Physics notebook
# x is a real array of 12 arrays.

init = np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0])

def rho(x,ti,initialCondition):
    elem = np.ones(4)
    for i in np.linspace(0,3,4):
        elem[i] = np.sum(ti*x[i*3]*act(ti*x[i*3+1] + x[i*3+2]) )
    return init + elem

In [5]:

array([ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

In [6]:
# Hamiltonian of the problem, in terms of four real components

hamil = np.array( [  np.cos(2.0),np.sin(2.0) , np.sin(2.0),np.cos(2.0) ] )
#hamil = 1.0/2*np.array( [  -np.cos(2.0),np.sin(2.0) , np.sin(2.0),np.cos(2.0) ] )
print hamil

[-0.41614684  0.90929743  0.90929743 -0.41614684]

In [8]:
# Cost function for each time step

def rhop(x,ti,initialCondition):
    rhoprime = np.zeros(4)
    for i in np.linspace(0,3,4):
        rhoprime[i] = np.sum(x[i*3] * (act(ti*x[i*3+1] + x[i*3+2]) ) ) +  np.sum( ti*x[i*3]* (act(ti*x[i*3+1] + x[i*3+2]) ) * (1.0 - (act(ti*x[i*3+1] + x[i*3+2])  ) )* x[i*3+1]  )
    return rhoprime

## This is the regularization

regularization = 0.0001

def costi(x,ti,initialCondition):
    rhoi = rho(x,ti,initialCondition)
    rhopi = rhop(x,ti,initialCondition)
    costTemp = np.zeros(4)
    costTemp[0] = ( rhopi[0] - 2.0*rhoi[3]*hamil[1] )**2
    costTemp[1] = ( rhopi[1] + 2.0*rhoi[3]*hamil[1] )**2
    costTemp[2] = ( rhopi[2] - 2.0*rhoi[3]*hamil[0] )**2
    costTemp[3] = ( rhopi[3] + 2.0*rhoi[2]*hamil[0] - hamil[1] * (rhoi[1] - rhoi[0] ) )**2
    return np.sum(costTemp)# + 2.0*(rhoi[0]+rhoi[1]-1.0)**2

#    return np.sum(costTemp) + regularization*np.sum(x**2)

In [9]:


In [10]:
def cost(x,t,initialCondition):
    costTotal = map(lambda t: costi(x,t,initialCondition),t)
    return 0.5*np.sum(costTotal)

In [11]:



In [12]:
# with ramdom initial guess. TO make it more viable, I used (-5,5)

initGuess = np.asarray(np.split( 5.0*(np.random.rand(1,60)[0] - 0.5),12))
#initGuess = np.split(np.zeros(60),12)
endpoint = 4
tlin = np.linspace(0,endpoint,11)

costF = lambda x: cost(x,tlin,init)

start = timeit.default_timer()
costvFResult = minimize(costF,initGuess,method="SLSQP",tol=1e-20)
stop = timeit.default_timer()

print stop - start

print costvFResult

  status: 9
 success: False
    njev: 101
    nfev: 6309
     fun: 0.54986503002143661
       x: array([-8.92058678, -0.13492851, -3.10941404,  2.19527238, -0.15759464,
       -1.55261971,  1.60513912, -0.31253223, -1.75685996, -4.0134798 ,
       -1.44660797, -1.40727698,  2.34579259, -1.4181895 , -1.20672898,
        1.63251151, -2.1915661 , -2.01251504,  1.68690961,  1.27759708,
        0.44283011, -1.56722276,  1.23812704, -0.69068384, -1.90243599,
       -0.53131647,  0.53973357,  1.07152732,  1.03052607,  2.07195604,
        1.00096812, -2.20206403,  2.41427559, -0.25938366,  0.59837747,
       -2.39353717, -0.59077064, -0.41344543, -2.0255061 , -0.87488353,
        0.42200697,  1.71708869, -0.13074538, -0.28937053, -0.21290055,
       -0.82239556,  1.83856369, -1.42455788,  0.25667742, -2.35525549,
       -1.97730218, -0.11343628,  0.78372443,  0.89597664,  1.06860755,
        1.85481695,  1.36804639, -2.16455287, -0.42619305, -1.76387092])
 message: 'Iteration limit exceeded'
     jac: array([ 0.00025084, -0.00299339, -0.00226416, -0.00105266, -0.00668124,
       -0.0025664 , -0.0012297 , -0.00267243, -0.00213507,  0.00186877,
       -0.00875118, -0.00752775,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
        0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ])
     nit: 101
  • Should think about the eps(stepsize)

In [ ]:
xmid = costvFResult.get("x")

start = timeit.default_timer()
#costvFResult = minimize(costF,xmid,method="SLSQP",tol=1e-30,options={"ftol":1e-30,"maxiter":100000})
costvFResult = minimize(costF,xmid,method='Nelder-Mead',tol=1e-15,options={"ftol":1e-15, "maxfev": 10000000,"maxiter":1000000})
stop = timeit.default_timer()

print stop - start

print costvFResult

In [ ]:
xresult = costvFResult.get("x")
#xresult = np.array([-0.01486401,  2.25493868, -1.84543911, -0.07335087,  2.2548026 ,
#       -1.84421662,  0.10454078, -1.64040244,  2.99923129,  0.01486399,
#        2.2549433 , -1.84544286,  0.61994826,  0.96756294,  0.60929092,
#        0.23839364,  0.45364599,  0.18426882,  0.30242425,  0.96719724,
#        0.13016584,  0.9192801 ,  0.116001  ,  0.46777053,  0.17497595,
#        0.96035958,  0.21763616,  0.73997804,  0.88071662,  0.1620245 ,
#        0.66904538,  0.66084959,  0.89772078,  0.49020208,  0.67802378,
#        0.53307714,  0.59867975,  0.16864478,  0.4257949 ,  0.5364126 ,
#        0.78476644,  0.4910997 ,  0.834945  ,  0.45061367,  0.16736545,
#        0.42579168,  0.16877594,  0.98282177,  0.08852038,  0.12633737,
#        0.50922379,  0.93146299,  0.66505978,  0.33157336,  0.05408186,
#        0.04504323,  0.27311737,  0.27651656,  0.47313653,  0.12806564])
#xresult = np.array([-1.37886409,  2.81454922, -0.3571002 ,  0.02582831, -1.05414931,
#       -1.52308153, -2.24747468,  0.33947049, -0.32310112, -1.43887103,
#        0.81176258,  0.05139705, -1.02669705, -0.97236805, -0.27536667,
#        0.34860447, -1.06962772,  0.89978175,  2.39662887, -1.45165477,
#       -1.54636469, -2.79921374, -1.30335793, -0.62844367, -3.04440811,
#       -2.74566393, -2.16222918, -1.60535643, -0.77298204,  0.13848754,
#       -0.36544212,  1.23901581, -0.80586367, -0.30212561, -1.02818302,
#       -2.82928373, -0.80776632, -2.90056107, -2.42432246, -2.87572658,
#       -0.8645904 , -0.59526987, -1.87029203, -1.60957508, -1.83106839,
#        1.07020356, -0.84892132, -0.97053555, -0.2005098 , -0.72422578,
#       -3.32948549, -4.99349947, -3.46242765, -3.52481528, -3.36820222,
#       -4.1848837 , -1.90748847, -2.09206645, -4.10831718,  2.76094325])

print xresult

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
pltdata11 = np.array([])
for i in plttlin:
    pltdata11 = np.append(pltdata11 ,rho(xresult,i,init)[0] )
print pltdata11

In [ ]:
#MMA_optmize_Vac_pltdata = np.genfromtxt('./assets/homogen/MMA_optmize_Vac_pltdata.txt', delimiter = ',')

plt.plot(np.linspace(0,2,10),1-(np.sin(2.0)**2)*(np.sin(0.5*np.linspace(0,2,10)) )**2,"r-")

In [ ]:

In [18]:
print scipy.__version__


Test Differential Evolution

In [27]:
# with ramdom initial guess

devoendpoint = 2
devotlin = np.linspace(0,devoendpoint,11)

devocostF = lambda x: cost(x,devotlin,init)

for i in range(3*4*5):
#print bounds

startdevo = timeit.default_timer()
devo = differential_evolution(devocostF,bounds,strategy='best1bin',tol=1e-10,maxiter=10000,polish=True)
stopdevo = timeit.default_timer()

print stopdevo - startdevo

print devo

    nfev: 1701061
 success: True
     fun: 0.50220275532735592
       x: array([-0.38533032, -1.64831529,  4.38168257,  0.38533177, -1.64830245,
        4.38164573,  0.2341858 , -1.24310539,  2.7120793 , -1.17805166,
       -2.02416497,  0.58760437, -1.3433545 , -0.83102552, -1.87713645,
        1.56420419,  4.00351989,  1.59243772,  0.21001786, -3.2407917 ,
       -0.21969595, -1.73653359, -0.20812335, -2.54570885, -2.22593135,
       -1.29257834,  3.92793899, -2.36899476,  4.07210649,  2.49986995,
        1.79095183,  2.27666122, -4.01403399,  2.6457365 , -2.00015276,
       -2.41416953, -0.86537594,  2.60821781, -3.30716236, -2.00846314,
        0.5856739 , -1.31974757,  4.97549085,  0.85912326,  0.16231823,
        4.78895253, -0.894443  , -3.69719569,  0.49323922,  2.90520738,
       -1.49061519,  0.28778316,  1.9116826 , -4.82550174, -3.78757261,
        1.78348816, -2.56329151, -3.4732061 ,  2.09031887,  0.17996168])
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
     nit: 1889

In [28]:
devoxmid = devo.x

devocostFmid = lambda x: cost(devoxmid,devotlin,init)

startdevo = timeit.default_timer()
devo = differential_evolution(devocostFmid,bounds,strategy='best1bin',tol=1e-10,maxiter=10000,polish=True)
stopdevo = timeit.default_timer()

print stopdevo - startdevo

print devo

    nfev: 1861
 success: True
     fun: 0.50220275532735592
       x: array([ 1.24025196, -1.88835977,  4.12070508,  3.11592914,  4.42746631,
       -4.19707414,  3.41163435,  0.39575733, -1.36370922,  0.10272485,
       -2.50074836, -0.87324897,  2.5963044 ,  4.9221439 ,  3.10923979,
        3.94014244, -4.62658608, -1.89053953, -2.26800682, -3.20219453,
        2.64633316,  2.66767086,  4.1280028 ,  1.2258348 ,  1.24287907,
        4.58866753, -0.45173114, -1.03266506, -0.16861406,  1.93959417,
       -0.96305919, -4.15124674,  3.31256891, -0.26546418,  1.66579996,
       -4.49053607, -0.82588613,  2.02271267, -4.28116946,  3.91625742,
       -1.35224539, -3.730362  ,  4.52091474,  3.26261582,  3.07828013,
       -2.58320648,  0.9280175 ,  4.66541153,  4.14676708,  0.62891694,
       -4.81911323,  2.70865828,  1.01728352, -4.96619298,  0.70850557,
        2.2863048 ,  2.16242189,  2.20548228,  0.70093172, -4.88308632])
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
     nit: 1

In [29]:

In [30]:
devopltdata11 = np.array([])
for i in devoplttlin:
    devopltdata11 = np.append(devopltdata11 ,rho(devoxresult,i,init)[0] )
print devopltdata11

[ 1.          1.02464006  1.04924836  1.0738231   1.09836243  1.12286438
  1.14732688  1.17174779  1.19612485  1.2204557   1.24473788  1.2689688
  1.29314577  1.31726596  1.34132643  1.36532411  1.38925577  1.41311807
  1.43690751  1.46062044  1.48425305  1.50780138  1.53126131  1.55462852
  1.57789856  1.60106676  1.62412828  1.64707808  1.66991095  1.69262145
  1.71520394  1.73765259  1.75996132  1.78212387  1.80413371  1.82598413
  1.84766816  1.86917859  1.890508    1.91164869  1.93259274  1.953332
  1.97385804  1.9941622   2.01423557  2.03406899  2.05365307  2.07297816
  2.09203437  2.11081158  2.12929944  2.14748738  2.16536459  2.18292007
  2.20014261  2.21702082  2.23354313  2.2496978   2.26547295  2.28085656
  2.2958365   2.31040055  2.32453642  2.33823177  2.35147422  2.36425142
  2.37655103  2.38836078  2.39966849  2.41046211  2.42072975  2.43045971
  2.43964053  2.44826103  2.45631032  2.46377789  2.47065362  2.47692783
  2.48259131  2.48763538  2.49205196  2.49583354  2.49897329  2.50146509
  2.50330352  2.50448398  2.50500268  2.50485668  2.50404394  2.50256332
  2.50041466  2.49759878  2.49411749  2.48997363  2.48517107  2.47971475
  2.47361065  2.46686584  2.45948841  2.45148755]

In [31]:
plt.plot(devoplttlin,1-(np.sin(2.0)**2)*(np.sin(0.5*devoplttlin) )**2)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print scipy.__version__

In [80]:
print initGuess

[[-0.95067917 -0.09074367 -4.82398457 -0.7615439  -0.27515522]
 [-3.33365998 -1.4162127  -2.8632105  -2.7298333  -0.62978916]
 [-2.52407383 -2.57476616 -4.88282221 -4.65025538 -1.49872754]
 [-3.15147754 -0.06354641 -2.3908632  -0.86447528 -2.33229558]
 [-0.5739389  -4.61810188 -0.13228954 -2.58397247 -4.33343592]
 [-4.83035004 -3.06425551 -0.45936255 -2.91194388 -2.87745423]
 [-3.93824244 -2.08182497 -3.05850129 -1.92361242 -3.81654995]
 [-4.19771673 -0.53177727 -3.9155934  -0.04361043 -4.73211585]
 [-3.68483106 -1.71179777 -1.13691215 -4.794143   -0.47377443]
 [-3.66788546 -2.8080668  -0.33475682 -4.81757391 -1.18803969]
 [-3.05637085 -3.98693405 -1.00737055 -2.01300012 -4.43150289]
 [-2.6875922  -4.52969243 -0.0724917  -3.63840275 -0.79722408]]

In [ ]: